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1、Module 7,Time off,Unit 2,Linglings uncle told us not to worry.,Objectives:,1.能读懂介绍旅游景点和旅游经历的 文章;2.学会预测上下文和获取文章的细节。,Review,Words and expressions,Read the explanation and speak out the word it explains.,rock,soldier,area,wake,n.岩石,石头,n.士兵,n.范围;地区,v.叫醒;醒来 叫醒,stone,a place or region,a warrior;a person w

2、ho serves in the army and who is not an officer,to(cause someone to)become awake and conscious after sleeping,tent,n.帐篷,缆车,n.景色,风景,n.顶端,顶部,cable car,view,top,a shelter made of cloth,landscape;scenery,the highest place or part,a vehicle which hangs from and is moved by a cable and transports people u

3、p steep slopes,path,n.小路,小径,n.瀑布,n.植物,v.拉,托,拔,waterfall,plant,pull,a narrow road or way,falls;a steep descent of the water of a river,a living thing that has leaves,makes its own food,and has roots that usually grow in the earth,drag;haul,武陵源景区因画家吴冠中先生所作“武陵源风光图”(第3幅)而为外界所知。,Wulingyuan Scenic and His

4、toric Interest Area 武陵源风景区,看武陵源风景图片,并用单词说出你所看到的。,mountains,rocks,view,path,cable,trees,forests,plants,boats,rivers,clouds,pavilion(亭子),etc.,Skimming to get general idea,Listen,read the passage quickly and answer the questions on Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area.,1.Where is it?2.How large

5、 is it?,Its in Hunan Province.,Its about 390 square kilometres.,Group work,3.What is there to see?4.Where can you stay?,There are mountains,forests,rivers and animals to see.,You can stay in camps or hotels.,5.What animals can you see?6.Whats the most famous thing to see?,You can see monkeys and oth

6、er animals.,The tall,strangely-shaped rocks are the most famous thing to see.,Careful reading to solve difficult points,Were spending some time off with Linglings uncle in Hunan Province,我们正在湖南省和玲玲的叔叔一起休假 If youre feeling tired,you should take some time off.你如果觉得累,就应休一段时间的假。,time off 指的是“(正式规定的)休假,放

7、假”。,Language points,2.During the night,I heard a loud noise,as if someone was laughing.夜间,我听到很大的声响,好象 有人在笑。You look as if youve had a good time.你看起来玩得挺开心。,as if 的意思是“仿佛,好象”。,3.From the top we hoped for a wonderful view of the lakes and forests,.我们希望从山顶上会看到湖泊和森林的 美景,Were hoping for good weather.我们在盼望

8、好天气。,hope for 后面往往接名词。,以下是hope常用句型,请仔细观察:I hope you have a nice house with a big garden.我希望你能有一个带大花园的房子。Tom hopes to come to visit the Blacks in the near future.汤姆希望能在不久的将来拜访布莱克一家人。,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见 词的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。,Let the words fly,1.tidy up

9、收拾,整理Ill tidy up the table and the chairs.我来整理一下桌椅。2.take up 占用(空间或时间)Which hobby do you think takes up the least space?你认为哪一种爱好占用最少的空间?Ill try not to take up too much of your time.我会尽量不占用你太多时间。,3.hurry up 快点Hurry up!Well be late!快点!我们快迟到啦!4.wake up 叫醒 I woke up Lingling and her uncle,and I asked th

10、em what the noise was.我叫醒玲玲和她的叔叔,问他们那是什么声响。e up 出现;发生 The last piece of music is coming up.最后一首曲子马上就要开始了。,活学活用,从上面给出的例句我们可以看到up的含义很丰富,口语中更是随处可见它的身影。与up相关的搭配非常丰富,大家想一想与up相关的搭配或口语表达,选择几个进行造句或对话练习。,Scanning to get detail information,Listen and answer the questions.,Is Sally enjoying herself in Wulingyu

11、an Scenic and Historic Interest Area?2.What things worried her on that night?,Yes,she is.,The noises in the forest.,3.Was she happy with her trip up Mount Tianzi?Why?4.What other dangers were there during her visit?,Its hard to say.Because at first they hoped to see wonderful lakes and forests but t

12、hey didnt.On their way back,they saw other interesting and beautiful scenes.,The leaf of a tree.,Answer the questions about the words in the box.,jump magic path plant river strange,1 Where was the monkey before and after it jumped?2 Whats magic about the strange rocks?,Maybe it was on the ground ne

13、ar the tent before it jumped;it was in the tree after it jumped up.,They look like soldiers or animals.,3 Is it better to walk along a path or to climb over rocks and pushing through trees and plants?4 What do you think is in the rivers and where do they go?,It depends.Different people have differen

14、t ideas.In my opinion,its better to walk along the path.,I think there are fish in the rivers and they go to a lake or the sea.,Search some information about Hukou Falls of the Yellow River on the Internet,then write a short passage about it.,Writing,Can you _(跳)over to the opposite bank?你能跳到对岸吗?2.H

15、e played some clever _(奇妙的)tricks.他表演了一些奇妙的魔术。,jump,magic,I.根据提示完成句子,并将句子翻译成汉语。,QUIZ,3.We must get the rock out of the _(路).我们必须把石头从路上搬走。4.Rose is a _(植物)with compound leaves.,path,plant,玫瑰是复叶植物。,5.The _(河)is 50 meters across.河宽50米。6.Could you tell me a _(奇妙)experience of yours?你能告诉我你的奇遇吗?,river,str

16、ange,7._(交通)is very heavy at peak hours.在高峰时间交通非常拥挤。8.The _(全部的)country was anxious for peace.全国上下都渴望和平。,Traffic,whole,9.I can look after _(我自己).我能照料自己。10.The ice is as hard as _(石头).冰像岩石一样坚硬。,myself,rock,11.This _(地区)is unsuitable for heavy industry.该地区不适宜发展重工业。12.I usually _(醒)up early.我通常醒得很早。,ar

17、ea,wake,13.They set up a _(帐篷)near the seashore.他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。14.This _(景色)is beyond compare.这景色无与伦比。,tent,view,17.This _(植物)exists only in Australia.这种植物只产于澳大利亚。18.The drawer wont _(拉)out.抽屉拉不开。,plant,pull,15.Clouds are forming on the _(顶部)of the hill.山顶上形成了云。16.Our _(路)in life will not always be

18、smooth.我们的人生之路不会永远平坦。,top,path,.根据句意将下列间接引语变为直接引语,每空一词。The teacher asked me to turn on the lights.“_ _ the lights,please,”the teacher said.2.I asked her what she was doing then.I said to her,“What _ _ doing _?”3.Father asked me where I went.Father asked me,“Where _ you _?”,Turn on,are you now,do,go,

19、4.Her mother advised her to have a good rest.Her mother said to her,“_ _ have a good rest?”5.Mother told me to do my homework at once.Mother said to me,“_ _ homework at once.”6.The doctor advised him not to watch TV too much.The doctor said to him,“_ _ TV too much.”,Why not,Do your,Dont watch,7.Sall

20、yaskedmeifIlikedblacktea.Sally asked me,“_ _ _ black tea?”8.Mr.WangaskedSamif he had finishedwritinghisreport.Mr.WangaskedSam,“_you_ writingyourreport?”,Have finished,Do you like,9.The old man told the boys not to play football on the street.“_ _ football on the street,boys,”the old man said.10.Their teacher askedthemtosweep the floor.“_thefloor,”their teacher_tothem.,Dont play,Please sweep said,To preview direct speech and indirect speech2.To practise the vocabulary,Preview,Homework,发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字)。soldier,wake up,tent,top,pull,plant.,Thank you!,


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