unit 1 Text A单词短语.ppt

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1、New words and Expressions,Unit 1 Text A Learning a Foreign Language,reward,vt.give sth.in return for good and valuable doings 报答,奖励 The father rewarded the little boy for cleaning the room.reward sb.with for sth.in reward of Cf.award:vt.make an official decision to give sth.as a prize,as payment or

2、as a punishment授予,判定 The judge awarded both finalists equal points.The court awarded him damages of$4500.n.1.sth.as a return for good and valuable doings报答,奖赏 As a reward for passing the exams,she got a new bike from her parents.2.some money given to someone for his good doings 报酬,酬金 I hear there is

3、 a big reward for the seizing of the thief.,rewarding,a.satisfying and worthwhile(giving you satisfaction,pleasure,or profit)值得做的,有意义的,有益的e.g.She found the experience very rewarding.她发现这个经历使她受益匪浅。教学是一项很有意义的职业。Teaching is a rewarding career.,frustrate,Vt.1)cause someone to have feelings of disappoint

4、ment使沮丧,使灰心Eg.She was frustrated by her failure in the college entrance exam.她因高考失利而灰心丧气。2)cause the failure of something使挫败,使受挫折Eg.His attitude frustrated our plan.他的态度破坏了我们的计划。,frustrating:a.making someone feel annoyed,upset,or impatientEg.Its frustrating when youre in a hurry and the traffic isnt

5、 moving.frustration n.沮丧,不安,灰心,junior(to),a.having a low position,level,or rank(地位、水平、层次)较低的Eg.She started as a junior reporter on a local newspaper.她是从一家地方报社的初级记者开始干起的。His job is to give instructions to people junior to him.他的职责是指导职位在他之下的人。n.1.Csb.who is younger 年少者 eg.She now lives with actor Deni

6、s Lawson,10 years her junior.她现在和比她小10岁的演员丹尼斯劳森同居。2.Csb.of high or higher position(地位或等级)较低者;晚辈Eg.He has said legal aid work is for juniors when they start out in the law.他曾说过,法律援助工作适合初涉法律工作的低级别律师来做。,former,a.of an earlier period 在前的,以前的,旧时的Eg.The coal industry is now hardly half its former size.煤炭业

7、现在的规模几乎不到以前的一半。The former president made a speech at the conference.前总统在会上作了演讲。n.(the former)the first of the two people or things just mentionedEg.Given the choice between a piece of chocolate and a book,most will choose the former.面对一块巧克力和一本书,大多数人会选前者。反义词 latter,unlike,prep.being different from不像;

8、不同eg.Her recent report is quite unlike her earlier work.她最近的报告与以前的大不相同。Unlike me,my son likes to get up early.Unlike the north part of China,it is not likely to snow in winter here.Cf.dislike:v.I like cats but dislike dogs.likely:a.that is expected Shes very likely to ring me tonight.alike:a.similar

9、 These two photographs are almost alike.,intimidate,Vt.create a feeling of fear in somebody恐吓,威胁Eg.He said he would never be intimidated by his opponents power.他说他绝不会被对手的权势吓到。Hes being kept in jail until the trial so that he cant intimidate any of the witnesses.他一直被关在监狱里直到审判为止,以确保他不能恫吓任何证人。,opportun

10、ity,n.a good moment or chance fordoing sth.Eg.I had an opportunity to go to New York and study.我曾有过一个去纽约学习的机会。.equal opportunities in employment平等的就业机会。seize the opportunity抓住机会,medium,n.a method for giving information 媒体,媒介 Eg.TV has become the most important medium.Light travels throughout the med

11、ium of air.Cf.(mass)media 大众传媒 a.of middle size,amount,quality 中等的 eg.They have a medium-sized house in the heart of the city.She was of medium height and medium build.她中等身材。,access,n.1.U means a right of using,reaching 享用权The people in the school have access to that computer lab for free.2.means of

12、 entering or a way in 通道,入口The only access to the farmhouse is across the field.Cf.assessses/assessment:decide the amount of 评估;估价,估算to assess ones incomeIt is difficult to assess the influence of his speech,participate(in),vi.take part(in)Members can participate in any of the activities organized b

13、y the club.会员可以参加俱乐部组织的任何活动。All the teachers participated in the childrens games.所有的教师都参加孩子们的游戏。,virtual,a.1.【计】虚构的,虚拟的 virtual reality 虚拟现实 virtual world 虚拟世界 virtual community 虚拟社区 2.almost what is stated 实质上的,实际上的 a virtual certainty 实际上已肯定的事 The king was so much under the control of his wife tha

14、t she was the virtual ruler of the country.国王完全被他妻子控制,他的妻子才是这个国家的实际统治者。,commitment,n.1.devotion to 投入,献身The online course would not have succeeded without the commitment of all the teachers.We are looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to job.我们在寻求对此工作真正尽职尽责的人。2.a promise to follow cert

15、ain beliefs or action 承诺,许诺,保证Come and look round our shop without commitment to buy anything.The organization made a commitment to pay$50,000 to charity.I dont want to get married because I dont want any commitments.Cmit v.1.do sth.illegal,wrong,foolish干坏事 commit a crime,suicide,an error 2.make it

16、impossible for sb.not to do sth.;pledge承诺 The company has committed funds to an advertising campaign.He has committed himself to support his brothers child.,discipline,n.1.Uthe state of order and control;self-control 纪律;自制能力Everyoneshouldkeepdisciplineandyouarenoexception.每个人都应该遵守纪律,你也毫无例外。2.Ca bran

17、ch of learning(尤指大学里的)学科 Were looking for people from a wide range of disciplines.我们正在寻找各类学科的人才。,minimum,a.the least,or the smallest possible 最低的,最小的Eg.He couldnt join the police because he was below the minimum height allowed by the rule.他不能当警察,因为他的身高没有达到规定的最低要求。minimum wage 最低工资minimum cost 最低成本n.

18、singthe smallest amount最小量;最低限度This will take a minimum of one hour.这最少要用一个小时。Cf.maximum 最大的;最大值,assignment,N-COUNTAnassignmentis a task or piece of work that you are given to do,especially as part of your job or studies.任务;作业The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical t

19、ests.这门课程的评估包括各种书面作业和实践测试。I hate to interrupt your conversation but we do have an assignment to discuss.我不愿意打扰你们的谈话,但是我们确实有一项任务得和你们商量。,embarrass,vt.make someone feel ashamed,nervous,or uncomfortable使尴尬,使难堪The others embarrassed her when they laughed at her mistakes.人们嘲笑她的错误让她感到尴尬。embarrassing:a.maki

20、ng someone feel embarrassed 使人尴尬的,令人难堪的It was embarrassing that I couldnt remember his name.The doctor asked me a lot of embarrassing questions.,post,Vt.put up sth,on a screen,wall,or notice board 发帖子,张贴Officials began posting warning notices.官员们开始张贴警示布告。I will post a notice on the bulletin board to

21、 let others learn about it.我会在公告板上贴一个通知,让其他人知道这件事。V-TIf youpostinformation on the Internet,you make the information available to other people on the Internet.(在互联网上)发帖子,continual,a.1.continuing without stopping 连续不断的,不停的continual rain,talking,improvement2.happening again and again多次重复的;频繁的 continual

22、 interruptions,reap,vt.1.get sth.esp.sth.good,as a result of what one has done 获得,得到After seeing my friend reap the benefits of hard study,I now believe that hard work pays off.看到我的朋友努力学习,收获多多,我现在相信努力就会有收获/取得成功。2.cut and gather a crop of grain 收割,收获Farmers are reaping rice in the field.农民们正在地里收割稻谷。A

23、s you sow,so will you reap.种瓜得瓜。/一分耕耘一分收获。(no pains,no gains),benefit,n.anything that brings help or profit 益处,好处 The new regulation will be of great benefit to us all.He felt that he got much benefit from conversations with foreigners.他觉得自己通过与外国人交谈收益匪浅。vt.be useful or helpful to 有益于 The new teachin

24、g plan will benefit many students.He hasnt benefited from his experience.reap the benefits of:get sth.as a reward获得益处,Only a part of the people has reaped benefits of the new policy.,insight,n.C,Uan accurate or deep understanding of something洞悉,深刻的见解eg.Studying science gave me great insights into na

25、tural law.学习科学知识使我对自然规律有了深刻的了解。The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the Earths atmosphere.该项目将使科学家们对地球大气层正在发生的情况有更新的了解。,communicate,vi.Send and exchange feelings,opinions,or informationEg.They communicate with each other using sign language.他们通过手语交流。vt.make opinio

26、ns,feelings,or information known or understood by others传达,传播Eg.She communicated her feelings to her teacher.她把自己的感受告诉了老师。,gapn.a big difference between two amounts,situations,or groups of people差距,分歧,.the gap between rich and poor.贫富差距。Americas trade gap widened.美国的贸易差额加大了。income gap收入差距generation

27、gapn.代沟(两代人之间的隔阂)gender gap性别差异bridge the gap:reduce or get rid of the difference between two things.缩小差距Learning a foreign language helps us bridge the gap between two different cultures.学习外语有助于缩小不同文化间的差距。,at times sometimes but not usually 有时,偶尔,at other times-on other occasions 在其他时候,也有时候Sometime

28、s hes fun to be with;at other times he can be very moody.有时候他很有风趣,可有时候脾气一上来就喜怒无常。at all times-always 随时,永远Im at your service at all times.我随时为您效劳。at a time-in sequence;separately 依次,逐一;每次Dont try to do everything at once;take it a bit at a time.不用什么事都一块干,要依次做一点。Take the pills two at a time.每次服两粒。at

29、the time-at a certain moment or period in the past 在那时,在那段时间I agreed at the time but later changed my mind.我当时同意了,但后来又变了主意。at one time-formerly 从前,be worth sth./doing sth.,be rewarding enough for the time,effort,money,etc.值得的The book is worth reading./Its worth reading the book.I felt that his life

30、was no longer worth living.我发觉他的生命已经没有再活下去的价值了。Its an idea thats worth considering.这个想法值得考虑。Hes decided to have a look at the house for it is well worth buying.,not only but also,Note:with“not only”or“only”placed at the beginning of a sentence,the sentence order should be inverted.Not only did he fi

31、nish his homework,but he also cleaned the room.他不仅做了作业,而且还打扫了房间。Not only are housewives not paid,but also most of their boring work is unnoticed.家庭主妇不仅得不到报酬,而且她们单调的工作大多数不会被人注意。Only in this way can you hope to finish the work at the end of this month.,far from not at all;rather than一点都不,Far from(bein

32、g)angry,hes very happy.他一点都不生气,反而很高兴。Far from helping the situation,youve just made it worse.你非但对形势没什么帮助,反而使形势更糟。,a couple of two;a small number of 两个;一些,几个,I saw a couple of children playing in the garden.我看见两三个孩子在花园里玩耍。Could you please lend me a couple of dollars?你能借我两三美元吗?,get/have/obtain access

33、to sb./sth.,have the right to have or use sth.有权享用,可以使用You obtain access to your data by typing in a user name and password.输入用户名及密码,你就可以获得你的数据。Anyone who has got access to secret information knows that they should not pass it on by telephone.任何能接触到机密信息的人员都知道绝对不能通过电话传递这些信息。,keep up with keep the sam

34、e speed as 赶上,不落后,Ive having no trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.跟上全班的学习,我一点困难都没有。It is important to keep up with the changes of the time.跟上时代的变化十分重要。,feel like sth./doing sth.,want to have or do sth.想要,想做After lying in bed for a whole day,I feel like a walk.在床上躺了一天,我想散散步。Let it go,he t

35、hought.He didnt feel like arguing.顺其自然吧,她想。他不想争辩。我想喝点水/休息一会。I feel like(having)a drink/rest.,give up,stop doing sth.or stop trying to do sth.停止,放弃She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to art.她欣然放弃兼职工作,完全投身于艺术。Though faced with many difficulties,he would not give up online l

36、earning.虽然面临诸多困难,他还是不会放弃网上学习。由于缺钱,他只得放弃学业。He had to give up his studies because of lack of money.,think out,consider all the aspects and details of sth.before doing it 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨He chewed at the end of his pencil,thinking out the next problem.他咬着铅笔末端,思考着下一个问题。The book is well thought out.这本书构思周密。,co

37、me across,meet,find,or discover sb.or sth.by chance偶然遇到,偶然发现I came across an old school friend this morning.He came across some old photographs in drawer.The young man would get nervous every time he came across a girl.那个年轻人每次遇到女孩子就紧张。,reap the benefit(s)of,Get sth.as a reward for sth.done获得好处,得到好处S

38、ooner or later you will reap the benefits of your hard work.迟早你会得益于自己的努力。,trade for exchange for 用换,trade sth.for sth.=exchange sth.for sth.elseHe decided to trade his car for a truck.他决定用他的小汽车换一辆卡车。In order to pay off his debts,he had to trade(in)his piano for money.为了还债,他只好把钢琴拿去换钱。Cf.trade sth.in

39、for sth也有交换之意,但指的是以旧物折价贴换新物He traded in his car for a new model.他把自己的旧车折价,购置了一辆新款车。,give sb.insight(s)into,give sb.a deep understanding of sth.深刻理解Visiting the city gave me an insight into the lives of the people who live there.give you some insights给你一些启发,now that,because of sth.or as a result of s

40、th.既然,由于Now that you have grown up,you must stop this childish behavior.既然你已经长大,就不应该有这种孩子气的举动。Now that John has arrived,we can begin our English class.既然约翰来了,我们可以开始上英语课了。,instead of,rather than sth.or someone 而不是;代替You should be out for fresh air instead of staying indoors all day.你不该整天呆在屋里,应该到外面呼吸下

41、新鲜空气。Why dont you play football instead of just looking on?你为什么不参加踢足球,而只是看热闹?,reach out to,Communicate with;contact 接触,联系With the introduction of the Internet,we can reach out to our friends by email.由于互联网的使用,我们可以通过电子邮件与朋友联系。Cf.Reach out for:try to getYou must reach out for any opportunity that comes your way.你必须抓住所遇到的任何机会。reach for:hold out ones hand to get sth.He reached for the phone and dialed the number.他伸手拿起电话,拨了号码。,


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