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1、English Rhetoric,By Chen Ping,Chapter Ten Semantic Figures of Speech,Page 2,10.1 Simile 10.2 Metaphor10.3 Metonymy10.4 Synecdoche 10.5 Antonomasia10.6 Personification10.7 Parody 仿拟/戏仿10.8 Synesthesia10.9 Transferred Epithet,Contents of This Chapter,Page 3,10.1 Simile,DefinitionTwo concepts or two si

2、milar things are imaginatively and descriptively compared because they have at least one quality or characteristic in common or in resemblance.The commonest connectives are“like”and“as”.It is one of the commonest figures of speech in English.,(2)Four basic demands:It has the comparative words such a

3、s“like”,“as”or“as if”,etc.Two things involved in comparison:tenor and vehicle.The two things must be substantially different The two things should be similar in at least one quality.,Page 4,E.g.1)Jim looks like his brother Billy.2)Jim and his brother are as like as two peas.3)My car runs as fast as

4、the train.4)A real friend is like a mirror that can help you see any dirt on your face.5)Life was like a journey full of pitfalls(陷阱,圈套).,6)Records fell like ripe apples on a windy day.,Page 5,(3)Classification:Functionally,simile is classified into:descriptive(描述型明喻),illuminative(启示型明喻)and illustra

5、tive(说明型明喻).,Descriptive simile:attempt to draw images of people,things,etc.,through figurative comparison.E.g.Her lips were red,her locks were yellow as gold.Pop looked so unhappy,almost like a child whos lost his piece of candy.The big black flies hit us like bombs.,Page 6,2)Illuminative simile:tr

6、y to give deeper insight into persons,things,ideas,even problems,through suggestive association,or to throw light on what would otherwise be inconceivable to ordinary people.E.g.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.What happened to a dream deferred(postponed)?Like a rais

7、in(葡萄干)in the sun?Or fester(化脓)like a sore?Does it stink like a rotten meat?,Page 7,3)Illustrative说明型,often used in scientific,technological writing.E.g.What is tennis?Tennis is like a ping pong game scaled up to a sizable court.Its function is to explain abstract or complicated ideas or things unfa

8、miliar to you in simple,concrete ideas,or things familiar to you.,Page 8,In terms of structure,simile is divided into:closed simile and open simile.According to the comparative words,simile is divided into:“like”,“as”,“asas”,“as,so”,“may(might)as wellas”,“as if/though”,“what”,“morethan”,“remind of”,

9、“compare.to”,“resemble”,etc.,E.g.I am hungry as a horse.You run like a rabbit.She is happy as a clam.He is sneaky as a snake.The clouds were fluffy like cotton wool.The baby was like an octopus,grabbing at all the cans on the grocery store shelves.,Page 9,My handwriting looks as if a swarm of ants,e

10、scaping from an ink bottle,had walked over a sheet of paper without wiping their legs.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.What salt is to food,that wit and humor are to literature.A home without love is no more than a body without soul.Kings and bears often worry their keepers.国王跟狗熊一

11、样,总使照料者坐立不安。伴君如伴虎。,Page 10,The quality that similes must possess:,FreshnessOriginalityThe repeatedly used similes should be avoided:E.g.as cold as ice;as good as gold;as strong as an ox;as cunning as a fox;,Page 11,Lots of clichs are similes.They are fun to use,but dont overuse them in your writing!

12、E.g.Even if you are busy as a beaver,its not as cute as a button or as American as apple pie to overuse clichs.It should be as plain as the nose on your face!,美国人很喜欢吃 apple pie。Apple pie是一种用烤箱制作的甜点心,它的外面是一层面粉,里面是用苹果做的馅儿。中文有时把 apple pie翻成“苹果排”。美国人喜爱吃apple pie是他们刚从欧洲移居到美洲来以后就开始了。每个家庭主妇都经常做苹果排。为了说明appl

13、e pie是美国生活的一个特点,人们常说:“As American as apple pie.”这句话的意思是:就像苹果派一样具有美国特色。,Page 12,10.2 Metaphor,Definition:Metaphor uses words to indicate something different from their literal meaning-one thing is described in terms of another so as to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.Difference between met

14、aphor and simile:in simile the comparison is explicit,while in metaphor the comparison is implied.,E.g.The world is a stage.The theory is totally based on solid foundation.A romance was budding.The economy is overheating.She exploded.,Page 13,(2)Classification:Visible metaphor:both the primary term(

15、tenor)and the secondary term(vehicle)are present in the sentence,“X is Y”.E.g.The pillow was a cloud when I put my head upon it after a long day.No one invites Harold to parties because hes a wet blanket(扫兴 的人或物).,E.g.I notice tears welling up in her eyes.Embarrassed at our noisy children,we sheepis

16、hly tried to sneak into the dining room,hoping not to be noticed by others.The temperature fell to a murderous-40.,Page 14,Structure:The signified is the signifier.本体 是 喻体。The theory is a building.The romance was a plant.The economy is machinery.She was a container.My tears is a well.We are sheep.Th

17、e temperature is a murderer.,Page 15,Invisible metaphor:The primary term is present,but the secondary term is not.The secondary term is present but the primary term is not.,E.g.Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.The machine sitting at that desk

18、was no longer a man;it was a busy New York broker.,Page 16,Believe it or not,you use metaphors and similes every day of your life!Some words are metaphors all by themselves.E.g.She was a bright student.We all know that“bright”refers to light.But in this sentence we are comparing intelligence to ligh

19、t.Its a metaphor!,Page 17,2Metaphor,1)名词型All the world is a stage,and all the men and women merely players.William Shakespeare2)动词型The boy wolfed down the food.3)形容词型She has a photographic memory for detail.4)“of”型The bridge of friendship/the valley of despair/a flower of a girl/a fox of a man/the s

20、nake of traffic,(隐喻/暗喻),Page 18,(3)Three purposes of metaphor:Description Illumination Illustration,(4)Multi-aspect metaphors:Sustained metaphor:the primary term is successively compared to two or more secondary terms.Extended metaphor:an initial comparison is made and then developed.,Page 19,E.g.Al

21、l the worlds a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances,And one man in his time plays many parts,His acts being seven ages(W.Shakespeare),E.g.Poetry is the scent of the rose,the lightening in the sky,the gleam of the fly,the sound of the sea.,Page 20,(

22、5)Mixed metaphor and Dead metaphor:Mixed metaphor:two or more incongruous comparison run together.Dead metaphor:refers to those which have been used for so long that they have lost their figurative strength and become lifeless.,Mixed Metaphor,E.g.The seeds of rebellion were kindled in secret.I skimm

23、ed over the book to taste the tone of it.Such metaphors should be avoided because they result in incongruity of images and inconsistency in logic.,Page 21,Dead metaphors:A metaphor should meet three requirements:Freshness and originality Aptness ConsistencySome metaphors have been used for so long t

24、hat they have their figurative strength and become lifeless.They are called dead metaphors.E.g.“Im dead tired”“Shes the apple of my eye”“He wore me down”“Im heartbroken”“brow of the hill”“Strong as an ox”“head teacher”“branches of government”“to lose face”“lend a hand”“seeds of doubt”,Page 22,10.3 M

25、etonymy,Definition:Involving the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another.For example,the name of a referent is substituted by the name of an attribute or entity related in some semantic way or by spatial proximity or by other reasons.,E.g.crown/sceptre-king or queen bottle-alcoholi

26、c drinks sword-war and destruction the camp-the troops,Page 23,(2)Sources of MetonymyBody partName of a personName of a clear sign of an object or a person Name of a place Instrument or container Trade mark or brand Location,Page 24,E.g.The pen is mightier than the sword.Gray hairs should be respect

27、ed.He is too fond of the bottles.I have never read James Joyce.She is far from the cradle.What is learned in the cradle is carried into the grave.His purse would not allow him that luxury.,Page 25,E.g.He reads Shakespeare.Anton Rubinstein was renowned for his rendition of Tchaikovsky.Yesterday I saw

28、 a pipe smoking John Bull astride a bicycle.We pay Uncle Sam with our taxes.That old goat thinks he is a real Romeo.那个老色鬼自以为是罗密欧。,Page 26,John Bull“约翰牛”,是英国人或英国的绰号。其中也有一个典故:英国18世纪有位讽刺杂文作家叫约翰阿布什诺特(John Arbuthnot,16671735),他于1725年出版了一本叫约翰布尔的历史(The History of John Bull)的书。作者在书中创造了一个矮胖愚笨的绅士形象(即 John Bul

29、l),用以讽刺当时辉格党(“自由党”的前身)在长期的西班牙王位继承战争(War of the Spanish Succession)中所扮演的角色。由于书中John Bull这一形象塑造得相当成功,简直就是当时当权者的影子,所以,它就成英国或英国人的绰号。Uncle Sam“山姆大叔”,是人们对“美国”“美国人”或“美国政府”的一种诙谐称呼。据说在1812年的英美战争时,美国的军事供应品的箱子上都印着 U.S.的字样(United States 第一个字母的缩写),而当时在美国特罗城(Troy)有一位专门检查政府军用品订货的官员,名叫塞缪尔威尔逊(Samuel Wilson),他的朋友平日都叫

30、他为“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam),由于Uncle Sam这两个词的第一个字母缩写也是 U.S.,所以特罗城的人便开玩笑说,这些军用品箱子都是山姆大叔的。后来这个笑话传开了,“山姆大叔”便成了“美国”、“美国人”或“美国政府”的绰号。,Page 27,(3)Differences between metaphor and metonymy Metaphor can be converted into simile,while metonymy can not;Metaphor appeals to the readers imagination for similarity between

31、 the two different objects,while metonymy appeals to the readers imagination for the association of ideas it provokes.E.g.All the world is a stage.She is a peacock.The kettle is boiling.He likes to read Hemingway.,Page 28,10.4 Synecdoche,Definition:A figure by which a more comprehensive term is used

32、 for a less comprehensive or vice versa;as whole for part or part for whole,genus for species or species for genus,etc.A figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole,the whole for a part,the species for the genus,the genus for the species,or the name of the material for the thing made.,(2)V

33、arious types of Synecdoche:The part for the whole:E.g.,Page 29,The whole for the part:The abstract for the concrete,or the concrete for the abstract:The species for the genus,or the genus for the species:Name of the material for the thing made:,Page 30,(3)Distinction between Metonymy and Synecdoche

34、With synecdoche,the relationship between the two things involved is part-and-whole:that is,one thing is a part of the other.Whereas,with metonymy,the two things involved are completely different.E.g.Her heart ruled her head.He paid the workers$5 per head.,Page 31,Find out from the following sentence

35、s the examples of metonymy and synecdoche.The best pens of the day();To have an ear for music();Many hands make light work.()Two heads are better than one.()The hall applauded.()Those blue eyes walked into the office(?).The pen is mightier than the sword.(),M,M,S,S,M,M,M,Page 32,10.5 Antonomasia,Def

36、inition:It is the replacement of a proper by a common noun.E.g.The Iron Duke-the Duke of Wellington The Iron Lady-Margret Thacher The Almighty-God an Odyssey-a long and adventurous journey She followed her way of Odyssey step by step and got to the top of heap in the section.她沿着一条充满艰难险阻的道路一步一步地奋斗,终于

37、得到了这个部门的最高位置。,Page 33,odyssey奥德赛,古希腊两本仅存史诗中较新的一部,始于荷马记述但也合并了历代口耳相传的故事内容,描写希腊战士奥德赛在特洛伊城陷后如何挣扎奋斗以返回家园并夺回伊萨基王位所经历的冒险与考验。Odyssey years所谓奥德赛时期,指的是后20几岁,30出头的年轻人为生计奋斗的时期。他们大学之后,在工作与学校之间徘徊来徘徊去:时而工作,时而上学。对于他们来说,上学已不再是22 岁之前的专利,而是如同男女朋友一般,可以换来换去。他们当中的很多人在经济上还不能完全独立,还要依赖 父母的支持。,Page 34,(2)Sources of Antonomas

38、ia:From the Bible or mythologyE.g.Eden-paradise Judas-a traitor Damon and Pythias-lifelong friends From historyE.g.Nero-a tyrant Caesar-great man From literatureE.g.Uncle Tom-a Negro who compromises and conforms with the whites,Page 35,典出罗马和希腊民间传说。公元前4世纪在意大利的叙拉古(Syracuse)有一对生死之交的好友名叫达蒙(Damon)和皮西厄斯)P


40、真挚深厚,连暴君都为之感动,于是,他放了他们俩。暴君还不无感慨地说:“我愿意用我的全部财产换取这样一位朋友。”,Page 36,在英语中Damon and Pythias一语就被人们用来表示“莫逆之交”,“生死之交”,刎颈之交。其中Pythias这一名词在西塞罗著作中原为Phintias,而在古希腊传说中则为Phinotias。1564年英国剧作家爱德华兹(Richard Edwards)创作了Damon and Pythias一剧,使这一故事得以广为流传。Pythias这一形式虽属讹误,但却在英语中一直沿用了下来。例:The Damon and Pythias of the establis

41、hment were Damon and Pythias no longer.They were ready to fly each at the others throat.这家公司的两位生死之交已经再也称不上莫逆了,他们成了不共戴天的仇人了。,Page 37,Hercules 海格力斯a hero of strength and braveryTower of Babel 巴别通天塔confusion of tonguesAchilles heel 阿喀琉斯的脚跟a persons principal weaknessHoly Grail 圣杯an object of quest that

42、 is hard to obtaingospel 福音 truth,creed,Page 38,10.6 Personification,Definition:It is a figure of speech which attributes human characteristics to impersonal things,such as animals,inanimate objects,or abstractions.,(2)Personification is usually employed to add vividness to expression.It can be prod

43、uced by the use of verbs,nouns,adjectives,adverbs and pronouns.,Page 39,A.By the use of nouns(1)Procrastination延迟;耽搁 is the thief of time.(2)Time is the best physician.,Page 40,B.By the use of verbs(1)The kettle is singing joyfully.(2)Always in my heart theres a shriek standing on tiptoe that I have

44、 to beat down and hold in under my shawl.,Page 41,C.By the use of adjectives(1)The empire had grown hoary and feeble with age.(2)They rode her in across rolling foam The cruel,crawling foam.(Kingsley)D.By the use of adverbs(1)Her words were bitingly sarcastic.,Page 42,E.By the use of personal pronou

45、ns(1)Let love,being light,be drowned if she sinks.,Page 43,Personification is particularly associated with literary,especially poetic language.Writers,especially poets,like to use personification.E.g.:The grey sea and the long black land;And the yellow half-moon large and low;And the startled little

46、 waves that leapIn fiery ringlets from their sleep,As I gain the cove with pushing prow,And quench its speed i the slushy sand.,Page 44,(3)Personification can be divided into the following types Animals and plants Inanimate objects Abstract idea(1)Life has cheated her.(2)Actions speak louder than wo

47、rds.(3)In November a cold,unseen stranger,whom the doctor called Pneumonia,stalked about the colony,touching one here and there with his icy fingers.(0.Henry),Page 45,Nouns of time and place used as subjects followed by verbs as see,find,notice,discover,witness,take,etc.(1)The fifth century saw the

48、end of the Roman Empire in the West.(2)This corner has witnessed many traffic accidents.,Page 46,Personification is often used in proverbsNecessity knows no law.铤而走险 Necessity is the mother of invention.A great ship asks deep water.Lies have short legs.谎言是站不住脚的。Time is the best healer.Justice has lo

49、ng arms.,Page 47,10.7 Parody,Definition:It is a kind of imitation which borrows the style and techniques of a text or writers idiolect and fits new subject matter to it.It is often used for a humorous or satirical purpose.,Classification:Word-phrase parody:Word paraodyE.g.marathon(马拉松)telethon(马拉松式电

50、视广播节目),talkathon(马拉松式答话或座谈节目),Page 48,E.g.又如“gap”一词,这个词最早与missile 搭配,形成missile gap,产生于美国1961年大选期间,指美国与苏联在导弹发展上的差距。这个词一经产生,引起了连锁反应:production gap(生产上的差距)、development gap(经济发展方面的差距)、credibility gap(信用差距)、generation gap(两代人之间的差距)等一连串新词相继出现。原先只有war(热战),指“真刀真枪的战争”,至20世纪50-60年代东西方冷战时便仿拟出 cold war(冷战)。工业方面


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