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1、SCI、SSCI经济金融类期刊介绍和写作规范,周海林 安徽财经大学金融学院,论文的结构,题目(tile)作者(authors)摘要(abstract)关键词(key words)正文*引言(introduction)*方法(methodology)*结果和讨论(results and discussion)*结论(conclusions)致谢(acknowledgement)参考文献(reference)补充材料(supporting materials),标题、作者和单位Title,authors and affiliation,题目:简洁、清楚、充分地表达文章内容,避免无意义的词例:(1)

2、Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model,by Merton,Econometrica,1973;Household Finance,by Campell,the Journal of Finance(JF),2006;Housing,Consumption,and Asset Pricing,by Piazzesi ect.,Journal of Financial Economics(JFE),2007;(2)Housing Wealth and Consumption Growth:Evidence from a Large Panel of H

3、ouseholds,by Gan,Review of Financial Studies(RFS),2010;Housing collateral,consumption insurance,and risk premia:An empirical perspective,by Lustig and Van Nieuwerburgh,JPE,2005;(3)The Macroeconomic Effects of Housing Wealth,Housing Finance,and Limited Risk-Sharing General Equilibrium,by Favilukis an

4、d Ludvigson,NBER Working pape,2010.(4)Why Do U.S.Firms Hold so Much More Cash than They Used To?By Bates ect.,JF,2009.Do Hedge Fund Managers Misreport Returns?Evidence from the Pooled Distribution,By Bollen and Pool,JF,2009.,作 者,作者:唯一标识(统一性),无职位信息,指明通讯作者*确认所有作者都对文章作出了贡献,并同意发表文章*作者排序*第一作者是对数据收集和分析以及论

5、文撰写负有主要责任的人;*位列中间者的顺序则视其对研究所做出的贡献而定;*最后一位作者,通常是有学术地位的研究人员,对整个研究负有责任*通讯作者的排名是不重要的,但一旦选择成为了通讯作者,就要对这篇文章在审阅过程中的所有通信交流质询做出负责的回应。作者机构:所有作者的机构信息,摘要,摘要是论文的缩微做了什么,得到了哪些重要结果组成部分:简要介绍文章的研究目的主要方法和数据的简要描述关键结论的简要描述注意:不要涉及太多的细节 不超过300字,三种论文的摘要,规范分析的论文摘要Case 1:The abstract of“Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Mo

6、del”,by Merton,Econometrica,1973 An intertemporal model for the captal market is deduced from the portfolio selection behavior by an arbitrary number of investors who act so as to maximize the expected utility of lifetime consumption and who can trade continuously in time(研究方法模型).Explicit demand fun

7、ctions for assets are derived,and it is shown that,unlike the one-period model,current demands are affected by the possibility of uncertain changes in future investment opportunities(主要结论之一).After aggregating demands and requiring market clearing,the equilibrium relationships among expected returns

8、are derived,and contrary to the classical capital asset pricing model,expected returns on risky assets may differ from the riskless rate even when they have no systematic or market risk(主要结论之二).,实证分析论文的摘要Case 2:The abstract of“Housing Wealth and Consumption Growth:Evidence from a Large Panel of Hous

9、eholds”,by Gan,Review of Financial Studies(RFS),2010 This article uses a large panel dataset that tracks the housing wealth and credit card spending of 12,793 individuals in Hong Kong to study the relationship between housing wealth and household consumption(介绍数据和研究目的).I identify a significant effec

10、t of housing wealth on consumption(发现了一个结果).A pure wealth effect can explain part of the sensitivity:households with multiple houses have much stronger consumption responses(主要结论1).Consistent with a relaxation of the credit constraints,mortgage refinancing significantly increases households consumpt

11、ion sensitivities.However,for the majority of the households that do not refinance,consumption sensitivity appears to be due to a reduction in precautionary saving(主要结论2).,规范+实证论文的摘要:This paper considers a consumption-based asset pricing model where housing is explicitly modelled both as an asset an

12、d as a consumption good(介绍模型的特征).Nonseparable preferences describe households concern with composition risk,that is,fluctuations in the relative share of housing in their consumption basket(结论之一).Since the housing share moves slowly,a concern with composition risk induces low frequency movements in

13、stock prices that are not driven by news about cash flow.Moreover,the model predicts that the housing share can be used to forecast excess returns on stocks(结论之二).We document that this indeed true in the data(做了实证工作).The presence of composition risk also implies that the riskless rate is low which f

14、urther helps the model improve on the standard CCAPM(结论之三).The abstract of“Housing,Consumption,and Asset Pricing”,by Piazzesi ect.,Journal of Financial Economics(JFE),2007,关键词Key words,不要选择范围太大的词正文里不会出现的词,不要用作关键词 若使用缩写词,必须是业内公认的,引言Introduction,论述问题、研究目的及研究方法,通常不要说明结论,不要展开讨论或进行总结引用本领域经典的、重要的及最新的著作(也可

15、以不介绍文献,专门用一部分介绍“文献回顾”或“相关工作”)最后,介绍论文的结构 研究的重要性 What is the problem?Are there any existing solutions?Which is the best?What is its main limitation?What do you hope to achieve?评审人员评审角度 有效性、论述清楚、内容组织是否包含相关重要的文献一个例子:“Income Risk,Borrowing Constraints and Portfolio Choice”,by Gusio etc.,American Economic

16、 Review(AER),1996.,模型、结果、讨论和结论Methodology,results,discussion and conclusions,规范分析论文五个基本组成部分:(1)界定经济环境;(2)设定行为假设;(3)给出制度安排;(4)选择均衡结果;(5)进行评估比较。引自“现代经济学的基本分析框架与研究方法”,田国强,经济研究,2004.一个例子:Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model,by Merton,Econometrica,1973。,实证分析论文组成部分:1)理论基础2)数据3)方法4)结果5)讨论注意:不能对数据或结果弄虚

17、作假!一个例子:“Income Risk,Borrowing Constraints and Portfolio Choice”,by Gusio etc.,AER,1996.,规范+实证分析论文 写作方法是前两者的综合。,总结,清楚的结论有助于编辑和审稿人评判您的论文 通常包含对某一研究课题的贡献 实用意义与扩展下一步研究设想一个例子:“Income Risk,Borrowing Constraints and Portfolio Choice”,by Gusio etc.,American Economic Review(AER),1996.,致谢Acknowledgement,表示感谢的

18、机会:研究和撰写论文过程中帮助过你的人,包括技术上的帮助以及修改文字等。基金资助者 所从属的研究项目 审稿人和编辑(再修的文章)需要做的是:若要在致谢中提到某人的名字必须求得其认可。阐明感谢的原因.注明基金资助编号要点:力求周全,不吝笔墨,参考文献、图表Reference,tables and figures,参考文献是否准确 参考文献的数量 参考文献著录格式,信息是否完整 图表数量、质量、位置、格式 注意:外文文献比例;适当引用国内外知名专家学者;作者自引;期刊自引,一个相关信息,国际期刊编辑对来自中国稿件的看法(Elsevier中国科技统计部资料):“大量优秀的科技论文来自中国.”但是,“存在下述严重问题”一稿多投 剽窃(尤其是论文中某一部分存在剽窃)”“下列问题更加常见”研究内容超出期刊范围 格式不符合稿约的要求 推荐不合适的(或不推荐)审稿人 对审稿人的意见没有(恰当的)反馈 英语写作水平不够 退稿后不加修改即再次投稿,谢 谢!,


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