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1、应对两考英语复习策略漳浦道周中学 林丽彬,第一要就是做好学生的思想工作。,第二打好复习预备战-分析两考的共性与差异,定好计划,提高复习效率。,第三 制定周密的复习计划,严格实施。,复习流程安排:,Dear Editor,I have lost a friend.He doesnt want to talk to me any more.When I asked him why,he said,“Because you betrayed(出卖)me!”Im very sad.It happened like this:one evening my head teacher came up to

2、me and talked to me for a long time.She asked how many students in our class like playing computer games.She listed four.Besides me,two of them were my friends.I didnt answer.In fact,I said nothing.I tried my best to explain the whole thing to my friend,but he didnt believe me.What shall I do?Jack,D

3、ear Jack,There are two things to remember here.Firstly,you did nothing wrong.When your head teacher asked you to“name names”,you didnt say anything.The teacher already knew who enjoyed playing computer games,so she didnt need you to tell her.Your friend probably believes you,but he is afraid of what

4、 might happen to him and so he is putting the blame(过错)on you,regarding you as a scapegoat(替罪羊).Secondly,whats so wrong with playing computer games sometimes?Tell your teacher that playing games improves concentration(集中精神)and helps strengthen friendships.Dont worry,it is not a big deal.Of course,yo

5、u can not spend too much time on computer games.Editor,71.When Jacks friend doesnt want to talk to him,he _.A.is unhappy B.doesnt mind it C.cant stand it D.is happy72.What has happened to Jack?A.His friend has betrayed him.B.He has betrayed his friend.C.One of his friends is missing.D.He is misunder

6、stood by his friend.73.What does the editor ask Jack to tell his teacher about?Something about _.A.his name B.his friends C.computer games D.his study.74.In the Editors opinion,playing computer games sometimes is_.A.not a big mistake B.good for ones lessons C.harmful to friendships D.not harmful to ones health75.The best name for the column(栏目)where this passage appears is _.A.Star Letter B.Face to Face C.Heart to Heart D.Your Words,


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