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1、Unit5 Look at me!,sister,father,mother,grandpa,grandma,me,Magic eyes:集中注意力观察,迅速说出闪现的单词或字母,如果是图片就拍拍手。,Talk about your family and friend.(谈论你的家人和朋友),Hi,Im.This is my father.This is my mother.This is me.This isShes/Hes my friend.,Hi,Im Alice.Today,Im very happy.Because there is a fashion show in the sc

2、hool.Do you want to go with me?,Our new friend 我们的新朋友,Look at my T-shirt.看我的T恤衫。,What s this?,Can you give praise?你能赞美一下吗?,Its nice.它真美。,Look at my skirt.看我的短裙。,What s this?,Can you give praise?你能赞美一下吗?,How nice!它真美啊!,一顶帽子,a ca,Look at my cap!,t,P,What s this?,Can you give praise?你能赞美一下吗?,Its great.

3、真棒。,Look at my jacket.,a jacket一件夹克衫,Can you give praise?你能赞美一下吗?,Great!真棒啊!,What s this?,Its pretty.它是美丽的。,Cool!真酷啊!,Its smart.它是美丽的。,What else can we say?,Say a chant,T-shirt,T-shirt,look at my T-shirt.Nice,nice.Oh,how nice!Skirt,skirt,look at my skirt.Great,great.Oh,its great!,Make a chant,_,_,lo

4、ok at my _.Nice,nice.Oh,how nice!_,_,look at my _.Great,great.Oh,its great!,Who are they?,YYang Ling,YYang Lings mother,Unit 5 Look at me!,What are they doing?Please guess.,Watch and tick,你能勾出杨玲试穿哪些衣服吗?,(),(),(),(),1.妈妈是怎样评价她的T恤衫的?,Watch and answer:,2.妈妈是怎样评价她的短裙的?,3.妈妈是怎样评价她的帽子的?,Its nice.,How nice

5、!,Its great.,Watch and answer,1.Look at someone.看着某人。2.Clap your hands.拍手。3.Show your thumbs.竖起大拇指。,How to praise?怎样称赞别人?,Let read.,Lets read,选择你们小组喜欢的方式读读故事,.,Lets dub and act for story,小朋友们,注意你的语音,语调哦!,A fashion show,Look at my T-shirt.,Look at my skirt.,Look at my cap.,Look at my jacket.,Lets des

6、ign our clothes.,Take out your paper,and desire your favorite clothes.拿出白纸,设计你喜爱的衣服吧!完成后,和你的同桌交流一下哦!,A:Hello,Im.Look at my B:Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!,Ticking time,Summary:本课主要学习了一些服饰用语,如果想请人看自己的服饰,可以说Look at my,若是看自己是Look at me!觉得别人的服饰好看可以用这样的句子来赞美:Its nice!Its great!How nice!Great!,Hom

7、ework1.Read the dialogue to skilled and recite the dialogue.跟读对话至熟练并背诵对话。2.Try to act out the story in a pair.同伴两人表演下这故事吧!3.The next lesson with colored paper,watercolor pen,scissors and glue.下节课带彩色报纸、水彩笔、剪刀和胶水。,Thank you!,Unit 5,When you give the praise,you also can say当你想赞扬别人时,也可以说:pretty漂亮,smart时

8、尚,beautiful美丽,well done做得好,good job做得好.,Story time,How does Mum give praise?,妈妈是如何赞扬和夸奖的呢?,它很好看,真好看!,它好看极了!,好极了!,Reading time,1.Read after the recording.跟着录音读一读,2.Read in roles.分角色读一读,3.Read or act it out in pairs 同位两人读读或表演,A fashion show,观看一次时装秀,试着用你学会的话夸奖小模特们的衣物。,1、当你展示自己的T恤衫时,你可以怎么说?,2、当你展示自己的鸭舌帽

9、时,你可以怎么说?,3、你觉得某样东西或地方好看极了,你能说出 几种夸奖的方式?,Look at my T-shirt.,Look at my cap.,Its nice.How nice!Its great!great!,今天你学到了多少?,irt,T-,shirt,T-sh,sk,短裙,/:/,/:/,男士衬衣,Lets write.,Yang Ling:Look at my.Mum:Its.,Yang Ling:Look at my.Mum:nice!,T-shirt,skirt,How,nice,Lets write.,Yang Ling:Look at my.Mum:Its.,Yang Ling:Look at!Mum:Great!,cap,me,great,


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