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1、第四单元能力测试,.单项填空1After having failed again,he decided to go to America to_.Amake his fortuneBtry his fortuneCmake his fortunes Dtry his fortunes答案与解析:B句意:再次失败后,他决定去美国碰碰运气。try ones fortune“碰碰运气”,符合句意。make ones fortune“发财;发家致富”。,2You are_ in believing such kind of person as him because his dishonesty is

2、 well known to us all.Amistaken BsensitiveCreasonable Dsensible答案与解析:A句意:你相信像他这样的人是错误的,因为他的不诚实是众所周知的。be mistaken in doing sth.“做某事是错误的”。sensitive“敏感的;易变的”;reasonable“合理的”;sensible“理智的”。,3She had invited all her friends to the party.But because of the bad weather,only _ them came,which made her very

3、disappointed.Aquantities of Bplenty ofCthe number of Da handful of答案与解析:D句意:她邀请了所有的朋友来参加晚会,但由于天气不好,只有少数人来了,这使她很失望。a handful of“少量”,既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。quantities of“大量的”;plenty of“许多”;the number of“的数量”。,4Never_faith in herself,the scientist went on with her research.Alosing Bto loseClost Dto be lost答

4、案与解析:A本题考查作状语的非谓语动词的形式。非谓语动词lose和主语the scientist之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。,5I heard that a burglar broke into my room last night_,I couldnt believe my ears.Ain silence Bin peaceCin excitement Din amazement答案与解析:D本题考查固定短语。in amazement“吃惊地”。,6His girlfriend likes to read the_of the film.Aadaption BadoptionCpr

5、onunciation Daffection答案与解析:A本题考查名词的区别。the adaption(adaptation)of the film意思是:这部电影的改写本。adoption:“收养,领养;采用”。,7She_herself_as an experienced actress.Apassed;on Bpassed;awayCpassed;off Dpassed;to答案与解析:C本题考查动词短语的区别选用。pass.off as“假装;佯装;冒充”。,8The film star Gong Li said,“_ performance,its not that differen

6、t between Hollywood and Asia.”AIn need of BIn favor ofCIn terms of DIn place of答案与解析:Cin terms of“在方面”;in need of“需要”;in favor of“支持,赞成”;in place of“代替”。据句意选C项。,9The man who killed his wife was_to death.Asentencing BcondemnedCdeclared Dtold答案与解析:B句意:那个杀了妻子的人被判死刑。condemn/sentence sb.to death“判死刑”。A形式

7、不对。,10_,I changed my computer for a new one.ASome day BAnother dayCAny day DThe other day答案与解析:D句意:几天前我换了台新电脑。some day“某天”,常用于将来时;another day“改天”;any day“任何一天”;the other day“几天前”。,11The sound of the train_in the distance.Which of the following is WRONG?Afaded out Bfaded awayCdied away Dfaded答案与解析:DA

8、、B、C三项中短语皆可表示声音渐渐消失,只有D是不正确的,因此选D项。,12In any relationship,you have to _ to keep the relationship sometimes.Atake a compromise Bmake compromiseCreach compromises Dmake compromises答案与解析:D句意:在任何关系中,为了保持关系的长久,你有时候不得不做出让步。make compromises“做出妥协;做出让步”,为固定词组。,13The book is superior_that one I just finished

9、reading.Ain BtoCby Dat答案与解析:B句意:这本书比我刚读完的那本书好多了。be superior to“优于,超过”。,14Everyone was at the party except you.What happened?I_ after Mike,my pet dog,at home.He was ill.Ahave looked Bwas lookingCwould look Dhad looked答案与解析:B答句意为:我当时在家照看我的宠物狗迈克,它生病了。根据语境可知说话人是在晚会举办期间照看自己的狗,因此用过去进行时。,15He seemed to hav

10、e _ one important factor when he was giving us a talk on the subject.Aovercome BoverlookedCleft over Dremoved答案与解析:B句意:他给我们做这一主题的报告时似乎忽视了一个重要因素。overlook“忽视”,符合题意。overcome“战胜;克服”;leave over“剩下”;remove“除去;开除”。,.完形填空Several years ago,when I was travelling in Australia,I discovered that I_16_scuba divin

11、g.I started to_17_all the scuba diving courses that were available.Those courses were not inexpensive._18_,one day I had an ideathe lottery.I thought about it_19_how it worked.Soon after,I went into a_20_where they sold lottery tickets and asked a salesperson to_21_the system to me.,Shortly after th

12、at,I_22_the lottery for the first time.I was very_23_about the lottery_24_that were drawn that night.I didnt win,but_25_that night on I kept playing every Wednesday and Saturday.After I actually_26_won a single penny,but I was_27_to the lottery because I didnt want to_28_my chance to win.,When I wen

13、t back to Germany,I stopped playing for almost a year,but_29_,I started again.Later,when I_30_to London,I experienced a_31_situation.I started to play after having_32_for a year.,However,I have never been really_33_of the lottery even though I sometimes hear something about it on TV or_34_something

14、about it in newspapers.Maybe subconsciously I close my eyes and ears,but I know that_35_I get started again,I will be hooked again because I dont want to miss my chance to win a million dollars.,16A.disliked Benjoyed Cdesired Dhated答案与解析:B根据下文“去上所有的带氧潜水课程”可知,作者喜欢这样的潜水运动。17A.join Battend Cteach Dprep

15、are答案与解析:Battend.courses意为“参加课程的学习”。,18A.Therefore BHowever CBesides DOtherwise答案与解析:Atherefore意为“所以”,表示因果关系。19A.wandering Brealizing Cwondering Drecognizing答案与解析:Cwondering意为“想知道”。,20A.hospital Bschool Cshop Dhotel答案与解析:C根据sold可知此处应选shop。21A.produce Bdevelop Cexplain Dcomplain答案与解析:Cexplain sth.to

16、sb.意为“向某人解释某事”。,22A.understood Bplayed Cwatched Ddelivered答案与解析:Bplay the lottery意为“买彩票”。23A.excited Bscared Csatisfied Dworried答案与解析:Abe excited about意为“对感到激动”。,24A.prices Bnumbers Csizes Dcolors答案与解析:B彩票是以号码获奖,故此处应选number。25A.from Bduring Cafter Dbefore答案与解析:Afrom.on意为“从往后”。,26A.always Busually Cc

17、onstantly Dnever答案与解析:D此处是“否定词single”连用结构,意为“从来没一个”,故选never。27A.alarmed Baddicted Cconfused Daffected答案与解析:Bbe addicted to意为“沉溺于”。,28A.miss Bfail Ccatch Dhold答案与解析:Amiss ones chance to do sth.意为“错过干某事的机会”。29A.eventually Bsuddenly Cimmediately Dabruptly答案与解析:A在不玩彩票一段时间后,最后终于又玩彩票了。,30A.changed Bmoved

18、Cturned Dreturned答案与解析:Bmove to意为“搬迁到”。31A.similar Bfamiliar Cdifferent Dfrightening答案与解析:Asimilar意为“类似的”。,32A.stayed Blasted Cprevented Dquit答案与解析:Dquit意为“停止”。33A.sure Bafraid Cfond Daware答案与解析:Dbe aware of sth.意为“注意”。,34A.see BreadCwatch Dstare答案与解析:Bread.in newspapers意为“在报纸上读到”。35A.if BwhetherCth

19、at Dwhat答案与解析:Aif引导一个条件状语从句。,.阅读理解A A black woman,named Silvia Garcia applied for a job at a small company.One question on the application form was“Who else lives at your home address?”Ms.Garcia did not answer this question.She left the space blank.,The boss,Jeff Erler,was a very religious man.He ha

20、d started the company himself and felt that his employees were like his family.Mr.Erler interviewed Ms.Garcia personally.He noticed that she had marked“single”on her application and he was surprised that she was not married at her age.When he mentioned this to her,she just laughed and did not answer

21、.He decided that she was a very nice woman.He also needed to hire members of minorities,so he hired her.,Ms.Garcia did very well in the company.In a few months she got a rise and was happy with the additional money.However,seven months after Mr.Erler hired her,he overheard a conversation in the dini

22、nghall.Two workers were talking about her and“the guy she is living with”,Mr.Erler called Ms.Garcia into his office that afternoon.He questioned her about her living situation and she admitted that she was living with her boyfriend.Mr.Erler told her that he was sorry,but he did not want immoral peop

23、le to work in his company.At first,she could not believe that Mr.Erler was serious.She told him that he had no right to call her immoral because she was living with her boyfriend.She said that as long as she was a good worker,her personal life was her own business and that he could not make judgment

24、s about it.However,Mr.Erler fired Ms.Garcia.,36Ms.Garcia did not answer the question on the application form because_.Ashe didnt have enough time to finish it Bshe did not want the boss to know her living condition Cshe was not allowed to answer it Dshe had no home address at all答案与解析:B根据文章的最后一段的“he

25、r personal life was her own business”可知,Ms.Garcia不想让她的老板知道她的私生活情况。,37Which of the following shows Ms.Garcia was a member of minorities?AShe was female.BShe was not married.CShe was black.DShe looked old.答案与解析:C根据文章第一句中的“a black woman”和第二段最后一句中的“He also needed to hire members of minorities”可知,黑人是少数民族

26、。,38The main reason for Ms.Garcias being out of work was_.Aher nationalityBher race Cher poor working relationsDher way of life答案与解析:D根据她的老板认为她与男朋友同居是不道德的以及老板不要不讲道德的人为他的公司工作可知,是Ms.Garcia的生活方式使她失去了工作。,39From the passage,we can know that Jeff Erler_.Awould not employ people he considered to be immoral

27、 Bliked to hire unmarried women employees Cdid not care about the personal life of his employees Dwould fire any of his employees for no reason答案与解析:A从Ms.Garcia的事例中可知,Jeff Erler不要他认为不讲道德的人为他的公司工作。,B A young man stood for a long time in front of a grocery store(杂货店).His eyes were fixed upon the busy

28、shopkeeper:his laugh,his frown and the way he chatted with the customers.Suddenly he got an idea.,No,this is not a scene from a detective story.The young man was simply an apprentice doing his homework.He had been asked to portray(描绘)the shopkeeper so that he could be easily recognized.And his work

29、would be presented,not with a brush,but with words on paper.The young man was Guy de Maupassant,one of the greatest French short story writers.He practised this method of observation for a whole year under the guidance of his teacher,Gustave Flaubert(古斯塔夫福楼拜),who was also a master of French literatu

30、re in the 19th century.,Maupassants sharp observations later greatly contributed to his stories.Maupassant was brought up in Normandy in northwest France.At the age of 20,he studied law in Paris for a short time and then served in the army during the France Prussian War(普法战争).When he returned from b

31、attle,he worked as a civil servant for eight years.,In 1880,he published his first short story“Ball of Fat(羊脂球)”,which became one of his 300 works.Maupassant treated his subjects with simplicity,clarity(明晰)and objectivity(客观性).He was mainly inspired by peasant life,the cruel war he experienced and l

32、ife in Paris.His stories tend to be built around simple everyday events,which show peoples hidden characteristics and mirror the truths of society.Later,Maupassant suffered from mental illness and he died in 1893 at the age of 43.,40Why did the young man stand for a long time in front of a store?Bec

33、ause he was_.Aasked to spy on the shopkeeper Bstudying the shopkeeper Casked to portray the shopkeeper Dgoing to be a shopkeeper,答案与解析:C细节理解题。文章第二段“The young man was simply an apprentice doing his homework.He had been asked to portray the shopkeeper so that he could be easily recognized.”提供了答案信息,故答案

34、为C项。,41What does the underlined word“apprentice”in the second paragraph mean?AStudent.BClerk.CDetective.DPainter.,答案与解析:A词义猜测题。第二段最后一句“He practised this method of observation for a whole year under the guidance of his teacher,Gustave Flaubert,who was also a master of French literature in the 19th ce

35、ntury.”可以帮助我们得知答案为A项。clerk“伙计”;detective“侦探”;painter“绘画师”,与上下文的逻辑不一致。,42What helped him with his writing greatly?AHis simplicity.BHis service in the army.CHis observation.DHis clarity.答案与解析:C细节理解题。莫泊桑之所以出名主要是他在人物的刻画上别具一格,而这一特点则是他长期仔细观察的结果。A、D两项是他写作的特点,B项是他生活经历的一个方面,并不是他写作上最大的帮助,因此C项正确。,43What does t

36、he underlined word“mirror”in the fifth paragraph mean?ACopy.BTell.CExplain.DShow.答案与解析:D词义猜测题。分析本句的句子结构可以看出所给单词的意思应与前面的保持一致,即show(显示,表明等意思)。因此选D项。copy“抄袭,复制”;tell“讲述”;explain“解释”,显然与文章的意思不相符。,CDoing my best to apply to college When I entered high school,I did not have a clue where I wanted to attend

37、 college.I was unwilling to leave my family,and I also wanted to go to a school that I had seen before.I was very familiar with California State University,Northridge(CSUN)after many years of visiting its clubs and classes.I would also not feel lonely there because many of my friends would be attend

38、ing.,Yet the more I thought about it,the more I wondered if CSUN was the right school for me.Its a very large school with lots of students and teachers,something I dislike.I wanted to find a college where I could have a chance to meet everyone and get the opportunity to talk to my professor,not thei

39、r assistants.I was not sure what to doI did not know of any school that had this and was located in an area that I felt comfortable with.,Luckily,I have a great English teacher,Ms.Pike,who encouraged the class to go out into the world and explore new things.She planned a class trip to the University

40、 of Redlands,east of Los Angeles County.I was not very interested in the school but thought it would not hurt to at least look at it.As soon as I saw the campus,I fell in love with it.So I decided that the University of Redlands was a very good option,if I got accepted.,During my senior year,it was

41、difficult to keep up with application deadlines especially since they were all hitting at the same time.I could tell I was not going to complete all my applications so I had to narrow down my choices.It was a challenge,so I put all of my time and efforts into applying on time so I could receive scho

42、larships.Last spring,I received the best news in my life.I got accepted to Redlands and was nominated(推荐)for a scholarship.I was delightedthe time and effort I put into this was worthwhile.,44From the passage,we know_.Athe writers English teacher played an important part in his picking up collegesBt

43、he writer devoted little effort to picking out a suitable collegeCthe writer had decided to attend CSUN at firstDthe writer failed to be accepted by the University of Redlands答案与解析:A推理判断题。由文章第一、二段推断出C项不对,从最后两段可推断出B、D两项不正确。从第三段看出他的英语老师给他推荐了一个合乎作者要求的学校。,45The writer made his choice from the following

44、aspects EXCEPT_.Athe distance from his family Bbeing familiar with itCnot feeling lonely in it Dthere being many teachers and students答案与解析:D细节理解题。从文章第一段可以看出A、B、C三项都正确。从第二段第二句话看出D项不正确。,46Which of the following words can replace the underlined one in Paragraph 3?AExplode.BExplain.CProbe.DExport.答案与解析

45、:C词义猜测题。从第三段第一句话可看出他的英语老师鼓励学生走向世界,“探索”新事物。,.书面表达假如你是Tom,你的美国笔友David向你写信诉说他没有朋友的苦恼。请你给他写一封回信,告诉他如何交朋友。内容可包括以下要点:1.保持自信,待人礼貌;2.要保持自己的特色;3.和朋友经常保持联系。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加自己的观点;3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,Dear David,Im glad to have received your letter._Yours truly,Tom,范文示例Dear David,Im glad to have received y

46、our letter.I think youre a quiet boy and are just not good at expressing yourself.Here are some tips to help you make new friends.Try to look on the bright side of things and smile at everybody,as this will show people what a kind person you are.,Always be confident and if anybody asks you a questio

47、n,you should answer it in a friendly and polite manner.Be sincerely interested in what others say and show this by looking them in the eyes and listening carefully.Be yourself.Always try to have fun and enjoy yourself.,Call your friends at least once a week to see how theyre doing.Theyll be happy you care about them.Tell them that you appreciate them and always remember important things about them such as what they like and when their birthdays are.I hope you can make a lot of good friends and be a happy boy.Yours truly,Tom,


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