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1、儋州市那大中学 杨卫平制作,高二英语课件 Unit 16 lesson62,The Pacific Ocean,The Arctic Ocean,The Atlantic Ocean,The Indian Ocean,Asia,North America,Africa,Europe,South America,Antarctic,Oceania,1.How salty is the water in the ocean?,A.3.5%,C.25%,B.11%,2.Where is the longest coral bed in the world?,It lies off the north

2、east coast of Australia.,3.How does sea water stay clean?,Seaweeds produce various chemicals that keep the sea clean.,4.How much of the earths surface is sea?,A.45%,B.56%,C.71%,The earth looks blue from the space because it is so far away.,F,2.Only a few people have seen much of the earths solid sur

3、face before.,F,3.Altogether there are eleven minerals that make up the salt water of the ocean.,F,4.Chemicals produced by seaweeds help to keep the seawater clean.,T,5.The surface water of the Mediterranean in summer can reach up to 25C.,T,6.According to the passage,if the sea loses a lot of water t

4、o the air,there might be parts of salt per thousand of water.,F,7.Coral beds can be seen everywhere in the sea all over the world.,F,8.Corals must live in clean water and dirty water will kill them.,T,How salty are different lakes and seas?,%,3.5%,3.73.9%,25%,27%,Something about the Mediterranean.,3

5、,700km,1,800km,3.7-3.9%,25-29,Conditions for coral.,water temperature above 20,plenty of light,clear water,water depth of less than 60 meters,2.Where is the saltiest lake in the world?,The Great Salt Lake.,1.What is the most famous salt lake in the world?,The Dead Sea,3.Why is the lake called The De

6、ad Sea?,Because very few things can live in such salty water.,Why did the Dead Sea become the saltiest lake in the world?,minerals from thousands of natural springs and the River Jordan,little rain there,no river flowing out of the lake,_from space,the earth looks blue.This is because _ _ of the ear

7、ths surface is_ _ _ vast oceans.The oceans of the world are_.,Seen,thirds,two,of,made,up,salty,The Dead Sea,where there is merely 60mm rain in a year_ _,is the most famous salt lake in the world.The water of the Dead Sea_ about 250 parts of salt to every,on,average,contains,thousand parts of water,o

8、r 25%_weight.The saltiest lake in the world is the_ _ _.Hot parts of the world where the sea is not deep have_ _.The,by,Salt,Lake,beds,Great,coral,largest coral bed _ _ the northeast coast of Australia.,off,lies,Seen from space,(=When/If it is seen from space,),e.g.Folded up along the lines,the pape

9、r will be a little box.=When/If it is folded up along the lines,make up/be made up of,The book is made up of these three stories.,These three stories make up the whole book.,That is 3.5%by weight.,These workers are paid by the day.,Sugar is sold by the pound,eggs by the dozen,and cloth by the yard.,How can we protect our sea?,


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