1、2023/9/9,1,小学英语课堂阅读教学策略,广东省教育厅教研室郭植梅 2008年10月22日,2023/9/9,2,Why is the teaching of reading difficult?,关于阅读教学的研究刚起步,还没有形成很成熟的模式和方法。对于阅读教学的理解还存在偏差,认为阅读就是阅读理解,最主要的就是通过阅读的测试来检查学生。,2023/9/9,3,忽略对学生阅读策略/技能的培养。Strategy of guessing the meaning of words from the context.Getting the information from the conte
2、xt.缺乏合适的阅读材料。老师普遍认为学生需要明白、理解 阅读材料中的每一个单词。,Why is the teaching of reading difficult?,2023/9/9,4,阅读教学的定义,英语课程标准指出:“语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。,英语课程标准要求:,2023/9/9,5,Listening Reading,理解,Speaking Writing,表达,2023/9/9,6,阅读教学的定义,阅读活动:Individual Activity阅读教学:老师的引导下有针对性的开 展的个体与集体相结合的阅 读活动。,2023/9/9,7
3、,阅读教学的目的,简而言之:教师通过开展有效的阅读教学活动,培养学生良好的英语阅读习惯,使学生在轻松愉快的环境下获取信息,得到感知语言的能力,从而达到全面提高英语能力的目的。,语感,语言知识、社会信息,2023/9/9,8,“The best way to improve your knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers.,“We learn to read by reading.”,The next best way is to read extensively in it.”(Nuttall,
4、1996),2023/9/9,9,培养阅读习惯,Familiar to the English items,促进读写能力的全面提高,Build up the interests of English language learning,2023/9/9,10,Purpose of reading,注意问题:误区:阅读教学活动的目的是检测学生 阅读理解的结果,而不是帮助学生去理解(testing reading comprehension rather than teaching readers how to comprehend)。以检测阅读理解结果为主导的阅读活 动并不能真正提高学生的阅读技
5、能。,2023/9/9,11,最终目标,以读促写 读写结合 自然延伸,听说,认读,写作,Wordssentences,Picturewriting,Passages,Theme Writing,2023/9/9,12,阅读教学过程 Reading stages of lesson plan,Pre-reading stage,Focus on assisting the understanding of the main concepts of the whole text.,2023/9/9,13,Aims:Activating the background knowledge of stu
6、dents and introducing central concepts of the story which may be difficult for the students.,Pre-reading stage,2023/9/9,14,In the pre-reading stage,draw students attention to central concepts or ideas in the text that may cause difficulties to them.Do not focus on minor details,e.g.one or two diffic
7、ult vocabulary,which may be irrelevant to understanding the central idea of the text.,Pre-reading stage,2023/9/9,15,Plan pre-reading questions which involve predictions that require the reading of the text to confirm or reject.Avoid questions that students may answer based on common sense or persona
8、l preference and that have little value in relating student background knowledge to the understanding of the text.,Pre-reading stage,2023/9/9,16,阅读教学模式,While reading stage,Focus on each section of the text as divided by the teacher based on the number of lessons for completing the reading of the tex
9、t.,2023/9/9,17,Aims:Giving student guidance in reading through the setting of tasks or questions which they must tackle during reading.,While reading stage,2023/9/9,18,Remind students that when doing silent reading,do not finger-point or mumble the text.Set questions or activities/tasks for students
10、 to tackle while reading so that their attention is focused.,While reading stage,2023/9/9,19,Include reading comprehension questions AND graphic organisers,for example,story map,time-line,character mapetc,where appropriate.Include the task of guessing the meaning of some words.Include those words wh
11、ose meaning can be guessed because of the syntax(句法)or the context.,While-reading stage,2023/9/9,20,阅读教学模式,Post-reading stage,Focus on consolidating the comprehension of the whole text and doing relevant activities which extend the concepts learned in reading and integrate all language skills.,2023/
12、9/9,21,Aims:Consolidating the concepts and ideas learnt in the reading text and integratingreading with other language skills.,Post-reading stage,2023/9/9,22,Plan suitable activities that will integrate reading and writing or reading and other language skills,such as a role play of a selected sectio
13、n of the text.Seek to extend the understanding of the text,for example,by asking students to write a response to what is read.This integrates reading and writing effectively.,Post-reading stage,2023/9/9,23,Hold a class discussion of the text.This will enhance the understanding of the text and the sp
14、eaking skills of the students.Encourage further reading on a related topic.,Post-reading stage,2023/9/9,24,Storytelling,Reading Aloud,Shared Reading,Supported Reading,Independent Reading,Teacher support,Teacher support,阅读教学策略,2023/9/9,25,Reading to their pupils(storytelling,reading aloud)Reading wit
15、h their pupils(shared reading,supported reading)Reading by their pupils(independent reading),阅读教学策略,2023/9/9,26,需要考虑的问题,2023/9/9,27,Reading Materials,如何选择阅读材料多样化 storys/songs/rhymes/newspaper趣味性 图文并茂 字体适中 贴近学生生活 切忌成人化/纯语法句子 不提倡:中英文对照梯度性 年龄/水平,2023/9/9,28,Reading Materials,途径改编、自编购买 学校/学生网络,2023/9/9,
16、29,Environment,广泛性:随处可见、随手可取,营造丰富的阅读环境,2023/9/9,30,Problems,孩子的词汇量少怎么办?分级设定目标,看图猜测联系上下文,猜测与指导结合,反复训练运用,2023/9/9,31,Problems,词汇教学策略 Phonics 构词法联想法(上下文、同类)类比法(以旧带新、归类法),2023/9/9,32,Problems,学生总是应付,根本不认真读!,学生的负担,老师家长的法宝!,孩子根本 不爱阅读,2023/9/9,33,Problems,Reading is fun!以趣取胜 内容吸引:生动形象 形式多样:活动多元 培养兴趣:积极参与 巧
17、妙检测:减轻负担,2023/9/9,34,网址:Websites,(安徒生童话故事)(格林童话故事)(在线儿童故事书)(韩国版的儿童网站)http:/C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator桌面福田阅读BBC _- _CBeebies _- _Home_.mht,2023/9/9,35,阅读教学关键词,文本:来自文本、学习文本、回归文本 教学:Story telling,Shared reading,Reading aloud学与教的策略 学习:Key words key sentences Reading between the lines,2023/9/9,36,阅读教学关键词,整体感知,培养英语思维综合学习,切忌断章取义,2023/9/9,37,Try out!,Lets have a try!,2023/9/9,38,2023/9/9,39,案例分析,各个教学环节的活动安排各个教学活动的安排策略运用了哪些教学策略训练、培养了学生哪些方面的技能对于文本的处理有什么独特之处设计了哪些任务,