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1、限定性定语从句及非限定性定语从句,定语从句注意事项,1.I met John,who is my classmate.我遇到约翰,他是我的同班同学。2.He has just been back from New York,which is a very big city in the United States.他刚从纽约回来,那是美国的一个大城市。3.Here comes my father,who is an English teacher.我父亲来了,他是个英语老师。,4.Thats my only son,who is attending college.那是我惟一的儿子,他正在念大

2、学。5.I went to the train station this morning,which was crowded with passenger我今早去火车站,车站里挤满了旅客。,1.He is a boy who works hard.他是个用功的男孩。2.I like the book which he bought yesterday.我喜欢他昨天买的那本书。3.He is a good boy who studies hard.他是个用功的好孩子。,4.He is a good boy,who studies hard.他是个好孩子,很用功。5.I like that goo

3、d book which he bought yesterday.我喜欢他昨天买的那本好书。6.I like that good book,which he bought yesterday.我喜欢那本好书,那是他昨天买的。,小结,1.一般名词可用限定性定语从句修饰,其关系代词前不加逗号。翻译时先译从句,再译被修饰的名词。2.专有名词(Tom,John,Beijing)及独一性名词(father,mother)之后接定语从句,该关系代词之前一定要加逗号,即用非限定性定语从句。,3.一般名词前已有形容词,该名词后的定语从句可依作者的喜好。我们了解了限定修饰与非限定性修饰的区别,在口语中听不出来,

4、在文字处理中就有显著的差异,同学们使用时不可不谨慎,以免闹出笑话。请看下面的例句。,This is my mother who loves me very much.这是我那位很爱我的妈妈。(暗示还有一位妈妈很恨我。)This is my mother,who loves me very much.这是我妈妈,她很爱我。,He is a man,who never breaks his word.他是男人,他从不食言。(暗示读者是白痴,分辨不出他是个男人。)He is a man who never breaks his word.他是个从不食言的人。,That 充当关系代词,取代who,wh

5、om,which,I like the girl who comes here every Monday.I like the girl that comes here every Monday.I like the pretty girl,that comes here every Monday.I like the pretty girl,who comes here every Monday.,T,T,F,T,He is the man whom we all respect.He is the man that we all respect.This is the knife with

6、 which he killed Mary.This is the knife with that he killed Mary.This is the knife which he killed Mary with.This is the knife that he killed Mary with.,T,T,T,F,T,T,总结:1.that 之前不准有逗号,即that 仅出现在限定性定语从句中。2.that之前不可以有介词。,使用that的情况:1、当先行词是nothing,something,anything,all,each等不定代词时。eg.Do you have anything

7、 that is important to tell me?2、当先行词被all,any,some,no,not,every,each等修饰时。eg.I have some books that are very good.3、当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所修饰时。eg.This is the first book that I bought myself.The biggest bird that I caught is this bird.,4、当先行词被the very,the last,the next,the only 等词修饰时。eg.This is the very book

8、that I lost yesterday.5、当先行词又有人又有物时。eg.I wont forget the things and the persons that I saw.6.避免与疑问词重复(what,where,when,how,which,who)Who is the man that is standing there?7.两个相同的关系代词引导定语从句,避免重复使用同一个关系代词。He works hard,which is a fact that is known to us.,8.关系代词做be 动词的表语,表示某人的身份,要用thatHe is not the man

9、 that he was.请看下面例句,关系词that 属于那种用法。,1.Gambling is the last thing that I would do.2.Who is the man that is standing there?3.In my view,the most beautiful scene that Ive ever seen is Mount Lushan.4.Look at the boy and the dog that are coming this way.,*5.He is the very man that I met yesterday.=He is

10、just the man that I met yesterday.*6.All the students that are studying here are hardworking,*7.He is the only friend that I have.*8.He is not the man that he was.,As 引导的定语从句,在限定性定语从句中,如果先行词被such,the same,as,so 等词修饰时,则由as引导定语从句。We have such materials as are used in their factory.These houses are sol

11、d at such a low price as people expected.,I shall do it in the same way as you did.As 引导非限定性定语从句时,同which 有如下区别:,五、关系代词as和which as和which所代表的都是整个句子所表示的内容。有两点不同之处:、在形式上as引导的非限制定语从句可位于主句后面,也可位于主句之前;而which引导的非限制定语从句只能位于主句之后,不能位于主句的前面。、在意义上,as定语从句和主句的关系一般为一致关系,常译为“正.”,“就象.”,而which定语从句和主句的关系是因果关系,或which从句是

12、对主句的评论。因此,在意思通顺的情况下,which可代替as,而as许多时候不能代替which。He was late again,as/which we had expected.=As we had expected,he was late again.,As 常用结构:As we all know,As has been said before,As may be imagined,As is well known,As was expected,As we all can see,1._was natural,he married Jenny.A.Which B.That C.This

13、 D.As2.Such signs_we use in the experiment_ Greek letters.A.as,are B.as,is C.that,are D.that,is3.I passed him a large glass of whisky,_ he drank immediately.A.that B.as C.which D.who4.She is very good at dance,_everybody knows.A.that B.which C.who D.as5.It was raining,_was a pity.A.what B.that C.the

14、 which D.which6._has been said above,grammar is a set of dead rules.A.Which B.What C.That D.As7.We do the same work_they do.A.which B.as C.than D.like,D,A,C,D,D,D,B,8.The earth is round,_we all know.A.that B.which C.who D.as,结论:as,which均可以引出非限制性定语从句,如都 指前一句话的意思,二者可以互换.as 引导的从 句可以放在句首,as 本身有“正如.正象”.一

15、类的含义.与之连用的词有know,see,expect,announce,point out等.此外,在the sameas such.as.中as引导的是限制性定语从句.,D,1A.Is this the factory_you visited last year?B.Is this factory_you visited last year?a.that b.where c.in which d.the one2.A.Mr Smith is one of those foreigners who_ working in China.B.Mr Smith is the only one of

16、 those foreigners who_working in China.a.is b.has c.have d.are,a,d,d,a,5.A.Pisa is a city,_ has a leaning tower.B.Pisa is a city,_there is a leaning tower.a.which b.that c.where d.there6.A.This is the place_we visited last year.B.This the place_we worked last year.a.which b.where c.in that d.there,a

17、,c,a,b,结论:在实践中要注意定语从句与其它从句的结构上的细微差别,能够正确区分使用它们.,Correct mistakes:1.I saw some trees leaves of which were black with disease.2.Here is the pen you lost it yesterday.3.The girl told me the news is not here now.4.This is the village where my father worked in three years ago.5.The reason why he gave us

18、sounded a little strange.6.He is the only one of the students who know French.7.Ill never forget the day on which I spent with you.8.Which was planned,we met at the railway station.9.This is the teacher with whom weve learnt a lot.10.Is this farm we visited last year?,定语从句的使用需注意:,My brother who is very clever studies chemistry all by himself.使用定语从句勿滥!可以使用单个形容词,或较短的非谓语动词结构的,尽量使用简略些的方式。使句子读起来更顺口!,


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