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1、Unit 1,Love and Care,大连东软信息学院英语系大学英语,Teaching Contents,New Term RequirementsLearning ObjectivesLanguage Learning StrategyReading 1After You Read(课后练习I,II)SummaryAssignments,Use graphics to prepare to readScan a text for specific informationUnderstand types of writingUse graphic organizers to create

2、and organize ideasUse the technique of repetition to translateFind the place where you do your best work,Learning Objectives,Language Learning Strategy,Use graphics to prepare to read1)What does graphics mean?How can graphics help you read?2)Ss work in pairs to find the answers to“Apply the Strategy

3、”.,Scan 1)What does Scan mean?How to scan?2)Ss find the answers to“Apply the Strategy”by scanning Reading 1.,Reading 1 Mother Teresa,Warm-up discuss the questions of“Before You Read”on Page 2,Reading 1 Vocabulary,Exercise2 on Page 2&3,Reading 1 Vocabulary,witness v.1)be present and see 目睹,目击e.g.Seve

4、ral residents claim to have witnessed the attack.,2)(年代,地点等)目睹;经历e.g.The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune.1871年爆发了英勇的巴黎公社起义。,witness n.1)someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened 目击者,证人e.g.The police found the witness to the murder case.警察找到了那

5、件谋杀案的目击者。,2)(AmE)a public statement of strong Christian belief,or someone who makes such a statement 见证,见证人,证言,证明e.g.History is the most telling witness.历史是最好的见证。,sympathy n.,1)The feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation and understanding how they feel 同情,同情心e.g.feel sympathy fo

6、r sb.对某人抱着同情e.g.have sympathy with the sick 对病人表同情,2)to agree with and support someones aims and actions 一致,赞同e.g.be in/out of sympathy with a plan 赞同/不赞同某一计划,sympathize v.同情,同意,赞成e.g.sympathize with sb.in his sufferings 对某人遭遇的苦难表示同情e.g.sympathize with sb.in his point of view 或 sympathize with sbs p

7、oint of view 赞同某人的观点,sympathetic a.1)同情的 e.g.be sympathetic with sb.2)(口)赞同的e.g.be sympathetic to a project,resolve v.,1)to make a definite decision to do sth.决定,决心resolve to do;resolve that-;resolve on/upon(doing)sth.e.g.The circumstances resolved him to go.情况使他决定要去。,2)to find a satisfactory way of

8、 dealing with a problem or difficulty 解决e.g.resolve all doubts 消除一切疑问 resolve a contradiction 解决矛盾,3)to make a formal decision,especially by voting(委员会等)议决e.g.The assembly resolved that-大会决议-resolved a.决心的,坚决的 be resolved to doresolution n.决定,坚决,决议,rescue v.,to save someone or something from a situa

9、tion of danger or harme.g.rescue a child from drowning 译:救死扶伤 heal the wounded and rescue the e/go to sbs rescue 来(去)援救某人,starve v.,to suffer or die from hunger(使)饿;(使)饿死e.g.They tried to starve the army into surrender.他们试图使军队因饥饿而投降。e.g.starve to death,be starved of/for(喻)渴望,急需 e.g.The motherless ch

10、ildren were starved of/were starving for affection.这些没有母亲的孩子们渴望亲情。,delight v.,1)to give someone great pleasure and satisfaction 使非常高兴e.g.Her singing delighted everyone.2)(被动语态)be delighted to do/at sth./that-e.g.I was delighted to hear the news of your success/delighted at the news.,3)delight in 引以为

11、乐;喜欢 e.g.He delights in teasing his young sister.他以逗弄他的小妹妹为乐。n.高兴,嗜好e.g.To his great delight,his novel was accepted for publication.他的小说被接受出版,使他极为高兴。e.g.Dancing is her chief delight.,unceasing a.,cease v.(正式用语)停止;中止 e.g.The factory has ceased making bicycles.n.without cease 不断地,不停地e.g.They worked on

12、 without cease.他们不停地工作下去。,Reading 1 Skimming,skim the passage in 5mins and then answer the following questions:When and where was Mother Teresa born?What was the mission of Mother Teresa?What was Mother Teresas first establishment?,Reading 1 Background Information,Mother Teresa,Reading 1 Structure,P

13、art I:(Para 1-3)An introduction to Mother TeresaPart II:(Para 4-13):A brief account of Mother Teresas life and her achievements.Part III:(Para 14-15):Mother Teresas poor health and her attitude toward death.,finish exercise I on page 8.,Reading 1 Read in Details,Reading 1 Language Points,1.Those who

14、 visited the homes she established in the worst slums of Calcutta emerged overwhelmed by the love and cheerfulness that permeated the wards,bringing hope to the abandoned and dignity to the dying.(Para.3)Paraphrase:People who visited the homes that Mother Teresa created in the poor areas of Calcutta

15、 experienced,and were deeply affected by,the love,laughter,care and respect brought to the deserted and those who were about to die.,2.Mother Teresa,who sternly rejected the tinsel delights of this world,discovered that the world was determined to heap honors on her.(Para.13)Paraphrase:Mother Teresa

16、 did not want any earthly comforts at all,but was forced to accept awards from the authorities concerned in the world.,3.Through the decades,Mother Teresas hard work and unceasing devotions gnarled her hands,lined her face and bent her back(she was only 4 ft.10 in.tall),creating the photographic ico

17、n that challenged the conscience of the world(Para.14)Paraphrase:For many years,Mother Teresa worked so hard for the poor that she looked old before her time;hands rough,face wrinkled,back bent,and photographs of her in this state caused people all over the world to feel guilty that they didnt work

18、for the poor as she did.,conscience n.良心,良知 e.g.have a clear/guilty conscience 问心无/有愧conscientious a.负责的,尽责的,After You Read,Discuss the following questions:Why,do you think,are there so many people who admire and respect Mother Teresa and even follow her?In what ways can people help the“poorest of t

19、he poor”effectively?,Summary,Summarize the structure,organization and language points of Reading 1.Expressions for students to remember:stand out;grow into;be in sympathy with;without doubt;incline to;at the sight of;flow in;be devoted to;seek out;be determined to;in ones view;as for;be resolved to

20、do;,Assignments,Review Reading 1(Words,Expressions and Structures,Main Idea)Reciting work:Ex.II Finish Ex.III IV.V.,Tuning-In,The answer to the questions:Because she did things we should have done but didnt,things we could have done but wouldnt.Most of us pretend we dont even see them.She made us gi

21、ve a damn about the poor or at least to think of them and maybe even consider the possibility of loving them.Maybe there are other Mother Teresas out there,people we will never know,toiling in silence,doing the work of humanity.,Reading 2,Warmup Questions:Ss read the first paragraph of the passage t

22、hen predict what the story will be about.Work in groups and discuss-how organ recipients would feel and what changes would be brought to them after they receive others organs.,Ten minutes to finish Reading2,then do Exercise 1 on page 15 individually.,Reading 2,Reading 2-Vocabulary,on behalf of/in be

23、half of(AmE)(Para.1)instead of someone,or as their representatives 代表e.g.On behalf of everyone here,I wish you a very happy retirement.e.g.The President cant be here today,so Im going to speak in his behalf.,2)because of someone 为了-e.g.Dont trouble to do it on my behalf.不要为了我去麻烦了.,It is an equation

24、Szuber understands only too well.(Para.1)Paraphrase:Szuber understands the sacrifice that the families of organ donors have made in order to save the lives of people who receive the organs,because he himself received his dead daughters heart.,sustain v.(Para.2)(formal)to suffer(harm or loss)遭受e.g.Th

25、e company has sustained heavy financial losses this year.,2)to make it possible for someone to stay strong or hopeful 维持(体力、能量等),支持e.g.The thought of seeing her again was all that sustained me.e.g.A good breakfast will sustain you all morning.,survival n.生存(Para.3),e.g.the survival of the fittest v.

26、survive 1)经历-仍然活着e.g.survive an earthquake/shipwreck2)生命较-长久 e.g.The old lady has survived all her children.那位老妇人的子女都先她而去世了。survivor n.生还者,prevail v.(Para.4),1)be widespread 盛行,流行e.g.I admired the creativity which prevailed among the young writers.2)to gain control or victory;win a fight 获胜,战胜e.g.Re

27、ason prevailed over emotion.理智战胜了感情。3)prevail on/upon:persuadee.g.She prevailed upon her father to say nothing.,Szuber,who is now able to hunt,fish,and play golf,decided that a way to deal with his lingering grief was to become an advocate,raising awareness of the need for organ donors.(Para.5)Parap

28、hrase:Szuber can now take part in many sporting and outdoor activities.It would not have been possible for him before he received his new heart.He decided that the only way to ease the guilt and grief he felt over the loss of his daughter,and the receipt of her heart,was to publicize the fact that t

29、here are not enough organ donors.,grief:n.悲伤,伤心事advocate:n.倡导者 e.g.an advocate of equal pay for men and women 提倡男女同酬者 v.提倡,主张 e.g.I do not advocate building large factories.我不支持建造大工厂的主张。,It is a feeling Chet Szuber knows but always with that heartbreaking twist.(Para.6)Paraphrase:Chet Szuber has exp

30、erienced the same feeling as Shirley Cobb Dotson.He is grateful that he now has good health because of the new heart he received form his daughter,which also brings him heartbreaking sadness.,twist v.使扭转,拧,使交织e.g.twist a wet towel 扭干毛巾n.1)意想不到的转折e.g.The author gives an unusual twist to his story.作者使

31、故事起了一个不寻常的转折。2)(一)扭,拧e.g.The bully gave the little boys arm a twist.那恶汉把小男孩的手臂扭了一下。,Assignments,Review the whole chapter(Reading 1&2)Watch the video of Tuning In again.,Writing-A Letter of Thanks,Writing Knowledge 如何写英文感谢信?感谢信是商务信函中经常出现的题材。商务交往中的应酬较多,受到了邀请,得到了对方热情的款待,或得到了他人的帮助、推荐、介绍,这些情境都需要写感谢信表达真诚的

32、谢意。感谢信应注意一事一谢,篇幅要简短,措辞要自然,语气要诚恳。第一段:说明与收信人的相关性,表明写作意图,向对方表示诚挚的谢意第二段:高度评价对方的帮助,列举为何对对方心存感激第三段:再次表示感谢,常用句型:,I am greatly indebted to you for what you have done.I deeply appreciate your courtesy and we hope to have the opportunity of rewarding your kindness.It was kind and generous of you to do this fo

33、r me,and I appreciate it more than I can say.Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude to you.Again,I would like to express our warm thanks to you.,Writing,Lets Write on P.10,Sample Writing-A Letter of Thanks,Dear Teachers and Classmates,Now that I have become well enough to write,Id like to

34、 express my sincere thanks for your good wishes and kind visits.When one is ill,there is plenty of time for thinking about ones blessings.Having you as my friends is certainly one of my blessings.I cant tell you how your kindness brightened those long,gloomy days during my recovery,Im so lucky to ha

35、ve friends like you.These days,my condition has been obviously improved due to the careful treatment offered by my doctors and nurses.Doctors have told me that I can stand the chance of making a complete recovery in a week or two.I cant wait to be out of the hospital and back with you.I find an ordinary thank you entirely inadequate to tell you how grateful I am for your kindness.To love what you do and feel that you matterwhat more could anyone want!Yours sincerely,Jack,Oral Work,Grocery shopping:Ordering Food at a fast food restaurant,Thank You,大连东软信息学院英语系大学英语,


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