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1、Ten landmark buildings in the United States美国十大标志性建筑,1.The Empire State Building,The Empire State Building is a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street.Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York.It stood as the worl

2、ds tallest building for more than forty years,from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trade Centers North Tower was completed in 1972.The Empire State Building has been named by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.,King Kong,2.G

3、rand Central Terminal 纽约中央火车站,Grand Central Terminal(GCT)is a commuter(and former intercity)railroad terminal at 42nd Street and Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan in New York.Built by and named for the New York Central Railroad in the heyday of American long-distance passenger rail travel,it covers 4

4、8 acres(19ha)and has 44 platforms,more than any other railroad station in the world.,3.Mount Rushmore拉什莫尔山,Mount Rushmore is a memorial to the birth,growth,preservation and development of the United States.Gutzon Borglum sculpted busts of Presidents George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Theodore Roosev

5、elt,and Abraham Lincoln high in the Black Hills to represent the first 150 years of American history.,4.The White House,The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States,located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington,D.C.It has been the res

6、idence of every U.S.president since John Adams in 1800.,Olympus Has Fallen(白宫陷落),5.The Liberty Statue,“The Liberty Statue”,bronze statues,47 meters high,93 meters with the base height,weighs 225 tons,the French sculptor Augustus(Auguste Bartholdi,1834-1904)Design,completed in 1886,is located in New

7、York Port Menpang the freedom of the island.,Vanishing the Statue of Liberty(自由女神的消失魔术)美国超级魔术大师大卫.科波菲尔表演的魔术-自由女神消失着实让世界大吃一惊。这一魔术谜底至今仍未能揭示。,6.Washington Monument,Washington Monument,The Washington Monument was built between 1848 and 1884 as a memorial to George Washington,first President of the Unite

8、d States.,Forrest Gump,7.the Vietnam Veterans Memorial战争墙/越南阵亡将士纪念碑,The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a 3-acre(12,000 m)national memorial in Washington,D.C.It honors U.S.service members of the U.S.armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War,service members who died in service in Vietnam/South East Asi

9、a,and those service members who were unaccounted for(Missing In Action)during the War.,8.Golden Gate Bridge,Golden Gate Bridge is one of the world-famous bridge,a bridge project as a modern miracle.It is located in California,on the Golden Gate Strait.Golden Gate Bridge is considered a symbol of San

10、 Francisco.,9.The Pentagon(五角大楼),The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense,located at southwest of Washington.As a symbol of the US military,The building was built on January 15,1943.It is the highest-capacity office building in the world and one of the worlds large

11、st buildings in terms of floor area.It has five floors above ground and two basement levels,as the building has a sharp of pentagram,so it was called the Pentagon.,911,10.The Lincoln Memorial,The Lincoln Memorial is a fitting tribute to the man who held the country together during the civil war and

12、thereby put an end to slavery(奴隶制度)in the US.A craggy likeness(肖像)of Abraham Lincoln sits firmly grasping the arms of his throne-like chair,apparently deep in thought.,美国国会大厦United States Capitol,林肯纪念堂The Lincoln Memorial,白宫The White House,华盛顿纪念碑Washington Monument,杰弗逊纪念堂Thomas Jefferson Memorial,华盛顿纪念碑Washington Monument,林肯纪念堂,美国国会大厦United States Capitol,Thats all Thank you!,


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