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1、文化类核心词汇,句子翻译,统计数字显示旅游业有助于满足文化需求、弘扬民族文化、实现可持续性发展。statistics meet cultural demands carry forward national culture realize the sustainable developmentStatistics show that tourism helps meet cultural demands,carry forward national culture and realize the sustainable development,据报道,旅游业提供全世界收入的10%,雇佣全世界劳

2、动力的1/10。workforceIt is reported that tourism provides 10%of the worlds income and employs one tenth of the worlds workforce.,文化保护取决于许多难以控制的复杂因素。depend on complicated factorsCultural protection depends on many complicated factors which are hard to control.,政府有义务维持一种鼓励思想自由的氛围。have the obligation to do

3、 sth.sustain climate freedom of thoughtThe government has the obligation to sustain an atmosphere which encourages freedom of thought.,濒危语言就是那些因为科技进步或文化同化而慢慢消失的语言。endangered languages technological advances cultural assimilationEndangered languages are those which disappear slowly due to technologic

4、al advances or cultural assimilation.,随着全球经济、文化一体化,文化遗产正在逐渐消失,这个问题在发展中国家尤为严重。economic and cultural globalization cultural legacyAlong with economic and cultural globalization,cultural legacy is disappearing,which is especially serious in developing countries.,专家估计,随着英语全球化,世界上有一半语言会在100年内消失。English g

5、lobalization die out be extinctExperts estimate that,with English globalization,half of the worlds languages will die out in 100 years.,我们把传统食品的消失视为快餐文化在中国获得成功的一个标志。fast food cultureWe consider the disappearance of traditional food a symbol that the fast food culture succeeds in China.,在跨国婚姻中,人们因为要面

6、临文化差异,会感到更孤独,所以必须要有充分的心理准备。international marriage cultural differences isolatedFacing cultural differences,people feel more isolated in international marriage;therefore people should be psychologically prepared.,追求潮流的人认为不应该鼓励穿传统服装,因为这些服装已经过时。fashion followers traditional costumes out-of-dateFashion

7、followers believe that wearing traditional costumes should not be encouraged because they are already out of date.,词汇大串联,一方面,国际旅游业的发展促进跨文化交流、弘扬当地文化、展示文化多样性、消除敌意和偏见。而另一方面,国际旅游对本土文化构成潜在威胁,破坏文物,导致文化同化和文化渗透。,一方面,国际旅游业的发展促进跨文化交流、弘扬当地文化、展示文化多样性、消除敌意和偏见。on one hand cross-cultural communication carry forwar

8、d cultural diversity hostility and prejudiceOn one hand,the development of international tourism promotes cross-cultural communication,carries forward indigenous culture,shows cultural diversity and removes hostility and prejudice.,而另一方面,国际旅游对本土文化构成潜在威胁,破坏文物,导致文化同化和文化渗透。on the other hand pose potent

9、ial threat to indigenous culture cultural relics cultural assimilation cultural penetrationOn the other hand,international tourism poses potential threat to indigenous culture,destroys cultural relics and leads to cultural assimilation and cultural penetration.,英语作为全球性语言,一方面消除了语言障碍、提高效率;而且,它又对其他语言造成

10、潜在的威胁。研究表明,在过去的几十年里,不少土著语言和少数名族语言已经消失。长此以往,人类宝贵的文化宝藏将遭到毁灭性的破坏。,英语作为全球性语言,一方面消除了语言障碍、提高效率;而且,它又对其他语言造成潜在的威胁。remove language barriers efficiencyAs a global language,English removes language barriers and improves efficiency;at the same time,it poses potential risks to other languages.,研究表明,在过去的几十年里,不少土

11、著语言和少数名族语言已经消失。aboriginal languages minority languages vanishResearch has shown that a few aboriginal and minority languages have vanished in the past decades.,长此以往,人类宝贵的文化宝藏将遭到毁灭性的破坏。in the long run human cultural treasures devastatinglyIn the long run,precious human cultural treasures will be destroyed devastatingly.,


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