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1、1.何为定语从句?,定语从句Attributive Clause定语可以由形容词,代词,数词,名词,介词短语等来担任。如果一个句子担任定语,这个句子就叫定语从句。定语从句可以修饰名词或代词,还能修饰整个句子。,如1.The man who(that)came first is John.修饰名词man 2.The handkerchief which(that)you gave me wasnt clean.修饰名词handkerchief 3.My father does morning exercise every day,which is good for his health.修饰整个

2、句子,2.定语从句的构成,定语从句所修饰的词叫作先行词,而引导定语从句的词叫关系词(关系代词和关系副词)。关系词一般紧跟在先行词之后引导定语从句。如:There was a young man who liked paintings.句中,who为关系代词,定语从句who liked paintings修饰先行词a young man。再如:This is the house where I lived last year.句中,where为关系副词,定语从句where I lived last year修饰先行词the house。,3.关系词以及注意点,关系代词有which,that,wh

3、o(m),whose;关系副词有when,where,why注意:关系词既代替前面的先行词在从句中担任一定的成分,又把两个句子连接起来,构成一个带有定语从句的主从复合句。例如:两个简单句 Thank you for the record.+You gave me the record.主从复合句 Thank you for the record which(that)you gave me.Thank you for the record which(that)you gave me the record.(F)Thank you for the record which(that)you g

4、ave it to me.(F)说明:关系代词which/that代替前面的先行词the record,已经在从句中担任宾语,所以再在从句中加the record或it就重复了。,4.关 系 词 如 何 用?,关系代词当关系代词在从句中作 主语时,指人用关系代词who,that;指物用which,that.如:The man who/that sat beside me was excited.The car which/that is over there is my favorite.当关系代词在从句中作宾语时,指人用关系代词 whom/that/who(非正式),指物用关系代词which

5、/that,口语中可以省略。如:The doctor whom/that/she visited is famous.The blouse which/that/she tried on was small.当关系代词在从句中作定语,表示所有关系时,用whose(既指人也指物)如:I live in a house whose door faces west.I know a woman whose daughter died.,4.关 系 词 如 何 用?,注意:在下列情况下,无论关系代词在定语从句中是作主语还是宾语,指人还是指物,都用 that1.先行词带有最高级形容词,或有only,al

6、l 等词修饰时;如:This is the best film that I have ever seen.You are the only person that can help me.2.先行词为all,something,anything 等不定代词时;如:You can take anything that you like.All that I have is given by my parents.3.先行词既指人又指物时;如:Do you know the people and things that they are talking about?,4.关 系 词 如 何 用?

7、,关系副词关系副词when,where,why 分别表示时间,地点和原因,在定语从句中起状语的作用。如:He told me the date when the meeting would be held.(相 当于 on which)This is the place where he works.(相当于at which)No one knows the reason why he suddenly died.注意:如果先行词是reason,关系词为why,that 或省略。The reason why/that/he changed his mind is not clear.The r

8、eason why/that/she didnt get the job was that her English was not good.,5.更 多 的 例 句,1.The house which(that)stands on the hill is mine.山上的那所房子是我的。(关系代词在从句中作主语)2.I know the boy whose parents are dead.我认识那个父母双亡的小男孩。(关系代词在从句中作定语,修饰parents)3.This is the park where I lost my wallet.这就是我丢失钱包的公园。(关系副词在从句中作地

9、点状语,相当于there/in the park.)4.He decided to move to a big city where he could find a better job.他决定移居到一个可以找到更好工作的大城市。5.The woman who(that)is speaking at the meeting is my mother.正在会上讲话的妇女是我的妈妈。,6.基 础 练 习,把下面的句子改成定语从句:1.I know the boy.He can speak English well.2.Mary bought a little bird.It was very pr

10、etty.3.The season is summer.It comes after spring.4.I have a friend.His father is a teacher5.That building is my uncles house.Its wall is white.6.He is a singer.I like his songs very much.7.The man was American.I spoke to him yesterday.8.I cant find the house.My friend lives in it.9.I know the boy.Y

11、ou are looking for him.10.This is the town.He was born in the town.,6.基 础 练 习,选择:1.Is that the house _ you bought last year?A.where B.Which2.Is that the picture_you are laughing at?A.Which B.where3.It is the most interesting book_Ill ever read.A.which B.that4.The street-is to the park is very narrow

12、.A.where B.which,Key:1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B,6.基 础 练 习,5.The person _finds my watch will get a reward.A.who B.when6.This is the room_we listened to the lecture.A.which B.where7.The boy _mother is ill can not come to the party.A.Who B.Whose8.Tell me the reason_you are late.A.which B.why,Key:5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B,6

13、.基 础 练 习,填空:1.Look at that lady_name is Pochi.2.He is a teacher_I like very much.3.Those pictures_were drawn by Tom are nice.4.Those _will go to the park stay here.5.That was all the money _I had.6.Tom is the first boy_left the room.7.Look at the boy and his dog_are coming this way.8.You can read an

14、y book _I have.9.That was the year_I went to America.10.we came to the town,_we stayed for 2 hours.Key.1.whose 2.whom/that/3.which/that 4.who 5.that 6.that 7.that 8.that/9.when 10.where,6.基 础 练 习,翻译1.他指给我看他丢钱包的地方.He showed me the place where he lost his wallet.2.我不认识那个和你说话的女孩 I dont know the girl whom/that you speak to.3.她是一个叫玛丽的女孩.She is a girl who is called Mary.4.那些正在打网球的男孩是我的朋友.Those boys who are playing tennis are my friends.5.你记不记得我们到这儿的那一天?Do you remember the day when we arrived here?,


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