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1、动词不定式的几个问题,三里畈高中 杨波,一、动词不定式的优势:可以作除了谓语动词以外的所有成分;动词不定式的缺陷:只能表示“将来和未发生”。二、动词不定式的时态和语态:,不定式运用口诀 本领最多不定式,主、表、宾、补、定和状。样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢。大家千万要当心,有时它把句型改,作主宾时用“it”,自己在后把身藏。七个感官三使役,宾补要把to甩开;疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当;逻辑主语不定式,不定式前for sb.;to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。,三、动词不定式的功能:1名词、形容词、副词。2.可作成分:除谓语以外的所有成分。(1)作主语:1.To master a fore

2、ign language is necessary for a college student.2.It is good manners to help people in trouble.(形式主语问题)(2)作表语1.Your job is to wash dishes.2.All I did was(to)give him some advice.当作表语的不定式解释主语中do的意义时,to可以省略。,(3)作宾语一些动词要用不定式作宾语,常见的动词有want,hope,wish,ask,choose,decide,expect,manage,offer,promise,refuse,s

3、eek,try,pretend,learn,afford,need等。She promised to give him a chance.决心学会选计划,拒绝答应想假装。主动设法愿希望,同意请求帮一帮。准备威胁易声称,渴望申请败踌躇。decide/determine,learn,choose,plan;refuse,promise,want/attempt,pretend.offer,manage,expect/wish/hope;agree,ask/beg,help.prepare,threaten,tend,claim;desire/long,apply,fail,hesitate,少数介

4、词后面可跟不定式作宾语1.It has no choice but to lie down and sleep.2.They didnt open their mouths except to complain.当句子中含有实义动词do(做)的某种形式或有情态动词修饰时,动词不定式省去to,否则不省.He does nothing but play all day.At the news she didnt say anything but to cry.Cannot but,cannot choose but,cannot help but之间的不定式一般不带to,常翻译为“不得不”I ca

5、n not but admire her courage.He can not choose but do it.I can not help but love it.,(4)作宾语补足语The teacher told his students to pay more attention to their pronunciation.A.不定式作补语,可根据需要在前加how,where,when,what等疑问词。Could you tell me how to repair the machine?No one told me where to find him.Please show u

6、s what to do with these sentence patterns.B.不定式在感官动词see,hear,watch,feel,notice等和使役动词let,make,have等后面作宾语补足语时,不加to,help后可加可不加.在大多数的动词可接不定式短语做宾补,只有少数动词(五个看see,watch,notice,observe,look at;三使役make,let,have;二听listen to,hear等)须接不带to 的不定式做宾补。I never let my child stay in the house all day.Have him come in,p

7、lease.I heard her say that shed like to go to the concert.,(5)作主语补足语I was asked to help him with his lessons.主语补足语就是主动语态中的宾语补足语She was seen to go out a minute ago.He was made to give up drinking.He was heard practising singing a song this time yesterday.,(6)作定语与所修饰词在逻辑上有以下几种关系She was the first girl

8、to work out the problem.(主谓关系)He has an important meeting to attend.(动宾关系)He keeps his promise to write to us regularly.(同位关系)不定式作宾语,动词如果不是及物动词,后面应加必要的介词The ice is too thin for us to walk on.I hired a room to live in when in the US.,(7)作目的状语to可用in order to或so as to代替(so as to 不能置于句首)。She got off the

9、 rain in Beijing to see a friend.Some scientists went to Germany to attend a medical conference.They started very early in order not to miss the train.,(8)作结果状语不定式作结果状语表示出乎意料的结果,而且不定式前常有only,never,强调惊讶或失望。V-ing作结果状语强调一种必然的因果关系。He hurried to his house,only to find it was broken into.I stood there,nev

10、er to be feeling so stupid.Her parents died,leaving her an orphan.There was a tornado yesterday,causing 100 deaths.He seems to know French.I expect to hear from you soon.The boy pretended to be listening when the teacher looked at him.He seems to have read the novel.The meeting to be held tomorrow i

11、s about how to stop the pollution.Id like to have been told the news earlier.,四、不定式的复合结构1.疑问词+不定式 的复合结构When to start has not been decided yet.The problem is how to persuade him to change his mind.We must learn what to do in face of difficulties.I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the station

12、.,2.带有逻辑主语的结构Its kind of you to lend me such a beautiful necklace.Its important for us to master a foreign language.The first thing for us to do is to clean the room.It is of sb.to do此结构中的形容词说明逻辑主语的特征,可作逻辑主语的表语It is for sb.to do此结构中的形容词说明句中行为动词的特征It is foolish of you to say such words.You are foolis

13、h to say such word.It is necessary for us to learn our lessons well.We are necessary to learn our lessons well.,动词不定式中的几个难点,一、难记住的动词。一些谓语动词后只能接带to的不定式作宾语,这样的谓语动词大约40个,我们可以编成口诀来辅助记忆。口诀:决心学习想希望,拒绝设法愿假装。主动答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。解析:decide/determine,learn,want,expect/hope/wish;refuse,manage,care,pretend;offer,pro

14、mise,choose,plan;agree,ask/beg,help.,二、难辨清的动词。有些谓语动词后既可以接不定式to又可以接动名词ing,但意义不相同。remember,forget,regret接不定式表将来、未发生,译成“要”;接动名词表已完成,译成“做过”;I still remember to the Shaolin Temple and what I saw there.to take B.to be taken C.taking D.being taken2009(答案D)2.try to do表“设法、千方百计”,try doing 表“试着”;3.stop to do表

15、“停止原来的事情去做另外的事情”,stop doing表“停止做某事”;4.go on to do表“继续做另一事情”,go on doing表“继续做原来的事情”;“So much for the new words and expressions;lets go on _the text.”the teacher said with a smile.to talk about B,talking about C,to be talking D,talk about(答案A)5.mean to do 表“想要”,mean doing 表“意思是、意味着”;,6.当want,require,n

16、eed,demand,deserve,bear表示“需要、要求”等时,常用动名词的主动形式表被动意思,也可以用动词不定式的被动形式;This room needs _.Its too shabby.paint B.painting C.to pain D.painted(答案B)7.only to do表“结果却”,only doing表“结果是”;8.cant help to do 表“不能帮助做某事”,cant help doing表“忍不住做某事”;9.情感动词like,dislike,love,hate,prefer等接to do表“一次性动作”,接doing表“习惯性动作”。如:I

17、like shopping,but I dont like to go shopping today.10.need,dare在陈述句中作行为动词,后接to do,在疑问句和否定句中可作情态动词,后接动词原形。,三、作宾补时,在主动态中省掉to,在被动态中补起来的谓语动词。此类动词我们可以概括为:五看:look at,see,watch,notice,observe;三使:let,make,have;二听:listen to,hear;一感觉:feel.如:The boss made them work from morning till night.They were made to wor

18、k from morning till night.,四、介词but,except,besides,other than及动词had better,would rather,would ratherthan后的动词。如果介词前有行为动词do的某种形式,或被情态动词can,could修饰则介词后用动词原形(及不带to的不定式),否则用to do。如:We could do nothing but/other than wait.I cant choose but to laugh.We have no choice but to wait.,五、不定式结构的逻辑主语用for sb.还是of sb

19、.主要由作表语的形容词来决定。通常表示“态度、评价”的形容词后用of,如:kind,bad,polite,right,wrong,careless反之用for.It was difficult for me to do the work.Its kind of you to think so much of us.Its unwise of them to turn down the proposal.It was careless of her to make such a mistake.,六、多个动词连用现象。在某些句型中,当主语部分有行为动词do 时,作表语的不定式可以省略符号“to”

20、,如:All we have to do is push the button.(三动词连用)The only thing I can do is go on by myself.(四动词连用)All I could do was send him a telegram.(四动词连用),七、不定式后是否带介词。当处于动宾关系的情况下,如果不定式是不及物动词,它后面应加上必要的介词,如:She has a lot of things to attend to.The nurse has five children to look after.Lets first find a room to p

21、ut the things in.判断是否带介词的最简单办法是:将动词和前面的名词联起来读,如果需要才通顺就带介词。如:He has many activities to go in for.(只有go in for才有参加的意思,缺少in 或者for,意思就改变了。),八、下列结构用主动还是被动?1.如果不定式与最近的名词有主谓关系,但与句中的另一名词有主谓关系,用主动形式表被动。He has no one to take care of.(与no one是动宾关系,但与he是主谓关系)They found the lecture hard to understand.Do you have

22、 any clothes to wash?(是“你”洗),如果是问“我问你是否有衣服要我洗”则用Do you have any clothes to be washed?2.在以There be引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的不定式用主动被动都可以。There is no time to lose/to be lost.3.不定式在以下形容词后:easy,difficult,hard,heavy,light,cheap,expensive,good,nice,safe,dangerous,important,interesting,pleasant,(im)possible,fun等用主动形式表被

23、动意思。This question is difficult _(answer).Do you think him easy_(work)with?4.The house is to let The manager is to blame.The reason is not far to seek.,九、简略回答中省略到什么程度?一般说来,省略结构中带到to为止,但to 后若是主动词have 或 be时,必须保留;如果谓语动词是like则后面的to被省掉。1.-Sorry,I didnt finished doing my home work.-You ought to have.2.Our

24、school is no longer what it used to be.3.You may go if you like.,训练题,I.Rewrite the sentences,using the words given to you.1.“Why dont you play the role of queen in the play?”I encouraged her _in the play.2.“Dont forget to wear your gloves.Its freezing.”I reminded her _as it was freezing.3.“You cant

25、take the box of treasure away.”I did not allow her _of treasure away4.“Why cant they sing some well-known songs?”Id prefer them _some well-known songs5.“Do you want to understand the poem?Ill help you.”.I helped him_,to play the role of queen,to wear her gloves,to take the box,to sing,(to)understand

26、 the poem.,II.Combine these sentences1.She thought of this idea first.(She was the first person)She was the first person to think of the idea2.We need to weigh the flesh.(Lets find something)Lets find something to weigh the flesh.3.Is there anything you wish to say?(What do you have)What do you have

27、 to say?4.That will be the only thing we have to do now.(That will be the only thing)That will be the only thing to do.,III.Complete the following sentences:1.We were surprised(听到那个消息)_.2.We have to(为了赶第一班火车而起早床)_3.He is considered(是一位伟大的科学家)_4.To see is(才相信)_.5.I have(许多话要说)_.6.Its impossible(对于他来说

28、一个人去)_.7.She promised(根本没犯错误)_.8.I find(要想理解他很困难)_.9.(为了赶早班车)_,wed better hurry to the station by taxi.,to hear the news,get up early to catch the first train.,to be a great scientist.,to believe,a lot of words to say,for him to go alone,to make no mistakes at all,it difficult to understand him,To c

29、atch the train,IV.Multiple Choices:1.He asked me to help him repair his radio,but I dont know _.A.to do it B.how to C.what to do it D.how to do2.His voice made me _ terrible.A.To feel B.feel C.feels D.felt3.My parents told me _ people when they are in trouble.A.never laugh at B.not to laugh at C.don

30、t laugh at D.not laugh at4.Its bad manners _ rude to people.A.to be B.are C.be D.to being5.Its interesting _ us to take part in the games.A.of B.to C.for D.at,6.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,_ it more difficult.A not make B not to make C not making D do not make7.Ive worked

31、with children before,so I know what _ in my new job.A.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D expects8.Paul doesnt have to be made _.He always works hard.A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning9.I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A.to go B.to hav

32、e gone C.going D.having gone,按要求完成下列句子,1.As a foreign language learning beginner,Li Hua finds it difficult_in a foreign language.(understand)作为一名外语初学者,李华发现要想用外语把自己的意思表达清楚不容易。2.My mother _to Shanghai to see me,but shewas too busy to come.(intend)我妈妈本打算到上海来看我的,但她太忙了未能来。3.With the film The Amazing Spid

33、er-Man _,all the studentsin the school felt very excited.(show)因为要放映电影超凡蜘蛛侠,学校所有的学生非常兴奋。4.Whether youre at work,walking pets,or doing the dishes,_think hard about what you are doing can payoff greatly.(use)无论你是在工作,遛狗或洗碗,利用这些时间认真思考你在做的事,你会大有收获。,to make himself understood,had intended to go,to show,us

34、ing this time to,5.According to the doctor,Janes mother got so severely injured and needed_immediately.(operate)医生认为,简的妈妈受伤太重,需要立刻手术。6._whether smog will cause greater damage inChina and even in the world.(remain)雾霾是否会在中国甚至全世界造成更大的危害,这还有待观察。7.What happened to the little girl?She looked pale.She seem

35、ed_something frightened.(experience)小女孩怎么了?她脸色苍白。她似乎经历了什么可怕的事。8.Up to now,the investigation team hasnt found who it is _the collapse of the building.(blame)迄今为止,调查小组还没弄清到底谁该为居民楼的坍塌负责。9.Seeing the ship began to tip and sink,the captain felt completely as a loss_the emergency,which directly resulted in the disaster.(do)看到船开始倾斜并下沉,船长对这个紧急情况完全不知如何应付,这直接导致了灾难。,to be operated on/operating on,.It remains to be seen,to have experienced,that is to blame for,what to do with,Thank You!,


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