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1、江安县小学综合学科(品德与社会英语)毕业考试命题意见,一、指导思想 1、跟据中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革,全面推行素质教育的决定和基础教育课程改革的要求,督促学校开齐课程,开足课时,促进每个学生综合素质的提高,必须对品德与社会、英语、科学学科进行综合测评。2、品德与社会、英语、科学学科的毕业考试,既是对小学毕业生综合知识掌握情况的考查也是对学校全面推进素质教育工作的调研和测评。,二、命题原则 1、试题以新课程标准为依据,以考查学生最应该掌握的基础知识和技能为原则,重点考查学生对所学教材的掌握和理解程度。2、品德与社会、英语、科学三个学科合并为一张综合科试卷,总分为100分,其中英语占30分,

2、品德与社会占30分,科学占40分。,三、英语学科具体要求 1、命题范围 小学英语第八册教材。,2、命题内容 第八册教材学生应掌握单词的认 读和常用单词的拼写。第八册教材出现的语法知识。第八册教材出现的介词用法。第八册教材出现的常用短语。第八册教材出现的特殊句型。第八册教材上出现的情景对话。,3、题型 不超出填空、连线、单选、书写、判错、阅读理解六种题型。,例题:填空:老师读英语,我用标出老师读的先后顺序。all around French moon cake()()()把下列单词的汉语意思写在其后的横线上。1.square 2.postcard,连线:用线把相对应的图片和单词连起来。build

3、ing chopsticks lantern,我能把下面的汉语和对应的英语单词用线连接起来。学校 blackboard 警察 school 农民 policeman 黑板 farmer,我能把下面的问话和对应的答语用线连起来。How old are you?Im Lingling.Whats your name?Im nine.Whats this?Its a book.,单选:我能将老师读到的单词序号写在题前的括号里。()1.A.argue B.angry()2.A.box B.back()3.A.careful B.clean,选词填空,将所选词的号写在题前的括号里。()1.Its a p

4、icture the Great Wall.A.of B.in()2.New York is the east of America.A.in B.,书写:按要求答题。1、请写出“是”的英文 2、请写出“男人”的英文 3、请写出h的大写字母 4、请写出English的汉语意思,按照括号里的要求为下列单词写出对应的单词。1.become(过去式)_ 2.photos(单数)_ 3.Chinese(国家名)_ 4.spent(原型)_,判错:Im learn English.She is I siter.I want eat noodles.Liping have got some book.,阅

5、读理解:阅读短文判断后面的问题是否与短文意思一致,一致的在前面的括号里写上Yes,不一致的写上No。This is my friend,Lili.She is ten years old now.She is taller than last year.The boy next to her is her brother.His name is Tom.Tom wears a white T-shirt.()1.My friends name is Tom.()2.Lili is taller than last year.()3.Tom wears a white T-shirt.,四、英

6、语复习指导(一)、紧扣教材 吃透教材,(二)、加强教师队伍建设,配备足额英语教师。,(三)、增加教学时间,培养学生识记能力。,宜宾市教育局2006年90号文件:小学开设英语课程应遵循长短课时结合、高频率的原则,课内外配合,开展丰富多彩的英语教学活动。要保证每周至少四次教学活动,每次时间安排不低于20分钟;学校可根据具体情况,灵活安排,但必须保证三节长课时的周课时量。,(四)、很抓基础教学,培养学生认读能力。,1、字母教学。我主张先教字母2、单词教学。3、书写教学:将逐年增加书写内容的考查。,英语课程标准(书写):一级目标(3、4年级):能正确书写字母和单词。,二级目标(5、6年级):能根据图片

7、或提示写简单的句子。1、能模仿范例写句子;2、能写出简单的问候语;3、能根据要求为图片、实物写出 简短的标题或描述;4、能基本正确地使用大小写字母和标点符号。,(五)、多讲多练,强化学生 语言能力。,(六)、加强个别辅导,实行因材施教。,小学英语学生应掌握的单词八册:50个all over到处 as当。的时候balloon气球 baseball棒球 became(become的过去式)成为 born生于,card卡片,贺卡 cent美分 child孩子 careful小心的 cola可乐 cup杯子dollar美元 drew(draw的过去式)画 duck鸭子 doorbell门铃 enjoy

8、享用 everyone每个人,flew(fly的过去式)飞,驾驶飞机 fly away 飘走hamburger汉堡 herself她自己 hour小时later后来 laugh笑 letter字母 loudly大声地,mess混乱,脏乱 mistake错误 middle school中学 model模范noisy吵闹的out of往外。,pilot飞行员 practise练习 proud自豪的ring响shine照耀 space太空 spaceship宇宙飞船 son儿子 spent(spend的过去式)度过 stairs楼梯(常复)study学习,team队,组 trumpet小号under

9、stand理解,明白world世界 worry担心 wrong错误的,小学英语典型例句 八册:Module 1 I want a hot dog,please.What do you want,Daming?(特殊疑问句)2pI dont know.Can I help you?I want a hot dog,please.(情景对话)2p,How much is it?Its thirteen dollars.(特殊疑问句、情景对话)2p Here you are.Thank you.Enjoy your meal.(情景对话、短语)2pWhat do you want to eat?(特

10、殊疑问句、不定式)4pI want some chicken and rice,please.,Module 2 Were going to have a picnicWere going to have a picnic in the park.(be going to结构、介词)6pWhen are we going to eat,Mum?(特殊疑问句)At half past twelve.(情景对话、介词)6pWhat are we going to do now?Were going to walk around the lake.(介词)6p,What time is it?Its

11、 twelve.(特殊疑问句、情景对话)6pIts going to rain soon.(be going to结构)6pIts raining now.(现在进行时)6pLets go under that tree.(介词)6pThe ducks are eating our picnic.(现在进行时)6pIts going to snow in Harbin tomorrow.(be going to结构)8p,Module 3 The sun is shining.The sun is shining.(现在进行时)10pI had a very funny day on Satu

12、rday.(介词、大写)10pWe had a picnic in the park.(过去时)10pI am sending some photos.(现在进行时)10p,The birds are singing in the trees.(现在进行时、介词)10pWe are looking at some ducks.The ducks are eating our picnic.(现在进行时、介词)10pI am looking out of the window.(现在进行时、短语)12p,Module 4 Im making Damings birthday card.Where

13、s your mum?(特殊疑问句)Shes at the supermarket.(介词)14pShes buying things for your birthday.(现在进行时、介词)14p,Who can help me?(特殊疑问句)I cant carry everything.(情态动词否定形式)14pIm making Damings birthday card.(现在进行时、名词所有格)14pThe oranges are falling.(现在进行时)Come and help us.(and的用法),The balloons are flying away.(短语)14

14、pThe apples are falling down the stairs.(现在进行时、介词)16pWhat is he doing?(特殊疑问句)Hes trying to get on the bus.Shes trying to get off the bus.(现在进行时、不定式、短语)17p,Module 5 Daming is having a birthday party.Daming is having a birthday party.He is playing the trumpet.(现在进行时)18p Some friends come in.(短语)18pHes

15、 riding his bike,but its starting to rain.(现在进行时、连词)20p,I am flying in the sky.(现在进行时)21pYou are waving to say goodbye.(现在进行时、不定式短语)21pI am high up in a plane.You are calling out my name.(副词、短语)21pI wake up from my dream.(短语、介词)21p,Module 6 I bought you this book.Daming is back in China with family.

16、(介词、大写)22pI bought you this book about America.(一般过去时、介词、大写)22p This book looks interesting.(一般现在时)I bought these for my friends.(介词)22p,Can I have this cap?(情态动词)22pThis American spaceship took a man into space.Russia sent the first animal into space.(过去时、介词)24p,Module 7 Shenzhou V flew into spaceI

17、n October 2003,Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.(过去时、介词、大写)26pYang Liwei is from Liaoning.(介词)26pFirst he became a pilot.Then he became a taikonaut.(过去时)26p,Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.He made a video about his space travel.(过去时、介词)26pLots of people saw it.(people的复数形式

18、、过去式)26pYang Liweis son was eight years old.(所有格、短语)26pHe was very proud of him.(短语)26p,I went there on Saturday.(过去式、介词、大写)28pI saw lots of animals.(lots of后名词的用法)29p,Module 8 Helen KllerHelen Keller was born in America in 1880.(“出生”表达法、介词)30pAs a small child,she became blind and deaf.(as、过去式)She c

19、ouldnt see.(can的过去式及否定形式)30p,The teacher drew letters in Helens hand.(过去式、名词所有格)Helen learned to speak.(不定式)30pShe wrote a book about herself.(过去式、介词)30pShe went all over the world.(短语)30pShe lived to be 87.(不定式短语)30pHelen Keller is a model for blind people.(介词)30p,Module 9 Whats the matter?Whats th

20、e matter?(常用句型)34pWhy are you laughing?(特殊疑问句)34pI wanted you to bring the baseball caps.(不定式短语)34pWe are going to play baseball like this.(be going to结构)34p,Its easy to make mistakes with English.(不定式、介词)34pLook what Ive got in my bag.(介词)34pWhy are you wearing a raincoat?(特殊疑问句)36pBecause its goin

21、g to rain.(because的用法)36p,Module 10 We are going to speak Chinese.We are going to speak Chinese.(be going to结构)38pWhat are you going to study?(特殊疑问句)38pIm going to study Physics.(be going to结构)38pWhat about you?(常用句型)38p,Lots of children are learning Chinese in England.(现在进行时、介词、大写)38pHow am I going to practise my English now?(特殊疑问句)、be going to结构)38p We can write lots of emails.(情态动词、短语)38pWe can always be friends.(can后动词的用法)41pIm going to go to school by bus.(介词)41p,谢谢!,


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