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1、第九章:英汉篇章的翻译,L,Negation,A.英语的否定:1.借助词汇手段外,2.借助句子结构和特殊表达方式:全部否定、部分否定、双重否定、形式否定、意义否定等念。B.汉语的否定:“不”、“非”、“否”、“勿”、“别”、“无”、“未”、“莫”、“不是”、“没有”、“决不”、“毫 无”、“几乎没有”、“几乎不”等简单的词汇。,III.Negation in translation,1.全部否定,在英语中,全部否定是通过一些否定词来表达的。这类否定词常用的有:no,none,not,never,nobody,nothing,nowhere,neither.nor 等。全部否定的译法一般可直接译

2、成汉语的否定句。例如:1)Nowadays it is not difficult to go abroad.现如今出国并不难。2)The boy was nowhere to be found.到处都找不到那个男孩。,III.Negation in translation,1)某些不定代词:all,both,every,each“不都是”、“并非都”、“并不都”、“不全是”2)某些副词:often,always“不总是”3)有些副词:hardly,scarcely,seldom,barely,few,little等词也表示部分否定。例如:,2.部分否定,III.Negation in tra

3、nslation,1)All the novelists detective cases,however,were not successful.然而,那位小说家的侦探案例并不都是那么成功的。2)Both the instruments are not precision ones.这两台仪器并非都是精密的。3)The bell had hardly rung when the teacher came into the classroom.铃一响老师就走进教室了。4)Seldom do people go to the cinema nowadays.现在人们很少看电影。,III.Negat

4、ion in translation,2.部分否定,1)Nothing is so difficult that it can not be done.有志者事竟成。2)There is not any advantage without disadvantage.有一利必有一弊。3)It is none other than zinc.这就是锌。,3.双重否定,III.Negation in translation,1)If there were no energy,there would be no force and work.没有能量,就不会有力和功。2)He cannot but a

5、gree.他不得不同意。3)There is no story without coincidence.无巧不成书。,III.Negation in translation,3.双重否定,4.形式上否定,意义上肯定,有些英语句子或短语形式上是否定的,意义上却是肯定的。这类句子一般可译成汉语的肯定句。现分述如下:“nothing”有时意为“零”、“正好”。如:1)Multiply 6 by nothing,and the result is nothing.六乘以零等于零。2)He is five foot nothing.他整整五英尺高。,III.Negation in translation

6、,“cannot be+too 形容词”意为“怎么.也不过分”、“越.越好”。如:1)You cannot be too careful in answering an English paper.答英语卷越仔细越好。2)This point cannot be overemphasized.这一点应该特别强调。(或:这一点怎么强调也不过分。),III.Negation in translation,4.形式上否定,意义上肯定,“no,none,nothing+but,like”意为“只有”、“只”、“不过”等。“nothing short of”则有“简直可以说”的意思。如:1)There

7、is no man but errs.人人难免有过失。2)Nothing but a miracle can save him.只有奇迹才能挽救他。,III.Negation in translation,4.形式上否定,意义上肯定,5.表示否定的特殊结构、短语和词汇,有些动词如:refuse,wonder,fail 等可意译成汉语否定词。1)The engine failed to start.发动机(打)不着(火)。2)I wonder if I can go with you.我不知道能不能和你们一起走。3)The drain just refused to work.排水管就是不排水。

8、,III.Negation in translation,above,beyond,out of;last,short(of),far from;副词ill;连词before等,在某些句子的上下文中有否定含义 1)It is beyond my power to I make such a decision.我没有权力做这样的决定。2)He would be the last man to be in charge of such a project.他最不合适负责这一工程。,III.Negation in translation,5.表示否定的特殊结构、短语和词汇,3)This questi

9、on is far from being difficult.这个问题一点也不复杂。4)We are short of hands at present.我们目前人手不够。5)Mr.Green is out of town this week.格林先生这星期不在城里。6)He was ill treated in hospital.他在医院里受到不公正待遇。7)I would die before I surrender.我宁死也决不投降。,5.表示否定的特殊结构、短语和词汇,III.Negation in translation,8)He is anything but modest.他一点

10、儿也不谦虚。9)We tried in vain to measure the voltage.我们原想测量电压,但没有成功。10)We gave him some good advice,but he made light of it.我们给他忠告,但他不当一会事。,III.Negation in translation,5.表示否定的特殊结构、短语和词汇,“no more than”,“no less than”意为“只.”“一样.”等。1)We developed no more than three kinds of advertisers.我们只研制了三种信号装置。2)She is

11、no less active than she used to be.她跟从前一样活跃。,5.表示否定的特殊结构、短语和词汇,III.Negation in translation,1)Dont you think it foolish to act like this?难道你不认为这样做很傻吗?2)Hasnt the train arrived?火车难道还没到?,6.英语中反诘问句,III.Negation in translation,7否定转移,形式上否定的是谓语动词,而实际意义上 否定的是另一个名词短语形式上否定的是一个名词短语,而实际意 义上否定的是谓语动词形式上否定的是主语部分,而

12、实际意义上 否定的是从句部分。,III.Negation in translation,8“no”与谓语动词的肯定式句型:,“在no与动词的肯定式”句型中,no所表达的否定常常转移到谓语动词上。一般译成“不+动词”。如:1)At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.中国在任何时候任何情况下,都不首先使用核武器。2)A transformer provides no power of its own.变压器本身不产生电力。,III.Negation in transla

13、tion,9.“no”和“not”表示否定意义的区别:,“no”和“not”都含有否定的意思,但在句子里意思有很大不同。例如:1)He is not a doctor.他不是医生。He is no doctor.他根本不是医生。2)It is not a joke.这不是笑话。It is no joke.这绝不是开玩笑的事。,III.Negation in translation,10.某些词后的否定转移,英语中表示看法和想法的动词:think,suppose,believe,guess,expect,imagine 1)I dont suppose they will arrive on t

14、ime.我想他们不会准时来。2)I dont think it is good to marry early.我认为早婚没什么好处。,III.Negation in translation,Exercises in class.,I.Put the following into Chinese,paying special attention to negation.1.Im wiser than to believe what you call money talks.我才不相信你所介绍的金钱论呢(你说的金钱万能呢)。2.He would do anything he was asked t

15、o do but return to his old life.叫他干什么他都愿意,只是不要再过那种日子就行。3.All graduates from the Foreign Languages Institutes will not be appointed to do translation work.外语院校的毕业生并非人人被分配去做翻译工作。,III.Negation in translation,4.Africa is not kicking out western imperialism in order to invite other new master.非洲踢出西方帝国主义并

16、不是为了请进其他新的主子。5.One could not be too careful in a new neighborhood.新到一个陌生的地方,越小心越好。6.Nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defect on close inspection.再漂亮的东西,只要仔细观察,也会发现某种缺陷。,III.Negation in translation,7.All other sources of heat besides the sun would not raise the temperature of the earth 1/4

17、degree F.除了太阳的热源以外,所有其他热源都不能把地球的温度升高华氏1/4度。8.One may as well be asleep to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals,and regulate his conduct.读书如果不是为了培养才德和端庄的品行,还不如睡大觉好。,III.Negation in translation,9.It is not our view that the substance or the tone of his remarks this morning will contribute to creating a lasting peace in the Middle East.今天上午他讲话的内容和语气,对促进中东持久和平是不利的,这就是我们的观点。10.This failure could be blamed on the apparent failure to ensure that communicative skill inadequately represented in language courses.这一失败显然可归咎于未能保证做到把交际技巧适当地运用于语言课程。,III.Negation in translation,


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