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1、全国高等教育自学考试,综合英语(一)考情分析主讲:杜景芬,一、试题结构分析,1.将继续沿用6大题型PART ONE(40 POINTS)the objective sectionVocabulary and Structure:20 points,1 point eachReading Comprehension:20 points,2 points eachPART TWO(60 POINTS)the subjective sectionPhonetics:10 points,0.5 point eachCloze:10 points,0.5 point each Cloze A(after

2、-class)Cloze B(in-class)Text-based questions:20 points,2 points eachSentence translation from Chinese to English:20 points,2 points each,2.结构变化:以 2008年4月为分界点 由此可见,考题越来越侧重于考生对于阅读的把握程度。,一、试题结构分析,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。仍然是语法、词汇各占一半,各10个。根据对历年真题的分析可以看出语法仍然以时态、语态、虚拟语气、非谓语动 词(现在分词、过去分词、动名词和不定式)、定语从句、强调句型、连词、倒装、情

3、态动词、形式宾语、名词性从句、反意疑问句为主。词汇主要考32篇课文后的useful expressions以及我曾经在08年初的两课时串讲补充中所归纳的高频动词短语。简单动词与副词或介词构成的动词短语是历年国考题的重点,常考的动词有:break,make,take,look,die,turn,put,pull,give,come,bring等。现在主要结合0704,0710,0804,0810,0904五次考题对重点高频语法进行详细说明。,二、出题倾向和考情预测,1.虚拟语气(历年国考必考题)虚拟语气在6课时的串讲中已经进行了详细的讲解,这里只结合近3年的考题来分析高频考点。(1)would

4、rather+从句(虚拟语气)例1:The manager would rather his daughter _ in the same company.Awould not workBwill not workCdoes not work Ddid not work 0704-05【答案】:D【解析】:本题考查would rather 的用法。would rather+that 从句(用虚拟语气),例如:I would rather that he didnt attend the meeting tomorrow.I would rather your were not listenin

5、g to music now.I would rather that he hadnt made such a serious mistake in the speech last week.补充:would rather do A than do BHe would rather be fired than tell a lie.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,1.虚拟语气(2)虚拟语气句中的谓语动词用should+动词原形构成,should 通常省略例2:I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans _.A.

6、to be put off B.be put off C.should put off D.was put off 0804-03【答案】:B【解析】:proposal 后面的同位语从句要用虚拟语气。最常用的十个动词可以归纳为“一坚持(insist)、二命令(order,command)、三建议(advise,suggest,propose)、四要求(demand,require,request,ask)”,及其对应的过去分词、形容词、名词后及某些形容词(如important,necessary,vital,preferable,essential,natural等)后的虚拟语气用(shoul

7、d)+动词原形。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,1.虚拟语气(3)带有if 条件句的虚拟语气句例3:_ for your help,wed never have been able to finish the work.A.It was not B.Had it not beenC.Hadnt it been D.If it had been not 0904-07【答案】:B【解析】:根据主句谓语动词的形式可知本句是对过去进行假设,故从句用had+过去分词,if省略时,助动词提到句首,构成倒装。务必熟记对现在,过去和将来进行假设时,if从句和主句谓语动词的形式。If I had know

8、n it earlier,I would have made preparations.If he were here,he would help me now.If he asked me(were to/should ask me),I would go with him.还要注意从句和主句不一致时构成的错综复杂虚拟语气句,如:If he hadnt saved me from the water,I wouldnt be able to talk with you now.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,1.虚拟语气(4)带有标志词otherwise的句子,也要用虚拟语气例4:Bob

9、 was fully occupied yesterday,otherwise he _ to the meeting.A.would come B.had comeC.must have come D.would have come 0810-03【答案】:D【解析】:otherwise意为“否则,要不然”,本身就是对前面事实的一种不可能的假设,故后面用虚拟语气。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,1.虚拟语气补充:现在 过去式wish所接的宾从 过去 had+过去分词/could have done 将来 would/could/might+动词原形I wish I were a free

10、 bird.I wish I had finished my task yesterday.I wish I would go to the cinema tomorrow.Its(high/past/almost/about)time that sb.did sth.lest/for fear that 后面的从句用虚拟语气should+动词原形,should可以省略,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,2.非谓语动词(历年国考必考题)非谓语动词一共包括3类:分词,动名词和不定式。分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,两者最主要的区别是主动和被动。还要熟练掌握现在分词doing的完成式having d

11、one,过去分词done的完成式为having been done。例5:All the tasks _ ahead of time,we planned to go on a holiday for a week.Ahad fulfilledBhaving fulfilledCwere fulfilled Dhaving been fulfilled 0704-09【答案】:D【解析】:本题考查的是独立主格。独立主格的结构为:名词/代词+分词/介词短语/形容词/副词,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,2.非谓语动词 例6:_ any foreign language and having n

12、o special skills,he finds it hard to get a job in this very competitive world.A.Knowing not B.Knowing no C.Not knowing D.Having knowing no 0710-06【答案】:A【解析】:动名词短语作主语。not any=no例7:Swimmers are required _ or make loud noises when they are in the swimming pool.A.to not driveB.to diveC.not to diveD.not

13、diving 0710-11【答案】:C【解析】:本题考查动词require的用法及不定式的否定形式。务必掌握的是非谓语动词的否定形式是在其前面加not,即not doing sth.,not to do sth.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,2.非谓语动词 例8:_ to land on the island several times,the pilot sent a radio message to the headquarters to ask for help.A.Having failed B.FailingC.Had failed D.Failed 0710-14【答案】:

14、A【解析】:本题考查现在分词的完成式。例9:You will see this product _ wherever you go in this city.A.advertise B.to be advertisedC.advertised D.advertising 0804-04【答案】:C【解析】:本题考查过去分词作宾补的用法。类似的用法还有make oneself heard/understood,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,2.非谓语动词 例10:Jack often complains _ able to communicate with his parents.A.of

15、being not B.of not being C.being not D.not being 0804-05【答案】:B【解析】:本题考查动名词的否定形式。例11:The new multipurpose gymnasium is reported to _ within two years.A.have completed B.have been completed C.having completed D.having been completed 0810-04【答案】:B【解析】:本题考查不定式的完成式及被动形式。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,2.非谓语动词 例12:_ an

16、other three weeks,I would have been able to finish the experiment.A.Given B.GivingC.To give D.Having given 0810-05【答案】:A【解析】:本题考查过去分词作状语。同时切记given的其它用法:(1)作形容词 at a given time and a given place(2)作介词或连词 Given his interest in teaching/Given(that)he is so interested in teaching,I am sure he can make a

17、 good teacher.(此用法同considering)(3)作过去分词Given better conditions,the trees could have grown better.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,2.非谓语动词 例13:There was no reason for _ the class meeting yesterday evening.A.not your attending B.your not attending C.you not to attending D.you to not attending 0904-05【答案】:B【解析】:本题考查动

18、名词的逻辑主语及否定形式。熟练掌握动名词和不定式的逻辑主语Its selfish of you to think of your own interests.Its important for you to learn English well.Its+adj.+of sb.to do sth.此类形容词包括:nice,kind,cruel,selfish,selfless/unselfish,brave,wise,foolish,stupid,silly 等。Do you mind me/my/Tom/Toms smoking?His/Toms being educated in a key

19、 school is his parents greatest wish.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,3.时态和语态 时态的考查出现频率最高的是是完成式和进行式。完成式一般考查“by/until+时间点”和完成式连用,切记:“by+将来的时间点”和将来完成式连用,“by+过去的时间点”和过去完成式连用。例14:By the end of next month I _ here for five years.Awill work Bhave been working Chave workedDwill have been working 0704-03【答案】:D【解析】:本题考查“by

20、+将来的时间点”和将来完成式连用。另外还要注意下面的句子:I will have finished the task by the time he arrives home.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,3.时态和语态 例15:Much research _ into the possible causes of the disease in the past few years.Ahas been done Bwas doneChave been done Dwere done 0704-04【答案】:A【解析】:“in the past/last+时间段”和现在完成式连用,而“in

21、the past”和一般过去式连用。例16:I _ my talk with Tony.Lets go out for a walk.A.have finished B.had finishedC.finish D.finished 0804-02【答案】:A【解析】:本句没有出现时间状语,但从语境看finish这个动作对后句的动作有影响,故用现在完成式。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,3.时态和语态 例17:When I arrived at the hospital,he _ in the emergency room.A.was being treated B.was treated

22、 C.had been treating D.had been being treated 0710-01【答案】:A【解析】:当从句中出现具体的时间点时用进行式。如when sb.did sth.,at six oclock yesterday,at this moment last week等,还有将来的时间点at this moment tomorrow等等,句子用相应的过去进行式或将来进行式。例18:The new multipurpose gymnasium is reported to _ within two years.A.have completed B.have been

23、completed C.having completed D.having been completed 0810-04【答案】:B【解析】:句中的时间状语within two years决定了不定式要用完成形式,本句还考查了被动语态。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,3.时态和语态 例19:Until then,Jacks sister _ him an email for more than three months.A.hadnt sent B.hasnt sentC.will not send D.would not send 0904-01【答案】:A【解析】:then没有语境表明

24、是什么样的时间点时默认为过去的时间。有语境时具体分析,如:He will be back next weekend.By then he will have stayed there for five weeks.He came back last weekend.By then he had stayed there for five weeks.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,4.定语从句 考查比较多的是“(名词/代词)+介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。例20:The reason _ I did not go to the lecture yesterday was that I h

25、ad something important to do.Awhich Bfor thatCbecause Dwhy 0704-13【答案】:D【解析】:先行词为reason,定语从句的引导词在从句中作状语,故用why或for which。注意比较:The reason that/which/he gave me for his lateness is that he met the traffic jam.类似用法的先行词还有表示地点或时间的词。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,4.定语从句 例21:They have just bought a new villa _ sitting r

26、oom,you can see a huge garden.A.from the B.whose C.from whose D.with a 0710-02【答案】:C【解析】:此处需用定语从句连接两个句子,“从别墅的窗子”要用fromwhose window 例22:Up to now,he has taken part in five English contests,in _ he was the winner.A.every oneB.each one C.every of whichD.each of which 0710-07【答案】:D【解析】:本题定语从句的引导词前有代词+介词

27、。要清楚every和each的区别。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,4.定语从句 例23:She failed in the exam,_proves that she wasnt working hard enough at school.A.this B.itC.that D.which 0810-09【答案】:D【解析】:非限制性定语从句的引导词指前面的整句话或句子的大部分时,用which。再如:He told me he failed in the exam,which surprised me.例24:I was told that his first job was in a

28、factory,_ worked the night shift.A.he just B.and whoC.where he D.there he 0904-08【答案】:C【解析】:此处非限制性定语从句的先行词是表示地点的词factory。试比较:He will go to Nanjing tomorrow,where he will stay for five days.He will go to Nanjing tomorrow,when his brother will be back from Shanghai.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,4.定语从句 补充:切记定语从句引导

29、词的选择要考虑先行词和引导词在定语从句中所作的成分。试比较下面几组句子:This is the room where/in which they will have a party.This is the room that/which/they will clean tomorrow.The reason that/which/he gave us for his lateness was traffic jam.The reason why/for which he was late was traffic jam.He will remember the ten days that/wh

30、ich/they spent together.He will remember the ten days when/in which/during which they played together.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,4.定语从句 补充:还要积累一些常用搭配,如:to some extent,compete with/against sb.for sth.,fight for/against sb./sth.I am surprised at the extent to which he has been suffering all the time.He is the

31、person with/against whom I will compete for the first prize.Equality is the thing for which we have been fighting.Inequality is the thing against which we have been fighting.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,5.强调句型判断标准:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其它。去掉it is/was和that/who,句子成立。例25:_ that this small town was exposed to v

32、arious kinds of dangers.A.In 2003 B.The year of 2003C.It was 2003 D.It was in 2003 0804-10【答案】:D【解析】:本题考查强调句型。例26:_ the game had begun that Jim and Tony arrived at the sports ground.A.It was not until B.It was untilC.Not until D.Until 0810-10【答案】:A【解析】:本题考查强调句型。需要注意的是:not until被强调时,that从句不倒装。而去掉it w

33、as 和that后,not until 在句首句子要倒装,本句省略it was和that后就是Not until the game had begun did Jim and Tony arrive at the sports ground.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,5.强调句型例27:It was in a small town near New York _ Dick and I saw him last Sunday.A.that B.only C.there D.which 0904-10【答案】:A【解析】:本题考查强调句型。注意下面两个句子引导词的不同:It is in

34、this house that well have a get-together.(强调句型)It is this house where/in which well have a get-together.(非强调句型),I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,6.倒装倒装主要是以下四种情况。(1)否定词放在句首句子倒装,常见的否定词有hardly/scarcely(when),no sooner(than),seldom,rarely,little,not only,neither/nor,not until,in no case,by no means,under/in no circumst

35、ances,on no occasion,at no time等。(2)So+助动词+主语(比较So+主语+助动词)。(3)Only+介词短语或状语从句放在句首,句子倒装。(4)虚拟语气句的从句中省略if后助动词移到句首,形成倒装。例28:Not until the game had begun _ the sports ground.Adid Peter arrive atBPeter arrived at Cdidnt Peter arrive atDPeter didnt arrive at 0704-10【答案】:A【解析】:not until放在句首,句子倒装。,I.用适当的语法形式

36、或词汇填空。,6.倒装例29:At no time _ of giving up and accepting the unfair treatment.A.did she ever think B.she ever thought C.did she think ever D.she thought ever 0710-08【答案】:A【解析】:at no time 放在句首,句子倒装。例30:Only when I got there _ how badly the crops had been damaged.A.did I realize B.I realized C.then I re

37、alized D.then did I realize 0804-09【答案】:A【解析】:“only+状语从句”放在句首,句子倒装。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,6.倒装例31:_ the drill is,it is very useful in improving your oral English.A.Simple you consider B.You consider simple C.Simple as you consider D.As simple you consider 0804-08【答案】:C【解析】:as意为“虽然”,用于倒装,句式如下:Though he is

38、 very young,he is very learned.=Young as he is,he is very learned.Though he is an old man,he is very energetic.=Old man as he is,he is very energetic.Though I like him very much,I wont do his homework for him.=Much as I like him,I wont do his homework for him.Though he tried,he failed again.=Try as

39、he did,he failed again.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,6.倒装例32:Young _,Daniel Hellberg was the best candidate for the job.A.as was he B.as he was C.although he was D.although was he 0810-07【答案】:B【解析】:同31题。例33:_ got to the hotel yesterday evening when it began to rain heavily.A.No sooner I had B.No sooner had I C.

40、Hardly I had D.Hardly had I 0810-08【答案】:D【解析】:Hardlywhen是固定结构。Hardly是否定副词,放在句首句子倒装。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,7.形式宾语在英语中当不定式或从句作宾语时,常被形式宾语it替代。常接形式宾语的动词有:find,believe,think,suppose,feel等。例如:I think it wrong to help him do his homework.I find it hard to make friends with such a person.例34:He found _ to adapt

41、himself to his new surroundings in the country.A.difficult B.it difficult C.that difficult D.that it difficult 0904-02【答案】:B【解析】:不定式作宾语,被形式宾语it代替。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,8.情态动词情态动词考查比较多的是情态动词+完成式。例35:I didnt send out my application form last week,but I _.Ahad to Bmight have to Chave had Dshould have 0704-

42、11【答案】:D【解析】:should have done sth.意为“本应该做某事,但却没有做”以往考题中出现频率较高的是:must have done sth.cannot/couldnt have done sth.could have done sth.should/ought to have done sth.shouldnt/oughtnt to have done sth.neednt have done sth.would have done sth.wouldnt have done sth.,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,另外还有名词性从句的引导词、倍数的表达法、形容

43、词和副词的比较级、冠词、主谓一致、反意疑问句等,参考6课时串讲及2课时的串讲补充。词汇首先要领会并灵活应用综合英语一上下册32篇课文后的useful expressions,在此基础上熟练掌握常用动词和介词副词搭配构成的动词短语的意思和用法,这些动词有break,make,take,look,die,turn,put,pull,give,come,bring等,参见2课时的串讲补充。,I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。,仍然以细节题为主,关键是对题目中核心词key words的辨认,准确快速地在文章中定位核心词,仔细阅读核心词出处的上下文。如:0804 Passage 1的第21题:21.The

44、y stopped the car on top of a hill because _.A.the spires and domes looked peacefulB.they wanted to see OxfordC.they wanted to take a restD.the old college walls looked differentPara1.A mile or so before they reached Oxford,they stopped the car on top of a hill from which they could see the whole of

45、 the city spread out before them.The spires and the domes,the college walls and towers looked as peaceful as when they were first built,hundreds of years ago.【答案】:B【解析】:根据第一句话可知,“他们把车停在山顶上,目的是从山顶上能看到整个城市。”,II.阅读理解,考题中出现频率较高的字母(组合)有:(1)字母组合“oo”的发音:牢记口诀t前长 foot短,d前短 food长,k前全短其余全长,合成短音不商量例如:boot shoot

46、 stood hood good wood brook crook book cook look took classroom bedroom(2)qu的发音例如:quite quiet quick/kw/特例:mosquito unique/k/(3)ph的发音 一律是/f/,如physics,phonetics,philosophy(4)th/the的发音 bathe breathe/bath breath/(5)ch的发音 mechanic school/k/machine/chalk/,III.语音题,A从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。(不需要改变形式)12选10建议把

47、词分类,缩小选择范围下面对句子成分与词类进行简单的匹配名词:主语,宾语,表语,同位语,定语动词:谓语现在分词/过去分词/动名词:定语,补语等形容词:定语,表语,补语副词:状语(修饰动词,形容词或副词)B根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。熟读课文,.完形填空,近十年来没有考过回答问题的形式,都是以完成句子的形式出现,重点看6课时串讲时的重要问题。一般32篇文章结尾处结论性的话容易考到。如:0704第81题:To Christy,the scribbled letter“A”was _,and his key to mental freedom.【答案】:his road to a ne

48、w world,V根据所学课文内容完成下列句子。,汉译英。,做翻译题,关键是确定好句型选择好短语。翻译时涉及到的语法仍然以第一部分的重点语法为主。例如:1.每逢足球比赛,杰克总是第一个来,最后一个走。0704-98【答案】:Whenever there is a football match,Jack is always the first to come and the last to leave.2.我进城后一直没听到过有关他的消息。0810-83【答案】:I have never heard of anything about him since I came to the city.3.汤姆很难赶上班上的同学。0810-87【答案】:Its difficult for Tom to catch up with his classmates.4.他走得太快了,我只好跑才跟得上。0904-81【答案】:He was walking so fast that I had to run to catch up with him.,祝同学们考试成功!,


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