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1、Book 1-Unit 3,Unit 3,Healthy Habits,中南大学外国语学院 赵启红,Book 1-Unit 3,In this unit,you will learn how to:find examples in a reading passage in order to understand important ideas.organize an article on Healty Habit.write a self-introduction.understand different thinking modes between English and Chinesefi

2、nd healthy ways to reduce stress in order to help you study more effectively.talk about“针灸”in English.,Teaching Objectives,Book 1-Unit 3,Warming Up,Reading 2,Reading 1,Tanslation&Writing,Chinese Culture,Book 1-Unit 3,1.Discuss the following questions in pairs.1).How often do you do physical exercise

3、s?(Open)2).Can you list some bad habits,which lead to poor health?smoking;drinking;skipping meals(especially breakfast);little or no exercise;,Warming Up,Warming Up,lots of snacking;staying up late on a regular basis3)Stress is a part of life,but dont let stress control your life.Reducing stress all

4、ows your body to function well both physically and mentally,which in turn will enable you to enjoy a better quality of life.The following are some great ways to deal with stress and get it out of your body.use deep breathing techniqueslisten to soft and relaxing music,Book 1-Unit 3,Warming Up,do reg

5、ular exercisesget enough sleep every nightmaintain a healthy dietenjoy daily relaxation,Book 1-Unit 3,Background Information,Reading 1,Outline of the Text,Words and Phrases,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,Background Information,1.The U.S.Surgeon General,As the chief medical officer of the US Public Health S

6、ervice,the Surgeon General is responsible for giving advice about health and finding out whether particular chemicals,foods etc are safe.For example,bottles-of alcohol and packages of cigarettes that are sold in the US must have labels with the Surgeon Generals warning.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,Backg

7、round Information,2.Catch 投接球的游戏,A game of throwing and catching a ball.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,Background Information,3.Tag 捉人游戏,A childrens game in which one player pursues the others until he or she is able to touch one of them,who then in turn becomes the pursuer.追人游戏小孩子们玩的一种游戏,由一个人去追其他人直到他或她能够

8、碰到被追者中的一人,这名被碰上的人接着又开始追赶其他人,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,Outline of the Text,Section 1:(Para 1)The introduction:Exercising regularly and eating right are two ways to stay healthy.Question:What should you begin with if you want to stay healthy?Answer:Exercise regularly and eat right.Section 2:(Para 2)Regu

9、lar exercise will greatly improve your health.Question:How should you do if you want to do regular exercise to improve your health?Answer:Consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.Choose an exercise that is interesting for you.Make it a point to do it at regular time.,Book 1-Uni

10、t 3,Reading 1,Section 3:(Para 3)Eating right is extremely important for your health.ext Structure AnalysisQuestion:What should a person do if he or she wants to eat right?Answer:Eat three to five portions of vegetables,two to four servings of fruit,two to three servings of protein,two to three servi

11、ngs of dairy products,and six to eleven servings of breads and cereals every day.Use fats,oils,and sweets sparingly.Question:Why do many doctors suggest people eat vegetables at every meal in different colors?Answer:To make sure that they get the correct nutrients.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,Question:W

12、hat should a person do if he or she wants to control calorie consumption?Answer:Stay away from second servings,except for vegetables.Question:What is the best way to lose weight?Answer:The best way to lose weight is gradually through a combination of moderate exercise and a healthy diet.Section 4:(P

13、ara 4)The conclusion:Its obvious that eating right and exercising regularly are very beneficial to your health.Question:What benefits can you obtain from eating right and exercising regularly?Answer:The last paragraph.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,Words and Phrases,1.Do you want to feel strong,avoid illn

14、ess,and reduce stress?(Para.1),stress,n.pressure caused by the problems of living,too much work,etc.压力,重压,紧张,I think her headache is caused by stress.,v.to give particular importance to;mention strongly;emphasize 着重,强调,He stressed the importance of a good ducation.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,2.You just

15、 need to drink water,exercise often,eat right,get enough sleep,avoid smoking,be cautious about alcohol consumption,and visit a doctor regularly.(Para.1)cautious a.being careful about what you say or do,especially to avoid danger or mistakes 谨慎的They expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the

16、 crisis.谨慎的乐观情绪Ive always been very cautious about giving my address to strangers.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,consumption n.the amount of food or drink that is eaten or drunk,intake(食物的)食用量,消耗量Theres too great a consumption of alcohol in Britain.The cars fuel consumption is very high.consume v.,3.First

17、,consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.(Para.2)consult v.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,1)to ask for information or advice from someone because it is their job to know something:If symptoms persist,consult a doctor without delay.An increasing number of people are consulting their

18、accountants about the tax laws.I need to consult with my lawyer.2)to look for information in a book,map,list etc:Have you consulted a dictionary?consulting a.consulting room:a room where a doctor sees patients,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,4.With any exercise,start slowly and build up to exercising twenty

19、 to sixty minutes three or five times a week.(Para.2)build up(to sth.)to(cause to)increase,develop,or become gradually larger(使)增进,增强;加强to build up ones strength again after an illness 病后增强体力All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks due to stress.Hard working conditions build up charac

20、ter.(喻)艰苦的工作条件能磨练人的性格。Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health.发展体育运动,增强人民体质。,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,5.If you dont have that much time all at once,then break up your exercise into ten-minute routines spread out over the day.(Para.2)all at oncea)if something happens all at once,it ha

21、ppens suddenly when you are not expecting it:All at once there was a loud banging on the door.b)together,at the same time:A lot of practical details needed to be attended to all at once.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 1,break up1)break into a lot of small pieces:It seems that the plane just broke up in the a

22、ir.Use a fork to break up the soil.2)to separate something into several smaller parts:There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies.You need a few trees and bushes to break up the lawn.3)to stop a fight:Three policemen were needed to break up the fight.,Book 1-Un

23、it 3,Reading 1,4)to make people leave a place where they have been meeting or protesting:Government soldiers broke up the demonstration.Police moved in to break up the meeting.5)if a marriage,group of people,or relationship breaks up,the people in it separate and do not live or work together any mor

24、e:He lost his job and his marriage broke up.The couple broke up last year.6)if a meeting or party breaks up,people start to leave:The party didnt break up until after midnight.The meeting broke up without any agreement.,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 2,Background Information,Words and Phrases,Book 1-Unit 3,R

25、eading 2,Background Information,1.Yoga 瑜珈,Yoga is an ancient Indian body knowledge that dates back more than 5,000 years.The word“Yoga”came from the Sanskrit word“yuj”which means to“unite or integrate.”Yoga then is about the union of a persons own consciousness and the universal consciousness.In Yog

26、a,the body is treated with care and respect as the primary instrument in mans work and growth.Yoga exercises improve circulation,stimulate the internal organs,and put pressure on the glandular system of the body,which can generally result to better health.,Reading 2,Background Information,2.Pilates

27、普拉提,Pilates is a body conditioning routine that seeks to build flexibility,strength,endurance,andcoordination without adding muscle bulk.In addition,pilates increases circulation and helps to sculpt the body and strengthen the bodys“core”or“powerhouse”(torso).People who do pilates regularly feel the

28、y have better posture,are less prone to injury,and experience better overall health.,Book 1-Unit 3,Book 1-Unit 3,Reading 2,Background Information,3.Spinning 动感单车,The Spinning program is the original and most popular group cycling class.And its not just because Spinning is an unmatched way to make yo

29、ur fitness goals a reality.With no complicated moves to learn,top-notch instructors and music that begs your legs to pedal,getting into the best shape of your life has never been more fun.,Background Information,Reading 2,4.Rock climbing 攀岩,Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up or

30、across natural rock formations orman-made rock walls with the goal of reaching the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a pre-defined route.Rock climbing is similar to scrambling(another activity involving the scaling of hills and similar formations),but climbing is generally differentiated by i

31、ts need for the use of the climbers hands to hold his or her own weight and not just provide balance.Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport,one that often tests a climbers strength,endurance,agility,and balance along with his or her mental control.,Book 1-Unit 3,Background Inform

32、ation,Reading 2,4.Aerobics 有氧运动,Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness(flexibility,muscular strength,and cardio-vascular fitness).It is usually performed to musi

33、c and may be practiced barefoot in a group setting led by an instructor,although it can be done solo and without musical accompaniment.With the goal of preventing illness and promoting physical fitness,practitioners perform various routines comprising a number of different dance-like exercises.,Book

34、 1-Unit 3,Words and Phrases,Reading 2,Book 1-Unit 3,1.Zoe gets out of work at 5:00 PM every day and heads for the local gym.(Para.1)head for:to move towards;go to 朝.前进After the play,we all headed for the bar.Youre heading for trouble if you drive after drinking.2.As she walks through the door,she se

35、es that she has plenty of company.(Para.1)Paraphrase:When she walks through the door,she finds that there are a lot of people like her who come to the gym to do physical exercise.,Reading 2,Book 1-Unit 3,3.Traditional yoga emphasizes a slow,gentle stretch.(Para.2)emphasize v.to give special importan

36、ce to 强调;重视;着重His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town.She emphasized how little was known about the disease.stretch n.1)an act of stretching out your limbs or your body and tightening the muscles 伸展,舒展We got out of the car and had a good stretch.2)a continuous period

37、of time 连续的一段时间She did a stretch of ten years,service abroad.,Reading 2,Book 1-Unit 3,4.Pilates places importance on strengthening stomach and back muscles,which many people have found helps to improve posture.(Para.2)strengthen v.1)to become stronger or make something stronger(使)变强,加强 The wind had

38、strengthened overnight.2)to make something physically or structurally stronger no 加固 They strengthened the wall with metal supports.3)to give support to a reason or an attempt to prove something 为提供更有利的理由(证据)If we could find some eyewitnesses it would greatly strengthen your case.,Reading 2,Book 1-U

39、nit 3,5.An aerobics class typically begins with ten to fifteen minutes of warm-up exercises done at a low to moderate speed and moves to a faster-paced exercise that uses the bodys large muscle groups in continuous movement.(Para.3)continuous a.happening or existing for a period of time without inte

40、rruption 持续的,连续的,不间断的The rain has been continuous since this morning.The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.Compare:continual and continuousContinual and continuous are both used to describe things that continue without stopping.Use continuous to describe things that go on without a break.,Rea

41、ding 2,Book 1-Unit 3,6.At the gym,Zoe may try out an aerobics class and another day enroll in a spinning class.(Para.6)enroll v.AmE to arrange for yourself or for sb.else to officially join a course,school,etc.注册,登记Anybody who has not yet been enrolled on the English course should contact the tutor.

42、She decided to enroll in the history course at the local evening school.You need to enroll before the end of August.Californians are rushing to enroll in special aerobics classes.,Translation&Writing,How to Write a Self-Introduction,rules to write a self-introductionuseful expressions write your sel

43、f-introductionshare and make comments on your self-introduction,Translation&Writing,Rules to write a self-introduction,Conciseknow what to be left outmanifest the important thingsfocus on the detailsbe prepared,Translation&Writing,Useful expressions,1.Its my great honor/pleasure to introduce myself

44、to you here.2.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here.3.Im very happy/glad to introduce myself to you here.4.I feel very honored to introduce myself to you here.5.I am of great honor to stand here and introduce myself to you.,Translation&Writing,1.Talking about educational expe

45、rience,-I graduated from in 2002.-I am studying in Department of.-I studied customs declaration in Tianjin Vocational Institute of Commerce.(former Tifert/Tianjin Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade)-I specialized in-I majored in at college.,Translation&Writing,2.Talking about achievem

46、ents,-I served as the monitor for two years.-I was the class commissary in charge of studies.-I received the second-class reward in the English Speech Competition of our province in 2003.-I passed Band Four and Band Six in college English Test.(Pretco-A/Pretco-B)-Ive received a Business English Cert

47、ificate.,Translation&Writing,3.Talking about strengths,-Adaptability,optimism and friendliness are among my strongest traits.-My colleagues say that Im friendly,caring,helpful,determined,and have a sense of humor.-My strength is in building relationships and solving problems.-I have very strong obse

48、rvation power.I can generate interesting ideas from minor things and once the idea is formed,I have strong urge to put it into action.-I work well with others.-I can organize my time efficiently.,Translation&Writing,4.Talking about social practice,-I worked as an intern in that firm last summer.-Wit

49、h my strong academic background,I am competent.-My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job.-One and a half years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunities to understand different job aspects.-I have learned how to pr

50、epare purchasing orders,place orders,also developing the technique of selling,serving and stocking as a salesgirl in Ted company.,Translation&Writing,班委会 class committee班长 class monitor副班长 assistant class monitor团支书 the League secretary学习委员 commissary in charge of studies组织委员 commissary in charge of


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