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1、V-PilotVertical Drilling System垂直钻井系统,Sperry Drilling ServicesSeptember 2008 Jiu Sijun 酒思君China DD Technical Advisor,V-Pilot 垂直钻井系统,1,What is it?什么是垂直钻井系统,4,Whats the results?使用效果,2.,How does it works?工作原理,3,Where has Sperry Drilling Services used it?应用情况,5,Whats the advantages for this new technolo

2、gy?V-Pilot的优势,A tool that utilizes gravity to direct porting of hydraulic fluids to the appropriate pad利用重力作用直接使流体推击相应的垫片A vertical drilling system that maintains verticality on the fly with minimal intervention.最小干预的实时调整的一种垂直钻井系统A simple,elegant solution that avoids electronics.简单而严密的无电子元件的解决方案Desi

3、gned to increase reliability and temperature capability in harsh drilling conditions恶劣钻井环境下改善工具的可靠性和抗温能力A tool that enables fast drilling with high WOB whilst maintaining verticality高钻压快速钻直的一种钻井工具,What is it?什么是V-Pilot?,V-Pilot Components 组成部件,The V-Pilot has two sections.The upper section is a modi

4、fied GeoForce Motor.The lower section is the vertical drilling device.V-Pilot 由两部分组成,上部是改良的GeoForce马达,下部是垂直钻井部分,The two parts are delivered separately to the rig site and are easily connected before going in the hole.两部分分开运输到井场,下钻时直接连接,The lower section is a hydro-mechanic device.下部是液压机械设备The most i

5、mportant parts are:重要部件包括:Pendulum 大钟摆总成 Valve assembly 阀门总成 Pads.垫片总成,U-Joint and Pendulum AssemblyU型接头与大钟摆总成,Valve Assembly阀门总成,Piston Assembly 活塞总成,VERTICAL DRILLING DEVICE 垂直钻井设备部分,How it Works 工作原理,The GeoForce motor is powered by the drilling fluid and its shaft rotation is transferred to the

6、shaft in the lower section.GeoForce马达通过泥浆驱动将动力传递到下部的垂直钻井设备部分 The shaft rotation powers up the hydraulic pumps.马达传动轴驱动垂直钻井设备的液压泵The valves in the valve assembly are activated buy the pendulum when the well is deviated from the vertical.Deviation from vertical as low as 0.2 are enough to activate the

7、valve.当产生井斜时,大钟摆系统激活阀门总成的阀门,产生侧向力,使钻具重新回到垂直状态。最小井斜0.2时可以激活阀门。,How it Works 工作原理,When one(or two)valve is opened by the pendulum,it allows the hydraulic fluid to actuate one(or two)of the 4 pistons in the opposite side.当一个或两个阀门被大钟摆打开之后,水力流体激活反方向的4个活塞中一个或两个The pistons maintain pressure against the hol

8、e wall forcing the bit(push-the-bit)to drill laterally bringing the well back to vertical.The pistons will stay extended until the well returns to the vertical and the valve(s)are no longer activated and are retracted by springs.活塞推击井壁,使钻具回到垂直状态。活塞的位置一直延伸直到井眼垂直没有侧向力为止,How it Works 工作原理,Valve Assembl

9、y 阀门总成,Pad Assembly 垫片总成,Pivot Joint Assembly枢轴总成low friction joint低摩擦系数接头maximizes pendulum side force能产生最大的大钟摆侧向力,Valve Assembly阀门总成light load actuation轻载荷激活功能viscous damping to reduced system oscillation(water hammer effect)粘滞阻尼减少震动“水锤”效果,Kick Pad Assembly 激活垫片总成Four pistons producing variable si

10、deforce from pads四个活塞可以产生变化的侧向力Flow holes through pads to eliminate mud entrapment垫片流道孔减少泥浆的滞留Rigsite-changeable pads to change hole size垫片的大小可现场根据井眼的大小进行调试,Pivot Joint Assembly枢轴总成,How it Works 工作原理,Location of extending blades for corrective force 可延伸的勒板,校正力的大小,V-Pilot Vertical Drilling System,Fie

11、ld Locations 油田位置,Foothills of Canadian Rockies.加拿大丘陵地带的岩石Rock properties with high compressive strength where 2-5 m/hr typical,高岩石压缩强度,平均机械钻速2-5m/hFormation dips of 70.地层倾角703/30m natural build rate.自然造斜3/30mExtremely high vibration area.井下震动极高地区Cleanout trip always required prior to running casing

12、.下套管之前必须通井,Field Test Result 试用结果,Successfully drilled 504 m(1,653 ft)in two runs under AFE target time.在满足AFE时间的前提下,两趟钻完成了504米Maintained low inclination保持了较小的井斜Completed entire interval with one roller cone bit field average is 3-4.一支牙轮钻头完成整个井段,而该油田平均需要3-4只ROP up to 7 m/hr,at the high end of the fi

13、eld average.机械钻速7m/h,是该油田的平均之最。Tool proved largely insensitive to WOB up to 20 tons used.最大钻压达到20吨Eliminated reaming and back-reaming due to outstanding hole quality 井眼质量光滑,减少了短起下钻时间和倒划眼时间,Field Test Result 试用结果,Configurable on the rig site 现场组装Change hole sizes at casing points下完套管后,现场根据井眼大小进行调整,De

14、signed for Harsh Drilling 用于恶劣钻井环境Robust with no electronics means lower risk of failure皮实耐用,没有电子元器件,工具失效风险小,Matched to the rig 满足钻机负荷GeoForce or Performance motor depending on rig capability根据钻机性能匹配GeoForce或高性能马达,Correction on the fly 随时校正Minimal intervention required需要的校正最少Invisible to drilling pa

15、rameters钻井参数不受影响,V-Pilot Advantages 优点优势,V-Pilot Advantages 优点优势,Bit stabilization utilized on V-Pilot-Extended gauge length for smoother well bore profile.使用V-Pilot长保径钻头井眼光滑Can be adapted to any bit choice.可以使用任何钻头WOB can be maximized without risk of ledging.工具不受最大钻压的限制Reduction in reaming and trip

16、ping time.减少划眼时间和起下钻时间Enhanced casing running.提高下套管质量,Areas with strong natural deviation tendencies强烈自然倾斜地层Highly inclined beds 大倾斜层Massive salt formations 块状岩盐地层Hard rock,high vibration areas 坚硬岩石,强烈振动地层High temperature environments 高温环境,Where is V-Pilot Targeted for Use?应用范围,V-Pilot 9600 Operatin

17、g Parameters作业参数,Hole Size:12-1/4”-22”井眼尺寸:12-1/4”-22”Max WOB:270 Kips最大钻压:122吨Max operating torque:13,004 ftlbs最大作业扭矩:27,116NmMax differential Pressure:720psi最大压差:4.96 MPaFlow range:600 gpm 1200 gpm排量:600-1200gpm,THANK YOU,V-Pilot 垂直钻井系统,GeoForce Motor,Swash Plate:(yellow w/red bearings).One half i

18、s fixed and one half is attached to the shaft.When the power section turns the drive shaft through the V-Pilot the swash plate oscillates moving the pump pistons(green)up&down.This is how the hydraulic power is generated to operate the tool.旋转挡板(黄色转盘和红色轴承),一半固定,一半与旋转轴承连接,当马达的转动通过传动轴总成和V-Pilot的旋转挡板时,

19、带动泵活塞上下运动(绿色),这就是水力泵如何驱动V-Pilot.,Hydraulic Pump 水力泵,When the tool comes off vertical the activation leavers(above the pump)come in contact with the lower end of the pendulum and open a valve.The HP reservoir is directed to the pads at the bottom of the V-Pilot(looks similar to an AGS 4 pistons/pad)a

20、nd force is applied to the well bore to push the tool back to vertical.当产生井斜时,激活片(水力泵之上)推击打钟摆的低边并且开启其中的一个阀门,水力直接作用于V-Pilot的垫片,井壁的反作用力推动钻具回到垂直状态。,Hydraulic Pump 水力泵,Tool is meant to operate in sliding mode but will correct up to 5 RPM.工具采用滑动模式进行作业,5rpm校正 5 25 RPM pads will remain retracted and will d

21、rill or ream like a straight motor.5-25rpm时,垫片处于收位状态,如同一条直马达Above 25 30 RPM centrifugal forces will pull the pendulum to one side inside the housing.One or two activation leavers will then be activated by the pendulum being off center and the hydraulics will extend one or two sets of pad pistons.25-

22、30rpm,钻具离心力将产生偏向一边的大钟摆力,V-Pilot的一个或两个垫片在大钟摆力的作用下偏离中心,液压将推动另外的一或两个活塞,V-Pilot 9600 String Rotation 钻具的旋转,Above 75 RPM was specifically for the Gen II,single pads and a lot of mass,they would extend at these speeds without hydraulic assistance on centrifugal force alone.The Gen III has less effect for

23、the pistons to extend on centrifugal force only as the mass of the individual pistons are much lower.V-Pilot 第二代的转速可高于75rpm,大质量单个垫片可以高速离心延伸,无需水力协助。V-Pilot 第三代的活塞质量更小,其高速离心力较小。The tool only functions in sliding mode If you rotary drill the tool becomes an 11”motorized drill collar.It will drill but w

24、ill not auto correct for inclination.one or two pads will extend.V-Pilot 只在滑动模式下产生作用,如果旋转V-Pilot就成为一个11”的电子钻铤,可以继续钻进但不能自动校正井斜。旋转时一到两个垫片会延伸出来。,V-Pilot 9600 String Rotation 钻具的旋转,What does it do?如何工作?,Initiates vertical correction at 0.2 degrees inclination 当井斜大于0.2时自动校直Bit driven by GeoForce constant

25、 wall thickness motor or Performance motor钻头由GeoForce 马达或高性能马达驱动Designed for limited rotation钻具旋转受限No particular bit pressure drop required钻头压浆不受限制Check shots if required by anything from Totco to LWD可使用任何测斜仪器进行检验测量 Hole sizes 12”to approximately 22”and changeable on the rig井眼尺寸可现场调试,其范围为:12-1/4”到22”,U-joint assemblyU型总成,Valve assembly阀门总成,Pad assembly垫片总成,PendulumAssembly大钟摆总成,Valve Not Activated阀门没有激活,Valve Activated阀门激活,U-joint,Pendulum,Valves,Pads,U-joint,Pendulum,Valves,Pads,


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