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1、,商品说明书的语言特点及文体特点,语言特点,一.广泛使用一般现在时和主动语态,二.大量使用情态动词。用于说明事物的特征,状态,计量单位,副作用,警告以及注意事项等。,语言特点,三.多使用省略句常省略冠词,介词和不重要的形容词,副词,连词等,常使用动词的非谓语形式(-ing分词,ed分词和动词不定式结构),以简化表达避免重复。,We hope it shows the true dimensions of our concern for the environment.Indoors and out.Ideal for the home or office.Powerful flatbed sc

2、anning.Convenient copying-no computer needed!If planning to make use of existing computers,and not sure of their processing speeds,use this guideline.,语言特点,四.多使用祈使句和简单句祈使句:以表示强调,命令,警告等,在给与指示时直截了当,简洁有力,从而实现说服功能。简单句:商品说明书篇幅有限,因此多用简单句,有时甚至使用不完整句(句子片段),很少使用长句。,语言特点,Body Creator care is a breakthrough bo

3、dy care technology,starting with its revolutionary SLM fragrance.A sense-activating fragrance with grapefruit and pepper in a refreshing gel that firms and tones the appearance of your skin as it refines the silhouette.With caffeine and other effective ingredients.Apply lavishly over your waist and

4、hips,things and arms.Feel it working instantly cooling and stimulating,Body Creator 凭着革命性的SLM 香味配方,开创香氛美体修护先河。这款散发着西袖和胡椒等香味的者哩状乳液,有效振奋感官,能改善及紧致肌肤,令肤质加倍柔滑,身体线条更趋完美。本产品含有咖啡因及其他有效成分。取足够分量涂于腰部、臀部、大腿和手臂,迅即感觉到乳液带来的清凉和刺激。,语言特点,五.使用专业术语以实现表达的技术性和准确性,常使用动词的同根名词,复合名词短语和形容词短语,以体现说明书文体的正式性和规范性。,六.信息结构的安排多采用末尾焦点

5、和后部重荷的原则。,所谓末尾焦点,即在新旧信息分布的自然语序中,把最重要的信息放在语句的末尾。给受话人在接触到信息时,留下深刻的印象。,语言特点,文体特点,一.简洁性是指语言通俗易懂,结构简单。商品说明书使用标准且通俗易懂的语言,使普通的消费者一看就能明白。简短的句式和通俗的语言可使消费者迅速获取所包含的商品信息,吸引他们对商品的注意,从而激起他们对该商品的兴趣。,Gargle with product 2-5 minutes after brushing in the morning and evening.(早晚刷牙后含漱2至5分钟。)Its reliable in usage.(操作安全

6、可靠)Contraindications:None Known.(禁忌症:尚未发现),文体特点,二.技术性是指在实现其功能信息时,针对某类产品的特点,使用方法,注意事项等加以客观说明,必须要使用专业性或技术性的词汇。,Note:Pls do not move the hour hands while turning the minute hands,it might cause the error timingPls do not place any metal or reflectors between clocks,it might interfere the signal transmi

7、ttance of clocksPls do not mix the new and old batteries together into clockPls insert the battries properly as the mark on the battary box Pls change the new batteries when the birds do not come out or alarm in low volum,we recommend that the batteries shoud be change twice a year at least for opti

8、mum performance and enjoyment,文体特点,文体特点,四.说服性是指在进行产品的功能介绍时,夹叙夹议,广泛使用祈使句或有吸引的性质形容词和简洁有力的名词词组等,以实现语言的美感功能和祈使功能,激发消费者采取行动选择和购买该产品。,三.规范性首先表现在语言规范和语气正式上,其次表现在描写程序规范,行文格式固定上。,All xxx shampoos and conditioners contain natural plant-derived ingredients,leaving your hair beautifully refreshed,full of body a

9、nd shine,and silkily softness.The brand new xxx shampoo,with the special moisture balancing factors,helps provide appropriate moisture to each strand of your hair.Your hair will be so light and dynamic that your hair will glide when you move.Stylist suggestion:For better result,use daily with xxx moistening conditioner.,文体特点,所有xxx洗发露及护发素均含有天然植物成分,令秀发更清爽亮泽,富有弹性,且柔顺如丝xxx全新均衡滋润洗发露,特有先进的均衡滋润因子,给每根头发适度的滋润你的秀发将丝丝轻盈,富有动感,在你举手投足之间,秀发将随之有节奏甩动专业美发师推荐,每天配合xxx保湿润发露使用,效果更加,文体特点,thankyou,


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