1、1,欧洲ERP-已实施的IEC标准,1,欧洲ERP-新标准 IEC,1,欧洲ERP-控制器 新IEC,1,欧洲ERP-灯座接口-新IEC,IEC新标准领先国内标准,代表了pillips OSRAM(欧洲主导标准)等产品发展方向,8,国际照明学会CIE:-照明新标准,CIE 206:2014:城市与步行区域的光谱功率分布的影响 The Effect of Spectral Power Distribution on Lighting for Urban and Pedestrian AreasCIE 205:2013:LED户内照明系统的照明质量评估 Review of Lighting Qua
2、lity Measures for Interior Lighting with LED Lighting SystemsCIE198:2011:光度测量不确定度 Determination of Measurement Uncertainties in PhotometryCIE194:2011:道路隧道照明的光学性能现场测量 On Site Measurement of the Photometric Properties of Road and Tunnel LightingCIE193:2010:道路隧道应急照明 Emergency Lighting in Road TunnelsCI
3、E 191:2010:基于视觉功效和中间视觉光度学推荐系统 Recommended System for Mesopic Photometry based on Visual Performance,8,国际照明学会CIE:-照明新标准,CIE190:2010:室内照明灯具统一眩光指数的计算与表示 Calculation and Presentation of Unified Glare Rating Tables for Indoor Lighting Luminaires CIE115:2010(2nd edition):机动车与人行道道路交通照明 Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian TrafficCIE189:2010:隧道照明质量计算 Calculation of Tunnel Lighting Quality Criteria,8,欧洲 EN:-照明新标准,