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1、虚拟式,英语0901班 徐凡,虚拟式(The subjunctive mood/Thought mood)是用来表示主观愿望或不大可能实现的假想的虚拟情况的一种说话方式(一)、真实条件句与虚拟条件句对比真实条件句If you touch me,I will scream.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)如果你摸我,我就尖叫。(这是真的)If you are happy,you will make others happy.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)如果你现在快乐,你也能使其他人快乐。If he told you that last night,John was lying.(

2、大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)如果约翰昨夜跟你那样说了,那他是在撒谎。(真的说过了),一、虚拟式的语义特征,虚拟条件句 If you beat me,I d scream.假如你现在打了我,我就尖叫了。(与现在相反,不是真的)If you were happy,youd make others happy.假如现在你高兴了,你就会让其他人高兴了。(与现在相反)If he had told you that last night,John would have been lying.倘若约翰昨夜跟你那样说了,那就是他撒谎了。(与过去相反,实际并没有说),(一)、be型虚拟be型虚拟式指美国

3、英语中动词谓语一律用动词原形,而英国英语用should+动词原形。下面是be型虚拟式的用法用于以下名词性从句1、用于宾语从句 ask(要求),advise(劝告),determine(决定),decide(决定),command(命令)insist(坚持),intend(打算),move(提议),prefer(宁愿),propose(提议),order(命令),recommend(推荐)request(要求),require(要求),suggest(建议),urge(主张),demand(要求),desire(渴望),direct(命令),二、虚拟式的用法特征,例如:The commander

4、s and fighters ordered that the enemy officers(should)put up their hands.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)指战员们命令敌军军官举手投降。The manager insisted that we(should)finish it before 6.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)经理坚持要我们6点以前完成任务。I suggest that we(should)start early.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)我建议我们早点出发。They proposed that the meeting

5、 of the teaching research section(should)be put off.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)他们提议教研组会议延期。,【注意】当suggest,insist 等动词不表示“建议、要求”时,而是只表示状态,只表示某种看法,其宾语从句中的谓语动词不需要用虚拟语气,要用陈述语气。suggest(暗示),insist(坚定地认为),decide(认为)Are you suggesting that I am not suited for the job?(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)你是在暗示说我不适合那项工作吗?He insist

6、ed that he was innocent.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)他坚持说自己是无辜的。A Norwegian biologist,F.O.Gulberg,decided that this problem of circular movement was worth investigation.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)挪威的一位生物学家古尔伯认为动物做圆圈运动的问题是值得研究的。,2.用于主语从句,(1)It is+动词的过去分词+主语从句上述表示建议、要求、推荐、决定、命令等动词的过去分词在句中作表语时,后面的主句用be型虚拟,这样用的过去分词有:d

7、esired,demanded,ordered,requested,suggested,recommended,required等等,例句:(a)It is proposed that we(should)leave early tomorrow morning.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)建议我们明天早点动身。(b)It is requested that all the teaching staff(should)be ready by half past five oclock.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)要求全体教职员工在5点半准备好。(c)It is ad

8、vised that Mary(should)be singled out for praise.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)建议把玛丽单独提出来表扬。(d)It was demanded that they(should)give up their trying.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)要求他们放弃尝试。,(2)It is+名词+that引导的主语从句表示建议、要求、推荐、决定、命令等名词作表语时,上述句型后面的主语从句要用be型虚拟。这样的名词有:advice(忠告),idea(意见、看法),decision(决定),command(命令),recommenda

9、tion(劝告),requirement(提议、动议),order(命令),demand(要求),insistence(主张),pity(遗憾),preference(偏爱),wish(愿望),importance(重要性)necessity(必要性),plan(计划)等。,例句:(a)It is our desire that a doctor(should)stay here.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)我们希望有一个医生留在这儿。(b)It is a great pity that he(should)not be allowed to attend the meeting.

10、(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)很遗憾的是没有让他来参加会议。(c)It is a decision that the school(should)remain closed next week because of the spread of SARS.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)由于非典流行,学校决定下周继续停课。,(3)“It is+形容词+that引导的主语从句常这样用的形容词有:appropriate(适当的),advisable(适当的,合理的),better(较好的),desirable(理想的),essential(紧要的),imperative(迫切的),

11、important(重要的),insistent(坚持的),natural(自然的)necessary(必要的),preferable(优越的,较好的),strange(奇怪的),urgent(紧迫的),vital(极其重要的),例句:(a)It is necessary that you(should)study hard.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)你必须努力学习。(b)It is important that we(should)give greater scope to the collectivist spirit in our work.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄

12、2007年)我们在工作中发扬集体主义精神是重要的。(c)It is impossible that she should know so little.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)她不可能知道得那么少。(d)It is strange that she(should)know the answer earlier than anyone else.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)奇怪的是她居然比其他人早知道答案。,3.用于同位语从句,表示建议、要求、推荐、决定、命令等名词后的同位语从句用be型虚拟式。常见的这类名词有:advice(忠告),decision(决定),co

13、mmand(命令),recommendation(劝告),requirement(提议、动议),order(命令),demand(要求),insistence(主张),importance(重要性)necessity(必要性),proposal(提议),instruction(指示),suggestion(建议)等。,4.用于表语从句,表示命令、建议、要求等名词作主语时,后面的表语从句要用be型虚拟。His idea was that he(should)be told the truth.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)他的意思是应该将实情告诉他。My desire is that

14、she(should)be familiar with all her students.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)我的愿望是她应该熟悉她的学生。Our only request is that issue(should)be settled as soon as possible.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)我们唯一的要求就是尽快解决这一争端。His advice was that we(should)not give up.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)他的建议就是我们不应该放弃。,例句:(a)They put forward a suggestion

15、that the press conference(should)be cancelled.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)他们建议取消记者招待会。(b)There is a necessity that a college student(should)know at least one foreign language.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)作为一名大学生有必要至少懂一门外语。(c)The decision that every member(should)attend the meeting was informed.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)每个

16、成员都得参加会议的决定已经通知了。(d)They had a proposal that somebody neutral(should)take the chair.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)他们提议由一个中立的人来担任主席。,用于以下状语从句,1、用于目的状语从句在 so that,in order that,for fear that,lest,in case等词引导的目的状语状语从句中用be型虚拟,注意:若是目的能够达到就用陈述式例句:He stood away so that she(should)enter first.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)但 I a

17、m going to make an early start so that I dont get stuck in the traffic.(目的能达到就用陈述式),The teacher spoke slowly in order that the students(should)understand.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)但We ought to write to him in order that he doesnt feel were hiding things from him.(陈述式)He put his coat over her for fear/lest

18、she(should)catch cold.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)但 He always keeps the machine tools clean lest corrosion occurs.(陈述式)I will get some beer in case Mary should come.(虚拟式)(来的可能性不大)(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)但 I will get some beer in case Mary comes.(陈述式)(肯定会来),2、用于条件状语从句、原因状语从句例句:I am sorry that you(should)be in such

19、 poor health.(原因状语从句)(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)If he be elected chairman,we shall all resign.(条件状语从句)(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005 3、用于让步状语从句,由though,whatever,whether等引导的让步状语从句中,用be型虚拟。Though everyone desert you,I will not.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)(用得很少)Whatever be his defense,we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.(新编英语语法教程 章

20、振邦 2009)在非正式语体中,可以是:Whatever his defense may be,we cant tolerate his disloyalty.Whether she be right or wrong,she will have my unswerving support.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009),Home is home,be it ever so homely.No man loves his fetters,be 即使是金子做的镣铐,也没有人喜欢戴。海沃德(美国作家)Let justice be done,though heaven fall.Latin

21、proverb即使天塌下来,也要伸张正义。拉丁谚语,用于某些公式化的虚拟式句子中,1、may型虚拟式(祈使句)May you both be happy!祝你俩幸福!(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)May you succeed!祝你成功!(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)May the friendship between two peoples last forever.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)愿两大民族永远友好下去。May all the lovers in the world be couples in the end.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)愿天

22、下有情人终成眷属。,2、其他语句,Long live liberty!自由万岁!(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)God damn you!该死的!(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)Heaven forbid that上天不容(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)Devil take him!混蛋!(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)So be it.那就这样吧。(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)Suffice it to say that 只需说就够了。(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)Far be it from me to(我极不愿)spoil the fun.(新编英

23、语语法教程 章振邦 2009)He will remain here if need be.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009),(二)、were型虚拟,1、were型虚拟的时态were型虚拟式只有一种形式,即不管主语是什么人称,动词一律用其过去式,be动词的过去式一律用were。虚拟式的条件从句的时态要按虚拟的时间往后退一步,退成过去。虚拟式的结果主句的时态要在虚拟从句的基础上往前进一步。,(1)、与现在事实相反的非真实条件句,在这种条件句中,谓语动词一般用过去式。如果谓语动词时be动词的话,所有人称都用were,主句的谓语动词用would/could/might+动词原形If I wer

24、e a bird,I would fly to you.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)(暗含的否定是:I m not a bird,so I cant fly to you.If it didnt rain today,we would go sightseeing.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)(实际情况是:今天下雨了,所以我们就不能去观光了。)If Mary were here,she might help us.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年),(2)、与过去事实相反的非真实条件句,在这种条件句中,谓语动词都用had+过去分词。如果条件句中谓语动词是be动词时,

25、所有人称都用had been,主句的动词都用would/could/should+have+过去分词。If you had come here yesterday,you could have been him.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)If I had taken his advice,I wouldnt have made such a mistake.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)If she had not been very busy yesterday,she would have come to see you.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年),(

26、3)、与将来事实相反的非真实条件句,这种条件句所表示是与将来的事实相反或者发生的可能性不大的条件。这种条件句中的谓语动词的形式可以用过去式,也可以用should+动词原形或were to+动词原形。由于两种结构中主句的谓语动词形式一样,从句的谓语动词也相似,所以如果表示将来时,常常需要加上表示将来的时间状语,以表示区别。,例句:If she were to get a scholarship next year,she could go on for graduate study.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)If you didnt catch the train tomorrow

27、 morning,you might take the bus.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)If it should rain tomorrow,the basketball match would be put off.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年),2、were型虚拟的用法,(1)、用于wish后面的宾语从句I wish I had brought a map with me.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)I wish(that)I were a bit taller.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)I wish the sun was shining

28、at this moment.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)I wish I hadnt eaten so much last night.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)I wish I didnt have to go to work today.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009),注意:I wish 和 I hope 都表示“希望”,但I hope that并不表示假设意义,随后的动词形式除表示婉转口气外,很少用过去时形式。例如:I hope you are ready.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)I hope youre coming to our part

29、y.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)I hope you can do something to help her.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)We hope you will be very happy.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)I hope the weather would be favorable.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009),(2)、用于would rather,would sooner,would just as soon 后的宾语从句,以上这几个短语词义相当于wish,表示未能实现的愿望、希望等,后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气。表示现在或将来的情况

30、时,谓语动词用一般过去时;表示过去的情况时,谓语动词用过去完成时。,例如:I would rather(that)you went there alone.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)I would rather(that)I did it tomorrow.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)I would sooner(that)she came here the day after tomorrow.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)I would just as soon(that)he solved the problem all by himself.(实用英

31、语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)I had just as soon(that)you didnt take so many things on travelling.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)I would rather I had not been at the site of the accident.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年),(3)、用于if only 引导的虚拟条件从句,if only 引导的条件句通常表达一种强烈的愿望或遗憾,其意思相当于“但愿”“要是就好了”等。其主句的谓语动词形式通常用would/could/might+动词原形,表示与现在事实相反

32、;或用would/could/might have+过去分词,表示与过去事实相反。,例句:,If only I had more free time,I would read more classical literature.(与现在事实相反)(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)If only he had not been so nervous,he would have played it better.(与过去事实相反)(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)if only I had arrived here earlier,I would not miss the last b

33、us.(错综条件句)(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年),(4)、用于在“It is(high,about)time that”句型中,这种句型用来表示该做而未做的事情,或对听话人提出某种建议等。它后面从句的谓语动词要用一般过去时。有时也可以用“should+动词原形”例如:It is time(that)we went home.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)It is time that the boy should go home.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)It is about time(that)we reformed our policy.(实用

34、英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)It is high time you lent her a hand.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009),(5)、用于as if,as though,等引导的让步状语从句,如果主句中的谓语动词为实义动词,要用虚拟语气结构。其形式如下:主句+as if though)+主语+were/was(或动词过去式)表示与主句动作同时发生could/would+动词原形表示动作可能在将来发生had+过去分词表示从句谓语的动作发生在主句动作之前,例句:She speak English so well as if she were a native English s

35、peaker.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)It seems as if she never knew fatigue.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)He talks about New York as if he had been there.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)注意:as if,as though 引导的句中,如果主句中的谓语动词为系动词(如appear,sound,feel,smell,taste等),从句中即可用虚拟语气,也可以用陈述语气,用陈述语气居多。常用as if。,例如:It tastes as if it has plum in i

36、t.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)It feels as if it is made of cotton.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)He looks as if(he is)hungry.(实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005年)It smells as if it had gone bad.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年),(6)、用于suppose,supposing,imagine等后面的宾语从句,在这个句型中,谓语动词用一般过去时,表示一种假设。例如:Supposing the earth were flat,what would happen to

37、the ship sailing round the earth?Imagine everyone were to give up smoking.Suppose you had one million pounds,what would you want to do most?suppose,supposing,imagine等后面的宾语从句谓语动词也可以用陈述语气,表示一种真实的条件。例如:supposing it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?Imagine your parents cant come tomorrow,what shall you d

38、o?,(7)、动词be,intend,mean,want,hope等后面跟的虚拟语气,以上动词的过去式加动词不定式的完成式,表示过去想做而没有做的事。例如:I intended to have attended the meeting,but I was ill.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)I was to have finished the work yesterday,but I didnt.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)以上动词的过去完成式加动词不定式也可以表示过去想做而没有做的事She had meant to buy the furniture last

39、 week,but it rained.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年),虚拟语气的省略,1、省略主句:用if only 引导的虚拟式的句子,通常都不出现主句,因为if only=I wishIf only he were here.=I wish he were here.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)If only you could marry me!=I wish you would marry me.(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)但 if only he comes in time.(陈述式)=I hope he will come in time.(大学

40、英语深层语法 王国栋 2005),2、省略从句:从句的意思可以推出来,Such mistakes could have been avoided.(省略if I had been more careful)(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)(如果我更细致一些)这类错误本来是可以避免发生的。You might live here forever.(省略if you wished)(大学英语深层语法 王国栋 2005)(如果你愿意)你本来可以永久住在这里。I should have done for you.(省略 if you had asked me about it.)(新编实用英语语法

41、详解 王增澄 2007年),3、在文学英语中,若将had,were,should提到句首,可将if省略,改用倒装语序,Were I a bird,I would fly by your window.(=if I were)Had I not seen it with my own eyes,I would not have believed it.Should he come here,we would discuss this with him.(=if he should come here)Did we know her circumstances,we could do someth

42、ing to help her.if we knew her circumstances),某些虚拟语气的省略也属于含蓄虚拟语气,This same thing,happening in wartime(=if it should happen in wartime),would amount to disaster.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)Born in better times(=if he had been born in better times),he would have done credit to the profession of letters.(新编英语语法

43、教程 章振邦 2009)Left to itself(=if it had been left to itself),the country would long have achieved its unity.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009)To look at him(=if you were to look at him),you would think him a young man.(新编英语语法教程 章振邦 2009),含蓄虚拟条件句,在含蓄条件从句中,假设部分可不用if 引导的从句,而用介词短语或其他形式来表达。例如 Without your help,we could n

44、ot have succeeded.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)But for your help,we could not have succeeded(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年)He felt very tired yesterday,or he would have attended the party.(新编实用英语语法详解 王增澄 2007年),错综虚拟语气,在表示虚拟语气的句子中,条件从句表示的动作与主句表示的动作发生的时间并不一致,这时,谓语动词的形式要根据各自表示的时间来调整,这种现象叫作错综时间虚拟语气。If he had followed t

45、he doctors advice,he would be quite all right now.如果他过去听从了医生的嘱咐,他现在就会痊愈了。(从句过去,主句现在),If they had left at nine,they would certainly be home by midnight.倘若他们(过去)是9点钟出发了,那么他们肯定(将)在半夜零点就能到家。If I were you,I would have gone to the theater that evening.如果我是你的话,那天晚上就去看戏去了。(从句是现在,主句是过去)If my grandfather were

46、 alive now,he would be 100 next year.(从句时现在,主句是将来),练习:,Mary wishes her husband_(come)back a bit earlier from the office.He s always late for diner.答案:cameShe says shed rather he _(leave)tomorrow instead of today.答案:leftIt is about time the police_(do away with)gambling.答案:did away withSuppose/Suppos

47、ing I _(do)what you asked.What would have become of be?答案:had doneIf only I _(can)get something to do.答案:could,Our teacher suggested that each of us_(make)a study plan for the new term.答案:makeIf I _(be)in your place,I wouldnt accept her invitation.答案:were_(she be)to leave tomorrow,she would arrive there next Monday.答案:Were she toShe behaves as though she _(do)it better than us.答案:didWithout your advice,I _(may get)into trouble.答案:Might have got题目来源:实用英语语法精粹 罗国梁 2009 实用英语语法指南 周淑珍 2005,Thank You!,


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