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1、HIV and Nutrition,Nigel RollinsDepartment of Paediatrics and Child Health,New variant famine:AIDS and food crisis in southern Africa.Alex de Waal and Alan Whiteside.Lancet 2003;362:1234-37,Secondary effects of the AIDS epidemic on food security,famine and nutrition could be as great as the primary e

2、ffectsPresent southern Africa drought and food crisis compounds AIDS epidemicHistorical coping strategies are in danger of collapsing.Present food crisis more intractableHigh degree of vulnerability in areas not affected by droughtHousehold impoverishment has occurred more rapidlyDespite early rains

3、 in early 2003,high levels of vulnerability persist,Hypothesis:HIV accounts for why many households are facing food shortage and explains grim trajectory of limited recoveryAlready known:Household affected by AIDS morbidity and mortality lose income,assets,and skills;chronically sick member results

4、in 30-35%on average reduction in annual incomeFour proposed new factors,Household-level labour shortages are attributable to adult morbidity and mortality as is the rise in number of dependants,Contest:Projections do not suggest demographic effect of HIV/AIDS on changes in dependencyBut these do not

5、 consider:Cluster effects at the level of the household Age and sex distribution of population affected by HIVNon-productivity of sick adults,Loss of assets and skills,Skills are lost not just in the labour market but also in the home.Food security,preparation and coping strategies,The burden of car

6、e,Sick adults and of orphansMajor expenditure Diversion of resources and labour,Malnutrition and HIV,“Undernourished individuals are more susceptible to being infected with HIV and for transmission”?“Malnutrition thus threatens to accelerate progression from HIV to AIDS for millions of individuals”?

7、“This fact implies that plans for introduction of ARV Rx.on a large scale should be combined with nutritional support programmes.”,Other influences,Various guidelines emergingSome recommending up to 100%extra proteinOpportunistic marketIpap;Moducare;Extra virgin olive oilARVsNo comment in WHO draft

8、guidelines on ARVs in developing countries,What is known?,Growth and HIVEnergy expenditure/why wastingInterventionsMicronutrientsTransmissionDisease progression,Energy expenditure,Resting energy expenditure(REE)Basal metabolic rate(BMR)Total energy expenditure(TEE)Exercise and additional metabolic d

9、emands(Activity-related energy expenditure-AEE),Growth of infants born to HIV-infected women,No difference in growth parameters at birthProgressive weight and linear growth failureInfants who died were severely malnourished and stunted,Early nutritional interventions might help prevent early progres

10、sion or death,Bobat 2001,Growth of infants born to HIV-infected women,No difference in growth patterns between HIV-uninfected children of infected mothers and un-exposed infantsProgressive loss in growth velocityBy 10 years,7kg and 7.5 cm difference,ARVs improve growth,Newell 2003,Growth of infants

11、born to HIV-infected women,Reduced W/A and L/A of infected children who diedW/A z-score-1.5 x5 death over two years,What is the effect of early aggressive nutritional intervention?,Behrane 1997,Growth of infants born to HIV-infected women,Infants born to HIV-infected women are smallerREE and TEE nor

12、malIncreased HIV RNA associated with poor growth,Daily intake seems inadequate for growth but not the sole factorWhat is the role of anabolic steroids?,Arpadi,Intake and expenditure,REE normalIntake normalBody composition normal,.not hypermetabolic when there is no intercurrent infection,Alfaro 1995

13、,Expenditure and growth,Decreased REE in HIV-infected children with decreased growth,Henderson 1998,Body composition and disease progression,Miller 1993,Adult:decreased LBM predicts death,Loss of lean body mass precedes a decline in weight,Whole body protein turnover,Associated with W/A and H/A and

14、dietary protein intakeNot related to REE or CD4 countsProtein balance varied with energy and protein intake,Can achieve positive protein balance if adequate intake Suggested adequate intake may result in adequate weight and height,Henderson 1999,Adults REE and TEE,Increased REE 5%higher than predict

15、ed,very ill patients CD4=30.Paton Clin Sci 1996;91:241-5.Increased REE 14%higher than predicted in malnourished HIV patients.Melchior AJCN 1991;53:437-41 Increased REE by 9%in patients with HIV AIDS and ARC compared to controls with similar body comp.Hommes Metabolism 1990;39:1186-90 Increased REE b

16、y 8%in early stage HIV patients with normal CD4.Hommes AJCN 1991;54:311-5.Increased REE HIV(11%),AIDS(25%),AIDSSI(29%).Caloric intake reduced 36%in AIDS SI(secondary infection).Grunfeld AJCN 1992;55:455-60.REE 11%higher in malnourished HIV without secondary infection and 34%higher in HIV with second

17、ary infection.Melchior AJCN 2003;57:614-9.REE increased 8%during weight loss in HIV patients.Suttman Metabolism 1993 42:1173-9.,REE not increased and was lower in HIV patients with weight loss.Schwenk Nutrition 1996 12;595-601.Increased REE in asymptomatic HIV-infected men.Sharpstone AIDS 1996;10:13

18、77-84.TEE the same but REE 10%higher in weight stable HIV patients.Heijligenberg Metabolism 1997 46;1324-6.REE decreased in HIV patients with malabsorption.Jimenez-Exposito AIDS 1998 12;1965-72.Increase in REE with first diagnosis of AIDS.Sharpstone AIDS 1999 13;1221.Increased REE/kg lean body mass

19、10%in HIV.Battterham EJCN 2003 57:209-217.REE and TEE decrease with weight loss,but decrease in caloric intake greater.More negative energy balance in weight loss group.Macallan;NEJM 1995;333:83-8.,Current consensus,Resting energy expenditure in adults is raised by 10%from the time of infectionNot s

20、imilarly demonstrated in childrenTotal energy expenditure may be decreased because of inactivity(Activity-related energy expenditure-AEE)Growth failure is not solely related to energy requirementReduced intake,especially during concurrent infections is probably the main factor that results in wastin

21、g,WHO recommendations,Adults:energy needs are increased by 10 percent over accepted requirements for otherwise healthy peoplesymptomatic HIV infected adults those who have transitioned to AIDS,an increase in energy intake of about 20 to 30 percent to maintain body weight is recommended during period

22、s of symptomatic disease or opportunistic infection Hard to achieve during acute illness-requirements should therefore be maximized during the recovery phase,WHO recommendations,Children:Energy intake should be increased by 10 percent even though data not available to supportSymptomatic HIV infected

23、 children with chronic illnesses e.g.LIP or TB should increase energy intake by about 20 to 30 percentEnergy intakes for HIV-infected children experiencing weight loss need to be increased by 50 to 100 percent over established requirements for otherwise healthy uninfected children,These recommendati

24、ons should be achieved as much as possible through dietary approaches rather than specific nutritional productsInadequate data on protein turnover to substantiate claims of need to increase intake by 25-100%.Protein should provide 12-15%of total calorie intake,Tube feeding and growth,Tube fed for dy

25、sfunctional swallowing,aspiration or GOR(n=18)Median duration 8.5 monthsResulted in significantly increased W/A,W/H and arm fat areaDid not alter H/A or arm muscle area,Tube feeding was not sufficient to correct linear growth,Henderson 1994,NG and Gastrostomy feeding,Anthropometric data,caloric inta

26、ke and CD4 counts(n=23),before and 6 months after NG changed to gastrostomy feedingCaloric intake improved with bothGastrostomy improved W/A and W/H but not height,skinfolds,AMC,hospital days or CD4Higher adjusted CD4 counts and lower W/H predicted response2.8 fold risk reduction of dying for every

27、positive unit change in weight z score(p=0.005),Gastrostomy supplementation can improve weight and fat when other methods fail,Miller 1995,N-3 fatty acid enriched feeds,Enterotropic peptide-based,n-3 fatty acid-enriched formulaRCT-standard vs.n-3 formula(n=74 adults)Both supplements improved weight

28、over 3 months mainly fatCD4 576(+-403)vs.642(+-394)(p0.05)Fewer hospital days in n-3 group NS,N-3 fatty acid and peptide enriched formula may increase CD4 counts,De Luis Roman 2001,Enteral and/or parenteral nutritional rehabilitation,Data collected by questionnaires circulated to HIV reference centr

29、es16 children received EN and 46 TPNChildren receiving TPN had worse baseline characteristics EN improved body weight,CD4 and xylose levels.Similar trends with TPN,Nutritional support may improve CD4 counts and restore intestinal absorptionBetter to provide support before terminal stage,Guarino 2002

30、,Nutritional rehabilitation and mortality,Retrospective study(C dI)of 193 malnourished children(80 HIV+)Malnutrition programme(oral feeds excl.vitamins and micronutrient supplements)improved outcomes in HIV-but not HIV+,Clinical studies to improve the nutritional management of HIV-infected children

31、in developing countries are needed,Beau 1998,Fawzi W.Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV Transmissionfrom Mothers to Infants.1999;Canada:p.45,Micronutrients and vertical transmission,Multivitamins resulted in large and significant reductions in the risk of:foetal death low birth weight sever

32、e prematuritySignificant and sustained improvements in CD4 and CD8 cell counts,RISK OF VERTICAL TRANSMISSION OF HIV-1 AMONG 700 WOMEN IN MALAWI VITAMIN A TRIAL,Kumwenda,Clin Infect Dis 2002;35:618,ESTIMATED PROBABILITIES OF HIV INFECTION BY TREATMENT GP.SOUTH AFRICAN VITAMIN A STUDY N=630,*Estimated

33、 with the delta-method approximation from reported proportions and 95%CIs in Coutsoudis AIDS 1999;13:1517,EFFECT OF MULTIVITAMIN SUPPLEMENTATION ON HIV INFECTION AND MORTALITY OUTCOMES OF OFFSPRING,Fawzi,AIDS 2002;16:1935,Fawzi,AIDS 2002;16:1935,EFFECT OF VITAMIN A SUPPLEMENTATION ON HIV INFECTION O


35、AIDS 2002;16:1935,MULTIVITAMINS DECREASED THE RISK OFDEATH BY 24 MONTHS IN POPULATION SUBGROUPS,Fawzi,AIDS 2002;16:1935,LYMPH,LYMPH,VIT E 9.6 mol/L,RELATIVE RISK,VIT E 9.6 mol/L,P=0.05,P=0.008,Cochrane review of micronutrients and HIV disease progression,In progress32 trials included1/7 studies repo

36、rting on all-cause mortality found a reduction due to vitamin A supplements of 63%in HIV-infected children(RR=0.37 0.14,0.95)Multivitamin supplementation(B,C,E)of BF mothers reduced child mortality among immunologically and nutritionally compromised women in one trial One of four studies reporting o

37、n morbidity(including diarrhoea,RTIs and HIV-related symptoms),found a 49%reduction of all diarrhoea in HIV-infected children due to vitamin A Changes in HIV-1 viral load or CD4 counts and other lymphocyte subsets were reported in 8 and 10 studies respectively.No change in VL reported and variable r

38、esponses in T-cell subsets,The effect of micronutrients on all-cause mortality and on morbidity in HIV-infected adults and children appears to be independent of their effect on HIV viral load or immune markers,Observational studies on micronutrients and HIV,Low blood levels and decreased dietary int

39、akes of some micronutrients are associated with faster HIV disease progression and mortality,and with increased risks of HIV transmission(?causal:vitamin A and MTCT/Zn and mortality)Micronutrient supplements,such as vitamins B-complex,C,and E,can improve immune status,prevent childhood diarrhea,and

40、improve pregnancy outcomes,including maternal prenatal weight gain,fetal loss,prematurity,and low birth weight,WHO recommendations,HIV-infected adults and children are encouraged to consume diets,which ensure micronutrient intakes at RDA levelsSeveral studies raise concerns that some micronutrient s

41、upplements,such as vitamin A,zinc,and iron,may produce adverse outcomes in HIV-infected populationsSafe upper limits for daily micronutrient intakes for PLWHA need to be established Adequate micronutrient intake is best achieved through an adequate diet,Research priorities,Impact of HIV Infection on

42、 Nutrition Effect of HIV infection on macronutrient needs,particularly protein and fat requirements?Do energy requirements for PLWHA vary in different stages of disease,and for those with opportunistic infections?Are there higher energy requirements for HIV infected children and pregnant and lactati

43、ng women?What is the effect of HIV infection on micronutrient requirements among children and adults?Does maternal HIV infection affect fetal endowment of nutrients and breast milk composition?,Role of Nutrition in HIV Infection Optimal levels of energy and protein intake during metabolic stress?Opt

44、imal nutrient guidelines for patients with chronic diarrhea or GI infection?What is the effect of nutritional intervention on prevention of opportunistic infections and slowing of disease progression in HIV infection?,Operational Research Questions What should programs that provide food and nutrition support do differently because of HIV/AIDS?What are effective packages of nutritional interventions for food security and livelihood programs to mitigate the nutritional impacts of HIV caused by reduced agricultural productivity and/or earning capacity?,


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