商业银行资本管理 (2).ppt

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《商业银行资本管理 (2).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商业银行资本管理 (2).ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、商业银行资本管理,Main Contents,What Is the Function of Bank Capital?How Much Capital Is Adequate?The Effect of Capital Requirements on Bank Operating Policies资本充足率管理办法新资本协议问答 银监会关于新资本协议的意见,The function of bank capital,Reduce bank risk.Three basic ways:A cushion to absorb losses and remain solventIncreases t

2、he proportion of allowable problem assets that can default before equity is depleted.吸收非预期损失A ready access to financial markets and thus guards against liquidity problemsConstrains growth and limits risk taking,Impact of loan loss on capital,Balance Sheet of Big Four:2002/12/31,US banks:Capital/Asse

3、ts(%),Impact of loan loss on capital:1%,Impact of loan loss on capital:6.7%,Impact of loan loss on capital:10%,Impact of loan loss on capital:10%,Ready access to financial markets,Adequate bank capital minimizes operating problems by providing ready access to financial markets.As long as a banks cap

4、ital exceeds the regulatory minimums,it can stay open and has the potential to generate earnings to cover losses and expand.Failures are tied directly to market values,not accounting values.When regulators guarantee bank debt,capital is meaningless.Capital serves the same purpose as federal guarante

5、es when regulatory assistance is not openly provided.,Constrains growth and reduces risk,Equity is expensiveExpected asset returns must be high to justify the financing.Capital providers will exert market discipline over banks.Rigid capital requirementsConstrain growthReduce risks,How much capital i

6、s adequate?,银行和监管当局的技术难题如何决定足够防御非预期损失所需的资本量?如果资本水平太低银行可能不能够吸收大额的损失,增加了银行倒闭的风险,其后果是存款人承担风险。如果资本水平太高银行也许不能够最有效地使用资源,限制了其发放贷款的能力。,How much capital is adequate?,Reasons for less equityWith fewer fixed costs,operating risk is lower.Deposit insurance and other policy:cash flowReasons for more equityMarket

7、 value of bank assets is more volatileSources of funds are more volatile,How much capital is adequate?,Regulators prefer more capitalSafety of banksViability of the insurance fundStability of financial marketsBankers prefer less capitalLeverage improves profitabilityHow about depositors?Not too much

8、,not too littleAdequate,Capital v.s.risks,How much capital is adequate depends on how much risk the bank assumes.Quality of assetsAccess to liquid fundsMatches in asset and liability maturities and durationsOperational riskCAMELS,Risk-based requirements:weaknesses,Account for limited risksBook value

9、 of capital ignoreschanges in the market value of assetsthe value of unrealized gains or losses on held-to-maturity bank investmentsthe value of a bank charterthe value of federal deposit insuranceaccounting ploysBy 2001,93%of all banks are well-capitalized.They have few risk-based incentives to con

10、trol risk.,Capital&bank operating policy,The Effect of Capital Requirements on Bank Operating PoliciesLimiting Asset GrowthChanging the Capital MixChanging Asset CompositionPricing PoliciesShrinking the Bank,Limiting asset growth,Asset growth is limited to some percentage of retained earnings plus n

11、ew external capital.Option I:increase capitalHigher returns:riskier assets or more servicesDecrease dividendsIssue new capitalOption II:not to grow,Changing the capital mix,Large banksPublic offeringsConvertible bondsSmall banksExisting shareholdersBank customersUpstream correspondent banksHolding c

12、ompany.Sale and leaseback:real estate properties,Changing asset composition,Risk-averse managers:From high-risk categories to lower risk categories.Consequence:Potential profitability declines.Risk-love managers:Shifts to higher risk categories,Pricing policies,The riskier the investments,the more e

13、quity capital required.The more the equity capital required,the higher the cost.Banks have been forced to reprice assetsTo reflect mandatory equity allocations,Shrinking the bank,To meet the capital requirements:Historically:move assets off the booksShrinking in sizeDifficulty in generating earnings

14、 growthDifficulty in paying shareholders a reasonable risk-adjusted return.Merge with larger banks.,商业银行资本充足率管理办法,自2004年3月1日起施行。适用于中国境内所有商业银行,包括中资银行、外资独资银行、中外合资银行 第53条:“商业银行最迟要在2007年1月1日达到最低资本要求。”第3条:“本办法中的资本充足率,是指商业银行持有的、符合本办法规定的资本与商业银行风险加权资产之间的比率。”第4条:“商业银行资本充足率的计算应建立在充分计提贷款损失准备等各项损失准备的基础之上。”第5条:“

15、商业银行资本应抵御信用风险和市场风险。”,资本充足率,第7条:“商业银行资本充足率不得低于8%,核心资本充足率不得低于4%。”第13条:“商业银行的附属资本不得超过核心资本的100%;计入附属资本的长期次级债务不得超过核心资本的50%。”第11条:商业银行资本充足率的计算公式:资本 扣除项资本充足率=风险加权资产+12.5倍的市场风险资本及时纠正措施,核心资本,实收资本:投资者按照章程或合同、协议的约定,实际投入商业银行的资本。资本公积:包括资本溢价、接受的非现金资产捐赠准备和现金捐赠、股权投资准备、外币资本折算差额、关联交易差价和其他资本公积。盈余公积:包括法定盈余公积、任意盈余公积以及法定







22、确给出了对银行资本的定义。对资产按风险程度给予不同的权重,考虑到了不同风险程度的资产实际上对资本数量有不同要求。将表外业务纳入到银行统一的风险管理之中,这是该协议对传统银行管理理论的一大突破。,包括市场风险的资本协议修正案(1996年),1988年巴塞尔协议仅涵盖信用风险。1996年1月:包括市场风险的资本协议修正案(Amendment to the Capital Accord to Incorporate Market Risks),将市场风险纳入到资本充足率的管理框架中来。引入第三类资本,即短期次级债券,来满足“吸收”市场风险资本的要求。,新资本协议(2004年),资本计量和资本标准的国

23、际协议:修订框架 实施期限:2006年底(高级法:2007年底)国际活跃银行(Internationally Active Banks)四大创新三大支柱(Three Pillars)最低资本充足率(Minimum Capital Requirements)监管部门监督检查(Supervisory Review Process)市场约束(Market Discipline)三种计算资本充足率的方法:标准法及两种内部模型法采用评级公司的评级结果确定风险权重把操作风险纳入资本监管,Changes to elements of the capital ratio under Basel II,银监会关

24、于新资本协议的意见,经过认真考虑,至少在十国集团2006年底开始实施新协议的几年内,我们仍将继续执行1988年的老协议。如果在中国实施新协议,与实施老协议相比,新协议只能在很小程度上提高资本监管的风险敏感度,但同时会提高整个中国银行业的资本要求。各银行应该开始着手收集借款人和债项的所有必要的信息,为今后采用定量分析方法监测、管理信用风险做好基础性工作。新兴市场国家需要更为系统的援助。,Adoption in the U.S.,The largest,most complicated banking organizationsthose with total assets of at least

25、$250 billion or total foreign exposure of at least$10 billionare required to adopt Basel II.Ten U.S.banks meet this criteria.Other banks that can meet the requirements would be allowed to adopt if they so chose.The ten core banks,together with the estimated ten self-selecting banks,currently account for 99 percent of the foreign assets,and more than 65 percent of total assets,held by U.S.banking organizations.,


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