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1、投诉信写作技巧指导,贝多芬,背多分,一、文体概述,投诉信是人们在遇到一些不文明现象、所购商品质量差、售后服务不满意等情况下解决问题的一个方法。因此,投诉信的去处通常有两种:一是给服务单位即经销商或生产厂家;二是给报社或消委会等有关部门。不管是哪一种,都必须把投诉或反映的问题及如何解决的愿望传递给对方。在语言方面,要注意把握分寸,要公平、公正。,投诉信应包括三个方面的内容:(三段式)1.表明写信目的,投诉的内容。2.投诉的具体原因、问题的经过及产生的 后果。3.提出解决方案/希望得到的结果。,格式:与一般的书信格式一样,但第一句话不是问好,而是通常直接切入主题。如第一类投诉信:Im writin

2、g to complain about the.(that/which)I bought.最后通常会加上一句:Thank you for your consideration/attention.第二类投诉信第一句话可能是:I am writing this letter to reflect some problems(that/which)I came across and appeal to the improvement of the service industry.,二、文体特点,2.时态:多为一般过去时,文末的希望或要求则多用一般现在时。3.人称:多为第一人称,二、文体特点,【预

3、习效果检测】一、投诉信必备词汇:(1)单词:1.抱怨,投诉 v._;n._2.通知 v._ 3.服务 n._ 4.态度 n._ 5.顾客n._6.解决办法 n._ 7.质量n._8.订货 v._ 9.运行,运转v._ 10.店员,销售员n._ 11.维修v._ 12.退款n._ 13.更换n._,complain,complaint,inform,service,attitude,customer,solution,quality,work,order,clerk,repair,replacement,refund,14.感到失望的 adj._ 令人失望的 adj._ v._ n._ 15.恼

4、人的 adj._ 16.遗憾的 _17.令人不满意的 adj._ 感到不满意的 adj._ v.使.满意 _;使.不满意 _ n.满意_;不满意 _,disappointed,disappointing,disappoint,disappointment,annoying,unsatisfying/unsatisfactory,unsatisfied,satisfy,dissatisfy,satisfaction,dissatisfaction,regretful,1.抱怨 _2.表达不满 _3.忍受 _4.对满意 _5.糟糕的服务 _6.采取措施 _7.解决问题 _,poor service

5、,complain about/make a complaint about,express/convey ones dissatisfaction,put up with,be satisfied/content with,一、投诉信必备词汇:(2)短语:,take measures(to do),solve/settle/deal with/do withthe problem,8.预防发生 _9.调查此次事件 _10.以粗鲁的方式 _,in a rude manner,preventfrom happening,look into/investigate the matter/incid

6、ent,11.向道歉 _12.出乎意料 _13.尽快 _14.把某事牢记在心 _,make an apology to/apologize to,out of ones expectation,as soon as possible,keep/bear sth.in mind,15.严肃地对待 _16.努力(做)_,take seriously,make an effort(to do),二、必备句型:(翻译)(1)表明写信目的:1.我写信是为了投诉你们的服务质量。Im writing to complain about/make a complaint about your quality/

7、standard of service.2.我写信是为了表达关于对你们的服务员的服务态度的不满。I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service(attitude)of your waiters.,(2)说明投诉内容:3.我想让您注意你们的产品质量。I would like to draw your attention to the quality of your products.,4.我对不满意有一些主要原因。首先,更糟糕的是,最后,There are some main reasons why I am n

8、ot content with At first,Whats worse,Eventually/Last but not least,(3)提出解决方案:5.因此,我要求你发一个新的给我。Therefore,I require that you(should)send me a new one.,6.我真诚地希望你能认真调查这件事情,以及采取恰当的措施防止类似事件再次发生。,I sincerely hope that you will look into this matter seriously and take proper/effective measures to prevent su

9、ch an incident happening again.,It is my sincere hope that you will investigate the incident seriously and proper measures should be taken to prevent the recurrence of this kind.,7.你若能尽快采取措施处理这个问题,我将感激不尽。,I would appreciate it very much if you could take measures to deal with/solve the problem as so

10、on as possible.,(4)表达礼貌感谢:,8.如果你能对此事给予足够的重视,我将非常感谢。,I would appreciate it very much if you could give due attention to this matter.,【题目回放】双语报34期A4版:假设你叫李华,最近你在网上注册加入了一个中学生英语学习网站,经过一段时间的使用,你发现了一些不尽如人意的地方。请你用英语给该网站负责人史密斯先生写一封投诉信。内容如下:1.内容更新不及时;2.有些话题不适合中学生;3.有些材料是从别的网站上转载过来的;4.你的期望。,注意:词数100左右(开头与落款已给

11、出,不记词数。)2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。提示词汇:更新 update 转载 reproduce Dear Mr.Smith,Im Li Hua,and Ive recently signed up for your English learning website._ _ _ Yours faithfully,Li Hua,1.审题并构思文章结构:假设你叫李华,最近你在网上注册加入了一个中学生英语学习网站,经过一段时间的使用,你发现了一些不尽如人意的地方。请你用英语给该网站负责人史密斯先生写一封投诉信。内容如下:1.内容更新不及时;2.有些话题不适合中学生;3.有些材料是从别的网站

12、上转载过来的;4.你的期望。,P1,P2,P3,2.判断时态:,P1:一般过去时+现在进行时,P2:一般现在时(客观现象),P3:一般现在/将来时,3.人称:,一、三,4.构思语言表达:假设你叫李华,最近你在网上注册加入了一个中学生英语学习网站,经过一段时间的使用,你发现了一些不尽如人意的地方。请你用英语给该网站负责人史密斯先生写一封投诉信。内容如下:,P1,Dear Mr.Smith,Im Li Hua,and Ive recently signed up for your English learning website.However,after using it for some ti

13、me,I found some unsatisfying problems.Now,Im writing to complain about them.,1.内容更新不及时;2.有些话题不适合中学生;3.有些材料是从别的网站上转载过来的;,P2,The content cannot be updated in time.Some topics are not proper for middle school students.Some materials are reproduced from other websites.,First of all,the content cannot be

14、 updated in time,which makes it impossible for me to learn something new related to my lessons at school.Much to my dissatisfaction,some materials,especially the reading ones,are not proper for us middle school students.Last but not least,I find some materials are reproduced from other websites.,4.你

15、的期望。,P3,I know your website is a famous one,but my experience shows that your service needs improvement.I trust that youll take this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.I am looking forward to your early reply.,参考范文:Dear Mr.Smith,Im Li Hua,and Ive recently sign

16、ed up for your English learning website.However,some problems have arisen,making me dissatisfied.Now,Im writing to complain about them.First of all,the content cannot be updated in time,which makes it impossible for me to learn something new related to my lessons at school.Much to my dissatisfaction

17、,some materials,especially the reading ones,are not proper,for us middle school students.Last but not least,I find some materials are reproduced from other websites.I know your website is a famous one,but my experience shows that your service needs improvement.I trust that youll take this matter ser

18、iously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Li Hua,学生习作欣赏,Learning&sharing,黄秋灵,李敏华,植树广,本次作文写得较好的同学:18分:李敏华、林晓枫、植树广、黄钰莹 17分:梁健欣、李婉梅、廖海燕、李倩、莫洁文、罗思思、黄宇鹏、李华清、萧峰、,Summary:,书面表达高分要诀:1)书写美观;2)字数达标(100120);3)内容扣题、结构合理、要点完整、拓展恰当;4

19、)句子结构准确、语言表达得体;5)语言流畅、文章连贯。,投诉信格式模板:Dear _,I am _(自我介绍).I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about _(抱怨的事情)The reason for my dissatisfaction is _(总体介绍).In the first place,_(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,_(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances,I find it _(感觉)to _(抱怨的方面带来的后果

20、),I appreciate it very much if you could _(提出建议和请求),preferably _(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by _(设定解决事情的最后期限)Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming,假定你是李华,上周六,你有一次不愉快的就餐经历,对餐厅的服务员态度非常不满意。于是你给该餐厅老板写一封投诉信。要点如下:1.问题

21、:牛肉面有苍蝇,服务员态度粗鲁。2.要求:餐厅赔礼道歉。注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。,课后作业:名师指津二轮复习P191,Dear Sir,I am Li Hua,a frequent customer in your restaurant._ I look forward to a better service next time.Sincerely yours,Li Hua,Thank you!,Dear Sir,I am Li Hua,a frequent customer in your restaurant.I have

22、 been pleased with your excellent service for years but now Im writing to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service of your waiters.Last Saturday,I went to your restaurant to have lunch but I had an awful experience.When having beef noodles,I suddenly found there were two flies in them,which

23、 disgusted me a lot.,So I asked the waiter to change another dish.Out of my expectation,he didnt change it but said in a rude manner that he was too busy to solve the problem.Needless to say,such a way of treating customers is unacceptable.Its my sincere hope that you can investigate the matter seri

24、ously and make a formal apology to me.I look forward to a better service next time.Sincerely yours,Li Hua,练习1:假设你叫李华,最近在某英文购物网站上购买了一条裤子,但出现了一些问题。请你给网站写一封投诉信,包括以下内容。1.写信的目的;2.投诉内容:,3.要求:重新邮寄或全额退款(a full refund);对方承担邮费。,注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信的开头已为你写好。Dear Sir,_ Yours sincerely,Li Hua,One poss

25、ible version:Dear Sir,Im writing to complain about a pair of trousers I recently purchased from your website.What I ordered was a pair of black size-27 trousers but I received a pair of dark green size-29 trousers instead.Worse still,there was a fifteen-day delay in delivering my trousers,which had

26、been expected to arrive on March 1st.For the above reasons,I demand(that)either a new pair of black size-27 trousers(should)be posted to me immediately or I(should)be given a full refund.Also,your company is supposed to pay for the postage for the wrong trousers(that)Ill send back.Thank you for your

27、 consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Hua,练习2:假设你是李华,前几天你参加了 Cloud Travel Agency组织的长白山三日游。下面是该旅行社的广告,请根据下面广告中箭头所指内容对其不实之处向消费者协会写一封投诉信。,注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信的开头已为你写好。Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to express my complaint about the service of Cloud Trave Agency._ Regards,Li Hua,One possible versio

28、n:Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to express my complaint about the service of Cloud Travel Agency.A few days ago,I joined a three-day trip to Changbai Mountain with this travel agency.I found a few differences between their ads and action.As they say,they provide a large air-conditioned bus,but we onl

29、y rode in a shabby bus without any air-conditioner.Yes,they served us lunch,but the food tasted terrible,some even with sand.We didnt enjoy any kind of shower;we only bathed in cold water.As for sightseeing,the guides led us to several expensive souvenir shops,which wasted us much time.As a result,two scenery spots were left unseen in the end.We do hope something can be done to prevent such things happening again.Regards,Li Hua,


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