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1、2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,1,学术论文的写作和规范,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,2,学术论文的写作和规范,清华大学新闻与传播学院金兼斌 博士2002年11月14日,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,3,主要内容,学术论文的基本结构;学术论文写作的规范:以APA格式为例;研究伦理;关于抄袭和学术剽窃。,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,4,学术期刊的重要性,研究的完成,通常以研究成果能为科学共同体所分享为标志;正式的:Scientific journal;学术论坛、会议;非正式的:谈话,个人交往;学术期刊论文属于一次文献:参考文献的类别。祝建华教授:

2、学术期刊:学术研究的gate keeper&agenda setter.,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,5,研究过程,发现或确定要研究的对象(Problem);文献的研读和分析,确定研究角度和方向,提出研究问题(Research Questions)围绕RQs进行文献综述,论述研究问题的研究现状和本研究的起点;研究设计:研究模型的构建;研究问题中涉及到的各个研究变量的定义和测量;研究数据的收集方案。数据采集过程;数据分析,回答各研究问题;研究结果讨论。,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,6,研究论文的写作,研究论文的写作:研究的一部分写作作为一种过程;写作作为一种提炼和产生

3、思想的过程;学术写作即研究能力的集中体现:A done paper is the best paper.写作是一种学术共同体内统一平台上的竞技逐鹿:publish or perish游戏规则:学术规范。,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,7,文章的不同类别,1.经验研究报告(Reports of empirical studies):原创研究成果报告,即通常所说的研究论文(paper)。通常,这类期刊论文由以下几部分组成(至少):研究由来介绍(Introduction);研究方法(methods)研究结果(results)研究结果讨论(discussion),2023/9/30,学术论

4、文的写作和规范,8,文章的不同类别,2.评论性文章(review articles):包括综述(meta-analyses),通常是对已出版研究材料和结果的批评;3.理论性文章(theoretical articles):也属于我们通常说的论文(papers).基于已有的研究,对有关本学科的理论和概念上进行创新性研究,提出新的研究假设或观点(即由数据到理论的修正)。通常,这类论文包含对已有理论某些方面的适用性的质疑,并提出新的解释模型或概念。,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,9,文章的不同类别,4.方法论与研究方法类文章(methodological articles):提出新的研究

5、方法,对已有的各种定义和测量进行修正,各种数据分析技术的创新和处理手段的引进等。5.案例性文章(case studies):案例分析报告;6.其他文章,包括简报、评论、专论(monograph)、书评等。,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,10,准备期刊论文:从审阅的角度,APA Guide to Preparing Manuscripts for Journal Publication ByRobert C.CalfeeRichard R.ValenciaAmerican Psychological AssociationWashington,DC,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作

6、和规范,11,一般评审过程,评阅者:匿名评审制是学术期刊的核心制度(Peer review is the backbone of the review process)。评阅者评阅意见:清晰的出版与否得取舍意见;对论文质量以及对研究的理论基础、方法、发现、解释的恰当性作出评价;给作者提供具体的建设性建议。评阅者和作者是双盲的,由编辑作为中介。,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,12,评审的可能结果,Rejection-outright(直接拒绝)Rejection with encouragement to revise and resubmit(拒绝现稿,但建议修改重投)Accept

7、ance-conditional.Most manuscripts,if accepted,require revision in substantive,methodological,or mechanical matters.The new version is usually sent for further review by one or both of the original readers.Acceptance is not automatic,and a second or third revision may be required.(有条件地接受)Acceptance o

8、utright.In a very few cases,a manuscript may be accepted for publication on first reading,with only minor revisions required.(直接接受),2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,13,13 flaws that commonly lead to a revise and resubmit,inadequate literature review,which covers too much or too little(文献)inappropriate citations

9、 that are irrelevant to topic(引文)unclear introductory section that obscures presentation of issues(绪论)ambiguous research question or unclear description of the topic of investigation(研究问题)inadequate sample description(取样)inadequate description of methodology,which is not sufficiently detailed for re

10、plication(方法)inadequate account of measures,with unknown instruments(变量测量),2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,14,13 flaws that commonly lead to a revise and resubmit,8.questionable statistical analysis(e.g.,lack of descriptive measures or unclear order of entry of variables in a regression analysis)(统计分析)9.inappr

11、opriate statistical techniques(统计技术)10.poorly crafted or conceived discussion,which is little more than repetition of results(讨论)11.discussion that goes beyond the data and offers unwarranted conclusions(一致性)12.flaws in writing style(格式)13.excessive length(长度),2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,15,学术论文的写作格式,2023/

12、9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,16,总体注意点,长度:根据所欲投稿的期刊的通常长度来决定文稿的长度;在英文中,由于是空行写作(double-spaced),一般是一页出版页面对应于4页手稿。标题:标题结构反应文章的基本架构,结构应该非常清晰;风格和基调(tone):学术写作仍可以写得有风格。关键是强调专业性语调,攻击性不要太浓(in a professional,noncombative manner),2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,17,Checklist for Manuscript Submission,Format(格式)Is the original manuscrip

13、t typed or printed on 81/2 x11 in.(22x28 cm)white bond paper?(页面设置)Is the entire manuscript including quotations,references,author note,content footnotes,figure captions,and all parts of tables double-spaced?Is the manuscript neatly prepared?Are the title page,abstract,references,appendixes,author n

14、ote,content footnotes,tables,figure captions,and figures on separate pages(with only one table or figure per page)?Are they ordered in sequence,with the text pages between the abstract and the references?Are all pages(except figure pages)numbered in sequence,starting with the title page?,2023/9/30,学

15、术论文的写作和规范,18,Checklist(continued),Title page and abstractIs the title 10 to 12 words?Does the byline reflect the institution or institutions where the work was conducted?Is the abstract no longer than 120 words?Paragraphs and headingsIs each paragraph longer than a single sentence but not longer tha

16、n one manuscript page?Do the levels of headings accurately reflect the organization of the paper?Do all headings of the same level appear in the same format?,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,19,Checklist(continued),Abbreviations(缩写)Are any unnecessary abbreviations eliminated and any necessary ones explained?Ar

17、e abbreviations in tables and figures explained in the table notes and figure captions or legends?Mathematics and Statistics(数学和统计符号)Are Greek letters and all but the most common mathematical symbols identified on the manuscript?Are all non-Greek letters that are used as statistical symbols for alge

18、braic variables in italics?Units of Measurement(量纲单位)Are metric equivalents for all nonmetric units(except measurements of time,which have no metric equivalents)provided?Are all metric and nonmetric units with numeric values(expcept some measurements of time)abbreviated?,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,20,Chec

19、klist(continued),References(参考文献)Are reference cited both in text and in the references list?Do the text citations and reference list entries agree both in spelling and in date?Are text citations to nonempirical work distinguished from citations to empirical work?Are journal titles in the reference

20、list spelled out fully?Are the references ordered alphabetically by the authors surnames?Are inclusive page numbers for all articles or chapters in books provided in the reference list?,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,21,Checklist(continued),Notes and footnotes(注释)Is the departmental affiliation given for each

21、 author in the author noteDoes the author note include both the authors current affiliation if it is different from the byline affiliation and a current address for correspondence?Does the author note disclose special circumstances about the article(portions presented at a meeting,student paper as b

22、asis for the article,report of a longitudinal study,relationship that may be perceived as a conflict of interest;)?In the text,are all footnotes indicated,and are footnote numbers correctly located?,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,22,Checklist(continued),Tables and figures(图表)Does every table column,including

23、the stub column,have a heading?Have all vertical table rules been omitted?Are the elements in the figures large enough to remain legible after the figure has been reduced to the width of a journal column or page?Does lettering in a figure vary by no more than 4 point sized of type?Are glossy or high

24、-quality laser prints of all figures included,and are the prints no large than 81/2 x 11 in.?Is each figure labeled with the correct figure number and short article title?Are all figures and tables mentioned in the text and numbered in the order in which they are mentioned?,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,23,H

25、eading(标题),Five levels of headings in APA journals are formatted as follows(p.113)CENTERED UPPERCASE HEADINGCentered Uppercase and Lowercase HeadingCentered,Italicized,Uppercase and Lowercase Heading Flush Left,Italicized,Uppercase and Lowercase Side Heading Indented,italicized,lowercase paragraph h

26、eading ending with a period.,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,24,注释和参考文献的著录编排,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,25,参考文献的类别,根据GB 3469 1983文献类型与载体代码,包括图书(专著、汇编、参考工具书、图表等)、报纸、期刊、会议文献、学位论文、科技报告、技术标准、专利文献、产品样本、档案等文献。按照文献的级别,文献可分一次文献(期刊论文、各种科研报告、会议文献、学位论文等);二次文献(各种目录、索引、文摘);三次文献(科技专著、教材、综述、手册、年鉴等)。对于书刊参考文献而言,二次文献不应成为参考文献的依据。,2023

27、/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,26,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),PeriodicalsJournal article,one authorMellers,B.A.(2000).Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences.Psychological Bulletin,126,910-924BooksMitchell,T.R.,&Larson,J.R.,Jr.(1987).People in organizations:An introduction to organizational behavior(3rd ed.).New Yor

28、k:McGraw-Hill.NewspapersSchwartz,J.(1993,September 30).Obesity affects economic,social status.The Washington Post,p.A12,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,27,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),Journal article,three to six authorsSaywitz,K.J.,Mannarino,A.P.,Berliner,L.,&Cohen,J.A.(2000).Treatment for sextually abused children and ad

29、olescents.American Psychologist,55,1040-1049.After the sixth authors name and initial,use et al.to indicate the remaining authors of the article.In text,use the following parenthetical citation each time(including the first)the work is cited:(Wolchik et al.,2000).Journal article in press(a paper tha

30、t has been submitted to a journal and accepted for publication is considered in press.Do not give a year,a volume,or page numbers until the article is published.In text,use the form:(Zuckerman&Kieffer,in press).Zuckerman,M.,&Kieffer,S.C.(in press).Race differences in face-ism:Does facial prominence

31、imply dominance?Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,28,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),Magazine article(give the date shown on the publicationmonth for monthlies or month and day for weeklies)Kandel,E.R.,&Squire,L.R.(2000,November 10).Neuroscience:Breaking down scientific barriers to

32、the study of brain and mind.Science,290,1113-1120.Newsletter articleBrown,L.S.(1993,Spring).Antidomination training as a central component of diversity in clinical psychology education.The Clinical Psychologist,46,83-87.Daily newspaper article,no author:Alphabetize works with no author by the first

33、significant word in the title.In text,use a short title for the parenthetical citation:(“New Drug,”1993).Precede page numbers for newspaper articles with p.or pp.New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure.(1993,July 15).The Washington Post,p.A12.,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,29,各种英文文献著

34、录举例(APA),Daily newspaper article,discontinuous pagesSchwartz,J.(1993,September 30).Obesity affects economics,social status.The Washington Post,pp.Al,A4.Weekly newspaper article,letter to the editiorBerkowitz,A.D.(2000,November 24).How to tackle the problem of student drinking Letter to the editor.Th

35、e Chronicle of Higher Education,p.B20.Entire issue or special section of a journalBarlow,D.H.(Ed.).(1991).Diagnoses,dimensions,and DSM-IV:The science of classification Special issue.Journal of Abnormal Psychology,100(3).Abstract as original sourceWoolf,N.J.,Young,S.L.,Franselow,M.S.,&Butcher,L.L.(19

36、91).MAP-2 expression in cholinoceptive pyramidal cells of rodent cortex and hippocampus is altered by Pavlovian conditioning Abstract.Society for Newroscience Abstracts,17,480.,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,30,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),Non-English journal article,title translated into EnglishIsing,M.(2000).Intensitats

37、abhangigkeit evozierter Potenzial im EEG:Sind impulsive Personen Augmenter oder Reducer?Intensity dependence in event-related EEG potentials:Are impulsive individuals augmenters or reducers?.Zeitschrift fur Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie,21,208-217.Book,third edition,Jr.in nameMitchell

38、,T.R.,&Larson,J.R.,Jr.(1987).People in organizations:An introduction to organizational behavior(3rd ed.).New York:McGraw-Hill.Book,group author(government agency)as publisher:When the author and publisher are identical,use the word Author as the name of the publisher.Australian Bureau of Statistics.

39、(1991).Estimated resident population by age and sex in statistical local areas,New South Wales,June 1990(No.3209.1).Canberra,Australian Capital Territory:Author,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,31,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),Edited bookGibbs,J.T.,&Huang,L.N.(Eds.).(1991).Children of color:Psychological interventions with m

40、inority youth.San Francisco:Josser-Bass.Several volumes in a multivolume edited work,publication over period of more than 1 yearKoch,S.(Ed.).(1959-1963).Psychology:A study of science(Vols.1-6).New York:McGraw-Hill.Article or chapter in an edited book,two editorsBjork,R.A.(1989).Retrieval inhibition

41、as an adaptive mechanism in human memory.In H.L.Roediger III&F.I.M.Graik(Eds.),Varieties of memory&consciousness(pp.309-330).Hillsdale,NJ:Erlbaum.Entry in an encyclopediaBergmann,P.G.(1993).Relativity.In The new encyclopedia Britannica(Vol.26,pp.501-508).Chicago:Encyclopedia Britannica.,2023/9/30,学术

42、论文的写作和规范,32,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),English translation of an article or chapter in an edited book,reprint from another source:in text,use the following parenthetical citation:(Piaget,1970/1988)Piaget,J.(1988).Extracts from Piagets theory(G.Gellerer&J.Langer,Trans.).In K.Richardson&S.Sheldon(Eds.).Cognitive

43、 development to adolescence:A reader(pp.3-18).Hillsdale,NJ:Erlbaum.(Reprinted from Manual of child psychology,pp.703-732,by P.H.Mussen,Ed.,1970,New York:Wiley)Report from a universityBroadhurst,R.G.,&Maller,R.A.(1991).Sex offending and recidivism(Tech.Rep.No.3).Nedlands,Western Australia:University

44、of Western Australia,Crime Research Center.Unpublished paper presented at a meetingLanktree,C.,&Briere,J.(1991,January).Early data on the Trauma Sympton Checklist for Children(TSC-C).Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children,San Diego,CA.,2023/9/30,

45、学术论文的写作和规范,33,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),Unpublished doctoral dissertation or masters thesisWilfley,D.E.(1989).Interpersonal analyses of bulimia:Normalweight and obese.Unpublished doctoral dissertation,University of Missouri,Columbia.Almeida,D.M.(1990).Fathers participation in family work:Consequences for fath

46、ers stress and father-child relations.Unpublished maters thesis,University of Victoria,Victoria,British Columbia,Canada.Unpublished raw data from study,untitled workBordi,F.,&LeDoux,J.E.(1993).Auditory response latencies in rat auditory cortex.Unpublished raw data.Review of a bookSchatz,B.R.(2000).L

47、earning by text or context?Review of the book The social life of information.Science,290,1304.,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和规范,34,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),Television broadcast Crystal,L.(Executive producer).(1993,October 11).The MacNeil/Lehrer news hour Television broadcast.New York and Washington,DC:Public Broadcastin

48、g Service.Television seriesMiller,R.(Producer).(1989).The mind Television series.New York:WNET.Single episode from a television seriesHall,B.(Writer),&Bender,J.(Director).(1991).The rules of the game Television series episode.In J.Sander(Producer),Ill fly away.New York:New York Broadcasting Company.

49、Music recording:Shocked,M.(1992).Over the waterfall.On Arkansas traveler CD.New York:PolyGram Music.Audio recordingCosta,P.T.,Jr.(Speaker).(1988).Personality,continuity,and changes of adult life(Cassette Recording No.207-433-88A-B).Washington,DC:American Psychological Association.,2023/9/30,学术论文的写作和

50、规范,35,各种英文文献著录举例(APA),Sources on the Internet:two guidelines(p.269)Direct readers as closely as possible to the information being cited whenever possible,reference specific documents rather than home or menu pages.Provide addresses that work.At a minimum,a reference of an Internet source should prov


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