1、Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases,Guangjie Chen Dept.of Immunology and Microbiology2015,Autoimmunity is defined as an acquired immune reactivity against self antigensThe normal physiological activityessence-autoimmune responseLow affinity IgM-CD5+B1-“natural”Ab spectrum,Autoimmune diseases occur
2、when autoimmune responses lead to tissue damage The pathological activityessence-autoimmune responseImmunological tolerance fails to eliminate or control pathogenic self-reactive lymphocytes,Breaking of self-tolerance,Ehrlichs“Horror autotoxicus”,I.The features and classification of AID,1.Features,2
3、.ClassificationOrgan specificNonorgan specific,II.The pathological mechanism of AID,1.autoantibody binding to cell membrane 2.autoantibody binding to membrane receptor3.autoantibody binding to extracellular components4.The effect of immune complex deposition5.The effect of autoreactive T cell,Type I
4、I hypersensitivity(autoantibody)The effect of autoantibody binding to cell membrane(IgM、IgG)Autoimmune hemolytic anemiathrombocytopenic purpura Hemolytic disease of the newborn induced by Rhesus incompatibility,The effect of autoantibody to membrane receptorMyasthenia gravisGraves disease,Figure 13-
5、29 part 1 of 2,3.The effect of autoantibody to extracellular componentsGoodpastures syndrome,*anti basement membrane(kidney,lung)type IV collagen Ab,4.The effect of immune complex deposition*Type III hypersensitivity,(1)SLE,(2)RA,(2)RA,5.The effect of autoreactive T cell*Type IV hypersensitivity,Mul
6、tiple sclerosis(MS)Th1、Tc、MBPType I diabetes mellitus Tc cell,III.Pathogenic factors related to AID,Antigen-related factorsReleasing of sequestered antigen,Alteration of self antigen propertiesMolecular mimicrycommon antigencross reactionstreptococcuskidney,heartEpitope spreading,2.Abnormalities of
7、immune regulation Failure of self-tolerance,Abul K.abbas et al.Cellular and Molecular Immunology,7th edition,Elsevier Saunders,Broken central and peripheral tolerance,Abul K.abbas et al.Cellular and Molecular Immunology,7th edition,Elsevier Saunders,Abnormal expression of Fas/FasL,Polyclonal activat
8、ion of T and B cells,Abul K.abbas et al.Cellular and Molecular Immunology,7th edition,Elsevier Saunders,Dysfunction of Treg,Abnormal expression of MHC-II,3.Genetic factorsAssociation of HLA with autoimmune disease,Other genes C1q,C4 gene deficiency:SLE DNase deficiency:SLE mutant CTLA-4:Diabetes4.Ot
9、her factorsGenderAgeEnvironment factor,IV.Immunological control strategies,Deletion factors which induce abnormal self-toleranceInhibition of immune response to autoAgRebuilding self-toleranceControl of infectionAdministration of immunosuppressive drugAntibodiesautoAg,Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis(AITE),2010,58:27-36,Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis(AITE),2010,58:27-36,Key points,Definition of autoimmunity and AIDPathogenic factors related to AIDFeatures and pathological mechanism of AID,