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1、English Learning and Communication Skills,英语学习与交流技能的培养崔 松,The Importance of COMMUNICATION,Your success in life,from both a personal and a professional standpoint,will depend,to a great extent,on your ability to communicate.Nothing happens without communication,without the exchange of information.Peo

2、ple evaluate you both formally and informally by your communication skills.We typically gauge the intelligence of others and their ability to do a given job by their use of language and other communication skills.-Dr.Joel Bowmen,Western Michigan Univ.,The Communication Models,Transmission model Idea

3、s as objects,language as a container,and communication as sending the container to another person.The principal problem with the transmission model of the communication process is that it creates the false impression that effective communication is simply a matter of packaging ideas carefully.This i

4、s not the case.,System/Process Model,-Dr.Joel Bowman,Sensory data:information gathered by seeing,hearing,touching,smelling,or tasting.Filter:Beliefs Values Genetic and learned behavioral patterns Current physical and emotional state,Sender has idea,Sender encodes idea in message,Message travels over

5、 channel,Receiver decodes message,Feedback travels to sender,Possible additional feedback to receiver,-Dr.Mary Ellen Guffey,Communication Goals:,To informTo requestTo persuadeTo build goodwillTo build self-esteem,How Do We Communicate?,ThroughWritten communicationsOral communicationsNonverbal commun

6、icationsListening,Obstacles That Create MisunderstandingBypassing happens when people miss each other with their meanings.For instance,your boss asks you to“help”with a large customer mailing.When you arrive to do your share,you learn that you are expected to do the whole mailing yourself.You and yo

7、ur boss attached different meanings to the word“help”.,Obstacles That Create MisunderstandingFrame of Reference(参照标准;准则)Everything one sees and feels in the world is translated through his individual frame of reference.Ones unique frame is formed by a combination of his experiences,education,culture

8、,expectations,personality,and many other elements.As a result,one brings his own biases and expectations to any communication situation.,Obstacles That Create MisunderstandingLack of Language SkillSuccessful communication requires good oral and written language skills.,Obstacles That Create Misunder

9、standingEmotional Interference and Physical Distractions Shaping an intelligent message is difficult when people are feeling joy,fear,resentment,hostility,sadness,or some other strong emotion.Physical distractions such as faulty acoustics,noisy surroundings,or a poor telephone connection can disrupt

10、 oral communication.,To Overcome Obstacles:Careful communicators can overcome barriers in a number of ways.One can reduce or overcome many interpersonal communication barriers if he can,realize that the communication process is imperfect adapt his message to the receiver improve his language and lis

11、tening skills question his preconceptionplan for feedback,Nonverbal clues can speak louder than words.,eye contactfacial expressionbody movementsspace,timedistanceappearance the way you talk,English Learning,“诗”内功夫:语言知识;语言技能;语感“诗”外功夫:知识结构;个性修养;交流能力,语言知识:,词汇知识:“活背”;多次重复;环境联想:客观环境和语言环境,语言知识:,语音知识:常见问题

12、,英美语中卷舌音;词尾-l;(/l/;/ou/)词尾辅音;元音不饱满;语调(中英文节奏不同),语言知识:,言语习惯:习惯与角度的不同。,Its the liquor.Get out of my life.,语言技能:,“套路”“对练”“散手”,“拳不离手,曲不离口”,个性修养:,People need you for what you do.People like you about what you are.Gentleman is to be,not to do.People can see what you are by the way you talk.,Be proud;Be con

13、fident;Be polite;Be respectful;Be considerate;Be positive;Be yourself.,个性修养:,AvailableAffableAble,窗口行业英语(1)语句从简,词汇实用。为了达到易学、易记、易用的目的,各部分的会话都尽量使用简单句。但词汇的选择则是应行业的需要,涉及与行业相关的实用性强的词语。(2)语法的讲解融入到语句的讲解之中,并且尽量淡化晦涩的语法术语,强调其形式与意义的联系,以便通俗易懂。,(3)每一部分的开篇都有一个文化背景知识简介,名为“与老外打交道”,介绍一些英语国家人士的交流习惯,旨在帮助学员了解英语国家人士在交谈中

14、的喜好和忌讳,避免由于交流习惯上的差异而引起的误会和不愉快。(4)每课的“整句整说”部分,体现要求学生理解并掌握的单元核心内容,要求学员不仅能听懂,而且要会说、会用。(5)每课结尾有一小段关于北京景点、知名场所的英文介绍和中文翻译,名为“点点滴滴说北京”,旨在拓展窗口行业职工在与外国人士交流时可能涉及到的有关北京的话题。,本教材包括主教材、录音和练习册三种主要媒介。主教材是该套教材的主体部分,全书分为10个单元共50课。前三个单元是各行业职工均会用到的通用内容,其他单元内容与行业相关。录音部分为课文朗读示范。练习册由10个大练习组成,每单元一个练习。,考核:形成性考核(平时成绩)和结课考试。建议教师进行三到四次形成性考核,可利用练习册中的情景性题目进行,并将学员在课堂上的参与情况纳入形成性考核的测评中。,中央电大不统一命题。建议教师两人一组实施考试,商定打分。考试包括两部分:1)一般信息的自由交谈;2)情景会话,形式可为单人(学生与教师对话)、双人或三人的情景会话表演。可要求学员在考前自由组合,并根据自己所在的行业,自定题目。教师根据学员的语言表现给出分数。形成性考核占课程总成绩的40,结课考试成绩占课程总成绩的60。,成人学生的特点:工学矛盾;学习动力;语言基础问题;自尊心问题;,Thank You!,更多资源,


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