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1、系统生态学与区域可持续发展规划,北京师范大学资源学院.,世界八大公害问题,马斯河谷事件 多诺拉烟雾事件伦敦烟雾事件 水俣病事件米糠油事件 四日市哮喘事件骨痛病事件 洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件,20世纪30年代至50年代,发生了震惊世界的八大公害事件:,世界十大生态环境问题,Title,臭氧层破坏,气候变暖,酸雨,水资源危机,森林面积锐减,土地荒漠化,世界十大生态环境问题,有害废弃物,生物多样性锐减,大气环境污染,水土流失,中国的生态环境问题,GDP的价值?瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛上有人预言,如果再不加以整治,人类历史上突发性环境危机对经济、社会体系的最大摧毁,很可能会在不久的将来出现在中国。Our c

2、ommon future?,A heavily polluted river in the town of Zhugao in Chinas southwest Sichuan province earlier this month.A heavily polluted river in the town of Zhugao in Chinas southwest Sichuan province earlier this month.,We have been getting growth without prosperity,“Their products are regarded as

3、made in China and their inventions as created in China,”Mr.Wen added.“China will treat foreign-invested enterprises and local companies equally and fairly in government procurement.”,ORGANIZE,罗马俱乐部WWFIUCNIBPIGBPIHDPGTOS,人与生物圈计划 湿地保护公约 世界遗产地 濒危物种贸易公约 生物多样性公约 世界气候研究计划 全球环境基金 森林保护议定书 防治荒漠化 21世纪议程千年评估(M

4、A),MA,基于对生态系统变化的驱动力,以及它们之间可能发生的相互作用的不同假设,MA提出了4种情景以探索未来生态系统与人类福祉发展的可能变化,1.How have ecosystems changed?2.How have ecosystem services and their uses changed?3.How have ecosystem changes affected humanwell-being and poverty alleviation?4.What are the most critical factors causing ecosystem changes?5.Ho

5、w might ecosystems and their services change in thefuture under various plausible scenarios?6.What can be learned about the consequences of ecosystemchange for human well-being at sub-global scales?7.What is known about time scales,inertia,and the riskof nonlinear changes in ecosystems?8.What option

6、s exist to manage ecosystems sustainably?9.What are the most important uncertainties hinderingdecision-making concerning ecosystems?,Key Questions in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,千年生态系统评估的关键问题,Key Word,循环经济,Syetem Ecology,Systems ecology is an interdisciplinary field of ecology,taking a holis

7、tic approach to the study of ecological systems,especially ecosystems.Systems ecology can be seen as an application of general systems theory to ecology.Central to the systems ecology approach is the idea that an ecosystem is a complex system exhibiting emergent properties.Systems ecology focuses on

8、 interactions and transactions within and between biological and ecological systems,and is especially concerned with the way the functioning of ecosystems can be influenced by human interventions.It uses and extends concepts from thermodynamics and develops other macroscopic descriptions of complex

9、systems.,生态学的研究热点,研究主体的重新定位研究尺度的拓宽自然生态系统人工生态系统发展复合生态系统学科之间相互融汇与新分支学科不断产生从研究结构功能过程信息预测方法改进,设备改善从局地、线路、短期区域、定位、长期研究发展可持续发展科学的积极参与者,Synthesis and Differentiation,Contents,课程简介,1,课程设置与考试安排,2,教学目标,3,教学内容,4,主要资源利用,教学目标,本课程通过聘请资源学院知名专家学者通过典型案例,讲述系统生态学与区域可持续发展规划的最新研究进展和研究成果,使学生充分理解与掌握相关的系统生态学知识,熟悉区域可持续发展战略与

10、规划设计,了解国际研究前沿动态,培养研究生的科研兴趣,增强用系统学的思想分析宏观问题的能力,服务于地方和国家可持续发展。,课程设置,第一部分 绪论第二部分 系统生态学与区域可持续发 展讲座第三部分 系统生态学与区域可持续发 展规划讨论与设计,讲座内容,第一章:系统生态学与区域可持续发展规划的宏观概论第二章:土地利用规划与全球变化第三章:宏观生态学与生态系统重建第四章:地理信息系统与区域可持续发展规划第五章:遥感监测与模型模拟规划第六章:生态系统模拟与分析,讲座内容,第七章 景观生态学与区域发展规划第八章 自然资源可持续利用规划第九章 产业生态学与区域经济规划第十章 生态系统服务与生态系统健康第

11、十一章 不可更新资源与区域发展规划第十二章 能量流动与生态经济系统评价第十三章 生态系统管理与可持续发展规划第十四章 系统生态学与区域可持续发展规划讨论与设计,参考书目,Manuel C.Molles.Jr.Ecology:Concepts and applications.University of New Mexico.2000H.T.Odum.Environment,power,and society.For the 21th century.Columbia University Press.2004李博等译.陆地生态系统生态学原理.高等教育出版社.2005Boyce MS&Haney

12、 A.1997.Ecosystem Management:Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wild Life Resources.New Haven:Yale University Press,课程设置与考试安排,课堂讲授、讨论、互动式教学考试:平时成绩(40)期末成绩(60)平时成绩:(1)课堂表现(2)作业,Thank Your attention!,Diagram,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Tit

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