1、,Microexpression微表情师本2班 江琪,If you have watched the American TV series,I dont think you are unfamiliar with the microexpression,Facial features,Hold your breathThat means nervous,upset,or something without the knowledge of others.,When you answer questions,you touch your neckIf the neck was not ill,t
2、hat is lying,this is a classic compulsive behavior,The direction of eyes and fingers is not the same,it is lying,Reason:to make up stories in the brain,resulting in inconsistent body language,Say something when the fast blink,indicating that she was hiding something,When someone say something like:how do I know?!if their eyebrows up,it means they know the answer.,Mouth up express contempt and disgust.Subtext:stupid it/deserve,and so on.,Thank you!,