1、英语四级阅读常用技巧,汪秀川,主要内容:,阅读的基础阅读的常见技巧四级阅读的内容,阅读的基础:推荐两本书 刘毅的英文字根字典 蒋争的英语词汇的秘密,“rupt”:to break(打破)bankruptcy interruption(inter=between)corruption(cor=together)eruption(e=ex=out)rupture disruption(dis=apart,破裂分散)abruption(ab=off,突然破裂),flict=to strike(打击)conflict(对打)v.&n.afflict(打人)affliction inflict(打击)i
2、nfliction Aid will be sent to _.(将向受灾区提供援助)the afflicted/hit/disaster-striken areas.,Epidemics are rampant throughout the whole human history,and they have caused the devastating impacts on us.devastate=de(fully)+vast(waste)+ate(词尾)(变成完全的荒地)anniversary(爱你我洒泪)schedule(车堵了)schemedilemma(带了妈),阅读的常见技巧,图
3、示阅读法 1、由“提干”,定“题位”2、答案在:句中(60)(90,fast reading)句后(30)句前(10)3、“题位”在首句,“答案”在尾句,四级阅读内容,快速阅读(10)选词填空(5)仔细阅读(20)完形填空(10),快速阅读,题量:10 17 选择(A、B、C、D)810 填空(16个单词)时间:15 minutes分值:10,Art for Establishing Human Networking I knew-no computer or technology ever got any of US a raise,landed US that dream job,foun
4、d us that mentor(良师),who cared deeply about US and our careers or put that special joy in our lives that can only come from relationships with others.All these great things are made possible by a completely different type of networking:human networking.And not the kind that has given“networking”a ba
5、d namethat superficial,insincere,manipulative stuff that we all can smell a mile away.No,I am out the true art of networking,based upon respectful and caring relationships that promote mutual success,All these great things are made possible by a completelydifferent type of networking:human networkin
6、g.And not the kind that has given“networking”a bad namethat superficial,insincere,manipulative stuff that we all can smell a mile away.No,I am out the true art of networking,based upon respectful and caring relationships that promote mutual success.1.The true art of networking is based on _relations
7、hip that promote mutual success.A)superficial B)insincere C)respectful and caring D)helpful,RelationshipsLet me start with one of the most fundamental aspects of human relationships.For each and every thing you want to achieve in life whether it is landing a job,earning a raise or promotion or findi
8、ng that lifelong romance there will be at least one person on the other end deciding whether to give you or help you get what you want.Everything we do can only be accomplished through and with other people.Simply put,success,of any kind,requires relationships.Just think of the words of Margaret Whe
9、atley:“Relationships are all there is.Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else.Nothing exists in isolation.We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.”,.Just think of the words of Margaret Wheatley:Relationships are all there is.
10、Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else.Nothing exists in isolation.We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.”2.According to Margaret Wheatley,which of the following statements is true?A)Everything exists in isolation.B)Everyt
11、hing we do can only be accomplished through and with other people.C)Everything we do can be achieved by our individuals.D)Everything can be accomplished without others help if you work hard enough,If this is the way the universe works,you can see why human relationships and human networks are so imp
12、ortant.The most common mistake people make when building relationships for their career success is treating business contacts differently than personal friends.Just think for a moment about the people you work with on a professional level who are also close,personal friends.Arent they always more fo
13、rgiving when you slip up and more helpful when youre in need?Of course!I guarantee your work will become easier and more joyful if you make more of your business relationships personal.How to do it?The same way you make genuine friends.Build trust through intimacy;show them that besides being profes
14、sional youre also human.Skip the small talk and go deep into what really matters your dreams or fears,The most common mistake people make when building relationships for their career success is treating business contacts differently than personal friends.Just think for a moment about the people you
15、work with on a professional level who are also close,personal friends.3.How should we treat business contacts?A)We should make our business relationships more personal.B)We should pretend to be their friends.C)We should never treat them as trustworthy friends.D)We should treat them differently from
16、our personal friends.,your children or the business issues that keep you up at night.And dont think for a moment that theyll think less of you.In fact,usually the opposite happens.When I tell people about my humble beginnings I grew up a country boy in rural,southwestern Pennsylvania,the son of an o
17、ftenunemployed steelworker and a cleaning ladyand how it took me so long to overcome insecurities of being poor and being picked on by kids from more well-to-do families,people dont think less of me.They immediately empathize(感同身受)and feel more endeared to me than ever before.All you have to do is l
18、et your guard down and show enough vulnerability to make others comfortable with opening up to you.Also,dont stop with treating business friends like you treat personal friends.Mix them,too.Invite business contacts to your home and introduce them to your family.,When I tell people about my humble be
19、ginnings I grew up a country boy in rural,southwestern Pennsylvania,the They immediately empathize(感同身受)and feel more endeared to me than ever before.All you have to do is let your guard down and show enough vulnerability tomake others comfortable with opening up to you.4.If you do not mind telling
20、your business friends about your humble experiences,_.A)theyll look down upon you B)theyll not do business with youC)theyll think less of you for a moment D)theyll feel more endeared to you than ever before,Invite a client out to dinner along with an old pal from school and your significant other or
21、 a date.Dont compartmentalize(划分)your personal,professional and community lives.Blur the boundaries!Youll have more fun and do more for all three parts of your life in less time.PlanningThe more specific you are about what you want to do,the easier it becomes to develop a strategy to accomplish it.P
22、art of that strategy,of course,will be establishing relationships with the people in your universe who can help you get where youre going.So,first do some deep introspection(自省)to find your Blue Flame,the thing in life that really lights your fire.Write,pray,whatever you need to do to clear your hea
23、d and figure this stuff out.I enjoy great results from Vipassana meditation.Once youve found your Blue Flame,its time to have a RAP,or a Relationship Action Plan.Heres a simple way to,PlanningThe more specific you are about what you want to do,the easier it becomes to develop a strategy to accomplis
24、h it.Part ofthat strategy,of course,will be establishing relationships with the people in your universe who can help you get where youre going.So,first do some deep introspection(自省)to find your Blue Flame,the thing in life that really lights your fire.Write,pray,whatever you need to do to clear you
25、r head and figure this stuff out.I enjoy great results from Vipassana meditation.5.When you plan to build up your network,the first thing is to find out _ in your lifewhat the easiest thing is B)what the most important thing isC)who you care most D)how to begin it,get started.Write down your goals a
26、nd the names and types of people who can help you achieve them.Then,note how you can reach those people and how you can contribute to their success,also.The more specific a plan you have and the more you put your goals out to others,the more everyone will conspire to help you achieve your dreams.On
27、the other hand,if you dont know what you want or you dont tell anyone,no one can help you.They cant read your mind.I cant tell you how many times a friend has called me and said,“Keith,I just became unemployed.I need to start networking;will you teach me how?”My answer:“No.No.No.You need to start jo
28、b-hunting!You should have been building relationships for the past 5 or 10 years,so now that you need a job,you could make 20 calls and have 5 job offers waiting for you in a week.”PresentationWhen I give talks to college and graduate students,they always ask me,“What are the secrets to success?What
29、 are the unspoken rules for making it big?”Preferably,theyd like my,response wrapped up in a tight package and tied with a neat little bow.Why not?I wanted the same thing at their age.“So you want the inside scoop,”I respond.“Fair enough.Ill sum up the key to Success in one word:Generosity.”The kids
30、 are shocked because they think Im going to give them“networking”advice.And when they think of“networking.”they think of a guy holding a martini with one hand and scattering business cards with the other.Hes hell-bent on doing anything it takes to“get to the top”,including climbing on the backs of o
31、thers.The era of that Networking Jerk is over.I learned that the hard way.Once,a mentor of mine said to me,“Stop driving yourself and everyone elsecrazy thinking about how to make yourself successful.Start thinking about how youre going to make everyone around you successful.”Please,learn from my mi
32、stakes and the mistakes of many others.Dont be a networking jerk.Remember that the NO.1 key to success is generosity.Give your talents,give your contacts and give your hard work to make others successful without ever,“So you want the inside scoop,”I respond.“Fair enough.Ill sum up the key to Success
33、 in one word:Generosity.”The kids are shocked because they think Im going to give them“networking”advice.And when they think of“networking.”they think of a guy holding a martini with one hand and scattering business cards with the other.Hes hell-bent on doing anything it takes to“get to the top”,inc
34、luding climbing on the backs of others.6.What is the key to Success according to the author?A)Kindness.B)Diligence.C)Generosity.D)Consideration.,The era of that Networking Jerk is over.I learned that the hard way.Once,a mentor of mine said to me,“Stop driving yourself and everyone elsecrazy thinking
35、 about how to make yourself successful.Start thinking about how youre going to make everyone around you successful.”7.According to a mentor of the author,we should _ when the era of that Networking Jerk is over?A)start thinking about how were going to make everyone around us successfulB)start thinki
36、ng about how to make our family members successfulC)drive ourselves crazy thinking about how to make ourselves successfulD)drive everyone else crazy thinking about how to make himself successful,keeping score.While I would say that your relationships are the most critical piece of your personal bran
37、d,before you Call develop those relationships youve got to know something and have something to say.Just having a brain and an MBA wont get you anywhere anymore.If you want to become more valuable in the marketplace or more intriguing to the world at large,you must develop some deep expertise in you
38、r mind and root some higherorder passion in your heart.Think of the worlds real movers and shakers;they are such because they are about something.Richard Branson executing the remarkable.The late Princess Diana一一helping the unfortunate.They are and were interesting.You can be,too.Strength in Numbers
39、This rule is obviously one no one can follow 100 percent.Its just a great way to remember to share your passions一一to invite others into the activities you are already enjoy doing.I really love sharing delicious food,good wine and great company.I also bring friends to workouts or to church.You might
40、have similar passions,While I would say that your relationships are the most critical piece of your personal brand,before you Call develop those relationships youve got to know something and have something to say.Just having a brain and an MBA wont get you anywhere anymore.If you want to become more
41、 valuable in the marketplace or more intriguing to the world at large,you must develop some deep expertise in your mind and root some higherorder passion in your heart.8.If you want to improve interpersonal relationship,you should improve your personal brand with deep expertise and _.,or you might e
42、njoy doing community service,gardening or watching movies.If youll just remember to share your passions,building and deepening relationships will take no extra time than you already devote to your favorite activities,and people will see you in your best light.Just as people lose weight more effectiv
43、ely if they have a workout partner,your ongoing efforts to build relationships will be more successful if you team up.You and your buddy can provide each other support,guidance and motivation.And youll always be prepared to try one of my favorite tactics-trading networks.Throw a dinner party togethe
44、r,and youll each be responsible for only half the guest list,half the cost and half the effort.But youll expand your circle of friends to twice the size,and I guarantee it will be twice the fun!,If youll just remember to share your passions,building and deepening relationships will take no extra tim
45、e than you already devote to your favorite activities,and people will see you in your best light.9.Inviting others to_ is a way to improve relationships because in these activities people will see you at your best.,Just as people lose weight more effectively if they have a workout partner,your ongoi
46、ng efforts to build relationships will be more successful if you team up.You and your buddy can provide each other support,guidance and motivation.And youll always be prepared to try one of my favorite tactics-trading networks.Throw a dinner party together,and youll each be responsible for only half
47、 the guest list,half the cost and half the effort.But youll expand your circle of friends to twice the size,and I guarantee it will be twice the fun!10.If you want to pay half of the effort and get double of the success,you should _.,仔细阅读(reading on depth),题量:52时间:582 minutes分值:20,CET6 200606,Youre
48、in trouble if you have to buy your own brand-name prescription drugs.Over the past decade,prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate.Treatments for chronic conditions can easily top$2,000 a month-no wonder that one in four Americans cant afford to fill their prescriptions.The solution?A he
49、arty chorus of“O Canada.”North of the border,where price controls reign,those same brand-name drugs cost 50%to 80%less.The Canadian option is fast becoming a political wake-up call,“If our neighbors can buy drugs at reasonable prices,why cant we?Even to whisper that thought provokes anger.“Un-Americ
50、an!”And-the propagandists trump card(王牌)“Wreck our brilliant health-care system.”Super size drug prices,they claim,fund the research that sparks the next generation of wonder drugs.No sky-high drug price today,no cure for cancer tomorrow.So shut up and pay up.,Youre in trouble if you have to buy you