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1、,Unit Nine,Introduction,Text A offers some valuable suggestions on how to survive the modern era when the torrent of information is forcing us to change the way we think.Text B argues that living in the 21st century,when people are immersed in a lifestyle that allows them access to the Internet anyw

2、here and anytime,is both a blessing and a curse.,Text A,We Need a Dug-out Canoe to Navigate the Net乘上独木舟,畅游互联网,Structural analysis,Part I(para.12):the two categories of thinkers and their way of thinkingQuestions 1)What are the two categories of thinkers according to Isaiah Berlin?2)How are the two

3、categories of thinkers differ from each other?,Part II(para.3-6)The dominance of fox-thinking,and its advantages and disadvantagesThe dominance of fox-thinking(3-4)2.Its advantages and disadvantages(5-6)Question3)What is the foxes way of thinking?,Part III The way to acquire information in internet-

4、driven thought(7-13)1.The importance of the ability to focus:this ability which is important than how much knowledge one possess(7-8)2.the way to acquire knowledgethe characteristics of internet knowledge and the ability required to sift useful information(9-10)The actual way to acquire knowledge:th

5、e canoe-building method(11-13),Questions 4)What is internet thinking?5)What does dug-out canoe symbolize in the text?,What is a dug-out canoe?,A dug-out canoe is made of an entire tree,by simply cutting away and discarding the wood not needed.,kayaks versus canoes,kayaks versus canoes among the indi

6、genous people of the shores of the North Pacific,there were two approaches to the building of boats.The Aleuts,living on islands bereft of trees,combed the beaches for pieces of driftwood.When they had,laboriously and over time,gathered enough pieces of the right kind,they used them to build a kayak

7、.The Tlingit,living in areas where the rainforests grew down to the shoreline,adopted a different strategy;taking an entire tree,they simply cut away and discarded the wood they did not need,ending up with a dug-out canoe.,Tlingit tliit 特林吉特人The Tlingit are an Indigenous people of the Pacific Northw

8、est Coast.Their name for themselves is Lingt,meaning human beings The Tlingit are a matrilineal society that developed a complex hunter-gatherer culture in the temperate rainforest of the southeast Alaska coast and the Alexander Archipelago.An inland subgroup,known as the Inland Tlingit,inhabits the

9、 far northwestern part of the province of British Columbia and the southern Yukon Territory in Canada.,Aleut lu:t 阿留申人A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska.The Aleut are related culturally and linguistically to the Eskimo.,Point 1What is a fox

10、 and what is a hedgehog?,According to the Oxford philosopher Isaiah Berlin,thinkers come in two forms.There is the fox,who knows something about many things,and draws inspiration from many sources.And there is the hedgehog,who has one big idea,and devotes their intellectual life to refining and expa

11、nding it.The Internet,says Macintyre,makes us all into foxes,browsing and scavenging for what we need.,Point 2Fundamentalism is strict adherence to specific theological doctrines typically in reaction against Modernist theology.The term fundamentalism was originally coined by its supporters to descr

12、ibe a specific package of theological beliefs that developed into a movement within the Protestant community of the United States in the early part of the 20th century,and that had its roots in the FundamentalistModernist Controversy of that time.The term usually has a religious connotation indicati

13、ng unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs.,Fundamentalist信奉正统派基督教的人Fundamentalist uniformly place a high priority on conformity to doctrine to achieve salvation.Why does the author say the hedgehog-thinking is fundamentalist thinking?,Point 3Why is fox-thinking a direct threat to ideo

14、logy?,Point 4 For better or worsefor better or(for)worse also for better,for worse If a situation exists or happens for better or for worse,it exists or happens whether its results are good or bad France has a new government,for better or for worse.We cannot deny that our childhood experiences affec

15、t us,for better,for worse.,Point 5 Bottom linethe final line in the accounts of a company or organization,which states the total profit or loss that has been made;The main or essential point 概要,帐本底线,最重要的事huge share of the savings will go straight to Freseniuss bottom line.Anything that directly affe

16、cts the bottom line gets done first.The bottom line at the bottom of the pyramid is that financial services remain shockingly scarce.,Point 6 Do you agree with the saying“how well one can focus is more important than how knowledgeable he is”?,Point 7Reading the web usefully requires a new form of li

17、teracy,the ability to sift from the abundance of information what is helpful from what is pointless or merely distracting.The fox must be able to avoid wasting time,and suffering from continuous partial attention,and all the other perils into which the ubiquity无处不在 of internet information can lead u

18、s.,Point 8According to George Dyson,a historian of science,we have all necessarily been kayak builders,scraping together the bits of information we need from wherever we can find it.The Internet now pushes us towards the dug-out canoe strategy.We can find large amounts of information easily on almos

19、t any topic;the essential skill is being able to swiftly discard the inappropriate and inessential,cutting away until we have the knowledge structure we need.,Language Points,1.dug-out:挖空 dig-dug-dug2.canoe:(体长头尖的)小划子,独木舟 dug-out canoe:指树干挖空作船体的独木舟。3.overriding:压倒一切的,首要的 override(overrode-overridden

20、):v.制服,压倒;奔越过;践踏过;使无效Eg.an overriding task override a veto 使否决无效,Language Points,4.feast:v.1)盛宴款待2)使得到享受Eg.feast ones eyes on the wonderful performance尽情欣赏精彩表演n.盛宴,筵席5.anarchic:adj.无政府主义的;混乱的anarchy:n.无政府状态;混乱;无秩序anarchism:n.无政府主义anarchist:n.无政府主义者,Language Points,6.ubiquitous:adj.普遍存在的,无处不在的ubiquit

21、y:n.普遍存在7.cornucopia:象征丰饶的羊角,象征(丰饶的)羊角画(或雕刻)8.scavenge:v.1)清除污物,垃圾2)(从丢弃物中)寻找(可用之物)Apple iPad是由苹果公司研制的平板电脑,它定位介于苹果的智能手机iPhone和笔记本电脑产品之间,通体只有四个按键,与iPhone布局一样,提供浏览互联网、收发电子邮件、观看电子书、播放音频或视频等功能。9.undermine:v.1)在下面挖坑道,削弱的基础2)暗中破坏,逐渐损害,Language Points,10.mistakefor把错认/当成Eg.He mistook me for my brother.11.s

22、cour:v.1)走遍(某地)搜索Eg.Scour the forest for the robberScour the library for references2)急速穿行,追寻Eg.Scour over hillside for game12.bombard:v.炮击,轰炸;(喻)痛斥,攻击,13.swell(swelled-swollen):v.1)膨胀,肿胀2)(土地)隆起,(河水)上涨Eg.The river has swollen with melted snow.雪融河涨,Twitter is a social networking and microblogging ser

23、vice that allows you answer the question,What are you doing?by sending short text messages 140 characters in length,called tweets,to your friends,or followers.Twitter(中文称:推特)是国外的一个社交网络及微博客服务的网站,它利用无线网络,有线网络,通信技术,进行即时通讯,是微博客的典型应用.它允许用户将自己的最新动态和想法以短信息的形式发送给手机和个性化网站群,而不仅仅是发送给个人。2006年,博客技术先驱创始人埃文威廉姆斯(Ev

24、an Williams)创建的新兴公司Obvious推出了大围脖服务。在最初阶段,这项服务只是用于向好友的手机发送文本信息。2006年底,Obvious对服务进行了升级,用户无需输入自己的手机号码,而可以通过即时信息服务和个性化Twitter网站接收和发送信息。,WritingInternet is described by many people as a double-edged sword for it not only revolutionized the means of information exchange;it has also brought us,along with i

25、ts many advantages,a lot of side effects.Please write an essay of 300 words on the disadvantages of the Internet.,作文点评(5张左右),Text B Always on1.Why did the author feel a pang in the Himalayas?2.What does the author think of the lifestyle of people living in the 21st century?3.Why is a BlackBerry an a

26、ddictive device from the authors perspective?4.Do you consider online shorthand a blessing or a curse?5.What is the key message the author tries to convey in this essay?,No.1 The author felt that although he had travelled all the way to the remotest place on earth,he still cannot escape what he had

27、already spent too much time doing back home.It is now almost impossible to seclude oneself from the outside world because of the prevailing internet.,No.2People living in the 21st century are immersed in a lifestyle that allows men access to the web anywhere,anytime.Living this way is both a blessin

28、g and a curse.,No.3 Blackberry is wireless and works wherever it picks up a signal.Because of the convenience it offers,people use it almost everywhere and life will be severely handicapped without it.,No.4 Both a blessing and a curse.It is a blessing in that it enhances the speed of communication.I

29、t is a curse because it fails to convey peoples ideas adequately and accurately.,No.5In a sense,we become increasingly oblivious(unconscious of)to the real world while we are enjoying the benefits brought by high technologies,Further readingHer daughters repeated complaintsCan realize what is import

30、ant in their lifeAffected family relationshipsPressuredHis family had intervenedHad an internet addictionProfessional helpOnline dating,E-C“高速公路”这个词是这种现象的一个误导名称。这条“高速公路”与其说是一个静态的网络,不如说是一个社会和商业的环境。该“高速公路”由网络和计算机资源组成,但更重要的是,它定义了一个人与人、组织与组织之间相互作用和联系的新环境。正是由于这些原因,建立这种“高速公路”需要协同合作的力量,而不是过去传统的那种服务提供商用户模式。

31、基于这些概念,信息高速公路可以定义为:“一种不受地理位置制约的用户环境,它使用高速网络和计算机进行多媒体通讯”。这种虚拟环境使得用户第一次可以通过同时使用语音、视频、图象和数据,以近乎真实的方式相互交流。这种环境综合了三种快速发展的技术而建立。它们是:传输,交换和压缩。,C-EInternet,originally established as an experimental network for the U.S.Defense department,now spans more than 20 million computers worldwide,with an estimated 50

32、0,000 increase every year.It offers electronic mail,thousands of bulletin board-type news-groups and a variety of database services.The electronic mail allows you to encapsulate your greetings with video images and sound as well as data.More importantly,it enhances collaborative working through an i

33、nformation-rich exchange of data.,C-EExperiments on transmitting live audio and video over the internet have also been conducted.The sheer size of the Internet makes it a candidate for the backbone of the Information Superhighway.But in order to support the growing number of users and the multimedia applications,the available bandwidth will have to increase dramatically,which is the technical problem at the core of the Information Superhighway.,Topics for research and presentation1.Cyber addiction2.Distant education3.Shopping online,


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