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1、,strike,Verb,Strike(struck,struck,),strike,v.1)1.to hit sb/sth hard or with force;撞,碰,撞击,碰撞Eg:The tree was stuck by lightning.树遭到雷劈。The stone struck her on the forehead.石头击中她的额头。2.To hit sb/sth with your hand or a weapon;打,击Eg:She struck him in the face.她掴了他一耳光。,strike,2)to hit or kick a ball;击打,踢(球

2、等)Eg:He walked.up to the penalty spot and struck the ball fiemly into the back of the net.他走到罚球点,稳稳地把球踢入网内。3)to attack sb/sth,especially suddenly;突击,攻击Eg:Police fear that the killer may strike again.警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。4)to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on sb/sth;(灾难,疾病等)侵袭爆发Eg:Two

3、 days later tragedy struck.两天后悲剧发生了。,strike,5)(of a thought/idea/impression)to come into mind suddenly(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时);突然想到,一下子想起,猛地意识到Eg:An awful thought had just struck me.刚才我脑子里突然闪过了一个可怕的念头。It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.我一下子明白我们能如何改善局面了。Strike

4、 sb(as sth/sb):to give sb a particular impression.给某人(以)印象,让某人觉得Eg:She strikes me as a very efficient person.在我眼里,她是个很干练的人。,strike,6)(of light)to fall on a surface;照在什么上,照射;Eg:The windows sparkled as the sun struck the glass.阳光照得玻璃熠熠生辉。7)usually passiveto put sb sudedenly into a particular state.顿时使

5、处于某种状态To be struck dumb/deaf/blind一时什么也说不出/听不见/看不见8)Strike(for sth):to refuse to work as a protest;罢工Eg:The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%.工会投票决定罢工,要求加薪6%。,strike,9)to rub sth such as match against a surface so that it produces a flame;to produce a flame when rubbed against a rou

6、gh surface.擦,划(火柴等)Eg:The sword struck sparks off the stone floor.剑砍在石地上,火星飞溅。10)to show the time by making a ringing noise,ect.敲;鸣;报时。Eg:The clock has just struck three.时钟刚刚敲过三点。11)to produce a musical note,sound,ect.by pressing key or hitting sth 弹奏;奏响;发出(声音)to strike a chord on the piano.在钢琴上弹出和弦

7、。,strike,12)to discover gold,oli,ect.by digging or drilling.开采出;钻探到Eg:They had struck oil!他们开采出了石油。13)to go somewhere with great energy or purpose;行进,加劲走Eg:We left the road and struck off across the fields.我们下了公路,穿过旷野往前走。,strike,noun,strike,1)a period of time when an organized group of employees of

8、a company stops working because of a disagreement over pay or conditions;罢工,罢课,罢市an unofficial/a one-day stike 未得到批准的/为期一天的罢工。Come out on/go on strike 举行罢工Rent strike 拒缴房租2)a mililitary attack,especially by aircraft dropping bombs.军事进攻;袭击(尤指)空袭,strike,3)An act of hitting or kicking sth/sb,击,打,踢4)a s

9、udden discovery of sth valuable,especially oil(珍贵东西的)意外发现,尤指石油5)a bad thing or action that damages sb/sths reputation.有损声誉的不利因素,打击。,strike,A struck B表示“A打B一下”,而A struck at B表示“A做出打B的动作”,不一定打到B;英美人都用on strike来表示“罢工”,但美国人更习惯说on a strike。,strike,strike,beat,buffet,hit,knock 这组词都可以表示“打”。其区别是:1.buffet和be

10、at都可指“有意地打”。knock和strike既可表示有意地“打”,也可表示无意地“撞”。例如:We were buffeting a storm.我们正与暴风雨搏斗。The fall knocked me senseless.那一次摔得我失去了知觉。The childs head struck against the door.孩子的头撞在门上。,strike,2.buffet表示连续猛击;beat指用棍、棒等连续击打;hit指对准某一目标去“打”;strike指徒手或持物一次性地打击。例如:The waves buffeted the shore.浪拍打着海岸。The missile h

11、it the carrier but only dented the hull.这枚导弹击中了航空母舰,但只是把 舰体打凹了。His fist struck home.他一拳正中要害处。,strike,3.hit引申为“攻击”“抨击”“受打击”,也可以指精神上或感情上的“打击”;beat可指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方,用作不及物动词时,可指心脏或脉搏的“跳动”;而strike则可以用于时钟敲响。例如:The reviewers hit his novel severely.评论家们对他的小说批评得很严厉。This clock strikes on the hour.这个钟报时。n.(名词)b

12、e on strike,go(out)on strike 用法也有所区别:前者通常译为“在罢工”,指一种状态,可与表示一段时间的状语连用;后者往往译为“开始举行罢工”,强调一个动作的发生,不与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:beat strike hit thrash whip 打”之意。,strike,她打了我的头。误 She stuck me on my head.正 She stuck me on the head.析 表示“打中某人某部位”一般用“strike sb onin+某部位”的结构。他划火柴点烟。误 He stuck a match for smoking.正 He stuck

13、 a match to smoke.析 一般用动词不定式来表示一次性具体的目的,而不用“for+v-ing”结构。,strike,钟在敲八点。误 The clock is striking at eight.正 The clock is striking eight.析 表示“钟敲点时”,strike用作及物动词,后面直接接钟点数作宾语,而不必加介词at。我觉得我们在那儿确实学到很多东西。误 It struck to me that we had really learnt a great deal there.正 It struck me that we had really learnt a great deal there.析 strike作“(某种想法)突然产生于(某人的)脑海中”解时,是及物动词,可直接接宾语,而不必加介词to。,strike,Thank you!,


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