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1、,Module 9,Great inventions,Unit 1,Will computers be used more than books in the future?,v.借入;借来 v.借出;借给 borrow lend-lent-lent,张贴;公布put up,n.网站 website,n.邮件;信件 n.电子邮件 mail email,n.教科书;课本 textbook,adv.大部分地;主要地 mainly,好几千;成千上万thousands of,n.页;一页(纸)page,adj.电子的 electronic,n.科技;技术 technology,adj.有影响力的;能控

2、制他人的powerful,n.存储器;存储量 memory,adj.满的;充满的 full be full of=be filled with充满,v.修补;挽救fix,n.复数说明书 instructions,adv.合适地;正确地 properly,自主预习新词自测读写单词并熟记看谁记得快。1.网站 n.website2.教科书n.textbook3.大部分地adv.mainly4.页;一页(纸)n.page5.电子的adj.electronic6.有影响力的adj.powerful7.满的;充满的adj.full8.修补挽救v.fix9.说明书(复数)n.instructions10.合

3、适地;正确地adv.properly,Compass/kmps/,gunpowder/gnpad(r)/,Printing/prnt/,papermakingpepmek,What are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China?,Who invented them?,Common people invented compass.,Ge Hong invented gunpowder in his practice of alchemy(炼金术).,Bi Sheng of the Northern Song Dynasty invented mov

4、able type printing(活字印刷)in the 1040s.,Cai Lun developed the paper-making technique in Han Dynasty.,机器自动为爸爸刮胡子,不必涂抹刮胡液。,Lets enjoy some funny inventions.,背包载你去上学。,变成一身健康的古铜色皮肤只需几秒钟。,感冒时,你的鼻子有专“机”护理。,即使你在睡觉,机器人也可以帮你锻炼身体。,可以不换节目单换一个演员。,如果你要去其他大陆,你可以自己开车去。,四条腿的裤子保证你随时随地可以休息。,你可以在卫生间里练习冲浪。,汽车在停车标志前必须停车。,

5、如果你输入不健康词汇,电脑就会惩罚你。,医生同时也是魔术师,他可以不用X射线检查你的骨骼。,直升机式的帽子可以轻松快速地带你到达目的地。,衣服能自动换成时新样式。,1,P72,Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,1.How have these inventions changed peoples lives?2.Which one do you think is the most important?3.What other important inventions can you think of?,te

6、lephone,television,the steam engine蒸汽机,automobile汽车,the light bulb,2,P72,Listen and complete the sentences.,1.Lingling loves her mobile phone because she can _.2.All of Damings friends numbers are _ in his phone.3.Todays cameras are better than old cameras because they do not _ and the photos can _.

7、4.Lingling thinks everything _ by computers to some degree,so the computer is _ invention.,use it anywhere,kept,need film,be sent by email,was changed,the most important,Tony:Dad,canIborrowyourcamera?托尼:爸爸,我能借一下你的相机吗?Dad:Why?爸爸:为什么?,单词1:borrow借入;借来borrow为动词,意为“借入;借来”。borrow常与介词from连用,构成短语borrow sth.

8、from sb.,意为“从某人那里借来某物”。He borrowed a car from his friend,and went to the airport in a hurry.他向朋友借了一辆小汽车,然后匆匆忙忙地去了机场。拓展:lend的用法lend为动词,意为“借出,借给”。常用短语lend sth.to sb.相当于lend sb.sth.,意为“把某物借给某人”。Can you lend a piece of paper to me?你能借一张纸给我吗?He often lends me some books.他经常借给我一些书,即学即练一单项选择-Jim,may I your

9、 camera?-Sure,but youd better not it to others.A.lend;lend B.lend;borrowC.borrow;borrowD.borrow;lend解析:borrow,意为“借入”,常与介词from连用,即borrow sth.form sb.,意为“从某人那里借来某物”。lend意为“借出,借给”,常用短语lend sth.to sb.,意为“把某物借给某人”。根据句意可知选D。,Tony:Idliketotakesomephotosontheschoolvisittothemuseumnextweek.Theyllbeputuponthe

10、schoolwebsite.Andtheycanbeseenontheinternetbyotherclasses,evenpeoplelivinginothercountries.托尼:下周我想拍一些学校去博物馆参观的照片。它们将被公布在学校的网站上。并且通过因特网它们会被其他班的学生,甚至住在其他国家的人看见。,短语1:put up挂;张贴put up是固定短语,在这里意为“挂;张贴”。put up还可意为“建立;搭起;举起”。该短语是动副短语,后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在put 与up之间。Well put them up again after the rainstorm.当暴风雨过

11、后,我们会再把它们挂起来They put up many buildings last year.去年他们盖了许多高楼。,即学即练二根据汉语意思完成句子在天黑前野营的孩子们搭了个帐篷住了下来。The children who had a picnic put up a camp to live in before the dark.,Dad:Soundsgreat!WhenIwasatschool.Wewaitedforweekstohearfromourpenfriendsabroad.But,todaywecansendandreceivephotosandmailsontheintern

12、et,anditsreallyfast.爸爸:听起来真棒!当我上学时,我们等几个星期才收到国外笔友的来信。但是现在,我们可以通过因特网发送、接收照片和邮件,而且它真的很快捷。,短语2:hear from sb.收到某人的来信hear from sb.是固定短语,意为“收到某人的来信”。hear from.相当于get/receive a letter from。I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.我盼望很快收到你的来信,即学即练三单项选择How often does LiMei get a letter from her

13、parents?选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项 A.hear B.hear ofC.hear from D.hear about解析:get a letter from sb.,意为“收到某人的来信”。hear意为“听见”,hear of意为“听说”,hear from意为“收到的来信”。Hear about意为“得知”。故选C。,Tony:Yes,theinternetandthecomputerhavechangedourlives.Wecanuseonlinetextbookinourclass.Iwonderwillcomputerbeusedmorethanbooksinthef


15、们主要从纸制书上获取信息。一些是好几千页的巨型书。如今,随着电脑和电子技术的发明,通过因特网获取信息是容易的。因特网比时间功能强大得多。,短语3:thousands of 好几千;成千上万thousands of,意为“好几千,成千上万”。thousand意为“一千”,用来表示不确定的数目时,thousand应变为复数,且在后面加of。Every year thousands of trees are planted on the hills to protect the environment.每年人们会在山上种植成千上万棵树来保护环境,拓展:与thousand用法类似的词Hundred(百

16、),thousand(千),million(百万)等表示概数时,本身要用复数形式,后接“of+可数名词复数”,即“hundreds/thousands/millions+of+名词复数”,意为“数以百/千/百万计的”。若这些数量词前有基数词,则直接用hundred/thousand/million等,不用复数形式,也不加of。It cost me two hundred dollars.它花了我200美元The restaurant receives hundreds of customers every day这家饭店每天接待数以百计的顾客,即学即练四单项选择There are over s

17、tudents in their school.A.hundreds B.nine hundredsC.hundreds ofD.nine hundred解析:根据over可知空格处表示具体数目,hundred应用单数形式,并且不与of连用。故选D。,Tony:Anyway,aboutthecamera.?托尼:对了,相机呢.?Dad:Oh,yes.hereitis.Ihaventuseditsinceyourmumsbirthday.Andthememorycardmaybefull.爸爸:噢,好的。给你。自从你妈妈的生日以来我没有使用过它。而且存储器可能满了。Tony:Ok.thatcan


19、ise.托尼:保证做到。,Tony wants to borrow his fathers camera and take some photos of the school dance and the basketball match.The photos will be shown in the school magazine.Tonys dad lends the camera.He promises Tony to look after it.,on the school visit to the museum,on the school,website,Tony,Dad,Task 1

20、,Listen to the conversation between Tony and his dad.Then read the summary.Underline the wrong information and correct it.,3,P72,Work in pairs.Talk about the advantages of these inventions.,7,P73,email mobile phone TV washing machine,We can use email to send messages.Yes,we can use email to send mes

21、sages quickly and cheaply.,We can use mobile phone to contact others.Yes,we can talk with anyone at any time.,We can use TV to get a lot of information.Yes,we can use TV to know what is happening in other places.,We can use washing machine to wash our clothes.Yes,we can easily make our clothes clean

22、.,Now describe how these inventions have influenced your life.Email has great influence on my life,Task 2,4,P73,Find the sentences in the conversation which mean:,Changing the subject,can I get the camera?2.It is not a problem.I will use another memory card.3.I will do what you tell me to do.,Anyway

23、,about the camera?,OK.That can be fixed.Ive got an empty memory card.,Promise!,Task 3,5,P73,Answer the questions.,electronic fix instruction invention lend mail page website,1.How do you fix a camera if the memory card is full?2.When do you need to read the instructions?3.How often do you send messa

24、ges by mail?,possible answers:,If my memory card is full,I will copy some pictures to my computer.,I need to read the instructions before I use a new machine or I meet some problems.,I send messages by mail every day.,Genius/di:ns/(天才)is 1%inspiration/nspren/and 99%perspiration/p:spren/(汗水).-Thomas

25、Alva Edison,Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.,Words:borrow mainly page electronic lend powerful full fix instructions properly,Phrases:put up thousands of lend sth.to sb.,Patterns:Theyll be put up on the school website.Will computers be used more than

26、books in the future?Email has great influence on my life.,borrowwebsitetextbook mainly thousands of electronic,v.借人;借来 n.网站 n.教科书;课本 adv.大部分地;主要 地好几千;成千上万adj.电子的,Words and expressions,memoryinstructionsProperlytechnology powerful,n.存储器;存储量 n.复数说明书 adj.合适地;正确地n.科技;技术 adj.有影响力的;能控 制他人的,Now lets enjoy

27、two pieces of video about the inventions of papermaking and printing.,视频欣赏,Papermaking,Printing,4.How many pages does this book have?5.Which website do you often go to when you get online?6.What is an example of electronic technology?7.When you lend something to someone,what do they have to do later

28、?8.What do you think is the most important invention in human history?,This book has 162 pages.,I often go to when I get online.,Camera is an example of electronic technology.,They should take good care of it before they give it back to me.,I think fire is the most important invention in human histo

29、ry.,Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.,Role-play,1.Role play the conversation in groups;2.Role play the conversation in front of the class,Lets see which group does the best.,Language points,1.Theyll be put up on the school website.它们(照片)将被公布在学校的网站上。,put up的意思是“张贴;公布;挂起”。例如:,Y

30、ou can put up the notice on the noticeboard.你可以把同志贴在布告栏上。Weve put up some new curtains in the living room.我们在客厅里挂了一些新窗帘。,2.Some were huge ones with thousands of pages.有的书甚至有几千页厚。,thousandsof后接可数名词的复数形式,表示不确定的数字,意为“成千上万的;数以千计的”,不能和数词连用。例如:,Thousands of people lost their homes in the Yaan earthquake.在

31、雅安地震中,成千上万的人失去了他们的家园。,单项选择。_ trees were planted on the mountain last year.A.Thousands of B.Thousand of C.Five thousand of D.Five thousands,Practise,3.If you have to lend it to anyone,tell them to use it properly.如果一定要借给其他人的话,你要告诉他们如何正确使用它。,lend作动词,意为“借给”,强调“借出”。常用短语lendsb.sth.相当于lendsth.tosb.,意为“把某物

32、借给某人”。,你能把你的自行车借给我吗?,Practise,Canyoulendmeyourbike?=Canyoulendyourbiketome?,Peter,can you _ twenty yuan _ me?I want to buy a new pen.Of course.A.lends;from B.borrow;to C.borrow;from D.lend;to,Practise,其反义词borrow意为“借;借用”,强调“借入”。常用短语为borrow sth.from sb./sp.,意思是“从某人/某地借来某物”。例如:,我周末可以从图书馆借本书吗?,CanIborro

33、wabookfromthelibraryatweekends?,Pronunciation and speaking,分析:一些长的句子需要按照意思的群落(即“意群”)适当断开、稍加停顿(即“停顿”),断开的几部分都具有相对完整的意思。按照一般语法结构,可划分为以下意群单位:(1)短句(2)名词短语(3)介词/不定式/分词短语(4)动词短语(5)主谓结构(6)动宾结构(7)系表结构(8)动状结构(9)主句-从句。,Listen and mark the pauses.,6,P73,1.Theyll be put up on the school website.And they can be

34、seen on the Internet by other classes,even people living in other countries.2.You must promise that youll take good care of it.,Now listen again and repeat.,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1.English-Chinese website memory instructions properly mainly technology powerful2.Chinese-Engli

35、sh(把某物)借出,借给 好几千,成千上万 张贴,公布 修补,挽救 借入,借来,When finished,exchange your papers to see who does the best.,本课时主要短语和句型,总结回顾,1.put up2.thousands of3.get information on the Internet4.Theyll be put up on the school website.5.Will computers be used more than books in the future?,.选择恰当的介词完成句子。1.We were _ a visi

36、t to the ScienceMuseum then.2.Alice agreed to lend her bike _ me just now.3.We can get lots of information _ the Internet.4.She wanted to borrow some money _ me.,Quiz,注:word 文档点击此处链接,on,to,from,from,.用方框中合适词的正确形式填空。,powerful properly mainly mail full,1.The theatre is _.Im afraid youll have to wait f

37、or the next show.2.The President is the most _ man in the country.3.Make sure the job is done _.4.Her illness was caused _ by worry and stress.5.Did you get any _ this morning?,full,powerful,properly,mainly,mail,1.Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.2.Search on the Internet and make a list of the advantages of books and the Internet.,Homework,


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