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1、Unit 2We must keep the camp clean.,Module 4Rules and suggestions,pay attentionset offwear proper clothesthe edge of the hill pathhurt oneselfkeep together,Translate the phrases into English.,Revision,注意出发穿合适的衣服山路的边缘伤到自己在一起;协同一致,get lost go offon ones ownin one gobe careful oflead the way,走失;迷路离开独立地一

2、口气;一下子注意;留心引路;带路,Have you ever seen bears or other animals when you travel?Do you like them?Do you think they are dangerous?If you really meet a bear outside,what will you do?,How much do you know about bears?,Free talk,Bears can climb trees.They can smell food from a distance.Bears can run fast.The

3、re are eight main types of bear:American black bears,Asian black bears,brown bears,giant pandas,Polar bears,Sloth bears,Spectacled bears and Sun bears.The largest of all bear species is the brown bear,weighing as much as 2200 pounds.Polar bears are the most skilled swimmers of all bear species.,Amer

4、ican black bear,Asian black bear,brown bears,giant panda,Polar bears,Sloth bear(懒熊;印度的一种长毛熊),Spectacled bears(眼镜熊),Sun bears(太阳熊),tent,fall asleep,Learn some words.,stick,woods,reach out,still,Look at the picture.Answer the questions.,1.What is the bear doing?,It is around the tent to look for somet

5、hing to eat and finds some food that people put there.,2.What do you think the people in the tent should do?,They must stay in the tent till the bear goes far and dont make any noise.,How much do they know about bears?,Read the passage and answer the question.,They know bears can climb trees and the

6、y know that bears can smell food from a long way away.They also know that if they see a bear,they mustnt make sudden moves or make a sound and they mustnt run.,1.Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears?,In a clean place where bears cant smell the food.,Read again and answer

7、 the questions.,2.What was the noise behind the writer?,I think it may be the baby bears noise in which he ran past the writer into the woods to look for his mother and it may be the huge mother bears noise.,Do you think their camping trip was interesting?Why?,I dont think it was interesting.It was

8、very dangerous.,Read again and complete the table.,noise,was open,hang the food in a tree,took the food,hang the food in a higher tree,keep the camp clean and make lots of noise,a baby bear,his mother,make any sudden moves,make a sound,or run,What should(must)you do if there are bears nearby?,1)You

9、must hang food in a tree.,2)must/should pick up the rubbish.,3)must/should keep the camp clean.,4)cant leave anything which bears might think is food.,5)should make a lot of noise.,6)mustnt move or make a sound.,7).mustnt run because no one can run faster in the forest than a bear.,Complete the pass

10、age with the words in the box.,On the third day of our camping trip,Ben told us that if we saw a bear,we should not take any _ moves.We did not have a _ to keep ourselves safe.The next day,I saw a baby bear playing with some _ and stones.His mother arrived soon,and I was so afraid that my _ went col

11、d.I did not move until the bears walked away.Then I ran back to my friends as fast as I could.,blood gun sticks sudden,sudden,gun,sticks,blood,Where is it?Why do people go there?And there any dangers from animals?How can we protect ourselves?What should we do to look after the place?,Think of an are

12、a of countryside nearby.,Writing,Say where it is.,Say why people go there.,People go there to see the mountains,and streams.,Lushan National Park is in Jiangxi Province.,Say how we can protect ourselves.,Say what we should do to look after the park.,We should allow only 1,000 people to visit it each

13、 day.,We mustnt walk in the grass.,Say if there are any dangers from animals.,The fish and birds there are not dangerous,but there are some snakes.,A Sample,Lushan National Park is in Jiangxi Province.Every year,many tourists go to visit it.People visit it to see the mountains,valleys,streams,pools

14、and waterfalls.As we enjoy ourselves in the park,we must be careful of some dangers from animals.The fish and birds which live there are not dangerous but there,Are some snakes.Then how can we protect ourselves?We mustnt walk in the grass.At the same time,we should do something to look after the par

15、k.I think we should allow only 1,000 people to visit it each day.,Yellowstone National Park,If you work as a guide for Yellowstone Park,please give some suggestions to the visitors about how to protect yourselves and the park.,Where it is:in the USAWhat to see:mountains/valleys/warm springs/bear/and

16、 rare plants.What dangers there are:bearHow we can protect ourselves:What we should do to look after the place:,1.When we write in paragraphs,we should choose one topic for each paragraph first.,2.Next,We can write notes under headings.,3.Finally,We should use linking words(and,but,so,because etc.)t

17、o join the sentences together.,Yellowstone Park is in the USA.Many people visit it to see the mountains/valleys/warm springs moose/bison and rare plants.It is peaceful but there are some bears.So we mustnt And We should We can We cant We should allow only 1,000 people to visit it each week.,Huanghe

18、delta nature reserve Zone(黄河三角洲自然保护区)Where:the northeast of Dongying,ShandongWhat to see:wetland/swan/the sunsetDanger:deep waterSuggestions:,Changbai Mountain Eco-tourismWhere:Northeast ChinaWhat to see:forest waterfall/mountainsDanger:tigers/black bears Suggestions:,Group work,Lushan National Geol

19、ogical ParkWhere:JiangxiWhat to see:mountains stream/pool Danger:wild animalsSuggestions:,Xixi National Wetland Park,The first and so far only National Wetland Park in China is located in beautiful paradise city of Hang Zhou.,1.the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours.,the 用在数词

20、前,表示特指。,the three of us 指的是“我们三个人”(总数就三个人);three of us指的是“我们中的三个人”(总数不一定为三个人)。,Language points,There are eight people in the team.The eight of them will have dinner together tonight.队里有八个人,他们八个今晚一起吃饭。There are 10 people in the office and eight of them are women.办公室有十个人,有八个是女的。,2.We soon fell asleep.

21、fall asleep 入睡,睡着 Dont cry.The sick have fallen asleep.别叫喊,病人们已经入睡了。Warm milk helps you fall asleep.喝热牛奶有助你入睡。He fell asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.他刚睡着,这时有人大声敲门。,(2014年湖北荆州中考)完成句子Because it was too noisy outside last night,we all found it difficult _.(fall)由于昨晚外面太吵,我们发现很难入睡。The mat

22、h teacher got angry with me when I did not _ him in class yesterday.A.look for B.take care C.pay attention to D.fall asleep,to fall asleep,C,fall asleep表动作,意为“刚刚入睡”,指“刚睡着”这动作;be asleep表状态,意为“睡着的”;go to bed表动作,指“去睡觉”;go to sleep和fall asleep意思接近,指“入睡,睡着”。The baby has been asleep for an hour.He found i

23、t difficult to go to sleep.,知识链接,3.We should hang the food in a tree tonight.hang v.悬挂;吊 其过去式、过去分词均为hung。A full moon hung in the sky.圆圆的月亮挂在天上。Illhangthe pictures as high as I can.我将尽可能把这些画挂得高。He hung his coat on the hook.他把衣服挂在钩子上。The decision is stillhanging.尚未决定。,hang about/around/round 闲逛;闲呆着;围着

24、,缠住hang behind 落在后面;挂在后面hang down 挂下来hang from 悬挂hang in 不泄气,坚持下去hang on 紧紧抓住;坚持下去;把挂在上,知识链接,hang v.绞死,上吊 其过去式、过去分词均为hanged。He was hanged for his crimes.他因犯罪而被处绞刑。Mussolini washangedby the Italian people.墨索里尼被意大利人民给吊死了。,知识链接,hang-hung-hung 悬挂 hang-hanged-hanged 绞死,上吊可以这样记忆:上吊需要一把椅子,hanged后面的ed就像一把椅子

25、一样,这样记住,就不会混淆。,The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew.A.having hung B.hanging C.hangs D.being hung Is this raincoat yours?No,mine _ there behind the door.A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hungWet clothes are often _ up near a fire in rainy weather.A.hang B.hanged C.hanging D.hung,B,A,D,4.

26、We put up the tent and fell asleep.put up 挂起;张贴;举起 Lets put up the Christmas decorations in the living room.我们在起居室里张贴一些圣诞装饰物吧。He put up his hand to ask a question.他将手举起来问问题。,学过的含有up的短语还有:get up“起来”,grow up“长大,成长”,give up“放弃”等。The dog will grow up quickly.小狗会很快长大的。When do you get up this morning?你今天早

27、上几点钟起床的?She doesnt give up easily.她做任何事都不轻易放弃。Cheer up!Im sure youll feel better tomorrow.振作起来!我肯定你明天会好些的。,【2013山东菏泽】10.Why do you collect so many old bikes?Ill have them _ and give away to the children who dont have bikes.A.used up B.given up C.fixed up D.set up,【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:-你为什么收集了这么多旧自行车。-我将找

28、人把他们修理一下,然后捐给那些没有自行车的孩子。fix up“修理”,use up“用尽”,give up“放弃”,set up“建立”。注意本句使用了句式have sth.done,表示“让别人做某事”。,【2013湖南益阳】31.When he saw a wallet on the ground,he _at once.A.picked it up B.gave it up C.picked up it【解析】考查动词词组辨析。句意:当他看到地上有一个钱包,他立刻捡了起来。pick up 捡起,拾起来;give up 放弃。在动副词短语中,若代词作宾语,要放在动词和副词之间。根据句意选A

29、。,【2013湖北宜昌】33.Its everyones duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.Sure.We should try to _ all the food that weve ordered.A.give up B.eat up C.turn up D.show up,【解析】考查动词短语的辨析。give up“放弃”,eat up“吃光”,turn up“调大”,show up“出现”。根据句意“-我们每个人都有责任加入光盘行动。-是的,我们应当把我们点的饭菜都吃光。”可以判断用eat up。所以选择答案B。,【2013江苏盐城】

30、10.David Burts dream in China is to go into the west and_ an early childhood school there.A.clean up B.look up C.give up D.set up【解析】动词词组辨析。根据句意:应是创建一所幼儿学校。clean up“清理”;look up“向上看”;give up“放弃”。,【2013山东济南】43.Alice,could you help me _ the meat?I want to make some dumplings for dinner.OK.Ill do it rig

31、ht away.A.put up B.give up C.use up D.cut up【解析】考查短语辨析。根据问句句意:爱丽丝,你能帮我切这些肉吗?晚饭我想包水饺。put up张贴;举起;give up放弃;use up用尽;cut up切碎。所以答案选D。,5.Lets tidy up and move on.tidy up 整理;收拾 The room is in a mess.Lets tidy it up.屋里很乱,让我们收拾一下。Tidy up the room before the guests arrive.客人来之前把这间屋子整理整理。,(2012年天津市中考)根据所给中文

32、意思完成句子,每空限填一词。我经常帮助妈妈收拾房间。I often help my mum to _ _ the room.(2013山东聊城)If you want to buy this dress,youd better _ first to make sure it fits you.A.pay for it B.take it off C.tidy it up D.try it on,tidy,up,D,move on 继续前进 Accept your failures and move on.接受失败然后继续前行。Dont stop here;move on,move on!不要停

33、留在这里,往前走,往前走!Youve got to let it go and move on.你得忘记一切继续生活。,6.if I reach out,I can just touch him.reach out 伸出(手或臂)The monkey reached out a hand for the banana.猴子伸出手去够香蕉。He reached out for the tool.他伸手去拿工具。reach for 伸手去拿,7.I was still for a few minutes.still adj.静止的;不动的 Keepstillwhile I fasten your

34、shoe.站着别动,我给你系鞋带。Howstilleverything is!一切都是多么的寂静!,still,calm,quiet这几个形容词的共同意思是“安静、平静、寂静”,其区别在于:1.在修饰环境时各词所指的状态为:calm指风平浪静;quiet指没有吵闹干扰;still指完全没有声音。2.在修饰人时:calm指人心平气和,毫不激动;quiet指性情温和、安静等,有时也指人的闲散或不活动;still指“一动不动”。,知识链接,选词填空:calm,quiet,still1)Could you keep the kids _ while Im on the phone?2)He was s

35、till _when he was in danger3)Keep _ while I take photos of you.4)Anna is _ enough to drive a car.The clock struck 11 at night and the whole house was _.,quiet,still,calm,calm,quiet,still作副词使用时,含有“仍旧、还”之意,表示某事仍在继续。例句:Although she felt ill,shestillwent to work.她虽然觉得身体不舒服,但仍然去上班了。Her arm still hurts.她的

36、胳膊还在痛。Imstillnot sure what you mean.我还不明白你到底是什么意思。,知识链接,Practice,1 每当他一入睡,就弄出很多噪音。,_ he falls asleep,he _.,2 第二天我们仨去山坡采花去了。,_,_went to the hillside to pick up flowers.,The next day,the three of us,Every time,makes,a lot of noise,3.当我转过身时,那个孩子经过我身边跑到人群中去了。,When I _,the child _the crowd.,turned round,ran past,4.我朝门外看去,有一只可爱的小狗,当我伸手去摸它的时候,它却很快跑开了。,I _the door,a lovely dog was there.I _ for it,but it _ quickly.,looked out of,reached out,ran away,me into,


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