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1、,(English Writing)中国海洋大学外国语学院张德玉 逄洋洋,英 语 写 作,山东省高等教育特色课程英语写作课件,第一章 成教英语写作课程导航,本章重点、学习目的和相关要求,本章着重探讨英语写作的重要性,介绍主要教材及几部辅助教材的精髓内容和学习要求,精心指导相关具体学习策略、方法和技巧,通报课程考核方式等,并与学员商讨有关本课程的更加行之有效的教学方法,以期追求更为理想的教学效果。,According to the Teaching Syllabus,English majors should learn to write compositions concerning thei

2、r daily life and commonly discussed subjects.In TEM,testees are normally asked to write both free compositions and guided ones as well.Now you are freshmen,and the long-felt TEM-4 is just on its way,therefore,learning to write English compositions step by step has already come to the agenda.With the

3、 deepening of reforms and opening to the outsideworld,our country has now entered a new historical period.More and more professionals with higher ability of English are needed.In order to keep up with the changing situation,you should work arduously.,Part One,Introduction,Recently,stricter requireme

4、nts have been put forward in English writing,which lay increasing emphasis on the actual use of the language.Therefore,how to help you be able to write compositions with as few errors as possible is evidently a greattask confronting my teaching.Just out of this consideration,nowlets go through our l

5、ecture.Briefly speaking,this course will be delivered with two objectives in view:Firstly,it is mainly meant to meet your needs of preparing for the coming Grade-4 test.Secondly,itaims at providing you with a coverage of what you need the most in your actual use of the language.For example,you can l

6、earn how to write a business letter or other practical writings.From years of my teaching experience,I know clearly that thereason why quite a few students can not write pretty good compositions is that they fail to employ sentence patterns in writing and that they can not put proper words into prop

7、er places in a sentence.They do know what to write,but they do,not know how to make use of their words to express their ideas correctly and effectively.As a result,mistakes are often made here and there,and it is very difficult for teachers to read the so-called written passages.Therefore,I will spa

8、re no efforts to give you as much basic information and guidance as possible as to the uses of words,phrases and sentences while we deal with those common techniques and strategies in paragraph and composition writing.As you know,writing is no easy matter.It is not easy to write even in ones native

9、language,not to mention in a foreign language.There is also no magic formula that will guarantee instant success.Therefore,writing well takes time and effort.All that you need for the first step is an active and responsive attitude towards writing:be confident,because you are not,starting from scrat

10、ch;but dont be over-optimistic,for the roadto effective writing is long and arduous.Long and arduous as it is,I still hope that my lecture will bring to you the pleasure,the help and the confidence in writing all types of articles in English.,Topics for Discussion(讨论题):,1.Why do we study English Wri

11、ting course?2.What is the most effective way of learning the course?How would you like to be tested for the course?What do you suppose is the best writing teacher like?,本章重点、学习目的和要求,本章着重讲述英语写作的基本格式,包括如何布局、抄写体例、单词分节、大写的用法、如何空格及标准书法等相关内容。通过对本章的学习,要求学员熟练掌握规范的英语写作格式。,第二章 英语写作格式,Part Two,Manuscript Form,

12、As we are learning to write,we should have a clear idea of what is good manuscript form.We should do everythingwriting the title,leaving margins,indenting,capitalizing,and dividing words according to generally accepted rules.Whenever we write something,we should work carefully,write neatly and clear

13、ly,and try to make as few mistakes aspossible.Before handing in our essay or exercise,we should proofread it once or twice,because we may need to makesome final corrections and changes.If we always work in thisway,we are sure to make progress.,I.Arrangement,Writing in correct manuscript form is very

14、 important,because it makes it easy to read what is written and prevents misunderstanding.We should follow the general practices in writing the title,leaving the margins,paragraphing,capitalizing,and dividing words.When we write an essay to be read by the teacher,we should write on every other line

15、so that there will be room for corrections.It is necessary to leave a margin of about two centimeters at the top and the bottom of the page,and one of a centimeter and a half on the right and left side.In an exercise book the top and bottom margins are marked;we need only to draw a vertical line to

16、mark the left margin.,We cannot make the right margin straight or neat,unless we are using a computer,but we should never write to the very edge of the page.When the space left near the end of a line is not or barely enough for the word we are going to write,we should write the word on the next line

17、.or divide the word if it is a long one.There must be a blank space on the right side ofthe page.The title or topic of the essay should be placed in the middle of the first line.Every word of the title(including words following hyphens in compound words)should be capitalizedexcept articles,short pre

18、positions,coordinating conjunctions(and,or,but,so,yet,nor,and for)and to in infinitives.But if one of these words is the first or last word of the title,it should be capitalized.,Topics are generally noun phrases(nouns with their modifiers),though other forms are possible.No full stop should be used

19、 at the end of a title.A question mark is needed if the topic is a direct question(but an indirect question is not followed by a question mark).The title of a book within the topic should be underlined(italicized in printing),and the title of an article put between quotation marks.,Below are some ex

20、amples:,My Impressions of Beijing The Wall Between Where Do All the New Words Come From?What Traditions Mean to the Chinese A Clean,Well-Lighted Place Different Views on Jane Eyre Interpretations of Robert Frosts Fire and Ice,The first line of every paragraph should be indented(startedafter a space

21、of four or five letters).Arabic numerals are generally used for paging.They can be put either in the upper right-hand corner or in the middle below the last line of everypage.A line is never begun with a comma逗号,a period句号,a semicolon分号,a colon冒号,a question mark or an exclamation mark;a line neveren

22、ds with the first half of a pair of brackets括号,quotation marks,引号or parentheses.The hyphen that shows a word is divided is put at the end,not at the beginning,of a line.,II.Word Division,The following hints may be helpful to us in the division of words:One-syllable words such as count,health and tho

23、ught cannot be divided.Words with two or more syllables can be divided according to the formation of syllables:re-peat-ed,in-sist,punc-tu-al,san-dal,de-cline,trans-la-tion.A stressed close syllable usually takes a consonant with it:ded-i-cate,grat-i-fy,la-bor-a-to-ry,fin-nish.A consonant plus-le is

24、treated as a syllable:min-gle,peo-ple,no-ble,gig-gle.A single letter cannot be put at the end or at the beginning of a line:e-voke,heart-y.A two-letter ending should not be put at the beginning of a line:hand-ed,hard-en.Divisions that may mislead the reader should be avoided:re-ally,lay-man.,Words w

25、ith hyphens should be divided only at the hyphen:broad-minded,broken-hearted.Two-syllable words with double consonants in the middle are as a rule divided between the two consonants:strug-gle,lat-ter.Division of proper names should be avoided:Dickens,Paris.The last word of a page should not be divid

26、ed.It should be written on the next page.Division of words at the ends of several consecutive lines should be avoided.Division of words is not always easy.When we are not sure,we should consult a dictionary.In some dictionaries syllabication is indicated by a dot;as in the examples given above,in ot

27、hers by a space:to geth er,sum mer.,III.Capitalization,Capitalized words are used mainly at three places:proper names,key words in titles,and the first words of sentences.Common words used as parts of proper names are capitalized:,Third Ring Road Northwestern University the National Library of Beiji

28、ng the Middle Ages Womens Day the Yellow River,Words derived from proper names are usually capitalized:,Marxist Darwinism Freudian Dickensian Taoist Latinize,Some proper names or their derivatives have become common words:,mackintosh(a raincoat;after Charles Macintosh who invented it)lynch(to murder

29、 by hanging;after William Lynch who started it)quixotic(like Don Quixote,hero of the novel of the same name),All sentences,including sentence fragments treated as sentences,should begin with capital letters.In this regard,we should pay special attention to the use of capital letters and punctuation

30、in quoted words and sentences.,Miss Johnson said,When you write an essay,you should pay attention to both content and language.When you write an essay,she said,you should pay attention to both content and language.When you write an essay,you should pay attention to both content and language,the teac

31、her said.Miss Johnson advised us to pay attention to both content and language when we wrote an essay.,These examples show:(1)the subject and verb of saying before the quotation are followed by a comma;(2)a complete sentence within quotation marks after the verb of saying begins with a capital lette

32、r and ends with a full stop;,(3)if the quoted sentence is broken into two parts and put between two pairs of quotation marks,with the subject and verb of saying placed between them,the first part ends with a comma,the second part does not begin with a capital letter(unless the first word is a proper

33、 name),and the whole sentence ends with a full stop;(4)if the quoted sentence is put before the subject and verb of saying,it ends with a comma,and the verb of saying is followed by a full stop;(5)if the quoted words are a phrase instead of a complete sentence,the phrase is treated as part of the wh

34、ole sentence.,IV.Handwriting,There are two common ways of writing the letters:to form loops and to print(to write without joining the letters in imitation of printed words).Both are good,but we had betterstick to one of the two styles.We should always try to write neatly so that our handwriting can

35、be read easily.We should make capital letters bigger and higher than small letters,as different from os,ns different from us,and we should not forget to dot is and js,or cross ts.A little space(about that of one letter)should be left after a comma,and a slightly bigger space(about that of two letter

36、s)after a full stop.,When we want to cross out a word,we should draw a thick line through it.It is be misleading to put it between brackets,because that means the word is an explanatory remark.Whenwe want to add a word,we should write it above,not below,the line of words we have written with a clear

37、 sign showing where it is to be inserted.,Exercises,I.Think of five titles and write them in the proper form.II.Divide the following words according to general rules:,alive setting sister-in-lawhandy correctness gratitudebonus permission sociable thought.dictatorship far-reaching,III.Copy two or thr

38、ee paragraphs from a book;try to write neatly and pay attention to handwriting and manuscript form.,Topics for Discussion(讨论题):1.What is a good manuscript form?2.What is the basic difference between English writing and Chinese writing?3.What are those essential qualities of English writing?,第三章 英文写作

39、措词,本章重点、学习目的和要求 本章着重讲解写作过程中如何措词,强调措词的重要性。主要内容涉及英文词汇的分类、词汇的含义、同义词的区别等。通过对本部分具体内容的学习,要求学员学会用词准确、传神、地道、生动、得体,真正做到恰当的词用在恰当的地方(proper words in their proper places)。,I.Types of Words There are tens of thousands of words in the English language,and along with social and scientific progress,new words appear

40、 frequently.The total number of English words,if it could be found out,must be surprisingly large.But we need not be worried about the impossibility of learning all of them,for only a few thousand words are used by ordinary people for ordinary purposes.These are the most useful words,or the common w

41、ords,words that form the core of the English vocabulary.They are the words we must learn and remember.Apart from the common words,there are words used by people of special professions or fields,on special occasions or for special purposes.Among these are political,legal,scientific,technical,business

42、 and literary words.,Part Three Diction,It would be good for us to know some very useful words in various fields,and many of the words related to the field we will work in or be associated with.These words are generally formal,and may be called formal and technical words.There is another type of wor

43、ds:those used by people who are not well educated or by people of special groups,such as people of a particular region or an age group.Some of these words may not be understandable to people in general,and may disappear after a short period of time.Some of them may continue to be used,become accepta

44、ble to all people and join the common words.Among these words are slang,jargon,dialectal and obsolete words.They may be called nonstandard words.We need to understand them but should avoid using them,unless in special situations.,Here are examples of the first and second kinds of words:same speech l

45、earned destroy stiff try pieceidentical oration erudite annihilate rigid endeavor fragment In the first row are common words and in the second formal words.It can be seen at a glance that those common words are used in everyday conversation and in informal writing like personal letters,diaries and s

46、tories.Those in the second row are used only in formal writing like articles,documents,research papers,manuals and in public speaking.The difference between these two types of words is very important,for their presence or absence has much to do with style.Compare:,I saw a ghost,and I was frightened

47、to death.I saw an apparition,and it reduced me to a condition of mortal terror.The first sentence is informal and colloquial,and the second is much more formal,because it contains such formal words as apparition,reduce,condition,mortal and terror.The two sentences are similar in structure and meanin

48、g,so it is the words in them that make them different in style.Of course,people seldom say anything like the second sentence in daily conversation.As we make progress in our study of English,we certainly learn more and more words.It is a good policy to find a common word of similar meaning when we l

49、earn a formal or big word.Below are examples of nonstandard words:,aint(am not,is not,has not)jolly(very)cool(very good)hot(angry;fast)deal(agreement)damn(very)neat(nice)Since such words are nonstandard,we need not use them either in speech or in writing.The following are two paragraphs in which dif

50、ferent kinds of words(and different kinds of sentence structures)are used:When the trolley came it was full.I stopped on the back platform.Seats up front,the conductor said.I looked into the car.There were no seats on the left side.,Im not going far,I said.Ill just stand here.Better go up front and


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