1、Irony,Presenter:胡珺瑛,Definition of Irony,Irony is the expression of actual intent in words that carry the opposite meaning.,Types of Irony,Verbal irony言语反讽Circumstantial Irony 间接讽刺Dramatic irony戏剧性讽刺,Example:It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in ones pocket.,Th
2、is hard working boy seldom readsmore than an hour per weak.,(Speaker 1)looking at thewaytheywork constantly,they seem miserable.(Speaker 2)No.They dont have fun,oh no,they dont have fun.,Verbal irony言语反讽,Verbal irony is a statement in which the meaning that a speaker employs is sharply different fro
3、m the meaning that is ostensibly expressed.,Circumstantial Irony 间接讽刺,Circumstantial Irony(also call Irony of Fate)It occurs when there is adiscrepancy between the actual circumstances and those that would seem appropriate or between what oneanticipates and what actually come to pass.,Example:If a m
4、an and his second wife on the first night of their honey-moon are accidentally seated at the theatre next to the mans first wife we should call the situation ironical.,Dramatic irony戏剧性讽刺,Dramatic irony applies mainly to drama,and has to do with the plot and structure of a play.In this type of irony,the audience is aware of something which a character on the stage is still ignorant of(戏剧中人物未察觉但是观众可以领会的).,