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1、全国卷英语作文评分标准最高档(21-25分)1.完全完成了试题规定的任务;2.覆盖所有内容要点;3.准确应用较为复杂的语法结构和高级词汇;4.全文结构紧凑,有效使用语句间的连接成分;5.完全达到了预期的写作目的。6.卷面干净整洁。,Attributive clause,Grammar and writing,合作探究:高考满分作文中的定语从句欣赏:2013年全国高考新课标As you know,my uncle Li Ming is going to the city where you live to attend an international meeting.Ive asked my

2、uncle to bring you the Chinese painting which you have asked for before.,As we all know,cleaning streets is one of the hardest work.,写作中定语从句的主要作用1.增加词数(100词左右)可以连接两个包含同一事物的句子,避免单词的重复和句式单一。补充细节,以丰富文章内容。,定语从句在写作中的应用合作探究:如何写出定语从句用,(1)The reason _he was late was that he got up late.(2)I still remember t

3、he day _I first came to Beijing.(3)It is an important day _ I will never forget.(4)The park _ they paid a visit to is beautiful.(5)Visiting the new Amber Room is a good way _ people can know more about the history.,why,when,(Which/that),(Which/that),复习导学:用适当的关系词填空。,(in which/that),2.合并句子。,(1)A plane

4、 is a machine.It can fly._(2)My uncle bought a car last week.It was stolen._(3)The man is walking on the playground.He is my old friend._(4)I saw a woman.Her bag was stolen._,A plane is a machine which/that can fly.,The car(which/that)my uncle bought last week was stolen.,The man who is walking on t

5、he playground is my old friend.,I saw a woman whose bag was stolen.,合作探究:如何写出定语从句题干中出现两句涉及同一事物的简单句。Solution:1找出这两个简单句中都出现的同一个事物。2将其中一个简单句改成从句,去修饰另外一个句子中那个相同的事物(注意关系词的选用),达标练习:1.众所周知,琥珀屋有着一段令人惊奇的历史,它用黄金和珠宝装饰。2.琥珀屋闻名世界的原因是它非常的珍贵。3.人们不会忘记那个时期,琥珀屋被德国纳粹党人偷走。4.现在人们可以去夏宫(the Summer Palace)参观,新的琥珀屋已经在这里建成。,

6、众所周知,琥珀屋有着一段令人惊奇的历史,它用黄金和珠宝装饰。,As is known to all,the Amber Room has an amazing history.The Amber Room was decorated with gold and jewels.,As is known to all,the Amber Room,which was decorated with gold and jewels,has an amazing history.,The Amber Room is famous in the world.The reason is that it is

7、 valuable.,The reason why the Amber Room is famous is that it is valuable.,琥珀屋闻名世界,原因是它非常的珍贵。,人们不会忘记那段日子,琥珀屋被德国纳粹党人偷走。,People will never forget the time.The Amber Room was stolen by the German Nazis.,People will never forget the days when the Amber Room was stolen by the German Nazis.,现在人们可以去夏宫参观,新的

8、琥珀屋已经在这里建成。,Now people can visit the Summer Palace.A new Amber Room is built here.,Now people can visit the Summer Palace,where a new Amber Room is built.,(注意此处不再有here),2.题干中只有一个孤立的简单句Solution:找到这个简单句中的中心词,用定语从句将其丰富。For example:汉语是一门受欢迎的语言。Chinese is a popular language.,Chinese is a popular language

9、,which is now spoken and used by more and more people all around the world.,怎么受欢迎?为谁所欢迎?,Practice:派对将于十二月二十五号举行。李明是一个热心肠的人。,The party will be held on December 25th.,The party,which is designed to welcome the foreigners from other countries,will be held on December 25th.,(派对的目的),李明是一个热心肠的人。Li Ming is

10、 a warm-hearted man.,Li Ming is a warm-hearted man,who always help others when they are in trouble.,(具体化),质疑提升,Which:这(用定语从句增添做这些事情的原因或结果),In this summer vacation,I would like to do a part-time job,,which will help me gain money and working experience.,You looked upset in class yesterday,which made

11、me worried.,I would like to do voluntary work,which will help those who are in need.,进阶练习:根据下列句子,完成短文。,今天我们班就“文化遗迹应不应该向公众开放(open)”进行了一次辩论会,同学们观点不一。大部分学生赞成这种观点。他们认为这是一种很好的方式,人们可以通过这种方式了解中国的历史、传统文化、习俗(custom)和建筑风格。开放文化遗迹有利于当地旅游业(tourism)的发展,这能提高当地人的生活水平。反对这种观点的学生认为太多的游客会破坏贵重文物。众所周知,毫无疑问为了赚取更多的钱,当地人忽视了

12、对文化遗迹的保护(protection)。在我看来,文化遗产应该/不应该向公众开放 Today we had a heated debate in our class about whether the cultural relics should be open to the public or not.,Different people have different opinion.Most students agree with the idea.They think that it is a good way that people can know more about Chines

13、e history,traditional culture,custom and building style.Besides,opening the cultural relics will be good for the development of the local tourism,which can improve the livelihood of the local people.Students who are against the idea believe that too many tourists will destroy the valuable cultural relics.As we all know,there is no doubt that the local people will ignore the protection of the cultural relics in order to make more money.In my opinion,I believe that,Homework:1.Polish the article we have written in the class.2.Review the attributive clause.2.Recite the new words.,Thank you!,


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