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1、课题名称:“Working the land”课件姓 名:李爱兰工作单位:云南省曲靖市富源县第六中学学科年级:高二年级英语教材版本:人教新课标必修4,Unit 2,Working the land,Warming up&Reading,By Li Shen,Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.,Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day.,Do you know the Chinese poem?,Poem,Have you ever worked in the field?

2、,Do you know how the food we eat is planted?,Use rice as an example.describe the steps with the help of the picture.,First,the farmers plough the field.They have to make the soil loose enough to plant crops.,What are they doing?,Second,the farmers put seeds in the soil.,Third,they grow some young pl

3、ants.,Fourth,they insert the young plants into the field.,Fifth,they irrigate(灌溉)the field when it is dry.,Sixth,they harvest the grains from the field.,Seventh,they winnow to get grain separated from the plants.,rice,Read the statistics below.What problem do they show?,Many people starve for lack o

4、f food even todaybecause of the unbalanced world economy.,According to the World Health Organization:The world produces enough food for everyone.More than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day.,Lets get to know the world hunger.,Today our world houses more than 6.5billion people.,Worldwide,m

5、ore than 1 billion people currently live below the international poverty line,earning less than$1 per day.,854 million people across the world aresuffering from hunger,up from 852 million a year ago.,Six million children under the age of 5die every year as a result of hunger.Every day,almost 16,000

6、children die from hunger.One child every five seconds.,If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world,what would you do?,invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.,make a kind of fertilizer to give rice enough nutrition and let them grow quickly and have high product.,Th

7、e only way to solve the food shortage problem is to increase the yield of the grain crop per land area through the advancement of science and technology.,Just at that time,a Chinese scientist declared to the world that China can solve the problem by himself and help to solve the same problem in the

8、world.Guess who he is.,Father of Hybrid Rice,He is father of hybrid rice,who was awarded“the Nobel Prize of Asia”.He received the honor for his greatcontributions to hybrid rice research and work he did to improve rice production in developing countries.He is called a pioneer for all people.,Dr Yuan

9、 Longping(袁隆平博士),the rice that has a high output,Super Hybrid Rice,hybrid cotton,Name other kinds of hybrid products.,hybrid pear,super hybrid rice,hybrid pepper,hybrideggplant,hybridcorn,What do you plan to do to get rid of the world hunger?,work the land 在田间工作 for the past five decades 在过去的五十年里 gr

10、ow hybrid rice 种植杂交水稻agricultural pioneer 农业先驱 have a high output 产量高 be born into a poor family 出生在一个贫苦家庭 increase the rice output 增加水稻产量search for a way to do sth.寻求做某事的途径circulate ones knowledge 传播知识thanks to幸亏;由于 rid the world of hunger 摆脱/消除世界饥饿twice as large as before 是原来的两倍,be satisfied with

11、对感到满意keep time for ones hobbies 有时间从事个人的爱好play mah-jong 打麻将lead a comfortable life 过着舒适的生活equip sb.for sth.供给某人从事prefer to do sth.喜欢/宁愿做某事wish for希望得到ear of rice 稻穗 ear of corn 玉米穗 grain of rice 稻粒awake from ones dream从梦中醒来with the hope of 带着的希望,The passage is mainly about _.A.a farmer named Yuan Lo

12、ngping B.how Yuan Longping became rich and famousC.an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new strain of rice D.a new strain of rice which is called super hybrid rice,Skimming,Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4,A.Dr Yuans dreamsB.Dr Yuans personalityC.Dr Yuans appearance and h

13、is achievementD.Dr Yuans introduction,Match the following headings with the right paragraphs.,1.When and who did become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?,In 1974,Yuan Longping.,2.Whats his main achievement?,He grows super hybrid rice.,Scanning,Name:Nati

14、onality:Age:Occupation:Education:Dream:,Yuan Longping,Chinese,82(as of 2012),scientist/farmer,graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953,to export his hybrid rice so that it can be grown around the globe,Scanning,Achievement:Hobbies:,listening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming and

15、reading,in 1974,developed hybridrice which produces 1/3 more than normal rice,1.Dr Yuans rice is one of the most suitable ways for Chinas farmland.2.Dr Yuan doesnt care about being famous.3.Dr Yuan enjoys listening to violin music,swimming and running.4.Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.,Scan

16、ning,Which of the following description about Dr Yuans appearance is not mentioned?A.He has a slim and strong body.B.He has a sunburnt face.C.He is very tall.D.He looks more like a farmer than a scientist.,Scanning,2.Which of the following description about Dr Yuans personality is not true?A.He is s

17、atisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.B.He cares little about money and fame.C.He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.D.He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.,3.The Dr Yuans dream about rice was not that _.A.each ear of rice was as big as an ear of c

18、orn B.the rice plants as tall as sorghum C.each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut D.the rice plants as tall as sunflower,Yuan Longping is known as Chinas“father of _ rice”.Because Yuan Longping grows what is called _ hybrid rice._ in 1930,Dr Yuan _ from Southwest Agricultural College in _.When Y

19、uan Longping saw the great need,hybrid,super,Born,graduated,1953,I.Retell the text by filling the following blanks.,for _ the rice output,he _ for a way to increase rice harvests without _ the area of the fields.The increased harvests mean that 22%of the worlds people are _ from just 7%of the farmland in China.He became the _ agricultural _ in the world to grow rice that has a high _.Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture.,increasing,searched,expanding,fed,first,pioneer,output,


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