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1、,中,西,文,化,比,较,思维模式差异Difference inMode of T,思维模式差异Difference inMode of T,Contrast between Western and Chinese Cultures,A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.海内存知己,天涯若比邻,Wishing you happiness every day!,How Is The Mode of Thinking Formed?,Mode of thinking 思维模式,Human thinking mainly consists of

2、 such elements as knowledge,ideology,methodology,intelligence,emotion,willpower,language and habits.The inter-relationship and interaction of these elements form a dynamic complex system known as the mode of thinking.,人类思维主要由知识、观念、方法、智力、情感、意志、语言、习惯等八大要素组成。这些要素相互联系,相互作用,形成思维模式这样一个动态复杂的系统。,Mode of thi

3、nking 思维模式,The mode of thinking is closely related to the worldview.It is the concentrated embodiment of all cultural and psychological properties and is shaped in a certain historical,social and geographical environment.,思维模式与世界观密切相关,它是各种文化心理素质的集中体现,它在一定的历史、社会、地理环境中形成。,Conversely,a persons establis

4、hed mode of thinking conditions and even determines his/her formation of judgment and pattern of behavior in a certain situation.,反过来,一个人固有的思维模式制约、甚至决定他/她在一定场合所形成的判断和行为。,W-C Difference in Mode of thinking 中西思维模式差异,The western mode is linear,inclined to dissect things into parts and analyze their rel

5、ationships,stressing abstract reasoning and characterized mainly by its analytical nature.,Linear analysis and circular synthesis 线析环综,The Chinese mode is circular,and tends to synthesize parts and examine the whole and emphasize the acquisition of intuitive insight with holistic thinking as its mai

6、n feature.,西方模式如同直线切划,细分明析,注重抽象推理,以分析性思维为其主要特点。,中国模式犹如圆环内封,综观合察,寻求直觉顿悟,以综合性思维为其主要特点。,Plato(428-347 B.C.)柏拉图,gnosis/knowledge/知识,noesis/reason/理性,dianoia/idea/观念,pistis/faith/信念,eikasia/imagination/想像,Platos divided line of knowledge,A lineofabstraction,线型的 抽象过程,Eight Trigrams 八卦图,大人者与天地合其德,与日月合其明,与四

7、时合其序,与鬼神合吉凶。周易乾卦文言 A great man identifies himself with heaven and earth for virtues,with the sun and the moon for brightness,with four seasons for order,and with gods and spirits for luck.,周易:一阴一阳之谓道。Tao consists in Yin and Yang.The Book of Changes(600 BC),Analytical,abstract,logical分析性、抽象性、逻辑性,Holi

8、stic,imaginal,intuitive 整体性、形象性、直觉性,Concept,judgment,inference概念、判断、推理,Intuition,insight,imagination直觉、顿悟、想象,Western Mode,Chinese Mode,Referring to Western mode of thinking,Qian Xuesen(1986)said:“Abstractive thinking seems to be linear or branch-like.“抽象思维似乎是线型或枝型的。”钱学森,Referring to Chinese mode of

9、thinking,Shen Xiaolong(1990)said:“This is a circular dialectic mode of thinking with a strong plastic,flexible and stochastic nature.“这是一种有着极强可塑性、伸张性、随机性的圆式辩证思维方式。”申小龙,Mode of thinking 思维模式,Dr.Kaplan:Editor-in-Chief of the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 卡普兰:应用语言学评论年刊主编,Major Differences 主要差异,C

10、hinese Mode 中国思维模式,Western Mode 西方思维模式,Holistic 整体,Analytical 分析,1,Intuitive 直觉,Logical 逻辑,2,Imaginal 形象,Abstract 抽象,3,Ethical 伦理,Cognitive 认知,4,Fuzzy 模糊,Accurate 精确,5,Intentional 意向,Objective 对象,6,Convergent 求同,Divergent 求异,7,Past-focused 后馈,Future-focused 前瞻,8,Inward 内向,Outward 外向,9,Inductive 归纳,D

11、eductive 演绎,10,Holistic 整体,Analytical 分析,1,Nisbetts Test,Richard E.Nisbett,What have you seen in the picture below?,Holistic 整体,Holistic thinking involves an orientation to the context or field as a whole,including attention to relationships between a focal object and the field,and a preference for

12、explaining and predicting events on the basis of such relationships.Nisbett(2001),整体思维倾向于把情境或场看作是一个整体,注重某一突出的物体及其场的关系,并凭借这种关系来解释和预见事物的情状。,Analytical 分析,Analytical thinking involves detachment of the object from its context,a tendency to focus on attributes of the object in order to assign it to cate

13、gories,and a preference for using rules about the categories to explain and predict the objects behavior.,分析思维倾向于把物体从其情境中分离出来,关注该物体性质以便于归类,并注重运用归类的规则来解释和预见事物的情状。,分析思维倾向于把物体从其情境中分离出来,关注该物体性质以便于归类,并注重运用归类的规则来解释和预见事物的情状。,整体思维倾向于把情境或场看作是一个整体,注重某一突出的物体及其场的关系,并凭借这种关系来解释和预见事物的情状。,Holistic 整体,Analytical 分析,

14、Westerners tend to be analytical and pay more attention to the key,or focal objects in a scene for example,concentration on the woman in the“Mona Lisa”,as opposed to the rocks and sky behind her.,Chinese,by contrast,tend to be holistic.They look at the whole picture and rely on contextual informatio

15、n when making decisions and judgments about what they see.,西方人倾向于分析思维,更多地关注某一场景中的主要或突出物体,例如在“蒙娜丽莎”这幅画中,关注画中的人而非她身后的岩石与天空。,中国人倾向整体思维,他们往往观察整个画面,并依靠在情景中所获得的信息对所观察事物作出决定和判断。,Western Encyclopedia arranged by classification Animals,plants,objects are divided,sub-divided 西方的百科全书层层切分,种类归属分明。,Classification

16、 Units of Plants and Animals:kingdom,division,class,order,family,genus,species,界、门、纲、目、科、属、种,Chinese Leishu A collection of political,social and ethical data arranged circularly in an emperor-centered fashion.中国古代类书是以皇帝为中心的环式体例。,唐代艺文类聚、宋代太平御览、明代永乐大典、清代古今图书集成,Western Articles Clear division in the or

17、ganization of articles title,sub-title,chapters,sections,paragraphs topic sentences 西方文章,标题、章、节、段细分明切,段中一般都有主题句,脉路清晰,一目了然。,Chinese Articles,起承转合:Introduction,elucidation,transition and summing-up,着眼点:首尾呼应,通篇的过渡自然及和谐一致。Unity,harmony,transition and correspondence are given much attention.,An English e

18、xpository paragraph usually begins with a topic statement,and then,a series of sub-divisions of that topic,each supported by examples and illustrations,to develop that central idea and relate that idea to other ideas in the whole essay,and to employ that idea to prove something,or perhaps,to argue s

19、omething.,英语说明文的语段通常以主题句开始,后接分支部分,每部分都有例证和解释,以阐发中心思想,并使这一语段中心思想与全文的其它思想相关联,以此来论证某一观点或提出某一观点。,Robert B.Kaplan,Robert B.Kaplan,Some oriental writing is marked by what may be called an approach by indirection.In this kind of writing,the development of the paragraph may be said to be turning and turning

20、 in a widening gyre.The circles or gyres turn around the subject and show it from a variety of tangential views,but the subject is never looked at directly.,东方人写的文章具有间接入题的特点,可以说,这种文章语段的展开,就像一个不断扩展的环在围绕着主题旋转,通过外围的观点展示主题,却从不直接入题。,“噼里啪啦”窗外,小雨不断如珍珠洒落下来,可是,我却沐浴着永不停息的书雨。书,伴随我成长,Studies serve for delight,f

21、or ornament,and for ability.On Studies,你是彩虹,认为天空伟大,但因你的点缀,太空才如此绚丽。题记一只小老鼠羡慕太阳光芒万丈的伟大,敬佩云朵遮住阳光的伟大,仰慕风吹散云的伟大,却忽视了自己钻过墙,也是一种伟大。这只小老鼠缺少了自信。谈自信,Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person,concept or thing.On Faith,The Eight-part Essay The eight-part essay is a kind

22、of stereotyped writing,focusing on the form but lacking in content.The eight parts consist of 4 pairs of parallel or antithetical writings,cycling around the topic and not approaching the central idea directly.,The Eight-part Essay 八股文分为破题、承题、起讲、入手、起股、中股、后股、束股、落下等组成部分。在起股、中股、后股、束股4个部分,各有两股互相对应的文字,共有

23、八股。八股也称八比,比是对偶的意思。,Western medicine,examine parts of the body through tests,X-rays,NMR,etc.西医看病,先给病人胸透、胃透、验血、验尿、核磁共振,分而检之,再作诊断。,Chinese medicine,general physical condition,pulse,complexion,tongue coating 中医看病,望、闻、问、切,注意的是全身性的综合症状。,Western cuisine strictly-followed recipe,precise quantity of ingredie

24、ntsregular,established procedure 西餐厨师烹饪,各种配料严格计量,操作程序步步分清。,Chinese cuisine casual mixing of ingredients intuitive acquisition of the skill through repeated practice 中餐厨师学厨艺,并不注重定量描述,而是通过模仿,直觉地把握师傅的烹饪技术。,Western painting accurate one-by-one likeness in appearance with emphasis on details:lines,shades

25、 of color,light spectrum 西方油画注重一一对应的精确形似,通过线条、色彩、光线等细节刻意仿真。,Chinese Painting fuzzy resemblance in spirit or essence with emphasis on general effect by using imagination,exaggeration 中国画追求总体模糊神似,运用概括、夸张的手法及丰富的联想表现物象的神韵。,Intuitive 直觉,Logical 逻辑,2,Intuitive 直觉,Logical 逻辑,Debate was prominent in ancient

26、 Greece,and logic was invented.Logic is applied by stripping away the meaning of statements and leaving only their formal structure intact.This makes it easier to see whether an argument is valid or not.,Intuition comes from experience,practice and the 6th sense.It is experience translated by wisdom

27、.Intuitive thinking is nonlinear,like a spark emerging in the maze of illusions.It is the major way by which ancient Chinese saints perceived the world.,辩论风行于古代希腊,于是逻辑学问世。运用逻辑,就是剥去说话的意义,而只留下完整的形式结构,这样就比较容易看清某一论点是否成立。,直觉来自经验、实践和第六感觉,它是经验的睿智阐述。直觉思维是非线性的,犹如幻觉迷宫里突然出现的火花,它是中国古代圣哲感知世界的主要方法。,Western Logic,

28、Syllogism(三段论法)A 3-step argument:1.Major premise(大前提)2.Minor premise(小前提)3.Conclusion(结论),Aristotle formal logic Bacon inductive method of scienceRussell mathematical logicHegel dialectical logic,亚里士多德 形式逻辑培根 科学归纳法 实证科学罗素 数理逻辑黑格尔 辩证逻辑,Examples of Syllogism(三段论法举例),All women like shopping.Alice is a

29、woman.Therefore Alice likes shopping.,Whatever is M is P;S is M;Therefore S is P.,All fruits grow on trees.The apple is a fruit.Therefore,the apple grows on trees.,Either P or Q.Not P.Therefore,Q.,Either Class A or Class B wins.Class A does not win.Therefore,Class B wins.,Logic and Accuracy,Accuracy

30、 results from logical reasoning and the either/or mentality.精确产生于逻辑推理与非此即彼的文化心态。,The world could be understood through logical approaches to their meaning,without reference to the world of the senses.If the senses seemed to contradict conclusions reached from first principles and logic,it was the se

31、nses that had to be ignored.Plato 可以通过逻辑掌握意义,认识世界,而无须借助感觉。如果感觉与第一原则和逻辑所得出的结论矛盾,就不必考虑感觉。柏拉图,Logic and Accuracy,Accuracy results from logical reasoning and the either/or mentality.精确产生于逻辑推理与非此即彼的文化心态。,Of course we have to think accurately!Being the analytical,straight line guy that I am,I have a real

32、problem with fuzzy thinking.I always prefer the straight line approach.Lyman Reed 当然我们必须精确地思考!但作为一个分析型、直线型的人,我缺乏模糊思维能力,我总是喜欢直线的观点。莱曼里德,Chinese Intuition,Knowledge can be acquired without reasoning.无思无虑始知道 庄子知北游,Creativity comes from rude awakening and spontaneous perceptiveness.创造来自于顿悟和灵感。,Tao canno

33、t be expressed by words and what can be done so is not Tao.Tao is motionless and shapeless.It can be handed down but not taught and can be attained but not displayed.道不可言,言而非道,道无为无形,可传而不可受,可得而不可见。庄子大宗师,Chinese Intuition,“豁然贯通”,成语Understand the thorough meaning suddenly.“恍然大悟”成语Be suddenly enlightene

34、d.,心净自悟,顿悟成佛。禅宗六祖坛经 Zen Buddhism A purified mind spontaneously attains perceptiveness and the natural insight enables one to become a Buddha.,Intuition and Fuzziness,“道”、“气”、“太极”Tao,Qi,Tai Chi,书不尽言,言不尽意。易经 What is written does not express all that one has to say;What is said does not convey all that

35、 is on ones mind.,道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。道德经The Tao that can be explained is not an eternal Tao;The names that can be named are not eternal names.,只可意会,不可言传。成语It can be sensed but not expressed in words.,Logic(逻辑)Intuition(直觉),rational 理性 perceptual 感性definite 明晰 fuzzy 模糊precise 严谨 sagacious 睿智deductive 演绎

36、 inductive 归纳,Imaginal 形象,Abstract 抽象,3,a western diagram of lines of abstraction线型抽象,a Chinese picture ofdouble-fish images双鱼形象,天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。,Storms gather without warning in nature;bad luck befalls men overnight.Yang Hsien-yi,The weather and human life are both unpredictable.Hawkes,人无千日好,花无百日红。,M

37、an cannot be always fortunate;flowers do not last forever.,Nobody can always be happy.,疾风知劲草,患难见真情。,Strong winds test sturdy grass;calamities reveal true friendship.,In calamities one sees true friendship.,在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。,In the sky,we will be two love birds flying together;on earth we will be twin

38、 branches on a tree.,We will love and be loyal to each other forever.,病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。,Sickness comes like a landslide but goes like reeling silk.,Sickness comes suddenly but goes slowly.,Abstract concepts,ardent loyalty total exhaustionwith great eagernessfeed on fanciesat high speeddisappear completel

39、ybustling activity,赤胆忠心 gall,heart筋疲力尽 tendon,sinew如饥似渴 hunger,thirst画饼充饥 drawn cake风驰电掣 wind,lightening烟消云散 smoke,cloud龙腾虎跃 dragon,tiger,figures of speech,Ethical 伦理,Cognitive 认知,4,Ethical 伦理,Cognitive 认知,Western mode of thinking is exterior-oriented,giving more attention to the cognitive explorati

40、on of Nature(the objective world),with emphasis on science and theories.,Chinese mode of thinking is interior-oriented,focusing more on the moral inquiry into human nature(the subjective world)with emphasis on ethics and social practice.,西方思维模式是外向的,关注对客观世界(大自然)进行认知探索,重视科学与理论。,中国思维模式是内向的,关注对主观世界(人性)进

41、行道德探索,重视人伦与社会实践。,Ethical 伦理,Cognitive 认知,Ontology Cosmology Epistemology Methodology,仁义礼智信忠恕孝悌,本体论宇宙论认识论方法论,benevolence righteousnesscourtesy wisdomreliabilityloyaltyforgivenessfilial pietyrespect for elders,Alexander the Great(356-323 BC),line of conquest(Macedonia,Greece,Palestine,Syria,Iran,India

42、,Egypt)亚历山大大帝戎马一生,驰骋欧亚非大陆,实现线性的征服。,The First Qin Emperor(259-210 BC),circle of defense(the Great Wall,the Himalayas,the Ocean)秦始皇下令修建长城,实现环性的防御。,The Advantages of Each Mode of Thinking The linear mode of thinking characterized by analytical reasoning and emphasis on clarity and precision is conduciv

43、e to theoretical construction.The circular mode of thinking characterized by synthetic insight and stress on fuzziness and implicitness contributes to empirical revelation of truth.,两种思维模式各有所长 线性思维模式长于分析推理,推崇清晰精确,有利于理论建构;环性思维模式强于综合顿悟,讲求模糊含蓄,有助于体察真谛。,Conclusion 结论,Western mode of thinking is comparat

44、ively linear.,Chinese mode of thinking is relatively circular.,西方思维模式相对以线性为特征,中国思维模式相对以环性为特征,Afterthought 追加的话,Difference:a matter of degree差异只是程度之差Exceptions and counter-evidence不乏例外和反证Purpose:not to judge,but to promote understanding比较的目的并非判定孰优孰劣,而是促进理解。The moon of the west is not rounder and the

45、sun of the east has its spots as well.西方的月亮并不更圆,东方的太阳也有黑子。,中西文化互相融合,取长补短,线与环的结合:线以环的形式伸展环以线的形式旋转,The integration of the line and the circle:The line extends in the form of a circle.The circle rotates in the form of a line.,Create an even more splendid world civilization!创造更加灿烂辉煌的世界文明!,Thank you!,Email:,


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