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1、,通过这门课,我想学到的仅仅是一种思维的扩展它是一种想象力爆发的成果。广告是充满活力,充满想象力的一场盛宴。想更好的学习英语,了解广告拥有的力量。I think advertising likes a door.If I open it,I would see many things.choose this course will give me a big surprise.,我喜欢看国外广告,他们不仅给人一种美的享受,而且剧情峰回路转,总是给人一种意外的结果。The advertisement is short but significant.广告就是为了让我们更好的了解当今时代潮流,而方

2、便让人们获取的信息。广告给人的是一种智慧。Its funny!Its an art.,巴黎欧莱雅,你值得拥有。I appreciate this confidence about self.I hope that I can also be so confident about myself.安踏永不止步 广告中的“步”一语双关。颇具幽默色彩,也体现了运动的感觉。(公益广告)为妈妈洗脚 inspiration,teaching,moving.手提包提一提,精神提起来。,“广告饕餮之夜”The Night of the Adeaters 世界影视广告精品展映,后来“饕餮”用于形容贪婪之人,“广告

3、饕餮之夜”短片,由法国人让玛丽布尔西科创始1980年,在巴黎一家影院举办了一次名为“甜食”的广告播放活动,连续放映了几百部广告片,引起轰动。从此,这项活动成了巴黎人的一个节日。1984年起,布尔西科开始把“甜食”推向海外。每年精选出500部上好广告片制成专辑,先在巴黎首映,然后巡游世界,为全球爱好者奉上“广告大餐”这些广告片荟萃世界各地的情调,优美的景致和不同文化背景上出现的幽默,并且具有与众不同的娱乐色彩。因此二十多年风靡世界,长盛不衰,Advertising Components and Features,,Advertiser(广告主)-the main body of advertis

4、ing,The advertiser is the sender of information and all the advertising activities should be consistent with the purpose and willingness of the advertiser.The specific owner should be a recognizable groupCorporation(公司)Enterprise(企业)Government(政府)CCTV广告Organization(组织)联合国儿童基金会广告 Individual(个人)个人广告,3

5、 significances of an advertiser,Its easy for the target audience to recognize the company and the products of it,which will promote the propagandas and the sale of its products It will establish a high reputation for the group or the individual in order that the consumer will trust the brand Unsucce

6、ssful Example1It will prevent the advertiser from counterfeiting and deceiving by legal supervision,“高钙片,水果味,,一天一片,方便还实惠,一片顶五片!”著名演员李丁拍摄了宰相刘罗锅等知名电视剧,但最令人印象深刻的恐怕是他所拍的补钙广告。在电视里李丁一口气上五楼,还提着鸟笼子和菜篮子,让很多老年观众羡慕不已。不过奇怪的是,老爷子拍了广告后一直担惊受怕,甚至很内疚。李丁透露:“补钙补得我都怕了,我那小孙子看见广告,就问我:爷爷,你贫不贫呢?我说:那怎么办,人家给钱了。”李丁:“别说提着东西,现在

7、不提鸟笼子、菜篮子,空手也爬不动楼了。”说到这个广告的拍摄,李丁说:“我想说广告也是艺术,也需要认真地创作,不是举着说特别好就行了。其实拍广告比拍电影、电视剧还惨,你在电视里看我走了一遍,其实拍的时候我走了多遍,有一段是拍我上楼的,摄像专拍我的脚,稍微一拌蒜,就停,就得重来。”Unsuccessful Example2,Advertising Fees(广告费用)-no pains,no gains,Advertising is a kind of marketing action,therefore,an advertiser has to pay for its advertisement

8、 no matter its operated by itself or other agency,CCTV1“Crazy English”精品购物指南南宁人民广播电台交通音乐频道FM107.4,Advertising can bring you a huge profit by reasonable planning and proper operation.,Advertising Information(广告信息),Advertising information is the principal contents an advertisement wants to disseminate

9、(散播,公开,宣传)The information of advertising should be aimed at the certain target market and consumers,and should avoid aimlessness.Accurate(准确)Definite(明晰)Recognizable(容易辨认)Moderate in length(长度适中),An effective advertisement involves not only what to saybut also how to say,YOUR HOMEWORK TODAY!,,Advert

10、ising Media(广告媒体),Media are the means of the dissemination of advertising,NewspaperbroadcastMagazineTV programMailBillboard1-4 are called the four main media of advertising.,电台广告,Any kind of objects or tools can be a medium for the advertisement,such as airplane,train,bus,building,neon light,movie,p

11、ackage,exhibition,and etc.,AIDA,Attention(户外广告A)(视频广告B)A good advertisement should attract the consumer to direct their attention to the product.Interest(视频广告A)(平面广告B)The introduction and publicity of an advertisement should arouse(激起)consumers great interest.Desire(视频广告A)(视频广告B)The publicity of adv

12、ertising should stimulate consumers desire to buy the product,and make them realize that this product is just what they want.Action(视频广告A)(视频广告B)The advertising makes consumer to response to the advertising information and evoke(唤起,引起)them to take the action of purchasing.,Vocabulary,Advertising Slogan 广告口号Internship 实习Qualification 资格、资历Pro 行家、能手Agency 代理公司Portfolio 个人档案、投资组合Bottom 基层Training 培训Selling point 销售讯息、卖点,


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