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1、颜色文化与翻译,对色彩的感知的一致性:赤橙黄绿青蓝紫 red orange yellow green blue indigo violet 我们家那小破土屋的前后左右呀,就像座小花园似的了,红是红,绿是绿,紫是紫,黄是黄,五彩缤纷,赏心悦目极了,美丽极了。(梁晓声 黑纽扣)The four sides of our shabby little house had become a true garden spot,a riot of color;red and green,purple and yellow-very pleasant to look at.,我曾绕树徘徊,细看叶片的颜色,当他

2、青葱的时候是从没有这么注意的。它也并非全树通红,最多的是浅绛,有几片则在绯红地上,还带着几团浓绿。一片独有一点蛀孔,镶着乌黑的花边,在红,黄,绿的斑驳中,明眸似的向人凝视。I paced round the tree to take a good look at the leaves,which I had never examined so closely when they were green.Not all of them had turned red;indeed,most were a pale puce,and some still had dark green spots on

3、 a crimson background.There was one in which an insect had made a hole,which,fringed with black,stared at like some bright eye from the chequered red,yellow and green.,在不同的文化背景下,人们对色彩的感知与联想是不同的。米色-cream/creamy/butter yellow,红色 可巧连日有王宫侯伯世袭官员十几处,皆系荣宁非亲即友或世交之家,或有升迁,或有黜降,或有婚嫁红白等事,王夫人贺吊迎送,应酬不暇,前变更无人。It h

4、appened now that a dozen or so promotions,demotions,marriages or funerals in the families of nobles or hereditary officials related to or friendly with the Rong and Ning houses kept Lady Wang busy for several days in a row,paying visits of congratulation or condolence.This left her less time than ev

5、er to attend to affairs at home.,霍克斯:Some translated titles of 红楼梦 are somewhat misleading.The image they conjure up-that of a sleeper in a crimson-colored room-is a highly evocative one,full of charm and mystery;but unfortunately it is not what the Chinese implies.In old China storeyed buildings wi

6、th red-plastered outer walls-this is the literal meaning of honglou-were a sign of opulence and grandeur.(In Peking it is the former palaces,temples and yamens that have red walls;the habitations of commoners are for the most part grey.)Honglou acquired another,more specialized meaning.It came to be

7、 used specifically of the dwellings of rich mens daughters.,红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black tea 红榜 honor roll 红豆 love pea 红运 good luck 红利 dividend Red ruin 火灾 a red battle 血战 Red sky at the night,shepherds delight;red sky in the morning,shepherds warning.早霞不出门,晚霞行万里 to roll out the red carpet for sb:隆重欢迎某人,

8、青色 青,取之于蓝而胜于蓝 君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪 湘云却一把青丝,拖于枕畔。Hsiang-yens black hair had tumbled all over the pillow.,我们的船向前走,两岸的青山在黄昏中,都成了深黛色,连着退向船后去。We set off.The green mountains on the two banks became deep blue in the dusk,receding toward the stern of the boat.却说那女娲氏炼石补天之时,只用了三万六千五百块,单单剩下一块未用,弃在青埂峰下。When the g

9、oddess Nu Wa melted down rocks to repair the sky,she used only thirty-six thousand five hundred of these and threw the remaining block down at the foot of Blue Ridge Peak.note:青埂峰(情根)homophone for roots of love,黄色 黄色是帝王之色。黄色在传统文化中被认为是中华民族的代表色。不仅象征着神圣,尊贵,还象征着希望,富贵,辉煌。在现代,中国人习惯用黄色象征低级趣味,内容庸俗,有严重色情倾向的,

10、如:黄色电影,黄色书籍。,贾爷也曾留下话与和尚转达老爷,说:“读书人不在黄道,黑道,总以事理为要。”Mr Jia asked the monk to tell that scholars are not superstitious about lucky or unlucky days but like to act according to reason.袭人听了这话,又是恼,又是愧,待要说几句,又见宝玉已经气的黄了脸。Annoyance and mortification tempted Xiren to make a sharp retort.She only controlled he

11、rself a bit,because Baoyu was already livid with rage.(Y),凤姐冷笑道:“这半个月难保干净,或者有相好的丢下的东西:戒指,汗巾,香袋,再至于头发,指甲,都是东西。”一席话,说的贾琏脸都黄了。(21)“Who knows what dirty business hes been up to this last fortnight.”Xifeng smiled coldly.“One of his little friends might have left something:a ring or sash or pouch.Or even

12、some locks of hair or finger-nails,for all we know.Theyre souvenirs.”Jia Lian turned pale at this.,绿色 green with envy green-eyed green hand You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people.She is only sisteen and as green as grass.a green old age He said-ladies and gentlemen-may we all live to

13、 a green old age and be prosperous and happy.,绿帽子-to be a cuckold Did the Law not know that a mans name was to him the apple of his eye,that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer?法律难道不了解名誉对一个人来说弥足珍贵,“戴绿帽子”比被认为是“勾引者”要更令人难堪得多?,蓝色 blue films,make a blue joke You look blue today.Wh

14、ats the matter with you?I am in holiday blue.(winter holiday depression):It was blue Monday and he just didnt feel like going back to work.,不过两年,便也要“绿叶成荫子满枝”了。再过几日,这杏树子落枝空,再几年,岫烟未免乌发成银,红颜似槁了。(红 58)In just a couple of years she would be burdened with children as this tree was filled with fruit;and ju

15、st as the apricots would soon be gone,leaving the branches bare,in a few more years Xiuyans hair would be turning silver and she would lose her beauty too.(Y),“想有什么用?水中明月镜中花罢了!”相如叹口气,停了下来,“想我司马相如倜傥不群之人,竟难逢红颜知己,岂不悲哉!”(凤求凰)“Oh,whats the point of thinking about her?”moaned the swain,as he stopped strum

16、ming the lute.“Shes unattainable as the moon reflected in a pond or flowers in a mirror.Its heartbreaking to realize how hard it is to find a soul-mate.”,你祖宗九死一生挣下这份家业,到如今,不报我的恩,反而和我充起主子来了。不和我说别的还可,若再说别的,咱们白刀子进去红刀子出来!(红 7)It was your great granddad who built up this estate,and nine times I snatched

17、him back from the jaws of death.Now instead of showing yourselves properly grateful,you try to lord it over me.Shut up,and Ill overlook it.Say one more word,and Ill bury a white blade in you and put it out red!(Y),大家似乎全动了心。那个拿着碗酒的中年人,已经把酒喝净,眼珠子通红,而且此刻带着些泪:“来,来二两!”等酒来到,老车夫已坐在靠墙的一把椅子上。(骆驼祥子)Everyone w

18、as moved.The middle-aged man who had been drinking had finished his bowl.His bloodshot eyes filled with tears.“Here,”he called,“bring me two more ounces!”By the time this arrived,the old puller was seated in a chair by the wall.,“听说一件不少。不过,有位女民警在追捕中受了重伤。公安局同志说,许多大案都亏她破的呢。我丈夫还是个教师,真没用,竟像个女人一样哭了”她红着眼圈。(青萍)Nothing was found missing,but a policewoman was badly hurt in the trail.They told me at the police station that she had solved several major case.To think of that husband of mine!”she continued,“A teacher,who wept like a frail woman!”he herself was virtually on the verge of shedding tears.,


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