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1、,Welcome to my class!,Unit 3 Module 10,Words&Expressions,cureA.n.药方;药a cure for 治疗的一种方法,旅游是缓解工作过度劳累的良药。,A trip was _for overwork.,B.v.治愈,治疗cure sb.of sth.治愈某人某疾病;改掉某人的某恶习,父母试图改掉孩子的恶习。,Parents try to_.,cure their children of bad habits.,a perfect cure,cure,treat&heal,treat治疗,指接受并诊治病人。包括对伤口、病人进行诊断,制定治

2、疗方案、开药方等。cure治愈;治疗,多指病后恢复健康。heal(伤口或断骨)愈合;复原,多指创伤,外伤,也可指矛盾,分歧我希望医生能治好我肩上的疼痛。,I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder.,医生治好了她的癌症。,The doctors cured her of cancer.,医生们正在讨论如何能有效地治疗这例癌症。,The doctors are discussing how they can treat the case of cancer effectively.,The long talk healed many of

3、 our differences.那次长谈消除了我们许多分歧。,Those students expect their teacher to _ from disease very soon.Acure Btreat Cheal DrecoverHis doctor promised him that the new medicine would be the cure _ his illness.Aof Bin Cfor Das,D,C,2infect v感染【用法拓展】infect sb.with 传染/感染某人 become/get/be infected with 被感染 infect

4、ion n.传染,传染病 infective adj.传染的,有传染性的,It is dangerous to become infected with bird flu.,感染了禽流感是危险的。,即学即用,完成句子We_(不会染上)HIV by swimming in a pool,or sitting in a bath.People who have been infected with a disease must take care _别感染给其他人)around them.She _ the whole class _ her laughter.她的笑声感染了全班同学。,cant

5、become infected with,not to infect others,infected,with,subscribe to 意思是“同意、赞成”。例如:并不是许多人同意金钱能够带来幸福这个观点。Not many people_.subscribe to还有“认捐,捐助”的意思许多人为救灾基金慷慨解囊。Many people _ liberally _the relief fund.,that money brings happiness,subscribe to the idea,subscribed to,另外subscribe to 也可指“订购、定期订阅(报纸、杂志等)”。

6、又如:我订阅中国日报已经有好几年了。,I have subscribed to China Daily for many years.,The government still _ the view that higher taxes are unpopular with the people.Aadjusts to Badapts to Csubscribes to Dcontributes toHe _ the magazine and is given some money.Aadjusts to Badapts to Csubscribes to Dcontributes to,C,D

7、,body and soul“整个身心”、“全心全意”,它可作宾语,也可作状语。(等同于heart and soul)例如:1)作为一个高三的学生,我必须全身心投入学习。(作宾语)2)他全心全意地为祖国而战斗。(作状语),As a student in Grade Three,I must put my body and soul into my study.,He fought body and soul for his country.,choke:verb 哽咽,咽住,卡住【用法拓展】困难地咽下,屈辱地接受 阻止,劝阻阻塞,装得太满;说不出话来噎住窒息而亡控制住,忍住,choke dow

8、nchoke offchoke upchoke onchoke to deathchoke back,【即学即用】用choke短语填空He didnt like food but he managed to _ it _.The girl talked endlessly and her mother had to _ her _.He _ _ and couldnt finish his speech.Hearing her mean words,I stood there and trembling and trying to _ _ tears.,choke down,choke off

9、,choked up,chokeback,promote vt.提升;提拔(常与to连用)我们的老师已被提升为校长了。那个年轻的陆军军官已被提升为上尉。,Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster.,The young army officer was promoted(to the rank of)captain.,promote还有其他意思,例如:“积极筹划”谁在筹划这次拳击赛?Who is promoting this boxing match?“宣传,推销(商品)”如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗?Do you have any idea

10、how to promote the sales of this product?“支持;促进;鼓励”老师应该鼓励学生的学习热诚。Teachers should promote students love of learning.,首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。The Prime Ministers visit will _.你的工作是促销这一新产品。Your job is _,to promote the new product.,promote the cooperation between,the two countries,swallow vi/vt.吞咽,咽下;哽咽,压制住相关短语:

11、swallow upswallow ones wordsswallow ones pride,吞没;消失在中,收回自己的话,放下架子,不顾自己的尊严,说出下列swallow的词义1.My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.2.She swallowed the insult without comment.3.The story about her father being rich is hard to swallow.4.Though she was really angry,she swallowed her an

12、ger and turned to face him.5.There were two swallows nesting above our front door.6.Peter book a long swallow of his drink and then ate some cookies.,吞下,咽下/忍受,相信,抑制,掩饰,燕子,一口,一次吞咽的量,One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。A single flower does not make a spring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。,scold vt.,vi.叱责;漫骂;责备(

13、暗示恼怒或坏脾气)【用法拓展】scold sb.责骂某人scold sb for doing sth.因(做)某事而责骂某人,我摔了盘子时,我妈妈责备我了。My mother _me when I dropped the plates.他因懒惰而受斥责。He_.,scolded,was scolded for being lazy,scold 指“由于错误或不满而暴躁地、恼怒地表示气愤,予以斥责,其理由可能是充分的,但往往是不充分的”。blame 强调“对某种可以解释的失误或不良行为的谴责或惩罚”。如:,His father scolded him for staying out late.,

14、They blamed the failure on George.,=They blamed George for the failure.,他爸爸斥责他回来得太晚。,他们把失败归咎于乔治。,addictive adj.上瘾的 addict oneself to 沉溺于,醉心于 be addicted to 沉溺于,醉心于 ones addiction to golf 嗜好高尔夫球,in some cases 在某些情况下,有时候 Relevant phrases:in case(adv./conj.)以防、可能、倘若in case of(prep.)如果、万一 in any case 无论

15、如何、不管怎样 in this/that case 若是这样/那样的话 in no case 决不,在任何情况下都不 as is often the case 这是常有的事 in the case of 就来说,关于,明天可能下雨,但不管怎样我们都打算回家去。It may rain tomorrow,but we are going home_.,in any case,如果他来,告诉我一声。_,let me know.带上雨伞,以防下雨。Take your umbrella _你最好带些钱,以防万一(要用)。You had better carry some money_.,In case

16、he comes,(just)in case it rains.,in case,万一失火,就打119电话。_,call 119.你绝不能把此事告诉她。You _her about it.你绝不能放弃。In no case_.,In case of fire,should in no case tell,should you give up,你不喜欢你的工作,那你为什么不辞掉呢?You dont like your job?_,why dont you leave?就像通常那样,我们已经设计出了那个方案。_,we have worked out the plan.,As is often th

17、e case,In that case,forgetful adj.健忘的,be forgetful of ones sleep and meals 废寝忘食,forget to do 忘记去做forget doing 忘记做过 forget having done忘记做过,I am so forgetful.I often leave my keys at home.我这么健忘,老把钥匙忘在家里。He tends to be forgetful of his manners.他往往不注意礼节。,in the prison 在狱中 go to prison 去坐牢 go to the pris

18、on 到监狱中去 be taken to prison 被关入监狱 break prison 越狱,从狱中逃走 cast/throw sb into prison下狱,投进监牢,in prison 坐牢,被监禁,拓展(有无“the”意义不同):,in possession of 拥有(主动意义)in the possession of 某物为某人拥有(被动意义),out of question 没有问题out of the question 不可能,on earth 到底,究竟on the earth 在地球上,leave school 毕业leave the school离开学校,拓展(有无

19、“the”意义不同):,by day 在白天by the day按天计算,in front of(范围以外的)前面in the front of(范围以内的)前面,take place 发生take the place 代替,in case of 万一,如果in the case of 就而论,in charge of 掌管,负责in the charge of 由掌管,负责,拓展(有无“the”意义不同):,by hand 手工的(catch sb)by the hand 抓住某人的手,in future 从今以后in the future 在将来,at table 吃饭,用餐at the

20、table 在餐桌旁,three of us 我们中的三人the three of us我们三人(共有三人),in course of 在过程中in the course of 在期间内,additional adj.附加的,另加的 an additional tax additional outlay in addition in addition to+n.have an addition(to the family)with the addition of,附加税,额外开支,加上,又,另外,加上,除.外,又,生孩子,添人口,外加,in the first place adv.首先Rele

21、vant phrases:firstfirstlyfirst of allabove allfor one thingto begin withto start with,well-being adj.康乐,安宁,福利,well-known 众所周知的,有名的,清楚明白的 well-acted 表演得很好的,装得很象的 well-advised 深思熟虑的,明智的 well-appointed 设备完善的 well-balanced 均衡的;匀称的 well-behaved行为端正的,有礼貌的 well-done 煮得熟透的,干得出色的 well-dressed 穿着讲究的 well-informed 消息灵通的;见识广博的 well-built 结实的,身材均匀的 well-chosen 精选的,恰当的,Thanks to my class!,Good bye,


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