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1、1,Interrelationship between Chinese fuju 汉语复句句内关系,2,汉语复句,Chinese Fuju is made up of two or more simple sentences which are related to each other in meaning.Precisely speaking,a Chinese fuju is mostly characterized by that the two Fenju should be connected in meaning and one of them can not be one se

2、ntence member of the other or vice versa.,3,培养儿童具有健康体魄,是我们的重要目标。我们谁都知道,他工作积极,学习努力。知识来源于实践已为无数事实所证明。讲你好话的人不一定都是你的好朋友。他告诉我,他前两天收到一封信。他学习努力,而且进步很快。走进饭厅,他看见母亲围着一件白围裙。他说了,而且做了。我受了伤,为什么不给治?他说了而且做了。我受了伤为什么不给治?,4,缩合复句(Condensed sentences),雨越下越猛,像瓢泼一样。狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手。你有意见就说。不到黄河心不死。人多力量大。不见不散!人云亦云 远交近攻不进则退,5,汉语

3、复句种类,A.联合复句 并列Parallelism 连贯Continuity 递进Progressiveness 选择Choice,B.偏正复句 转折Conversion 假设Supposition 条件Condition 因果Cause and Effect 目的 Purpose,6,意合与形合Parataxis&Hypotaxis,汉语:词语或语句间的连接主要凭借语义或语句间的逻辑关系来实现。,英语:词语或语句间的连接主要依仗连接词或语言形态手段来实现。,7,“板块”式结构与“多枝共干”结构,汉语的“板块”式结构(“竹节”式结构):汉语的“意合”特点使句子的内部成分常常一一罗列,呈现并排式

4、结构,外形上没有主从之分,层面之间没有明显的逻辑标记。,英语的“多枝共干”型:英语句子的“主谓结构”为句子主干,其他成分则通过各种连带附加关系附着在这条主干上,犹如树枝与树干的关系。,8,“左分支”结构与“右分支”结构,中国人的思维模式基本上是首先考虑事物的环境和外围因素,然后考虑具体事物或中心事件。,西方人的思维模式正相反,首先考虑中心事物,然后才加上外围因素。,9,复句与复合、复杂句,汉语复句:连词用得不多分句逻辑关系处于隐含状态,通过词序、语序确定从句通常在主句前,英语复合、复杂句:必须使用连词 从句既可以放在主句之后,也可放在主句之前,有时还可置于句子之中,10,翻译思路,译成简单句动

5、词短语介词短语译成复句各种形式从句,11,并列复句之一:并列关系,肯定并列:and否定并列:“既不也不”neither norneither或 nor的倒装句式,12,这两种文明产生于不同地区,它们的发展并行不悖,互不影响。These two civilizations were created in different areas and developed without interinfluence.她不知道发生了什么,也不在乎。She neither knows nor cares what has happened.,13,早期的电影是无声的,你既听 不到演员的对话,也听不 到动作所

6、发出的响声.Early films were silent:you could neither hear the dialogues between characters,nor the sounds and noises made by actions.Early films were silent:you could not hear the dialogues between characters,nor could you hear the sounds and noises made by actions.,14,并列复句之二:连贯关系,and或and then表达“一就”:as s

7、oon ashardly/scarcelywhenno soonerthan其它句法关系,15,计算机刚一启动,就发现有病毒。Hardly had the computer started up when viruses were found.杨小姐郑重地递给我一张名片表示希望和我交个朋友,于是便开始和我低声交谈。Miss Yang,who had presented a business card to me in hopes of making friends with me,began to converse with me in a gentle voice.,16,并列复句之三:递进

8、关系,not only but(also)as well,17,新建的住宅小区不仅有商业网点、供电供水、垃圾转运等齐全的设备,还有学校、幼儿园、派出所和医疗站。In the new residential area there are not only commercial networks,water and electricity supply systems and garbage removal service,but also schools,kindergartens,police stations and health-care centers.,18,并列复句之四:选择关系,o

9、r,eitherorwould rather thanrather thanbetterthan 动词搭配,19,不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明白。Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well.我们宁可克服种种困难把这项实验进行下去,也不愿放弃不做。We would rather go on with the experiment in adversity than give it up.,20,主从复句之一:转折让步关系,只用一个连词或者副词butthoughalthougheven ifas,21,尽管钢铁的性能极好,

10、但是在力的作用下 还是会变形的。Rigid as they are,iron and steel will deform under the action of forces.中国有几百种地方戏曲,且每一种戏曲在曲调、音乐和方言上均不相同,但在表演形式方面,大多数中国传统戏曲却有很多共同之处。In China there are hundreds of kinds of local operas.Although they differ in tone,style of music and dialect,they have a lot in common in the style of ac

11、ting,.,22,燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的你,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?Swallows may have gone,but theres a time of coming back;willow trees may have died,but theres a time of returning green;peach blossoms may have fallen,but theres a time of blooming again.Now,you,the wise,tell me,why should our

12、days leave us,never to return?,23,主从复句之二:假设关系,顺承的假设关系if逆接的假设关系even if,24,如果没有宇宙飞船,人类就 不可能飞向太空。If there had been no spaceships,it would have been impossible for human beings to go to space.即使哥伦布没有发现美州大陆,别人也会发现。Even if Columbus had not discovered the continent of America,somebody else might have.,25,主

13、从复句之三:条件关系,onlyif,unless,as/so long as,if only 或句中某种搭配无条件句no matter howhowever/whatever/whenever/whoever 或其它搭配,26,只有播种,才有收获。One can not reap unless he sows.One must sow before he can reap.他下定决心,不管碰到什么 困难都要坚持走下去。He was determined to hold on whatever difficulties he might run into.,27,主从复句之四:因果关系,不成对使

14、用关联词,根据关联词语的不同意义,分为两种表原因为主because,as,for,since表结果为主so,and therefore,hence,so that,thus,sothat,such that,28,复杂的计算我们可以用计算机进行,因为它能迅速地求出准确的解答。For complicated calculations we can use a computer,because it quickly gives us an exact solution.中国拥有丰富的物质财富和精神财富,因而注定要在国际事物中发挥决定性作用。China abounds in material and

15、 spiritual resources;therefore it is destined to play a decisive role in international affairs.,29,那对年轻夫妇当时非常穷,买 不起价钱如此昂贵的沙发。The young couple were so poor that they could not afford such an expensive sofa.这附近有许多大的工厂,所以空气受到烟尘的严重污染。There stand so many big factories nearby that air is seriously pollute

16、d by smoke.,30,主从复句之五:目的关系,so that,in order that,to the end that,in case,lest动词不定式短语和介词短语:so as(not)to,in order(not)to,with the aim of 其它从句关系,31,卫星必须加速,以便在它开始绕地球运行时可以获得足够快的速度来抵消地球的引力。A satellite must accelerate so that it may go fast enough to balance the force of gravity when it starts going around

17、 the earth.他每天去上班之前总是仔细地检查车胎,以防路上漏气。He always examines the tires carefully before going to work every day lest they should go flat on the way.,32,车要放在存放处,以免影响交通。Cars should be left at parking lots so as not to block the traffic.他计划组织一次讲座,好让我们对美国的金融市场体系有个大概的了解。He is planning to organize a lecture tha

18、t will provide us with a general understanding of the US financial market system.,33,Practice,他不去我去。I would like to go if he doesnt go.他不去我才去。Id go there only if he doesnt.他不去我也不去。I would not like to go unless he goes.他不去我也去。Id go there even if he doesnt go with me.他去不去我都去。Id go whether or not he go

19、es.,34,人穷志短。When a man is poor his ambition is not far-reaching.人穷志不短。Though one is poor,he has high aspirations.人不犯我,我不犯人。We will not attack unless we are attacked.人若犯我,我必犯人。We will counterattack once we are attacked.,35,有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather th

20、an professional skills that really counts in your career.这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。That is why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.,36,人际关系就是一种善于听取别人意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度

21、。这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。而人际关系差的人往往不能处理好批评。碰到错误,他们首先想到自己,拒不承认自己有错,或情绪低落或大发雷霆,成为有刺的人,难以相处。,37,Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener,to be sensitive toward others needs,to take criticism well.People with skill in social relation

22、s admit their mistakes,and take their share of blame,which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error.That is why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.Sensitive in their dealing with others,they are well liked everywhere.People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.When confronted with a mistake,they let their ego get in the way.They deny responsibility and became moody or angry.They mark themselves as“prickly”.,38,吃饭啦!,


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