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1、直接引语与间接引语知识精讲,(一)概念介绍:直接引语是直接引述别人的原话。间接引语是转述别人所说的话。eg.He said,“I am glad to have a chance to talk with you.”(直接引语)He said that he was glad to have a chance to talk with me.(间接引语),(二)转换方法:A.直接引语是陈述句时,改成间接引语要作人称、时态、时间状语、地点状语、指示代词、动词、呼语等方面的变化。1.人称的变化,包括人称代词、物主代词、反身代词等。He said,“Ive left my book in your

2、room.”他说:“我把我的书落在了你的房间。”He told me that he had left his book in my room.他告诉我他把他的书落在了我的房间。She said,“He will be busy.”她说,“他将很忙。”She said that he would be busy.她说他将很忙。,2.时态变化:如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,若将直接引语变成间接引语,时态则有如下变化。直接引语变为间接引语一般现在时改为一般过去时现在进行时改为过去进行时现在完成时改为过去完成时一般过去时改为过去完成时过去完成时 过去完成时(不变)一般将来时改为过去将来时,(1)H

3、e said,“I usually do sport in the morning.”他说,“我经常在早晨锻炼身体。”He said that he usually did sport in the morning.他说他经常在早晨锻炼身体。(2)Tom told me,“I am playing computer games now.”汤姆告诉我,“我现在正在打电子游戏。”Tom told me that he was playing computer games then.汤姆告诉我他那时正在打电子游戏。,(3)She said,“I have seen the interesting f

4、ilm.”她说,“我已经看过那部有趣的电影了。”She said that she had seen the interesting film.她说她已经看过那部有趣的电影了。(4)He told me,“I travelled to several African countries.”他告诉我,“我去过非洲的好几个国家旅游。”He told me that he had travelled to several African countries.他告诉我他已去过非洲的好几个国家旅游。,5)Jack said to us,“A group of foreigners will visit

5、our school.”杰克对我们说,“一个外国访问团将来我校参观。”Jack told us that a group of foreigners would visit our school.杰克告诉我们一个外国访问团将来我校参观。,3.时间状语的变化:(1)nowthen(2)todaythat day(3)tonightthat night(4)this weekthat week(5)yesterdaythe day before(6)yesterday eveningthe evening before(7)last weekthe week before(8)three days

6、 agothree days before(9)tomorrowthe next/following day(10)tomorrow morningthe next morning(11)next weekthe next week(12)in two monthstwo months after(13)the day after tomorrowtwo days later,(1)They said,“we are having an exam now.”他们说,“我们正在考试。”They said that they were having an exam then.他们说那时他们正在考试

7、。(2)John told me,“About 5,000 people went to the concert yesterday.”约翰告诉我,“昨天大约有5000人去看音乐会了。”John told me that about 5,000 people had been to the concert the day before.约翰告诉我头一天大约有5000人去看了音乐会。(3)The farmer said,“we will have a good harvest next year.”农民说,“明年我们将会有个大丰收。”The farmer said that they would

8、 have a good harvest the next year.农民说他们转年将会有个大丰收。,4.地点状语的变化:herethereeg.Mary said,“we will have a press conference here tomorrow.”玛丽说,“明天我们将在这里举办一个记者招待会。”Mary said that they would have a press conference there the next day.玛丽说他们明天将在那里举办一个记者招待会。,5.指示代词的变化:thisthat;thesethoseeg.(1)Mary said to me,“Yo

9、u can take this book.”玛丽说,“你可以拿这本书。”Mary told me that I could take that book.玛丽告诉我,我可以拿那本书。(2)The teacher said to Jack,“You must copy these new words three times.”老师对杰克说,“你必须把这些新单词抄三遍。”The teacher told Jack that he had to copy those new words three times.老师告诉杰克他必须把那些新单词抄三遍。,6.动词的变化:comego;bringtakee

10、g.(1)Uncle wang said,“I will come to mend your machine next week.”王叔叔说,“我下周将来修理你的机器。”Uncle wang said that he would go to mend my machine the next week.王叔叔说他转过周来将去修理我的机器。(2)Mary said,“Every time I go to my aunts,I will bring some fresh fruit to her.”玛丽说,“每次我去我的姑姑家,我都要给她带一些新鲜的水果。”Mary said that every

11、time she went to her aunts,She would take some fresh fruit to her.玛丽说每一次她去她的姑姑家,她都要给她带一些新鲜的水果。,B.直接引语是疑问句时,要把疑问句语序变为陈述句语序,同样地,主语的人称、时态、状语等也要做相应的变化。直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,要用连词if或whether引导。直接引语如果是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用原来的特殊疑问词来作连词。主句中的谓语动词是said时,要改为asked。没有间接宾语的,可以加一个间接宾语。如me,him等。,go on,从句用陈述语序。eg.(1)He said

12、,“Do you understand?”他问,“你理解吗?”He asked me if/whether I understood.他问我是否我理解了。,turnback,(2)He asked me,“Which part of China impresses you most?”他问我,“中国的哪一个地方给你留下的印象最深刻?”He asked me which part of China impressed me most.他问我中国的哪一个地方给我留下的印象最深刻。,turnback,C.直接引语是祈使句时,间接引语可变为以下形式:(1)He said to Dr.Bethune,“Dont go on operating any more.”他对白求恩大夫说,“不要再进行手术了。”He told Dr.Bethune not to go on operating any more.他告诉白求恩大夫不要再进行手术了。(2)She said to us,“Please have a rest.”她对我们说,“请休息一下。”She asked us to have a rest.她请我们休息一下。,


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