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1、Extensive Reading 1,Stephanie 刘爽,Discussion,What do you know about Extensive Reading?What do you expect to learn?,What is Extensive Reading?,Extensive reading for pleasure and general understanding Intensive reading accurate reading for detailed understanding,Why do extensive reading?,It can provide

2、 massive comprehensible input.It can consolidate previously learned language.It leads to improvement in writing.It teaches us about the culture of the target language users.It can enhance our general language competence.It helps to build confidence.,It can motivate us to read more.,How much should w

3、e read?,If we have an hour to read a day,we should read at least 25 pages a day.If we only have half an hour to spend on reading,then we need to read at least 10 pages.Read as widely as possible,and as much as possible,as enjoyably as possible.,What kind of materials are suitable?,Choosing materials

4、 which are at least 98%comprehensible.There should be very little new vocabulary and very little new grammar.One or two new words per page and one new sentence structure per section would be ideal.The more interesting the texts are,the more we will like reading,and the sooner we will start doing vol

5、untary reading on our own.,Book List,1、简爱 Jane Eyre2、雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist 3、傲慢与偏见 Pride&Prejudice4、苔丝 Tess of the D Urbervilles 5、远大前程 Great Expectations 6、大卫科波菲尔 David Copperfield 7、谁动了我的奶酪 Who Moved My Cheese8、远离尘嚣 Far from the Madding Crowd 9、双城记 Tale of Two Cities 10、格列佛游记 Gullivers Travels,Teachin

6、g requirements&plan,1.Participate in class actively&creatively2.Preview and review lessons in time3.Finish all the assignments4.Persist in self-study,Outline,New lessons 1.Reading skills:Previewing(1)2.Love 3.Exercises 4.Summary&assignments,Reading Skills,PreviewingIt means looking ahead and checkin

7、g for information in advance.Steps to preview a textbook:Read the title of the book.Read the table of contents.Read the preface.Read briefly the index,glossary,appendix,bibliography and other special supplements.,Unit 11.Text LoveThought questions,1.How many parts do you divide this text into?2.What

8、s the main idea of this text?3.Why does the father change his attitude towards snakes?4.What does the author mean by using the word“love”?5.What revelations do you have about this story?,11,12,Jesse Hilton Stuart(1907 1984)was an American writer who is known for writing short stories,poetry,and nove

9、ls about Southern Appalachia,pleitj.,About the Author:Jesse Stuart,1.3 Part 1:Retelling,What does Part 1 tell?,It mainly tells about the fathers smart dog,Bob,killing a poor female snake who is pregnant with eggs and does not appear vicious or ferocious.Both the father and the son are deeply struck

10、by the violent death of the mother snake.The father,who hates snakes,feels somewhat regretful about his sicking his dog at the innocent snake.,13,Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(Paragragh 1)The cows kept coming through the chestnut oaks on the cliff and running over the young corn.Th

11、ey bit off the tips of the corn and trampled down the stubble.,牛群不断地从悬崖上的板栗橡树林中跑过来,横穿过玉米苗田。他们咬掉玉米苗尖,继而踩倒幼苗。,over prep.from one side of sth to the other;across sth 从一边到另一边;穿越They ran over the grass.,14,Collie:柯利牧羊犬、苏格兰牧羊犬,a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scot

12、land,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(Para 2)We heard a ground squirrel whistle down over the bluff among the dead treetops at the clearings edge.,whistle vi.to move quickly,making a high sounde.g.The wind whistled down the chimney.从悬崖上空地边缘的枯萎的树梢里传来了一只地松鼠的叫声。我们听到了一只地松鼠迅速窜下,16,Wh

13、at does the verb whistle mean?,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(Para 2)He lifted up a young stalk of corn.This has been a dry spring and the corn has kept well in the earth.,17,Why does the writer suddenly turn to the use of the present perfect tense?,The latter is used to expla

14、in the former.,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(Para 2)This has been a dry spring and the corn has kept well in the earth where the grain has sprouted.,今年春天很干燥,发芽的玉米长势还不错。,今年春天很干燥,玉米粒发芽的土里有些玉米粒子还保存完好。,18,酌情添加的字眼,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(Para 3)The du

15、st flew in tiny swirls behind our feet.,我们身后扬起一片尘土。脚后跟扬起一小圈一小圈的尘土。脚后跟扬起一圈圈尘土。,19,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.20-21)Bob was jumping and snapping at the snake so as to make it strike and throw itself off guard.,鲍勃正在边跳边咬蛇,逼迫它反击,进而使它疏于防范。,鲍勃正在反复跳跃着,抓弄着那条蛇,以逼迫它反击,然后疏于防范。,20,1

16、.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.25-26)A blacksnake is a harmless snake.It kills poison snakes.It kills the copperhead.How do you understand the sentences?Does understanding them require you to have some knowledge of the fauna of North America?,21,1.3.2 Possible difficult word

17、s,phrases and sentences,Some species of blacksnakes are not venomous.Coluber constrictor.,22,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.29-30)I wondered why it was crawling toward a heap of black loamy earth at the bench of the hill.,我很好奇为何刚刚它正向小山边的黑壤土堆爬去。山岗的平台边的黑色肥土堆爬去。,23,1.3.2 Possi

18、ble difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.29-30)I wondered why it had come from the chest-nut oak sprouts and the matted greenbriars on the cliff.,我同样好奇它为什么会离开悬崖上板栗橡树的嫩芽和绿色荆棘丛。,我同样好奇它为什么会离开悬崖上板栗橡树的嫩芽和互相缠绕的绿藤蔓。,24,拼写错误,(ll.44-45)She acted like a green weed held over a new-ground fires.,25,How to

19、understand and translate the adjective blue?,(l.66)His face was red in the blue wind of day.,父亲的脸在冷风中变得通红。父亲的脸庞在白日凄冷的风中变得通红。,26,举一反三,(ll.70-71)I thought it was silly for me to think such thoughts.Interesting and attention-arresting?,Live a great life,die a glorious death.Smile a contemptuous smileDr

20、eam a sweet dreamSigh a sighPlain Jane smiled a thin little smile.(l.40,p.100)They are termed the cognate objects(同源宾语).,27,1.4 Part 21.4.1 Retelling,The next day after the father and the sons dog kills the poor female blacksnake,they come again to the place where the carcass of the dead snake lies.

21、To their surprise,they find that the female dead snakes mate is lying beside.This unexpected sight moves them deeply.It makes the father even more repentant.The father starts to change his attitude towards snakes.,28,1.4.1 Retelling,He asks his son to move the faithful snake away from the scene,for

22、fear that their dog might spot and kill it.,29,1.4.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.72-73)This morning my father and I got up with the chickens.He says one has to get up with the chickens to do a days work.,今早我和父亲在鸡鸣的时候就起床了,他说人要闻鸡起床去开始一天的工作。,30,1.4.2 Possible difficult words,phra

23、ses and sentences,(ll.76-77)It was a good morning wind to breathe and a wind thatIs the noun wind used as a countable noun?,并不用作可数名词,而是表示风的种类。,31,1.4.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(l.79)I walked out the corn row where we had come yesterday afternoon.,我来到昨天下午我们来过的玉米田边。,走到,32,1.4.2

24、Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.80-81)It was moving like a huge black rope winds around a windlass.(LDODE 5)in the same way as.Some people consider this use to be incorrect:Dont talk to me like you talk to a child.,它正像盘绕在绞盘机上的黑色绳索般移动着。,它在蠕动着,就像一根粗大的黑色绳索围着绞盘机缠绕一样。,33,当代美国流行小说作品大量使用

25、连词like,如美国惊悚小说作家Dan Brown的小说The Lost Symbol,34,1.5 口头练习1.5.1 回答问题(前面提出的),What do know about Jesse Stuart?How many parts do you reasonably divide this text into?Whats the main idea of this text?Why does the father change his attitude towards snakes?What does the author mean by using the word“love”?,3

26、5,1.5.1 回答问题,5.What revelations do you have about this story?,36,Q&A,1.5.2 概括课文大意,用自己的35句话,概括课文大意,37,1.6 朗读环节,朗读段落:ll.35-41要求:声音响亮发音地道连贯流利声情适切,38,1.7 笔头练习和课堂讨论,pp.4-6 A.d B.1-5 c d d a d 6-9 c a c d C.1-5 d b d d a 7-10 d c b d dD.Discussing topics(p.6),39,1.8 修辞赏析,本文是典型的现代英语作品的范例。用词简单。多数用词是简短的、简单的盎

27、格鲁萨克逊词语。25个字母构成。句子简短,句子结构简单易懂。多数句子不超过15个词,多数句子是简单句。这种简易文风的美是力透纸背的。这是现代英语的趋势。,40,1.8 修辞赏析,实验:定睛看着本文的某一页几秒钟,再看北京周报某一页或笛福、斯威夫特或狄更斯的某一页,41,1.8 修辞赏析,你喜欢这种文体风格吗?,42,1.9 答疑环节,Any(good)questions?,43,2.Reading skills Previewing(预读;预览),Whats previewing?What steps should a reader normally follow?A relevant que

28、stion:Does this section remind you of online book-buying?Do all books for online sale have a“look inside!”link?If not,how would you preview it?Does it cause an annoyance to you when you are choosing a right book?,44,2.Previewing,It reminds me of an article written by Wang Dongjie(王东杰)from Sichuan Un

29、iversity,published in the Southern Weekly(南方周末)newspaper.,45,该文第4段,当然,这问题绝非“习惯”这么简单。在实体书店买书,总可以先翻一翻。一本书的内容、表述,有无插图、索引、文献目录,甚至一些纯物质性因素,如字体、版 式、纸张,皆可摸得到,看得着,令人踏实,而且常常成为买书时的决定因素。在网上就不然。电子服务再便宜和快捷,书的物质形式给人的微妙感受,也是难以取 代的。,46,王东杰,1971年生,河南濮阳人。1993年四川大学历史学士,1996年复旦大学历史学硕士,2002年四川大学历史学博士。1996年起在四川大学历史文化学院任教

30、。现为四川大学历史文化学院教授,博士生导师,近现代史教研室主任。,47,3.Testing your reading comprehension and speed(fast reading)3.1 Passage 13.1.1 Summary,Many animal experts believe that animals are capable of feelings,including love and hate.Animals such as dogs and cats particularly form strong attachments to human beings.Human

31、 beings in return seek solace in them.Therefore,animals should be treated well.,48,3.1.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.16-17)Animals are hard-wired to greet each other.,动物天性就喜欢互相表示好意。,49,3.1.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.17-18)The animal is glad to see you

32、,and its not because youre going to whip out a treat.,动物高兴见到你,但是这不是因为你要扔出好吃的东西给它们。,50,3.1.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(l.4)Animals have a strong bond to love each other.bond n.something that forms a connection between people or groups,such as a feeling of friendship or shared id

33、eas and experiences,纽带;联系;关系e.g.the special bond between mother and childThe agreement strengthened the bonds between the two countries.,51,3.1.3 Exercises,(p.9)1-5 c d b c c,52,3.2 Passage 23.2.1 Summary,This passage tells about the early years of Jesse Stuarts literary creation.Stuart began to pub

34、lish literary works even when he was in high school.His works focus on regional topics,but the themes of his works are universal in nature.His works demonstrate various themes,which are universally meaningful.They include wild animal protection and the power of land and nature.,53,3.2.2 Possible dif

35、ficult words,phrases and sentences,(l.1)concrete workerConcrete workers make,pour,spread and finish concrete for a variety of structures such as buildings,stairs,footpaths,driveways,patios and bridges.,混凝土工人,54,3.2.3 Questions,(p.10-11)6-10 d a c d c,55,3.3 Passage 33.3.1 Summary,This passage is tha

36、t of reflections on life.The author sighs for his lost childhood.He still cherishes the memory of his childhood years.He laments that one has got old and less nave before he realizes that his childhood is forever gone.One tends to be caught up in the childhood illusions when he is confronted with th

37、e fact that he has now grown up,compelled to fight various harsh realities.,56,3.3.1 The main idea,Although he is old,the author manages to be optimistic about his routine life.He plays on the stage to make his audience happy,for example.,57,3.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.1

38、1)I can play upon the stage like a child,我能像个小孩子一样在舞台上演戏,58,3.3.3 Questions,(p.11-12)11-15 c c b c d,59,4.Home readingA Wonderful Present4.1 About the author,Charles Fulton Oursler(January 22,1893 Baltimore,Maryland-May 24,1952 New York City)was an American journalist,playwright,editor and writer.Wr

39、iting as Anthony Abbot,he was a notable author of mysteries and detective fiction.(http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulton_Oursler),60,61,4.2 Retelling,This is a well-plotted short story with a surprise ending.Pete Richards,the antique shop owner,who could not pull himself out of deep grief after his gir

40、l friend was accidentally killed in a traffic accident,was in low spirits lately,feeling that he was the loneliest man in this town where he kept his shop.One evening he was about to close his shop when Jean Grace,a little girl with big blue eyes and blond hair,came in.,62,4.2 The main idea,She want

41、ed to buy a Christmas present for her elder sister,who cared for her after their mother died.She picked a turquoise necklace.But obviously she could not afford to buy it.She emptied out all her pennies of her coat pocket onto the counter,saying“This is all I have.”,63,4.2 The main idea,Pete was deep

42、ly moved by the little girls naivety and love for her sister.He decided to give the expensive necklace to the honest,nave,and grateful girl who had hair and eyes of the same color as her girlfriend he loved.The girl happily left with the free-of-charge necklace.Pete felt that the blue eyes of Jean G

43、race brought him out of that world of self-pity and made him remember again all that he had lost.,64,4.2 The main idea,The time was late now.Just as he was deep in the flight of meditation,a young woman,whose hair was also sunlight yellow and whose eyes were also sea-blue,opened the door and entered

44、.Without saying a word,she produced the package and the ribbon.A fascinating conversation ensued.Pete explained that it was a genuine necklace,adding that her younger sister“paid the biggest price one can ever pay.She gave all she had.”,65,4.2 The main idea,But the elder sister insisted that she sho

45、uld not have that present for nothing.At that moment,Pete had been favorably impressed by the elder sisters honesty.He put the package back into her hands.The clock struck twelve at midnight.Thinking that it was late,he offered to send the elder sister home.,66,4.3 Follow-up exercises,(p.15-16)1-5 d

46、 b b d c 6-10 b a b d c,67,4.4 Questions for group discussion(If we have time),Why did Pete close his hand over the price mark on the necklace?Why was the present so wonderful?What do you guess happens later?Are you interested in writing a follow-up(续篇)to the story?,68,THE ENDTHANK YOU FOR LISTENING!,69,


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