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1、1.make/do/run a survey of 对进行调查(1)A new survey has been made _ the population of China.(2)The new survey that the government _ the population of China is reported in the newspaper.A.made of B.made from C run D made,of,We were able to survey the city from the top of the high building.,打量 俯瞰 测量,2.attr

2、active adj.attract vt.attraction n.attract(hold/draw/catch/arrest)ones attention catch ones eye pay attention to fix/focus/concentrate ones attention on/upona tourist attraction,places of interest,3.fortunate adj.fortune n.fortunately adv.You are fortunate_ being able to live in the country.She deci

3、ded to try her _ in the city._ for him,his teacher is strict with him.,in,fortune,Fortunately,luckily for/happily for himbe fortunate to do/in doing,try ones fortune/luck 碰碰运气take ones chance seek ones fortune,make a fortune 发了一笔财,marry a fortune marry well,3.sound link vi vt.adj.sound sweet The bel

4、l sounded.They sounded the bell.have a sound sleep/sleep soundly sound advice safe and soundThat sounds(like)a good idea.,1.What a noise!I can hardly stand it.-It _ as if they are having a party next door.A.looks B.sounds C.feels D.happens,voice 人的嗓音in a low/loud voice have a voice in sth at the top

5、 of ones voice give voice to sth with a/one voice,noise 噪音 喧闹声(cn/un)make a noise/make so much noise make noises Youd better make noises make a sound 发出声响,将-想法说出,说出想法,4.bother vt.vi.n.bother sb.(with sth.)(1)抱歉老因此麻烦你。,Sorry to keep bothering you with all this.,(2)I ve no bother/trouble/difficulty(in

6、)finding your house.,bother about/with sth 费事 烦心 bother sb.about/with sth 拿烦某人bother to do 费心干 Dont bother/trouble to come,I can tell_ the way he walked that his knee was still _ him,by,bothering,5.starve vi.starvation starve to death Im starving.starve sb to deathbe starved to deathbe starved of 非常

7、需要 没有The engine was starved of petrol and wouldnt start.starve for 渴望得到 He was starving/longing/dying/desperate for sympathy.,6.occupation n.occupy vt.Whats your occupation?2)What do you do?3)What are you?be occupied in/with=be busy with sth./in doing sth.她正忙于写信。bury/absorb/lose oneself in devote/ap

8、ply oneself to(投身于)engage oneself in 忙于,Her time is fully occupied with 3 children.,The table is occupied The seat is taken/occupied,7.exchange n.&vt.交换 互换 exchange sth with sb 和交换 exchange sth for sth.以换 trade for in exchange(for)作为交换 in return for/in reward forIve just bought this one,but can I ex

9、change it _ that one?I gave her a book _ her pen.A in exchange of B in exchange for C in change for D for a change,for,exchange blows/words stick blows against 打起来 争吵Mary and Anne didnt actually exchange blows but they certainly exchanged words.,This bank is the only one in the town where people can

10、 _ foreign currency for Chinese RMB.A.turn B.change C.become D.exchange,反击,8.survive vi./vt.survival n.survivor 1)只有 一个孩子在空难中生还。,Only one baby survived(after)the terrible air crash.2)The old lady has survived all her children.,-Is there anyone who _ the air crash that happened in Brazil last month?-

11、_.A.has survived;None B.survived from;None C.survives;No one D.survived;Nobody,.9 approach v 1)(时间 距离的)接近 毕业的时间快到了。The time for graduation is approaching draw/on come near2)逼近,接近(某种状态)His work is approaching perfection manhood 即将成年,3)找某人商量,接洽,交涉I approached him about filling the managers job.找他商量,问他

12、有无意思担任经理。approach a bank for a loan(贷款)4)对待 处理(问题、任务)vt He approached the difficulty with great thought.,n 1)接近,逼近 The pigeons flew away at my approach.我一靠近鸽子就飞了。2)通路,入口,学习方法,门径 to All the approaches to the airport were blocked His method presents a new approach to foreign language.他的方法展示出了一种学外语的新方法

13、。,3)approaches 对人接近,奉承,取悦 I made approaches to her to join our club.我游说他加入我们俱乐部 make approaches to sb.想法认识/接近某人,eg The _(access)to the house was cut off.His book represents a new _to the difficulty.With the day coming/_drawing near/drawing on As the day came/_/.,approach,approach,approaching/,approa

14、ched,At the meeting they discussed three different _to the study of mathematicsA approaches B means C methods D ways,the way to doof doing 表示做某事的方法,10 contact 接触,碰触 关系,联系In contact with sh keep in touch/contact with 保持联系Make contact(1)接通电路(2)联络某人 How can I contact you?How can I make contact with you

15、?Contract 合同和约A marriage contract 婚约He has a two year contract with the firm.carry out/execute a contract 履行合同By/on contrast 通过对比In contrast withto the city life,time seemed to pass slowly in the country.订合同make/enter into a contract,get in/keep in/lose touch(contact)with 与保持(失去)联系 be in/out of touc

16、h(contact)with 与有(无)联系 我和John已经多年没有联系了.I have been out of touch with John for many years.*off the track/mark/point 路子不对/离题/出轨,Contrast contract contact,11 Employ employer employee(un)employmentEmploy oneself be employed in sth 从事于 in the employ(ment)of/in sbs employ 受雇于-I am in the employ of the com

17、pany Out of employment/employ lose employ/get employ Employment agency 职业介绍所 The unemployed are provided with all kinds of jobs,It has been/is six years since we last saw each other.,1)Its half a year since the foreign teacher came to teach in our school.2)Its three years since he was here.3)Its thr

18、ee years since he was a teacher.他当兵已经三年了他不当兵已经三年了This is the first time _我来参观你的家乡,Ive visited your hometown,3.There are a lot of tourists around.around adv.=on all sides Clothes lay in the room around.,6.They have put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.put up 建造(房屋),搭起帐蓬,指高于地平面以上的建筑物。挂起 张贴 举起

19、支起 留住下 set up 建立,成立(某一机构,团体)设置 创立(记录)set up ones home/a fund for build 指建所有的建筑物(地面以上的或地面以下的)build socialism/ones country/a bright future be built/made of build up ones body/reputation erect found 建立,成立,创立(组织,机构),1.put aside-2.put away-3.put back-4.put forward-5.put down-6.put off-7.put out-8.put on-

20、9.put ones heart to-10.put an end to-,把.放在一边;存钱,把收起来;存放,放回原处,把钟表指针顺拨校准,放下;记下;镇压;飞机降落,推迟,拖延,扑灭;伸出,穿上;上演,全神贯注于,使结束,1)by the seaside2)Whats the climate like?How is the weather?Whats sb like?How is sb?What does sb look like?3)The rent for an apartment is very high4)I believe you/I believe in you 5)the b

21、usiness district 6)for a while,1.a five-storey apartment block a five-storied/storeyed apartment block两周的带薪假期 a two-week paid vacation 复合形容词只能做定语2.The house is two storeys high and is made of local stone.a two-storey-high house,be made of/from be made into be made up of=be composed of=consist of be

22、made out of 有做出来 改出来1)Glass can be made_ all kinds of bottles.2)Our class is made_ 64 students.3)The bottle of wine is made _ rice.4)Tables and chairs are made _ wood.,1.such as 用于列举,没有把事物全部列出for example(eg.)用于举例说明,往往有逗号隔开namely=that is to say,in other words 名词前有具体数字,后接namely,全部列出 There are three st

23、udents absent today,namely Tom,John,and Jack,3.Firstly adv.首先,第一,相当于first(谚)先到先服务,先到先有 secondly 其次 列举原因 firstly secondlythenat last,First come,first served,4.remain 通常不用于进行时态1)If you take 3 from 8,5 remains.I take a a photo in front of what is remained _ the house 2)留待以后去看,去做,去说等It remains to be see

24、n whether you are right.事实有待证明3)停留,逗留 我在伦敦一直呆到五月4)仍然是,保持Let things remain as they are.Many villagers are fighting to survive.We can only hope that they will remain.,of,The remaining money/the money left,6 beat/hit/strike beat beat beaten 1)beat sb in the face/on the nose 2)beat sb/win sth 雨水 阳光 翅膀 波

25、浪 3)His heart beats fast 4)The bird beat its wings rapidly as it flew on(stretch/spread/extend)hit-hit-hit 1)hit sb in the face/on the nose 2)The car hit the wall 3)That summer,a terrible drought hit the area(strike)4)hit on/upon a good idea make a hit 获得成功 受欢迎 make it,strike-struck-striken 1)The bo

26、y struck the man with a stick.2)A stone struck me on the head 3)strike a match 4)A good idea struck me./A good idea came into my mind.5)What struck me most was that those fellows had all suffered a lot.6)They are striking for higher pay.7)The clock struck 12 oclock.8)We must prevent the disease striking again.be on strike/go on strike,a pretty girl/gardenpretty well/loud/soonparking lot/car parkNo parking here!Dont park your books on top of my papers.traffic jam,afford sth/to do sth,Only/quite a lot of/quite a few every few thousand meters,at/on weekends on weekdays,


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