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1、Writing,1.书信(一般书信,邀请函,接受邀请,拒绝邀请,申请函,祝贺,证明信,投诉信)2.通知3.简历3.议论文4.图表作文,书信的格式,1)Heading(写信人的地址即日期)2)Inside Address(收信人的姓名及地址)(写信日期)3)Salutation(称呼Dear)4)Body(正文)5)Complimentary Close(结尾客套话)6)Signature(签名),1。地址的写法:英文地址的写法与中文完全不同,地址的名称按从小到大的顺序:第一行写门牌号码和街名或公司名称;第二行写县、市、省、州、邮编、国名;然后再写日期。如:BOX 408,Beijing Uni

2、versity Beijing 100871 June 15,2004/June 15th,2004,2。称呼:1)写给亲人、亲戚和关系密切的朋友时:My dear father,Dear Tom,2)写给公务上的信函用Dear Madam,Dear Sir或Gentleman(Gentlemen)。(注意:Dear纯属公务上往来的客气形式。Gentlemen总是以复数形式出现,前不加Dear,是Dear Sir的复数形式。)3)写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字。例如:Dear Prof.Tim Scales,Dear Dr.Smith。,3。结束语(Comp

3、limentary Close)(1)写给家人、亲戚,朋友,Lovingly yours,Lovingly,Yours affectionately等;(2)写业务信函用Truly yours(Yours truly),Faithfully yours(Yours faithfully),Sincerely yours(Yours sincerely)等;(3)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully(Respectfully yours)等。,4。签名:在结束语的正下方,在签完名字的下面还要有用打字机打出的名字.

4、如果是商业信函,可先写公司名称;职务应写在签名下方.如:Yours faithfully,HAITIAN FOOD CO.,LTD Wang shunli Wang shunli General Manager,求职信(a letter of application for a position)1.格式及内容和其他普通书信一样,求职信由写信人地址及写信日期、收信人姓名及地址、称呼、正文、结束语、署名和附件七个部分组成。求职信大致包括以下内容:1)首先说明写信原由,即是看到招聘广告还是从朋友处得到消息。2)正文强调与求职岗位相关的教育背景、工作经历与资格。3)结尾应请求面试机会。4)提供至少两

5、个证明人及其联系地址和电话,放在个人简历(写求职信一般要附上个人简历)中列出,否则在正文中体现。,如何写简洁明了的求职信?-三段式,Para1-Why you are writing?Para2-What abilities and experiences you have(relate to the position)?Para3-How you will follow up?,2.常用句型:,第一段:1)I am writing to apply for the position 2)This is an application for the position3)I am interes

6、ted in the position in your company as 最后一段:1)I should be glad to have a personal interview.2)My resume is enclosed.3)Im looking forward to hearing from you shortly.,范文:140 Shaoshan Road Hangzhou 3180000 Zhejiang Nov.17,2003Personnel DirectorShanghai New World SchoolShanghaiDear Sir or Madam,I have

7、learned from the job ad that there is a vacancy of English teacher in Shanghai New World School,and I wish to apply for the position.I graduated from Zhejiang University.For the last two years,I have been teaching English at Hangzhou No.9 Middle School,to whom I can refer you as to my character and

8、ability.Enclosed you will find a recommendation letter from Professor Smith,of the Foreign Languages College of Zhejiang University.I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience.Yours respectfully Alice White,作业:,姓名:李爱华 男 1980年5月16日出生 未婚 家住北京市复兴路61号。2001年以优异成绩毕业于华光技术学院计算机系。大学3年期间一直学习英语,有

9、很好的阅读能力,具有英语交流的能力。喜欢游泳和上网。欲求计算机程序员工作。,Application letter,June 21,2002Dear Sirs or Madams,I am writing to apply for the position of computer programmer.My name is Li Aihua,graduated from the Computer Department of Huaguang Technical College in 2001 with excellent scores.I studied English during the 3

10、 years at college.Im excellent at reading.I can communicate in English fluently.I like swimming and going online.I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience.Look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours respectfully Li Aihua,作业:,你叫刘远,申请一家公司的经理助理职位。个人情况:1981年生于福建,2003年毕业于厦门大学经济系,参加过一些社会活动

11、。在英语四、六级考试中均取得好成绩并通过口语考试。爱好音乐、足球、旅游。,邀请信(a letter of invitation)该题型要求考生掌握正式和非正式的书信体邀请信格式。它的内容应完整、明确、语言简朴、态度热情。1.格式及内容邀请信的正式程度有邀请者与被邀请者间的关系来决定。正式的邀请信格式与普通书信相同;而用于熟悉朋友间的非正式邀请信可省略写信人地址、收信人姓名及地址,称呼也可随便些。邀请信复函的格式和正式程度与邀请信相同。1)邀请信的正文a.提出邀请b.清楚写明邀请的原因并指出时间、地点、场合c.结尾时表示期待对方接受邀请,如要求被邀请人答复,应注明RSVP/r.s.v.p.。2)

12、表示接受邀请的复函的正文a.感谢对方的邀请b.表示接受要求并确认时间、地点、场合c.表达愉快的期盼之情3)表示谢绝邀请的复函的正文a.感谢对方的邀请b.明确谢绝并给出合理的原因,范文 A(a letter of invitation),May10,2003Dear Mr.Wilson,Mrs.Amy Taylor will leave for the United States shortly.We have the pleasure in inviting you to join us in a Farewell Party which is to take place at 7:00-10

13、:00 p.m.on Sunday,April 12,2003,at the Diamond Club.Looking forward to seeing you.Yours,Lucy,范文 A(a letter of invitation),December20,2001 Dear Miss Brown,Class 4 will hold a Christmas party to celebrate Christmas Day.We would like to invite you to be our guest of honor.The party will be held in Room

14、301 of Teaching Building 4 onChristmas Eve,from 8 p.m.to 10 p.m.There will be a giftexchange,so if you decide to come,please bring a gift.Please RSVP to Ricky,the class monitor of Class4.We arelooking forward to hearing from you!Merry Christmas!Sincerely yours,Jiang Ming,May 1,2006Dear Megan,Hi!How

15、are you?I hope you are doing well.My parents are throwing me a party on Saturday,May 10 in celebration of my birthday.I would like to invite you to be my guest of honor.The party will be held from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m.at Randolph Park Recreation Center,where we will swim,play volleyball and have a barbecu

16、e.So if you decide to come,please bring your swimsuit and a change of clothes!Please RSVP to Valerie Conn before May 3,2006.You can reach Valerie Conn by email at or by phone 543-9865.I hope you will come!Sincerely,Bethany,范文B:(accepting an invitation),May15,2003Dear Mary,How nice of you to ask me t

17、o dinner at your home on Saturday night,May 17,at 7:00.It seems quite a long time since we met last and I am very glad of the opportunity to hear you talk about your business trip in Russia.Im looking forward to seeing you.Yours,William,May15,2003Dear Bob,Thank you for your kind invitation to dinner

18、 at your home on Friday,May18,2003,but Im sorry that I have to decline it.As you know I have been preparing for the TOEFL test,which is to be given this weekend.I must do some preparation.I do hope to see you when Im free.Yours,Ted,范文C(declining an invitation),感谢信(Thank-you letter),商务感谢信范例:Dear Mr./

19、Ms,Thank you for your letter of yesterday inviting me to come for an interview on Friday afternoon,5th July,at 2:30.I shall be happy to be there as requested and will bring my diploma and other papers with me.Yours faithfully*尊敬的先生/小姐 谢谢昨日来信通知我面试,我将于要求的7月5日,周五下午两点半到达,并带去我的证书及其它书面材料。你诚挚的*,投诉信(a lette

20、r of complaint),一般来说,投诉信包括三个基本方面:1)投诉内容。主要指投诉实物名称或服务态度等。2)投诉原因。主要指投诉内容出了何种问题。3)希望得到的结果。主要指向被投诉的单位或个人求得解决问题的办法或希望返回其所付出的所有代价。常用句型:1)I am writing to complain that 2)Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.,May 10,2003To whom it may concern,I have written two letters telling you t

21、hat my refrigerator did not work properly for a few days,but I havent heard from you ever since.This causes us not only much inconvenience but also a lot of trouble.Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.Yours sincerely,Li Hua,投诉信模式:,证明信(a letter of certificate),证明信或证书涉及面较广,凡是

22、证明一个人的身份、经历或某件事真相的信或文件都叫做证明信或证书,如出生证、学历证等。证明的格式与一般书信格式大致相同,只是称呼一般多用“To whom it may concern”(有关负责人),而不须写收信人姓名、地址和结束语。通常在信笺上方先注明Certificate(证明)字样,然后写正文,最后在右下方署上自己的名字或单位名称。,To whom it may concern,This is to certify that Miss Sun Xiaoli has been employed in our company as a secretary for the past two ye

23、ars.She has faithfully attended to her duties and has improved herself to be diligent and thoroughly reliable.Sincerely yours Wang Tao,通知(Notice),英文通知的格式与中文通知大体相同,由标题、正文、落款(或时间)三部分组成。标题写在正文上方正中部位,常以 Notice/NOTICE 作标题。落款即发出通知的单位和时间写在正文右下角,有时单位可省略,时间也可写在单位名称下一行的左下角。书写正文应注意几点:1)内容简洁清楚。2)多采用被动语态,人称用第三人称

24、。3)正文起首常标以“ATTENTION”字样或以“Attention,please”开头。,Sample 1:罗列式 NOTICELecturer:Mr.Wang,general manager of Shanghai Golden Palm Computer System Limited Company Topic:Modern Information Management ModeTime:6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.May 12Venue:the Multi-media Lecture RoomAudience:students of Information Manageme

25、nt Department Information Management Department May4,2003,2.陈述式:NOTICE Mr.Wang,general manager of Shanghai Golden Palm Computer System Limited Company,will give a lecture on Modern Information Management Mode at 6:30 p.m.on May 12.The two-hour lecture will be held in the Multi-media lecture Room.Stu

26、dents of Information Management Department are invited to attend the lecture.Information Management Department May4,2003,November 21,2006To whom it may concern,This is a group e-mail sent out to the administration,staff and students of Walker Davis High School.For the safety of our staff and student

27、s,our school will be closed due to repairs in the electrical system on December 1 and December 2.Administration,staff,and students are expected to return to school on December 3.Thank you for you understanding.We hope to quickly resolve the problem.Sincerely,Mark Owens,3.书信式,Notice Attention,please.

28、A visit to Shanghai has been arranged for Saturday,June 7.The teachers who wish to go,are expected to gather at the college gate.The bus is to leave at 6:00 a.m.sharp.The English Department Office June 2nd,2003,便条(note)-电话留言,假条,借条,便条(note)是最简短的通讯形式。其格式一般包括日期、称呼、正文、署名等项。内容力求通俗,简单明了。,(1)电话留言 2:30 p.m.

29、TuesdayDear John,When you were out,Prof.Li of Nankai Universityrang,saying that he will be expecting you in hisoffice at 8:00 a.m.tomorrow morning.Please callhim if it is not convincing to you.Peter,To:Time:Message:From:,(2)假条May 12Dear Mr.Davis,I am seriously ill and the doctor asked me to stay at

30、home.I beg to apply for one weeks leave of absence from the 13th to 20th inclusive.Ill be very much obliged if you grant me my application.I am enclosing the doctors certificate.Yours sincerely,*,(3)借条(IOU)21st Dec.2003To Miss Wang Ling,IOU yuan two hundred only(¥200.00).Li Ping,说明:根据下列内容写一份电子邮件。发件人

31、:John Smith()收件人:假日酒店(电子邮件)发件时间:12月10日事由:1.因行程改变,取消12月5日以John Smith的名义在贵酒店预定 的12月12日到15日的两个单身房间 2.表示歉意,并询问是否需支付违约金。3.要求回信确认。Words for reference:违约金 cancellation penalty假日酒店 Holiday Inn以的名义 in the name of确认 confirm,十、E-mail应用文写作,E-mail MessageTo:_From:_Date:_Subject:_Dear Sir or Madam,_ Yours faithfu

32、lly,John Smith,Holiday Inn(电子邮件),John Smith(),Dec.10th,Cancellation of Hotel Booking,I am writing to inform you that,because of my change of schedule,I have to cancel the booking of two single rooms during Dec.12th to 15th in the name of John Smith.I apologize for the inconvenience I will bring you,

33、and I wonder whether I should pay the cancellation penalty.I will be grateful if you could write back to confirm it.,八、简历,简历是求职者生活经历的简述,一般以大纲或一览表的形式表示,通常包括下列内容:a)个人资料:包括姓名、性别、年龄、出生日期、国籍、身高、体重、性格、爱好、健康状况、婚姻状况、住址和联系电话等。b)受教育程度:一般从中学开始,包括就读学校名称、时间、所学专业和取得的学位等。c)工作经历(一般采用从最近往前的时间顺序例举从事过的工作)d)奖励和社会活动e)个人

34、爱好和特长f)求职目标g)附件 简历的目的在于可以使人迅速获得资料,因此简历措辞应简洁明了,不必用完整的句子,但内容必须真实。公司机构和学校名称需写全称。标题要用CURRICULUM VITAE或RESUME。,RESUME1)Personal DataName:Zhang XiaomingSex:MaleAge:22Address:302Building1,Daguan Street,Hangzhou 3110000,ZhejiangTel:057185166772)EducationSept.1993July 1995:School of Adult Education,Zhejiang

35、UniversitySept.1990July 1993:Hangzhou No.9 Middle School,3)Work ExperienceJune 1994Sept.1994:Sold stationery for Childrens Appliance CompanyJan.1995May 1995:Took a part-time job as a managing assistant at Northern City Transportation Company4)Foreign Languages:Excellent English,fair French5)Hobbies:

36、Reading,traveling,playing football6)Other factors:1.75m,healthy,honest,hard-working and easy to get along with7)Job objective:Assistant manager8)References:Will be sent upon request,Letter 1 发信人:张玲内容:1.邀请Jane 暑假期间到北京来度假2.陪同她游览长城、故宫、颐和园等3.请回信告知是否能来写信日期:2003年6月25日Letter 2 回信人:Jane 内容:1.感谢并接受张玲的邀请2.决定7

37、月初来北京回信日期:2003年6月30日Words for reference:长城 the Great Wall;故宫 the Imperial Palace;颐和园 the Summer Palace,Dear Jane,Long time no see.How are you?Id like to invite you to spend some days in Beijing this coming summer holidays.As you know,there are lots of interesting places to see such as the Great Wall

38、,Forbidden City,Summer Palace and so on.Ill accompany you to visit each of these places.I sincerely hope you would like to spend a pleasant holiday with me here.Please tell me when you could come for such a visit.Good luck,Your faithfully,Zhangling,Dear Zhang,Nice to hear from you!Your invitation is

39、 great!Surely,Ill come.People often say that the best time for enjoying sightseeing in Beijing is in July,in autumn,the harvest season.You know,I like the golden leaves of trees,the climate and the food.Lets meet at Beijing Airport,the first Saturday of July.With thanks,Yours faithfully,Jane,说明:请以中国

40、学生张锦秋(女)的身份填写下列表格。具体信息如下:出生年月:1982年10月16日联系地址:燕京市虹桥路496号电话:000-67289879个人详细情况:本人目前学历,学习英语的目的和经历,我的英语强项和弱项,希望在哪方面加强,等等。Test Preparation Course Application FormFamily name:_ First name(s):_Date of birth:_ Nationality:_Sex:_ Telephone number:_Address:_ Please write about your current education,your str

41、engths and weaknesses in English and your experience in English learning.(about 50 words)_,Family name:Zhang First name(s):JinqiuDate of birth:Oct,16,1982Nationality:Chinese Sex:Female Telephone number:000-67289879 Address:496 Hongqiao Road,Yanjing City I am a sophomore in Liaoning University.I am m

42、ajoring in international trade.Though I have little difficulty in reading English materials,I am totally at a loss when I attend my American teachers lecture.I am eager to improve my listening ability in your seminar.I look forward to hearing from you soon.,2004,说明:请以王曼丽的名义写一封求职信。王曼丽,24岁,毕业于龙江技术学院,主

43、修企业管理,各门课程都优良。学过速记与打字,速度各为每分钟90字和70字。请为她拟出一份给ABC公司的自荐信,希望能在该公司谋得总经理秘书一职。请注意书信的格式。写信的日期为2004年6月25日。Words for reference:技术学院Technical College企业管理Business Administration 速记与打字shorthand and typing,Application Letter June 25th,2004Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Wang Manli,24 years old,graduating from Longj

44、iang Technical College.I major in Business Administration and get an excellent achievement in all my lessons.I have ever learned shorthand and typing and the speed of each is 90 words and 70 words per minute respectively.I hope to be the secretary of the general manager of your company.Looking forwa

45、rd to receiving your reply.Sincerely yours,Wang Manli,说明:请按照中文提供的信息,将下述内容填入英文表格。欢迎到西部主题公园来!公园开放时间为4月到9月,每周7天,从上午10点到下午6点。成人15票价美元,儿童7美元,也可以花28美元买家庭票!每周六、周日我们有原始西部表演。表演从下午两点开始,持续两个半小时。星期一至星期五上午8:00,10:00有免费巴士从市区开往公园,节假日和周末全天都有免费巴士从市区开往公园。可以在网上预订门票,也可打电话订票。演出开始前半小时可买到半价票。Welcome to Wild West Theme Par

46、kOpening months:From _ to _Opening days in a week:_Opening hours:From _ to _Time of Wild West Show:_Show starts:_Show lasts:_Ticket price:Adult$_;Children$_;Family Ticket$_Additional information:1.Bus service2.Booking information,Welcome to Wild West Theme Park Opening months:From _April_ to _Septem

47、ber_Opening days in a week:_Seven days_Opening hours:From _10 a.m.to _6 p.m.Time of Wild West Show:_every Saturday and Sunday_Show starts:_2 p.m.Show lasts:_2 hours and a half_Ticket price:Adult$_15_;Children$_7_;Family Ticket$_28_Additional information:1.Bus serviceThere are free buses from urban a

48、rea to the park from eight oclock to ten oclock from Monday to Friday,and the buses are also on service at anytime on Saturdays,Sundays and holidays.2.Booking informationYou can book tickets on Internet or telephone.There is fifty percent discount half an hour before the show.,2005,明:假定你是王明(中国籍),去海口

49、旅游度假,于2005年6月10日入住白云宾馆3002房间,6月20日离店。临走时填写了一份问卷调查表。内容如下:1.对酒店的总体管理感到满意;2.对酒店提供的各种服务感到满意;3.建议:A)因酒店位于海边,交通并不方便,周围的商业设施比较少,建议酒店每天能提供免费班车,方便来海边度假的住店人去市区购买所需商品。B)建议酒店与相关公司联系,为住店客人提供租车服务。Words for reference:总体(的)overall 商业的commercial 班车shuttle bus 相关公司related company,QUESTIONNAIRE To improve the quality

50、of our service,we would be grateful if youd complete the following questionnaire.Name:Wang MingNationality:Chinese Room number:3002Check-in Date:June 10th,2005 Check-out Date:June 20th,2005Did you receive polite and efficient service when you arrived?(Yes)Are you satisfied with the room service of o


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