1、The New Headquarters for the Electrical&Mechanical Services Department(EMSD)機電工程署總部大樓,Rapid carbon build-up二氧化碳大量排放,Rapid development brings.高速發展帶來.,Nature voices out.大自然呼喊.,Global Warming溫室效應,Flooding洪水暴發,“most climate scientists warn us the prospect ahead is alarming unless we act soon”-BBC news d
2、ated 10 Jan 2005,Now is the time to ACT!.We care坐言起行!.以示我們的關注,“氣象科學家對溫室效應的影響發出警告:如果我們不立刻行動,前景堪虞.”,Clients Brief 設計綱要:a Headquarters Building for the EMSD in city area with:-在市區內的新機電工程署大樓包括,49,600 m2 of Vehicle Workshops(汽車工場)25,600 m2 of Offices(辦公室)800 m2 of Computer Data Centre(數據中心),Ex-EMSD at Ca
3、useway Bay 原來的銅鑼灣機電工程署,Site Option 1(方案一):Vacant site in Chai Wan柴灣市區的一幅空地,City Remains,Site Option 2(方案二):Conversion of the former Air Cargo Terminal 2(HACTL 2)at Kai Tak改建已棄置的舊二號機場貨運站大樓,Odd spacesbulky structurecirculation designed for cargo handling only,The 3Rs,Reuse 再用Reduce 節省Renew 再生,=Sustain
4、able Architecture 可持續發展建築,Reuse 再用,“.Conversion of an old building into new uses saves huge amount of energy,building materials and.”,“.把舊大樓改建以適應新用途,可以節省大量能源及減少建築拆卸廢物.”,The Old&The New,舊 與 新,The City Remains-HACTL 2 棄置的舊二號機場貨運站大樓,TRANSFORMATION:,A part is demolished,拆卸部份外牆,TRANSFORMATION:,A part is
5、added,offices,workshops,加建頂層辦公室,The New EMSD Headquarters功能分佈,Entrance lobby入口大堂,Data Centre數據中心,Vehicle Workshops汽車修理工場,Offices辦公室,Viewing Gallery觀景廳,The New EMSD Headquarters功能分佈,Vehicle Workshops汽車修理工場,Site Entrance地盤入口,Entrance Piazza入口前庭,Lobby入口大堂,Demolition拆樓,Demolition Waste 拆卸廢料,=4 storeys x
6、 football pitches 四層高足球場大小的大樓,Construction Waste 建築廢料,=1 storey x football pitch 一層高足球場大小的大樓,Construction Costs 建築成本=HK$600M 700M,=6 x School Complexes 可建六間標準小學,Reduction of 節省,Reduce Energy Load,=Reduction of CO2,節省能源=減低二氧化碳排放,Environmental Facade環保外牆,deep roof canopy簷蓬,ventilated double layered gl
7、ass wall雙層玻璃牆,metal sunshades&perforated panels擋陽板及排孔板,Deep Roof Canopy簷蓬,Ventilated Double Layered Glass Wall雙層玻璃牆 for thermal&noise insulation,Sun Shades&Perforated Panels 擋陽板及排孔板,Raised Floor with Air Diffusers高架地台及出風口,Directional air diffusers minimise energy to cool occupants zone,Natural Cross
8、 Ventilation空氣對流,Green Roofs屋頂綠化,Provide thermal&acoustics insulationAs amenity&social hub,2/F,7/F,A/C Plantroom,Sunpipes太陽採光導管Reflective tubes bring light into a deep plan building,Skylight 天窗,Motion&Daylight Sensors移動及日光感應器,Lights automatically switched off while not in use.,Ice Maker製冰機,Ice produ
9、ced to store off-peak energy,demonstration mock-up,actual installation,Ice Tanks儲冰槽,Ammonia Chillers氨水冷式製冷機,Global warming potential=0 High Coefficient of Performance i.e.more energy efficient,Infra-red System&Electric Heater Units for Paint Booths,Shorten drying time&emission of flue gas eliminated
10、,紅外線和電能發熱噴油房,Waste Management System廢料管理系統,BALER for packaging waste paper for recycling捆包機PULPER for treating wet food remains from kitchen壓縮機Underground Waste Oil Tank for central disposal by specialist waste oil contractor地下廢油庫,Renewable Energy=further Reduction of CO2,再生能源=再減低二氧化碳排放,To supplemen
11、t the air conditioning system,Photovoltaic Panels太陽能光伏板,Annual Reduction of CO2=280 tonnes=3 times x a car travels around the world,Photovoltaic Panels太陽能光伏板,Roof Area for Photovoltaic Panels=7900 m2Number of Photovoltaic Panels=2300Peak Energy Output=350kWAnnual Energy Output=400,000kWh=Annual elec
12、tricity consumption of 90 families in Hong Kong 90 個香港家庭全年用電量,Grey Water Recycling System廢水回收循環再用系統,Water from washbasins,showers&kitchen reused as flushing water,Education Path 教育徑,To introduce the public to Sustainable Design through interactive exhibits,通過互動的展覽去推廣及介紹節能和再生能源,EDUCATE THE PUBLIC bey
13、ond clients brief教育公眾.義不容辭,Education Path+Exhibition Galleries,Viewing Gallery,7/F Exhibition,G/F Exhibition,Lobby,Entrance Piazza,Rebirth 重生,Photo Tour影集,Sustainability technologies in the EMSD HQ are available in the market for adoption in any suitable buildings.簡單技術 They can be well integrated with Architecture.可融入建築設計This is equally possible in any other buildings,both in private and public sectors.適用於任何工程,.we care,BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.,坐言起行.尚待何時,